人教版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 2 Morals and Virtues Video & Project (教学设计+学案 2份打包)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 2 Morals and Virtues Video & Project (教学设计+学案 2份打包)
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文件大小 49.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-08-24 23:30:37


Unit 2 MORALS AND VIRTUES Period 5 Video & Expanding your world & Project
该板块的视频内容主题是“孔子与仁”( Confucius and Ren )。孔子是我国儒家学说的创始人,他把“仁” 视为道德的最高准则。千百年来,“仁”这一思想已渗透在中华民族的思想观念中。孔子所倡导的“仁”的 思想该如何理解 它体现了哪些内涵 “仁”的思想对现代人又有何意义 该视频主要围绕这些问题来展开 叙述的。视频中有两位专家还分别从各自的视角分享了对“仁”的理解。该视频为学生学习用英语讲述中 国优秀传统文化提供了示范,也为学生将来的跨文化交流打下语言基础。 阅读练习册中 Expanding Your World 部分的内容,介绍了理解儒家的“仁义礼智信”等理念。 本单元的项目活动主题是“制作海报以激励他人践行美德”(Make a poster to motivate othersto practise virtues)。通过学习本单元的中外人物故事或道德故事,学生会发现在人物品格、价值观和社会交往等 层面,许多美德是被全世界人民认可并一致推崇的,比如诚实、友善、敬业、爱国、勇敢、感恩等。 活动 1 要求学生开展“头脑风暴”,列出更多的美德词汇, 并选出当今社会最需要的美德。活动 2 则要求 学生收集与美德相关的名言警句,制作宣传海报,鼓励大家践行这些美德。让学生收集、积累和记忆美 德格言,理解其中的道理和内涵,不仅仅是为了语言学习和知识积累,同时还有利于塑造学生的优良 品格,引导他们树立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观。
高一学生基础薄弱,词汇积累欠缺;对于视频学习,学生更加容易接受,更感兴趣,不过由于词汇的 限制,学生未能深入获取知识,容易看漏内容;对于道德与美德也有了全新的认识,形成正确的人生 观,但处于半成熟阶段,仍需要进一步加强其道德修养;对于孔子的认识也有一定的积累,不过相关 的英语词汇还有所欠缺,需要加强学习。
在本课学习结束时,学生能够: 1. 观看视频以了解孔子和“仁”; 2. 讨论儒家思想的影响; 3. 探讨道德价值观和美德的重要性; 4. 学习和理解儒家“仁义礼智信”思想,树立正确道德观和价值观 5. 制作宣传海报,鼓励大家践行美德。
1. 掌握孔子及儒家思想的相关知识; 2. 制作宣传海报,鼓励大家践行美德。
教学目标 教学活动 设计意图 评价内容
Activity 1 Lead-in 1.How much do you know about Confucius 2.What do you know about his ideas 激活已知知识 激发学习兴趣 学生能够谈谈自 己 对 孔 子 和 儒 家 思想的了解。
Activity 2 Prediction 1.Read the short introduction at the top of page 24; What do you expect to see in the video clip 2.Complete each sentence with your best guess. (P24) 1) The teachings of Confucius have been an important part of Chinese culture for _____________ years. 2) His teachings are all about the most basic ______________ of life. 3) Confucius thought that ________ was the most important moral principle. 4 ) According to Confucius, this highest principle begins with love for ____________. 5 ) Confucius said:“ Whatever you don’ t like done to yourself, don t ______________________.” 让学生基于自己的 背景知识, 自我检 测对孔子和其提倡 的美德“仁”知道 多少;并让学生进 行自主学习、猜测, 活跃其思维。 学 生 能 自 我 检 测 对 孔 子 和 其 提 倡 的美德“仁”知道 多少,大胆猜测, 活跃思维。
Activity 3 Watch the video clip Confucius and Ren and finish the folloing plete each sentence with your best guess. 1 The teachings of Confucius have been an 学生认真看视频, 边看边对猜测练习 进行更正,更准确 了解儒家思想及其 影响,锻炼了看视 学 生 能 准 确 完 成 习题
观看视频以了解 孔子和“仁”; important part of Chinese culture for more than 2000 years. 2 His teachings are all about the most basic values of life. 3 Confucius thought that ren was the most important moral principle. 4 According to Confucius, this highest principle begins with love for parents . 5 Confucius said,"Whatever you don't like done to yourself, don't do it to others . Circle the correct words to complete the sentences below. 1 Confucian thought is still greatly valued in China and in other East/Southeast Asian countries. 2 1f students really understood Confucian ideas,it could change society/their lives. 3 In English, only a few/many different words can be used to translate Confucius's highest moral principle. 4 Mencius/Zigong explained this principle as "loving one ’ s parents,loving people, loving everything in the world ”. 5 Confucius taught Zigong that the one single concept to take as a guide for all actions in life is happiness/fairness. Answers:1. other East 2.their lives 3.many 4.Mencius 5.fairness 频获取信息的能力。
讨论儒家思想的 影响; 探讨道德价值观 和美德的重要性; Activity 4: Work in groups. Discuss the questions. 1. In what ways do you think Confucian thought still influences education and society in China 小组合作,学生尽 量能用英语表达自 己的观点,共同探 讨儒家思想对社会 的影响。也就是以 问题为导向,让学 生进行讨论,将所 学知识进行内化和 运用。 学 生 在 看 完 视 频 后, 进行三个问题 的讨论,小组合作, 分享各自观点、看 法, 探讨儒家思想 对社会、个人的影 响。
2. Do you think that your life would change if you understood and practised ren every day
3. How would the Confucian idea of fairness change society around you if everybody started practising fairness in everything
学习和理解儒家 “仁义礼智信” 思想,树立正确 道德观和价值观 Activity 5: Expanding Your World--THE FIVE VIRTUES (P72) TASK 1: What’ s the meaning of the five virtues Read and match each one with the correct information. 1. 仁 Benevolence A. Always act according to what you know is right. [bi nev l ns] 2.义 Righteousness B. Look at others wit love and kindness. [ rait snis] 3.礼 Propriety C. Always behave respectfully towards others. [pr prai ti] 4.智 Wisdom D. Learn as much as possible so that you can judge what is right from what is wrong. [ wizd m] 5. 信 Fidelity E. Be sure that what y do is true to what you say, and what you say is true to what [fi deliti] you think. TASK 2 : Read and appreciate the famous sayings. 1. The Master said,“ A gentleman takes as much trouble to discover what is right as 拓展学生的知识面, 积累儒家思想的相 关美德的英文表述, 让他们将来可以用 英语传播中国文化。 学 生 学 习 儒 家 思 想的五大美德, 扩 展阅读面, 收集关 于美德的论语, 学 会 如 何 用 英 文 传 播中国传统美德。
