Module 9 Friendship Unit 3 Language in use单元整体教学设计+课件(外研版八年级下册)


名称 Module 9 Friendship Unit 3 Language in use单元整体教学设计+课件(外研版八年级下册)
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 外研版
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-08-27 20:32:16


课题(Topic) 外研版八下Module 9 Friendship
教材分析(Analysis of the teaching materials) 单元整体分析(Unit integral analysis): 本模块主题属于“人与自我”范畴下“良好的人际关系与人际交往,”的子主题群。本单元由Unit1 (对话)、Unit2 (记叙文)和 Unit3 (由对话、记叙文、说明文、图片等构成的多模态语篇)组成。Unit1的小对话和大对话相互衔接,小对话讲述玲玲想向贝蒂倾诉友谊方面的困惑,但贝蒂不在家,贝蒂的妈妈向她推荐了求助热线,于是有了大对话中贝蒂向求助热线求助,求助热线的专家引导玲玲描述自己的问题并给出建议。Unit 2的记叙文讲述了一个甜美的微笑改变了作者的生活的感人故事,说明了友谊的重要性。Unit3共有12个活动任务。其中活动1-6是以单句和语篇的形式练习巩固if, whether, who, what, how, why, where, when引导的宾语从句这一语言知识及一些词汇和短语的应用;活动7-8是以听的形式呈现了另一个友谊中的困惑和建议;活动9-12分步骤开展单元任务,介绍朋友和探讨友谊。 本模块核心语言主要围绕描述友谊问题上的困惑及解决方法,以及讲述友情的经历。三个语篇围绕“Friendship”不同的阶段分别呈现了不同的语篇。Unit1 聚焦友谊中的困惑,以“描述困惑——提出建议”为主线展开对话,依据一定的逻辑顺序描述了和朋友在人际交往的出现的问题(got separated last term; met this term and she is different; she doesn’t like me to see other friends)、问题产生的可能性原因(she doesn’t feel sure of herself in a new school)、以及Friendship Helpline给出的建议(whether she feels lonely; be patient; explain to her; introduce more friends to her)。在描述问题时按照时间发展的顺序来讲述问题(for five years, last term, this term, at first)。Unit2回顾友谊改变人生的经历, 按照时间顺序讲述了事情的经过和“我”的感受变化,如“the early autumn of my first year at a new school”时,“No one knew me.” “I felt lonely and was afraid to make friends.”。后来“one day”, “A girl looked at me and smiled.”,于是作者感受到了“ touch of something bright and friendly, happy, lively and warm.”在这次经历后“我”开始改变,学会了信任他人,拥有朋友,“The girl has became my best friend.”从这次经历“我”懂得了 “the world is what you think it is” “Smile at the world and it will smile back.”其中在描述事情经过的时候运用了丰富的形容词来表达自己的情感,如lonely, bright, friendly, happy, lively, warm等。同时作者还运用一些比喻句,如“It was like a hidden treasure.” “we stick together like glue.”生动形象地描述了笑容对自己的影响以及两个人关系的亲密。Unit3是对前两个单元语言知识的练习和模块任务的回扣。以听、说、读、写的形式学习以“Friendship”为主题的多个语篇。其中,”Around the world” 用说明文的题材介绍了另一种友谊的形式——“pen friends”,讲述了“International
Pen Friends”这个组织建立的时间,成员人数、年龄分布和加入目的,提供了更加丰富的交友方法,鼓励学生积极探寻多文化交友方式。
学情分析(Analysis of the students) 本次授课对象为初二1班的学生。整体而言,他们的英语水平处于中上程度,对于英语学习有比较大的热情。他们对小组合作、角色扮演、思维导图等活动有较大的兴趣,但是对于单元的整合性学习还需要提高。从话题层面上,学生对于“Friendship”有比较充足的体验和了解,就与朋友之间的矛盾,解决方法和故事都有自己的亲身体会,因此在表达上都有话可说。从语言知识层面上看,本单元是学生第一次开始接触宾语从句,因此在运用上需要多引导。
