Unit 5 lesson 1 words and expressions 课件(新人教版必修第一册)


名称 Unit 5 lesson 1 words and expressions 课件(新人教版必修第一册)
格式 pptx
文件大小 4.2MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-08-28 16:02:08



Unit 5
words and expressions
Unit5 Languages Around The World
1.billion / b lj n / n. 十亿→billionaire n. 亿万富翁
How many billion people speak the UN' s official languages as their native or second language
They have spent billions of dollars on the problem .
billions of 几十亿,数以十亿计
4 billion 四十亿
扩展:million—milli(mile)+on ----millionaire
Unit5 Languages Around The World
1.The stars must have formed ________________ years ago.
2.The Galaxy consists of ____________ stars.
3.Our immune systems are killing ____________germs right now.
10 to 15 billion
100 billion
billions of
2.native / ne t v /adj. 出生地的;本地的;土著的 n.本地人 nat(birth)+ive
Native English speakers can understand each other even if they don’t speak the same kind of English.
China is our native country, and Chinese is our native language.
be native to 原产于…
be a native of 生于……的人;原产于……的动植物
The giant panda is native ________ China.
Her uncle is a native ________ Shanghai.
3.attitude / t tju:d n. 态度;看法 att=apt(适应;适合)+i + tude(n)
What is the attitude of the speaker towards foreign language learning
Beauty is an attitude. It has nothing to do with age.
a positive /negative /firm attitude 积极/消极/坚定的态度
an attitude to/towards 对……的态度
have/take/adopt an attitude to/towards 对……持某种态度
an attitude of mind 心态
Unit5 Languages Around The World
1.As the saying goes, determines altitude.
2.Only when you take a positive attitude __________ the project will you enjoy the whole process.
3.Youth is ________ attitude of mind.
to/ towards
attitude容易和 altitude(n.海拔,高处)混淆,
longitude (n. 经度)
latitude (n. 纬度)
gratitude (n. 感激之情,感谢)
magnitude (n. 巨大,重大)
4.reference / refr ns / n. 提及;查阅;参考
She made no reference to her illness but only to her future plans.
5.refer/ r f :(r) / (referred , referred , referring)
vi. 提到;参考;查阅
refer to 指的是;描述;提到;查阅
refer to …as... 称…是…, 认为…是…
refer to a book 参考一本书
refer to/turn to/consult the dictionary 查词典
扩展: offer; infer; prefer; conference; differ; transfer
suffer; preference; reference
[活学巧用] 语境辨义/单句语法填空
①Since the boy has been punished,please don’t refer to that matter again. ____________
②If you don’t know the exact meaning of the word, you may refer to the dictionary. ____________
③When I said some people were stupid I wasn’t referring to you.____________
④They always refer to the shy teenager ____________ a book worm.
⑤Here is a brochure for your ____________(refer) when you answer the phones.
7.system / s st m / n.体系;制度;系统—sist+em
solar system 太阳系
a transport system 运输系统
As the public transport system can't satisfy people's needs, many people turn to private cars.
扩展:sta/ stat/ stit/sist: 站立 stay 暂住;停留 stage—舞台/阶段;stable 稳定的; establish v 建立 distant/distance; state状态/国家/州station ;statue 雕像 status 地位/情形
8.despite / d spa t / prep. 即使;尽管==in spite of
despite + v.-ing(√) despite + what 从句(√)
despite the fact + that 从句(√) despite + that 从句(×)
Trouble can arise despite forming a good relationship.
She was good at physics despite the fact that she found it boring.
9.ups and downs 浮沉;兴衰;荣辱
When life gets hard and you want to give up, remember that life is full of ups and downs, and without the downs, the ups would mean nothing.
Unit5 Languages Around The World
10. factor / f kt (r)/ n. 因素;要素---fact(do)+or—起作用的东西
There are many reasons why this has been possible but one of the main factors has been the Chinese writing system .
11.based /beist/ adj. 以(某事)为基础的; 以……为重要部分(或特征)的
At the beginning, written Chinese was a picture-based language.
