Unit 6 In a nature park A let’s learn 课件 学案 教案 同步练习 素材


名称 Unit 6 In a nature park A let’s learn 课件 学案 教案 同步练习 素材
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(PEP)
科目 英语
更新时间 2014-12-08 15:21:22


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Unit 6 In the nature park Part A Let’s learn
1. 四会单词: river, lake, ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com ) forest, mountain hill及句子:Is there a river in the park 实际情况替换句型熟练运用。21世纪教育网版权所有【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】
2. 培养学生热爱大自然的美好情感,增强学生的环境保护意识。了解生态环境的相关知识。
What’s in your room
There is a bed near the window.
What’s in your classroom
There are some desks in the room. 21世纪教育网版权所有
What’s in the nature park
There are some rivers in the nature park..
1.小组内听Let's learn 部分的录音,听录音阅读。
Is there a river in the park
Yes, there is.
No, there isn’t. 21世纪教育网版权所有
一.Read and do.(读一读,做一做)
1. There is a forest in the park.(改为一般疑问句)
2. There is a flower.(改为复数句)21世纪教育网版权所有
3. Is there a path (做肯定回答)
4. There’s a nature park in the city.(英译中)
5. there, any, tall, are, your, trees, in, village ( )(连词成句)21世纪教育网版权所有
二.Read and judge(读一读,判断正“T” 误“ F”) 21世纪教育网版权所有
It’s sunny. ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )There are some white clouds in the sky. A lot of boys and girls play on the grass in the nature park. They wear kind of clothes.21教育网
I walk along parth. ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com ) An old man walks near me . “Oh! Do you know the girl with short hair near the lake ”21cnjy.com
“Yes,” I say . “she’s my daughter.” 21世纪教育网版权所有
“Oh! I don’t know that you are her mother.’’ The old man says.21·cn·jy·com
“I’m not,” I say, “I’m her father.”
( )1.There are some white kites in the sky.
( )2.There are some boys and girls on the grass.www.21-cn-jy.com
( )3.An old man walks near me.
( )4.I’m the girl’s mother 21世纪教育网版权所有
( )5.The child with short hair near the lake is a girl.2·1·c·n·j·y
There are some flowers in the nature park.
There are some books in my schoolbag.
There are some mountains in the nature park.
There are some books in my schoolbag
There is a lake in the park.
There is a river in the park.
There is a blackboard in the classroom
There is a schoolbag on the desk.
21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 3 页)
21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品资料·第 2 页 (共 2 页) 版权所有@21世纪教育网登陆21世纪教育 助您教考全无忧
1、 Read and write. 21世纪教育网版权所有
1.There is a ______ in the park.
2.—Is there a lake in the park
—No,there isn’t.There is a ________.21世纪教育网版权所有
3.—Is there a _______ in the forest
—Yes,there is.
4.—Is there a _______ in the park
—Yes,there is.
2、 Choose and write. 21世纪教育网版权所有
1.—____ there any hills in the forest 21世纪教育网版权所有21世纪教育网版权所有
— Yes,there are.
2.—____ there a lake in the forest
— No,there isn’t.
3.—____ there any mountains in the forest 21世纪教育网版权所有21教育网
— No,there aren’t.
4.— ____ there a forest in the park
— Yes,there is. 21世纪教育网版权所有
( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )
A.is B.are
21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 3 页)
21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品资料·第 1 页 (共 1 页) 版权所有@21世纪教育网(共20张PPT)
Unit 6 In a nature park
A let's learn
Is there a river in the park
Yes,there is.
Is there a lake in the park
Yes,there is.
Is there a hill in the park
Yes,there is.
Is there a forest in the park
Yes,there is.
Is there a mountain in the park
Yes,there is.
What is in the park
Let's have a look.
What's missing
What's missing
Is there a river/lake...in the park
Yes,there is/No,there isn't.
Free talk
Is there a river/lake/hill...
in the park
Yes,there is/No,there isn't.
1.Write the words.
2.Make a dialogue with the words.