教学目标(Teaching aims) 在本模块学习结束后,学生能够: (一)语言能力 (1)能听懂有关友谊的对话,能理解对话中的逻辑顺序(第1单元) (2)能提供个人信息、询问他们信息,并能提出建议(第1单元) (3)能理解故事中的事件顺序和人物行为,能根据上下文猜测生词的含义(第1,2单元) (4)能根据所给提示描述改变自己生活的人或事(第1,2单元) (二)文化意识 通过对友谊这个话题的探讨,让学生学会宽容他人和理解他人 (三)思维品质 (1)分析、评价语篇故事的内容,留意对话的细节和特定语言的使用。 (2)在给定的情境中结合自身的经历,讲述自己有关朋友的故事。 (四)学习能力 根据学习情况合理调整学习策略,借助不同的学习资源学习描述友谊的矛盾、应对措施及故事。(第1,2,3,4单元)
教学重、难点(Key points and difficulties) 教学重点:运用所学语言有逻辑地讲述自身存在的与朋友的矛盾,并寻求他人的帮助。通过基于自身的经历讲述有关友谊的故事。 教学难点:根据每个单元的输入与整合,在不同的情境中进行输出。 四个单元的子任务分别是: Unit 1: 根据自身或他人的经历,讲述自己与朋友相处时产生的矛盾,并寻求建议或解决方法。 Unit 2: 录制一个片段讲述一件与友谊有关的故事。 Unit 3: 为“Friendship Channel”准备一段故事 模块任务:小组合作以“Friendship Channel”为主题,录音一个系列小电影。 Unit 4:小组分工合作拍摄一个关于友谊的vlog
第一单元(Unit 1) 听说实践 (Listening & speaking practice) 课题 (Topic) Could I ask if you mentioned this to her 教学目标(Teaching aims) 1. 通过听对话,找出Lingling人际交往问题具体表现情况,可能性原因,以及Friendship Helpline提出的建议。 2. 根据具体案例,提出有效建议 3. 结合本课内容,树立正确的朋友观,并意识到要耐心倾听朋友的困难,并适时给出建议。 教学重、难点(Key points and difficulties) (一)教学重点 1. 获取听力文本的主要信息,梳理整合对话的逻辑顺序 2. 内化所学知识并描述具体的问题和提出建议。 (二)教学难点 1. 根据具体人际问题提出有效建议
第二单元(Unit 2) 阅读思考 (Reading & thinking) 课题 (Topic) :I believe that the world is what you think it is. 教学目标(Teaching aims) 1. 通过阅读故事找出故事中的who, what, when, where, why信息,归纳出故事的发展过程及“我”内心感受的变化; 2. 对“我”对事情的处理方式和转变原因进行批判性思考并提出建议。整合文本,利用文章信息用自己的语言来讲述“我”与a smile的故事; 3. 赏析文章中形容词的使用和对比比喻的修辞手法,利用所学结构和手法讲述友谊改变个人的故事。 III. 教学重、难点(Key points and difficulties) Main learning focus: 学生获取文章主要信息,整合运用新的语言知识,找出故事中的who, what, when, where, why这类信息,并归纳出故事的发展过程及“我”内心感受的变化; Potential difficulties: 学生能够内化语言进行课文复述,并讲述自己受到他人或事影响产生积极改变的故事,升华情感,认识到与人为善和友谊的重要性。
第三单元(Unit 3) 语言运用 (Language in use) 课题 (Topic) Language in Use 教学目标(Teaching aims) 通过拓展阅读、思维导图方法,学生能写出逻辑结构清晰、内容充实的文章,为“Friendship Channel”准备一段故事,提升写作技能。 学生能对语篇中的宾语从句进行理解并通过总结归纳,运用到新的语境中。 在阅读和运用中,学生能形成对友情的正确看法,珍惜友谊。 教学重、难点(Key points and difficulties) 宾语从句在具体语境中的准确运用。
第四单元(Unit 4) 提升评价 (Promotion & assessment) 课题 (Topic) Promotion & assessment 教学目标(Teaching aims) 通过小组合作的方式,根据评价量表制作并完善视频 学生能够通过本单元任务的完成过程,进一步学会如何与朋友相处 根据模块反思日记,评价自己整个模块的学习成果 教学重、难点(Key points and difficulties) 综合运用第一、二、三单元所学知识
教学过程:(Teaching procedures) (第一单元Unit 1) 听说实践 (Listening & speaking practice)
环节/时间(Step &Time) 教学目标(Objectives) 学习活动(Activities) 评价(Assessment)
①感知与注意(3 min) 创设本模块的模块任务情境:录制Friendship Channel,讲述与朋友的矛盾、解决方法以及与朋友的故事。 1. Read the Module task and think about what we can share in the video. 观察学生的反映,明确模块任务与子任务的关系,引导学生积极参与构建录制视频的内容。
设计意图(Purpose): 1. To help Ss know the target of this module. 2. Lead Ss into the topic quickly.