12.base /be s/ vt. 以...为据点;以....为基础 n. 底部,根据 ,基础
→based adj.以(某事)为基础的
→basic adj. 基本的,基础的;初级的;必需的
→ basically adv. 基本上;从根本上说
at the base of... 在……底部
base... on/upon... =be based on 以……为基础 / 根据
At the base of the pine tree was a nest containing four eggs.
Our opinion is based on facts.
(1)[2019·北京卷]A lot of business is still done over the phone,and much of it is based ________ trust and existing relationships.
(2)They settled down ________ the base of the mountain.
(3)The research group produced two reports ________(base)on the survey,but neither contained any useful suggestions.
(4)These programmes are __________(basic)bad television programmes,but people watch them.
(5) His first book to be published next month ________________(以……为基础)a true story.
is based on
13.date back to ... 追溯到 (= date from…)
It dates back several thousand years to the use of longgu ...
它可以追溯到数千年前龙骨的使用... ... (P62)
date back to ... / date from… 不用于进行时,也不用于被动语态中,但可以用现在分词形式作定语。
My family has a vase dating back to the Ming Dynasty.
Cambridge dating back to the 13th century is the university in Britain which many students dream about.
剑桥大学建于13 世纪,是许多学生梦寐以求的英国大学。
Unit5 Languages Around The World
14.bone / b n / n. 骨头;骨(质 )
...animal bones and shells on which symbols were carved by ancient Chinese people.
15.shell / el / n.壳;壳状物
We collected shells on the beach.
同原词:shield 盾; shelter 避难所 v庇护
16. symbol / s mbl / n. 符号;象征 sym(=same)+bol(ball)扔---共同抛出的标志
By the Shang Dynasty, these symbols had become a well-developed writing system .
symbolise /'s mb la z/ vt. 象征,作为…的象征
Many Chinese characters symbolise their meaning.
a symbol of …的象征
a chemical symbol 化学符号
symbolic adj. 象征性的
ballroom 舞厅 ;ballet 芭蕾;balloon; bullet symbol
17.carve / kɑ:v / vt. & vi 雕刻
The wood had been carved into the shape of a flower.
carve 同源词根 graph; scribe
photograph ;telegraph; describe/description; subscribe(订阅;订购);prescribe/prescription
Manuscript n.手抄本;原稿; scribble v 乱写 curve n 曲线 v.弯曲 adj 弯曲的
18.dynasty 王朝;朝代—dyn=power dynast(希腊)君主
By the Shang Dynasty, these symbols had become a well-developed writing system .
19.variety /v ra t / n. (植物、语言等的)变体,多样化,多样,种类,变化
→ varieties
→various adj.各种各样的,不同的
→vary v. 改变,变化(拉丁-vario 改变)
...it was a time when people were divided geographically, leading to many varieties of dialects and characters.
a variety of = varieties of = various 种类繁多的;各种各样的
for various reason 由于种种原因
vary from…to… 从…到…不等
a variety of = varieties of = various 种类繁多的;各种各样的(作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式)
for various reason 由于种种原因
vary from…to… 从…到…不等
1.There are a variety of patterns to choose from.
2.A variety of his books have been published and the variety of his writings is surprising.
3.He is always coming late for class for various reasons.
20. major / me d (r) / maj(great) /may/magn 扩展: mayor ; magnitude ; master; maximum;majority;magnificent adj 宏伟的;majesty 陛下;威严 mister/mistress (Mr/Mrs)
Emperor Qinshihuang united the seven major states into one unified country.
Whether they are interested is the main concern of students when they choose a major
major in 主修……学科
majority / m d r ti/ n. 多数;大部分 minority /ma n r ti/ n.少数
the majority of 大多数
be in the majority 占大多数
The majority of people prefer TV to radio
1.Li Ming wants to major in physics at college.
2.One-third of the country is covered with trees and the majority of the citizens are natives.
3. The student , (major) in economics at college , made a comment on this matter .
4. She ( major ) in management . That is , her major is management .
21.no matter where, who, what, etc. 不论……;不管……
Even today, no matter where Chinese people live or what dialect they speak, they can all still communicate in writing.
即使是今天,无论中国人住在哪里, 说什么方言,他们都能通过书写(文字)进行交流。
“no matter+疑问词” 引导让步状语从句,意为“不管……,无论……”。可置于句首、句中和句尾 。
1. No matter what happened, he would not mind.
2.When anyone does something for you, no matter how small and
no matter whether he's a superior or servant, it's proper to say “Thank you”.
