Module 7 Unit 2 She couldn’t see or hear.表格式教案


名称 Module 7 Unit 2 She couldn’t see or hear.表格式教案
格式 docx
文件大小 223.2KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 外研版(三年级起点)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-08-22 09:28:13



Module 7 Unit 2 She couldn’t see or hear.教学设计
教材分析 本课时内容介绍了Helen Keller的生平事迹:Helen在1880年出生在美国,87岁去世。她在婴儿时期丧失和视觉和听觉,她的老师在她的手掌上描画字母教她拼读。Helen经过不断努力,学会了阅读,写作和说话。他写了一本书来介绍自己的经历,并且游历各国,是我们学习的榜样。通过本课的学习,学生进一步学习一般过去时态的运用,同时可以进行适当的拓展练习,完成对于人物生平事迹的笔头输出练习。
教学目标 学习目标 了解Helen Keller的故事,理解一般过去时在文中的运用。 学习本课重点单词:born as became letter spell herself all over live role model 思维品质 正确理解本课的重点单词和句型在具体语境中的含义,并学会运用。 养成英语故事的阅读思维能力,培养学生的观察力、想象力、逻辑思维以及分析评价、批判性思维和独立思考等能力,体现阅读的核心价值。 能运用所学语言介绍人物的生平事迹,完成介绍人物的小型写作任务。 学习目标 尝试阅读英语故事以及其他的课外读物。 增强乐于接触外国文化的意识。 核心素养 树立积极向上的人生观,培养学生乐观向上的心态。
教学重难点 运用所学语言介绍任务的生平事迹。
教学策略 任务型教学,小组合作学习法
教学步骤 设计意图
Step 1 播放一小段视频,并利用问题引导学生思考: What can the cat do It can jump and run. Could it jump or run when it was a little baby No, it couldn’t. 引导学生通过视频积极思考,练习could/couldn’t用法,并为接下来的学习做好铺垫。
Step 2 教师拿出准备好的书《假如给我三天光明》 T:I am reading a book recently. Do you want to read it with me T: Do you know who wrote this book S: Helen Keller. T: Yes!We are going to learn something about her.Then we can try to write a famous person. 引入本课的主题,呈现任务和目标。
Step 3 T: What do you know about Helen Keller. Can she see and hear like us S: No, she can see or hear. T: Now let’s learn about her. 展示海伦凯勒的生平事迹: 1.学生观看课文第一段视频并回答问题: Where was Helen Born She was born in the US. When was she born She was born in 1880. What happened to her She became blind and deaf. Yes, she had a fever when she was 19 months. Then she became blind deaf. She couldn’t see or hear. 小组讨论找出第一段的动词过去式: is-was become-became can-could can’t-couldn’t 2.学生观看视频并仔细阅读第二段,并在文章中画出关键信息: How did Helen learn Her teacher drew letters in her hand and taught her to spell. 小组讨论找出第二段的动词过去式: have-had draw-drew teach-taught 观看一段关于Helen和老师的视频 What did she learn She learned to read , write and speak. Why did Helen become so famous She wrote a book about herself. That’s the book---Three Days to see It’s a book about herself and she travelled all over the world. 4.大家一起朗读最后一段,注意要有感彩。 教师注意引导学生对于role model的理解。 找出第3,4段的动词过去式: learn-learnt write-wrote travel-travelled live-lived 6.学生听音,模仿朗读,教师纠正发音。 询问学生对于Helen Keller的了解,并引发思考。 感知本课的主要句型,并通过介绍,引导学生对于主题人物有初步的了解。 引导学生带着问题寻读课文,了解Helen Keller的经历并通过小组合作学习深入理解。 引导学生通过视频,模仿Helen Keller的学习过程来体会其艰苦学习的艰难,并通过教师的引导领会文章内在的深度含义。 通过有感情地朗读课文引导学生感受人物的伟大以及引发学生的情感共鸣。
Step 4 学生完成教材中Activity 3,并根据提示完成复述故事。 整理和巩固本课主要内容。
Step 5 向学生展示图片,进行介绍,并引发思考: Look at the pictures. His name is Jia Hongguang. He lost his left arm when he was six. But he tried very hard in swimming and got the gold medal in 2021. We should learn from these people. We should learn to face the difficulties and try to overcome them. 引导学生分组讨论榜样人物,尝试进行小型的写作输出。 通过感受榜样人物的付出和成就完成对于学生的情感教育,鼓励学生保持乐观和积极向上的心态。
Blackboard Model 7 Unit 2 She couldn’t see or hear. couldn’t: see, hear Helen Keller (Role Model) could : read, write and speak
Homework Tell the story of Helen Keller to your parents. Write a short passage about your role model and present in the next class.