环节/时间(Step & Time) 教学目标(Objectives) 学习活动(Activities) 评价(Assessment)
获取与梳理(14 min) 为听力活动扫清词汇障碍,并在听力过程中依据不同的任务要求获取相应细节信息 1. Present some pictures and teach new words: lonely; refuse; speak ill of sb behind ones’ back; different living habits and personalities 2. Students listen to A1 on Page 72. And pay attention to the languages used on the phone. 3. Students listen to the first part of the activity 3 and fill in the blanks. 4. Students listen to part 1 again and write down the object clause. So could you explain ________________ Can you tell me ___ Could I ask _______ Do you know _____ 5. Students listen to the second part of the activity 3 and fill in the blanks. 观察学生的回答,引导学生学习新授词汇和课外词汇,帮助学生描述日常的朋友矛盾。 观察学生的听力结果,判断学生是否了解Lingling的问题,并留意Helpline的语言以及是否能意识到宾语从句的使用。
设计意图(Purpose): 1. To help students clear the vocabulary barriers. 2. To get specific information from the listening. And understand the conversation.
环节/时间(Step & Time) 教学目标(Objectives) 学习活动(Activities) 评价(Assessment)
分析与判断(10 min) 熟悉课文; 关注文本细节信息 1. Students read after the tape and role play A3. 2. Ask Ss the following questions: Why does the helpline say “don’t tell me who she is” What do you think of the sentences like “could you …/could I ask …” 观察学生能否从语言细节中留意到咨询语境下说话的方式对于个人信息保护的意识;
设计意图(Purpose): 1. To get familiar with the text. 2. To help Ss know they should ask politely.
环节/时间(Step & Time) 教学目标(Objectives) 学习活动(Activities) 评价(Assessment)
想象与创造(13 min) 根据给出案例,关注具体信息,给出建议。 1. List some specific problems between friends. 2. Ask students to act out the cases. 观察学生能否在小组合作中运用上所学知识,表达上是否有做到ask and answer politely
设计意图(Purpose): To help Ss give advice based on specific situations.
Board Plan: Module 9 Unit 1 Could I ask if you’ve mentioned this to her Words and phrases Lonely; refuse; speak ill of sb behind one’s back; different living habits and personalities Friendship Channel: Problems with our friendsWhenWhat happenedWhat is the problemWhy
Ways to solve the problems Remember to get on well with your friends.
教学过程:(Teaching procedures) (第二单元Unit 2)阅读思考(Reading & thinking)
环节/时间(Step &Time) 教学目标(Objectives) 学习活动(Activities) 评价(Assessment)
学习理解(15min): ①感知与注意 ②获取与梳理,概括与整合 通过阅读故事找出故事中的who, what, when, where, why信息,归纳出故事的发展过程及“我”内心感受的变化。 Free talk: What was your feeling when you came to our class for the first day If you were lonely or sad, how did your feeling change Unit task: Talk about how friendship influence you in a positive way. 3. Students read the title and ask some questions that they want to know about the title. (who, what, where, when, why) 3. Students read the passage and find out information of five wh-questions. Who are the main characters
What happened When did the When did the story take place Where did it take place Why does she write about a smile 4. Read, find out the process of the story, the change of her feelings, her suggestion and complete the fish bone. 观察学生的反应,判断学生是否对本模块总任务以及单元子任务的关联有清晰的认识 从学生所提问题评价学生是否有对记叙文5wh-的问题的概念,必要时给予恰当的引导。 观察学生是否能基于文本快速正确提取出5wh-的信息 观察学生完成思维导图时能否根据相应的时间标志词找出经过和情感变化,评价其是否形成了文本的结构化知识
设计意图(Purpose): 1. To grasp some information on five wh-questions and pay attention to the important elements of narratives. 2. To find out the process of the story, the change of her feelings, her suggestion according to the timeline and form the complete structure of the story.