3.Do the workbook.登陆21世纪教育 助您教考全无忧
PEP Book5 Unit 6 In the nature park Part(A) Let’s learn
1. 四会单词: river, l ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )ake, forest, mountain ,hill及句子:Is there a river in the park 实际情况替换句型熟练运用。21世纪教育网版权所有www.21-cn-jy.com
2. 培养学生热爱大自然的美好情感,增强学生的环境保护意识。了解生态环境的相关知识。
重点 掌握有关自然景物的单词:river ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com ), lake, forest, mountain ,hill 及相关的句子 Is there a river in the park 21世纪教育网版权所有2·1·c·n·j·y
难点 四会单词: river, lake, forest, mountain ,hill及句子
教具 录音机及录音带,单词卡片.
教学环节 师生活动
1. Let’s sing. 21世纪教育网版权所有
让学生听几遍后逐渐跟唱。教师在播放录 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )音时可出示有关资料,让学生有感性的认识,从而也提高学生学习的兴趣。教师也可制作一些图片:mountain, forest,在听歌曲的同时教师把这些图片逐一贴到黑板上。【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】
2.Free talk.(口语练习)
A:Is there a river in the forest
B:No,there isn’t.
A:Is there a lake in the park
B:Yes,there is.
教学环节 师生活动
Presentation新知呈现 21世纪教育网版权所有
1.Let’s start
教师出示图片This is the s ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )ky. What color is it 引导学生做出回答,教师继续问:”What can you see in picture 1/2 指导学生分别作答。教师问:Which picture do you like 引导学生回答并进入本课的教学。教师注意适时进行环境保护教育。
教师接着说:“那我们今天就来学 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )习Nature park, 我们来看一看Nature park里面都有什么,是不是很美呢?21世纪教育网版权所有21·世纪*教育网
2.Let’s learn
①教师出示事先做好的课件,课件的内容为 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )river, lake, forest, mountain, hill等画面逐一呈现,在画面呈现的同时,同时伴有这些单词的发音,学生可在看课件的同时跟读这些单词,使学生在感官上有所认识,对今天所学的单词有了最初步的了解。在这些画面全播完后最后组成了美丽的Nature park.
②教师接下来还可利用单词卡片、画简笔画、猜 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )谜、听音等多种形式来学习这些新词,进一步加深和理解这些单词。帮助学生正确理解、认读。在教学的同时注意mountain,等词的发音。21·cn·jy·com
④教师继续展示前面的课件。提 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )问:”What’s in the nature park” 课件中的river, lake, forest, mountain, hill画面还是逐一出现,引导学生给出答案,并引导学生用:Is there a lake / mountain / forest / river in the park.
教学环节 师生活动
●活动设计①:听Let’s learn录音、模仿并表演21世纪教育网版权所有
( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )
●活动设计②: Draw and say.
教师出示第一幅图,请同学根据所看到的内 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )容描述图画:There is a mountain / forest / river / grass in the nature park. 然后以同样的方法出示2—4幅图,请同学来描述图画。最后把四幅图归纳在一起,鼓励学生找出几幅图的区别并用恰当的语言表达出来。21世纪教育网版权所有21教育网
( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )
教师把表示各种自然景物的图片贴在黑板上 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com ),把全班学生分成两大组,每组选出一个同学,比赛看谁的反应快。如学生转到flower,学生马上跑到黑板前,谁先碰到表示该单词的图片,谁就为本组赢得一分。待学生熟悉游戏的操作方式后,教师可把图片翻转一下,单词朝上,继续做游戏,巩固词汇认读。21世纪教育网版权所有21cnjy.com
【设计意图】轻松活泼有效的游戏可以锻炼学 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )生合理地组织语言及运用语言的能力。游戏的吸引力对于孩子来说无疑就是放松加练习的好时间。教师在学任何游戏之前都要做好清楚的model.www-2-1-cnjy-com
教学环节 师生活动
( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )
lake river mountain hill park flowers
Unit6 In a nature park Part (A) Let’s learn . 21世纪教育网版权所有21世纪教育网版权所有
river hill lake forest mountain. 21世纪教育网版权所有
Is there a river in the park 21世纪教育网版权所有
Yes, there is.
No, there isn’t. 21世纪教育网版权所有
21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 3 页)
21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品资料·第 5 页 (共 5 页) 版权所有@21世纪教育网