lesser[ les ] men take to discover what will pay.” 子曰:君子喻于义,小人喻于利。 2. The Master said:“ To look at nothing in defiance [di fai ns] of ritual [ ritju l], to listen to nothing in defiance of ritual, and never to stir hand or foot in defiance of ritual .” 子曰:非礼勿视,非礼勿听,非礼勿言, 非礼勿动。 3.The Master said:“I for my part am not one of those who have innate [ i neit] knowledge. I am simply one who loves the past and who is diligent in investigating it.” 子曰:我非生而知之者,好古,敏以求 知者也。 4.The Master said: “ I do not see what use a man can be put to, whose word cannot be trusted.” 子曰:人而无信,不知其可也。 TASK 3: Which virtue impresses you most Please explain the meaning of its quote and talk about why do you think it is important TASK 4:The Five Virtues in Modern Society
制作海报以 激励他人 践行美德 Activity 6: Project 1.In groups, brainstorm more virtues to add to the list on page 23. Then discuss which of these virtues are most needed in our society today. 学生通过小组合作 探究、网络搜集有 关美德的名言警 句、海报制作等过 程,既促进了学生 批判性思维能力的 培养,也激发了学 生的创造性思维。 学生能仿照例子, 制 作 关 于 美 德 的 海报, 并在生活中 激 励 他 人 践 行 美 德
2.Make a poster to explain what virtue it is and to motivate people to practise it. Divide up the work among your group members.Unit 2 MORALS AND VIRTUES
Period 5 Video & Project 学案
Activity 1: Complete the following sentences with your best guess and check your answers by watching the video.
1. The teachings of Confucius have been an important part of Chinese culture for _____________ years.
2. His teachings are all about the most basic ______________ of life.
3.Confucius thought that ________ was the most important moral principle.
4. According to Confucius, this highest principle begins with love for ____________.
5. Confucius said:“ Whatever you don’ t like done to yourself, don t ______________________.”
Activity 2: Circle the correct words to complete the sentences below.
1. Confucian thought is still greatly valued in China and in other East/Southeast Asian countries.
2. If students really understood Confucian ideas, it could change society/their lives.
3. In English, only a few/many different words can be used to translate Confucius’s highest moral principle.
4. Mencius/Zigong explained this principle as “loving one’s parents, loving people, loving everything in the world.”
5. Confucius taught Zigong that the one single concept to take as a guide for all actions in life is happiness/fairness.
Activity 3: Work in groups. Discuss the questions.
1. In what ways do you think Confucian thought still influences education and society in China
2. Do you think that your life would change if you understood and practised ren every day
3. How would the Confucian idea of fairness change society around you if everybody started practising fairness in everything
Activity 4: Expanding Your World--THE FIVE VIRTUES (P72)
TASK 1: What’ s the meaning of the five virtues Read and match each one with the correct information.
1.仁 Benevolence A. Always act according to what you know is right.
[bi nev l ns]
2.义 Righteousness B. Look at others with love and kindness.
[ rait snis]
3.礼 Propriety C. Always behave respectfully towards others.
[pr prai ti]
4.智 Wisdom D. Learn as much as possible so that you can judge what is right from what is wrong.
[ wizd m]
5. 信 Fidelity E. Be sure that what you do is true to what you say, and what you say is true to what
[fi deliti] you think.
TASK 2 : Read and appreciate the famous sayings.
1. The Master said,“ A gentleman takes as much trouble to discover what is right as lesser[ les ] men take to discover what will pay.”
2. The Master said:“ To look at nothing in defiance [di fai ns] of ritual [ ritju l] , to listen to nothing in defiance of
ritual, and never to stir hand or foot in defiance of ritual .”
3.The Master said:“I for my part am not one of those who have innate [ i neit] knowledge. I am simply one who loves the past and who is diligent in investigating it.”
4.The Master said: “ I do not see what use a man can be put to, whose word cannot be trusted.”
TASK 3: Which virtue impresses you most Please explain the meaning of its quote and talk about why do you think it is important
The Five Virtues The meaning of the quote Why you think it is important
Benevolence [bi nev l ns]
Righteousness [ rait snis]
Propriety [pr prai ti]
Wisdom [ wizd m]
Fidelity [fi deliti]
TASK 4:The Five Virtues in Modern Society
Activity 5: Project
1.In groups, brainstorm more virtues to add to the list on page 23. Then discuss which of these virtues are most needed in our society today.
2.Make a poster to explain what virtue it is and to motivate people to practise it. Divide up the work among your group members.