环节/时间(Step & Time) 教学目标(Objectives) 学习活动(Activities) 评价(Assessment)
应用实践(10min): ① 描述与阐释、分析与判断 ②内化与运用 对“我”对事情的处理方式和转变原因进行批判性思考并提出建议。整合文本,利用文章信息用自己的语言来讲述“我”与a smile的故事 1. Think and discuss. ①Is that right to solve her problem Can you give her some advice to make friends ② What exactly changed her life What do you learn from para 7 2. Shoot a video to tell the story about how friendship influenced Zhang Bei. 观察学生讨论问题的过程和回答问题的内容评价其是否深入思考文本内容,并对如何交友提供有建设性的建议 观察学生复述课文时语言和时态是否正确,表达是否清晰连贯,从而把握学生对语言和信息内容的内化情况
设计意图(Purpose): 1. Analyze the story more deeply, think of better ways to deal with the problem, and learn from Zhang Bei’s experience. 2. To retell the story with some given information and language they learned.
环节/时间(Step & Time) 教学目标(Objectives) 学习活动(Activities) 评价(Assessment)
迁移创新(15min) ① 批判与评价 ② 想象与创造 赏析文章中形容词的使用和对比比喻的修辞手法,利用所学结构和手法讲述友谊改变个人的故事。 Read the passage by yourself again and appreciate the beauty of language from some vivid words and sentences. 2. Tell your story about how friendship influence you in a positive way. Make some notes with the mind map. 观察学生小组讨论和回答问题时能够准确找到目标词汇和句型,在必要时给予引导 关注学生在讲述中是否能运用所学结构和语言逻辑清晰地讲述自己的故事,故事中是否体现了友情对自己带来的积极影响及自己的收获
设计意图(Purpose): 1. Appreciate the beauty of language and learn to use it in their own stories. 2. To learn to use the structure and language of the text to introduce their own stories.
Board Plan: Module 9 Friendship Unit 2 I believe that the world is what you think it is.
教学过程:(Teaching procedures) (第三单元Unit 3)语言运用(Language in use)
环节/时间(Step &Time) 教学目标(Objectives) 学习活动(Activities) 评价(Assessment)
学习理解(15mins) ①感知与注意 ②获取与梳理,概括与整合 1.学生能复述U2课文大意,梳理文章主线和主旨大意。加深对叙述类文本的理解,为学生形成清晰的写作思路做铺垫。 2.了解本课时任务:讲述自己的友谊故事并在课后将其演绎出来。 3.学生能够理解宾语从句在语境中的含义和用法。 4.学生能思考真正的友谊的表现。为学生本节课学生的写作方向做铺垫。 1.学生通过思维导图复习U2课文的脉络并在过程钟了解作者的写作思路。 2.学生回顾模块总任务:摄制友谊宣传片,明确本单元子任务。 3.学生完成简单的选择判断,简单总结和归纳真正的友谊在面对困境或抉择时会做怎么样的选择。 观察学生能否准确梳理出上一课时的文本内容,评价其是否能用正确使用思路开展写作。 明确总任务和子任务的关系,观察学生对于任务的兴趣程度,积极引导,鼓励全体学生参与。 观察学生能否对友情有正确的认识。
环节/时间(Step & Time) 教学目标(Objectives) 学习活动(Activities) 评价(Assessment)
应用实践(10min): ①分析与判断 ②内化与运用 1.学习、理解、分析范文,发现、总结范文中用于描述事故发生经过的语言表达,将其应用于自己的写作中。 2.分析范文的主线、叙述顺序及主旨大意。学生能在写作前依照此三点确定好写作思路。 3.分析文中的宾语从句,并能正确运用宾语从句进行表达。 4.通过练习巩固宾语从句的用法。 1.学生阅读范文,通过时间状语判断文章的叙述顺序及确定主线。选择正确的中心思想。 2.学生简要梳理文章脉络,找出文中含宾语从句的句子。感知其在语篇中的表意功能,通过练习加以巩固。 观察学生能否正确判断文章叙事的顺序、主线及掌握主旨大意,这是学生能够在后面输出部分能否有清晰思路的关键。 观察学生对宾语从句的理解和运用情况,并给予指导。
环节/时间(Step & Time) 教学目标(Objectives) 学习活动(Activities) 评价(Assessment)
迁移创新(15min) ① 批评与评价 ② 想象与创造 1.学生能够回忆并确定自己要叙述的友谊故事,确定好故事的主线及主旨、完成故事的时间线 2.学生基于所确定的思维结构形成故事初稿。 3.学生能够将自己的初稿进行在同伴面前分享并通过自评和互评,改进初稿结构、内容和语言。 1.完成友情故事的鱼骨图 2.根据鱼骨图完成初稿攥写 3.将自己的初稿声情并茂地进行第一次分享,并与同伴互评。 4. 根据修改的情况,小组推选1篇优质演讲稿,通过师生共评,选出最优秀的演讲稿,共同参与摄制。 根据学生进行初稿的情况,评价其对于单元子任务的完成情况,必要时给予指导。 观察学生参与小组讨论的情况和评价表的使用,给予指导。 观察学生的展示情况以及其他学生对展示作品的评价,判断学生能否使用评价表对他人的作品进行客观评价,并给予指导和鼓励。
Board Plan: Module 9 Friendship Unit 3 Language in use
教学过程:(Teaching procedures) (第四单元Unit 4)提升评价(Promotion & assessment)
环节/时间(Step &Time) 教学目标(Objectives) 学习活动(Activities) 评价(Assessment)
Step 1:Think and say (15 min) Review the experience about friends and friendship To build a good relationship with your friends, what can you do How to get on well with your friends 观察学生能否根据图片思考得出经营友谊的建议 引导学生总结友谊所需做的主要有哪些
环节/时间(Step & Time) 教学目标(Objectives) 学习活动(Activities) 评价(Assessment)
Step 2:Get your task ready(15 min) Get a better understanding of making a perfect vlog Division of the task Assessment of our vlog 通过任务分工和评价量表了解学生能否清晰自己具体要做什么,怎么做
环节/时间(Step & Time) 教学目标(Objectives) 学习活动(Activities) 评价(Assessment)
Step 3:Self-assessment & Module dairy Finish the self-assessment and module dairy 通过学生个人评价量表和模块日记了解学生的参与程度和学习成果
Board Plan: How to get on well with your friends (共26张PPT)
Module 9 Friendship
Unit 3
Language in use
Module 9 Friendship
Language in use
Review and Retell
No one knew me.
I felt … and…
entered - passed -turned back -looked at - smiled.
I learnt to…and they…
The girl…
I believe that...
Smile at the world and it will smile back.
At first
One day
Day by day
and now
How to tell a story
Narrative order : Time order
A principle line(主线) : A beautiful smile
The main idea : Smile at the world and it will smile back.
What makes you think your friend is a true friend
Tell an experience that makes you feel she/he is a true friend.
Write a script for the friendship story telling part of your channel, talking about an impressive story between you and your friend.
True friend or not !
Talking about your best friend
I remember
I don't remember
when I first met each other.
I remember when we first met each other.
True friend or not !
Talking about your best friend
I can tell
I can’t tell
whether she/he is unhappy or not.
I can tell whether she/he is unhappy or not.
True friend or not !
Talking about your best friend
I will help
I won’t help
what she has questions about.
I will help with what she has questions about.
I will help with
I won’t help with
her to do homework.
True friend or not !
Talking about your best friend
We can agree on
We can’t agree on
what to do and where we will meet at weekends.
We can agree on what to do and where we will meet at weekends.
What makes a true friendship
I remember when we first met each other.
I can tell whether she/he is unhappy or not.
I will help with what she has questions about.
We can agree on what to do and where we will meet at weekends.
Ture friends: help each other to make prograss, care about each other, and share the same hobbies.
What about your ideas
Find out the narrative order and the principle line(主线) and choose the main idea for this story.
A cardboard town
Johnny and his friends were making a cardboard town to play in. At first his friends thought they were getting on well, turning boxes into stores and playgrounds, but soon they had different ideas.
Johnny said that it was his idea, so decided that he would just do it without his friends. Then he walked away in anger and left his friends Katie and Max alone.
Katie didn’t expect he’d get so mad. And they were worried about that Jonny couldn’t do it all by himself because making a cardboard town is a lot of work. Even though they decided to give him some space.
Johnny wanted the cardboard town done before New Year’s Day so that he could show it to all of his family when they came over but New Year’s Day was only two weeks away. When he started again, he found it was just too big a job. He couldn’t make the buildings out of boxes, put them around the town, and decorate(装饰) them all by himself. It would take way too long.
“I guess that’s why people work together. When we each played a part, it was fun and everything went a lot faster. Maybe I should say sorry to my friends. They were just trying to help and have fun with me.”Johnny said to himself
The next day at school Johnny said sorry to Katie and Max. Johnny said that he didn’t know why he got so mad and he asked his friends whether they would come to his house tomorrow to complete the town. Katie and Max joyfully agreed. Finally, the three all took on a role and the town was done in no time.
Johnny and his friends were making a cardboard town to play in. At first his friends thought they were getting on well, turning boxes into stores and playgrounds, but soon they had different ideas.
Johnny said that it was his idea, so decided that he would just do it without his friends. Then he walked away in anger and left his friends Katie and Max alone.
Katie didn’t expect he’d get so mad. And they were worried about that Jonny couldn’t do it all by himself because making a cardboard town is a lot of work. Even though they decided to give him some space.
Johnny wanted the cardboard town done before New Year’s Day so that he could show it to all of his family when they came over but New Year’s Day was only two weeks away. When he started again, he found it was just too big a job. He couldn’t make the buildings out of boxes, put them around the town, and decorate(装饰) them all by himself. It would take way too long.
“I guess that’s why people work together. When we each played a part, it was fun and everything went a lot faster. Maybe I should say sorry to my friends. They were just trying to help and have fun with me.”Johnny said to himself
The next day at school Johnny said sorry to Katie and Max. Johnny said that he didn’t know why he got so mad and he asked his friends whether they would come to his house tomorrow to complete the town. Katie and Max joyfully agreed. Finally, the three all took on a role and the town was done in no time.
Narrative order:
A principle line(主线):
The main idea:
Choose the main idea for this story.
A. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
B. A friend without faults will never be found.
C. One wood is hard to burn, and one man is hard to work.
Time order
A cardboard town
One wood is hard to burn, and one man is hard to work.
Johnny and his friends were making a cardboard town to play in. At first his friends thought they were getting on well, turning boxes into stores and playgrounds, but soon they had different ideas.
Johnny said that it was his idea, so decided that he would just do it without his friends. Then he walked away in anger and left his friends Katie and Max alone.
Katie didn’t expect he’d get so mad. And they were worried about that Jonny couldn’t do it all by himself because making a cardboard town is a lot of work. Even though they decided to give him some space.
Johnny wanted the cardboard town done before New Year’s Day so that he could show it to all of his family when they came over but New Year’s Day was only two weeks away. When he started again, he found it was just too big a job. He couldn’t make the buildings out of boxes, put them around the town, and decorate(装饰) them all by himself. It would take way too long.
“I guess that’s why people work together. When we each played a part, it was fun and everything went a lot faster. Maybe I should say sorry to my friends. They were just trying to help and have fun with me.”Johnny said to himself
The next day at school Johnny said sorry to Katie and Max. Johnny said that he didn’t know why he got so mad and he asked his friends whether they would come to his house tomorrow to complete the town. Katie and Max joyfully agreed. Finally, the three all took on a role and the town was done in no time.
Find the sentences with object clause
Appreciate and use
His friends thought they were getting on well.
Johnny said that it was his idea, so decided that he would just do it without his friends.
They were worried about that Jonny couldn’t do it all by himself because making a cardboard town is a lot of work.
He found it was just too big a job.
Johnny said that he didn’t know why he got so mad.
He asked his friends whether they would come to his house tomorrow to complete the town.
Appreciate and use
I asked her ...
I do not remember ...
I cannot find out ...
I do not understand ...
I could not decide ...
...when I should call her.
...why he looks worried.
...if she would like to go with me. long he would be away.
...where I met her for the first time.
Match the two parts of the sentences. There may be more than one possibility.
I asked her________ ___ ______
to go out for shopping the weekend.
I want to know when____
______ ____so that I can prepare for it.
Know more about your friend!
whether she wanted
birthday is
I want to know where____ ____
so that I can visit her at times.
She is good at geography, and she told the moon _____ ________ the earth.
Know more about your friend!
she lives
goes around
Writing about your friendship story
Main idea:
Time line
A principle line: A smile, an exam, a match...
Write about yur friendship story.
Show time
(Story telling)
Evaluation sheet
Items Criteria Stars★★★ What to improve
Content Are all contents contained ①clear time order ②the main idea ③a principle line
Language Are the words and sentences suitable and right
Is the tense used correctly
Are the object clause used correctly
Coherence Is the structure clear and logical
Are the linking words correct
More Good points:
Revise and modify your story. Make it more fluent and touching.
Shoot a video in groups to act out the story.
You need a director, a photographer, sevral actors and narrator.
Try to make your stroy-telling video coherent with the former part.