22. dialect /'da lekt/ n. 地方话;方言
When people use words and expressions different from “ standard language”, it is called a dialect.
I can fluently speak different dialects of Chinese.
dia(在…之间)+lect(说)---在一部分人之间说---方言 ;lect/lig/leg/ 1.选择 2.说
扩展:dialogue—dia+log(说)n.对话 ;lecture; legend; legible a.可读的
collect; select; elect; intelligent(inter+lig+ent); neglect(neg-no) +lect)
23.means /mi:nz/ n.方式;方法;途径(单复数同形)
Written Chinese has also become an important means by which China's present is connected with its past.
by this means 通过这种方式
by means of 依靠……方法,借助……手段
by no means 一点儿也不,决不(置于句首时,句子要用部分倒装)
He is by no means a brave person
他绝对不是一个勇敢的人。---By no means is he a brave person.
We shall solve this problem by means of law and education.
24. classic / kl s k /
People in modem times can read the classic works which were written by Chinese in ancient times.
It is a classic style of Chinese buildings. 这是中式建筑典型风格。
n. 经典作品;名著
As I grow older, I like to read the classics.
Hong Lou Meng is my favorite literature classic .
扩展:class(分类)+ic 一流的;经典的 ;classical 古典的;传统的
classify v.将…分类 classification n class+ i+ fic+ at+ion 分类
25.regard / r gɑ:d /
n. 尊重;关注 ; 问候(尤用于信中表示问好)
The high regard for the Chinese writing system can be seen in the development of Chinese characters …
have high/no regard for 高度关注/无视
He has no regard for anyone's feelings. 他不顾及别人的感受。
vt. 把... 视为;看待----re(回)+gard (看) v.认为;看作
Her work is very highly regarded.
regard … as … 将……认为;把……视为
He regarded me as his friend.
English has hurt me a thousand times, but I still regard it as my first love.
26.character /‘k r kt (r)/ n. 角色,品质,特点→char=car/cur(雕刻)+acter 雕刻出来的---
characteristics n.(人或物的)特征;特性
characteristic adj. 显著的,特有的
Chinese characters 汉字(P62)
Snow White is one of the most famous Disneyland cartoon characters.
learn Chinese characters 学习汉字
a major/minor character in the book 书中的主要/ 次要人物
have a strong/weak character 性格强/ 软弱
the character of the nearby area 附近地区的特色
27.calligraphy / k l ɡr fi / n. 书法;书法艺术—calli(kallos希)美丽的+graphy; kaleidoscope—kal(beautiful)+eidos(形状)+scope (看)n.万花筒
…known as Chinese calligraphy, which has become an important part of Chinese culture.
28.global /'gl b l/ adj. 全球的;全世界的
As China plays a greater role in global affairs, an increasing number of international students are beginning to appreciate China’s culture and history through this amazing language.
globe / gl b / n. 球体;地球仪;地球
Seventy percent of our globe's surface is water.
29.affair / fe (r) / n.公共事务[复数];事件;关系 –af+ fair(fact)事;事情;事件
global affairs 全球事务 personal affairs
have an affair with sb 有一腿(私通)
30.appreciate / ‘pri: ie t / vt. 欣赏,;,感激,vi. 增值—ap+prec(pric)+i+ate 给以价值
→appreciation n.欣赏,感激 →appreciative adj. 欣赏的,感激的
Appreciate China’s culture and history through this amazing language.
Learning Chinese calligraphy will increase your appreciation of Chinese culture.
appreciate (one’s) doing sth. 感激(某人)做某事
He would much appreciate your doing him that favor.
I would appreciate it if… 如果……我将不胜感激
I’d appreciate it if you could let me know in advance whether or not you will come.
They believe that houses will appreciate in value.
31.specific /sp s f k/ adj. 特有的;特定的;具体的
Scanning is looking at the text quickly to find specific information such as dates or numbers.
扩展:spek----scop-; spec; spy (观看;观察)
telescope; species-spec (外观)+i+es(us)---种类;物种 ; aspect; expect; inspect; respect ; suspect; prospect(v.勘探;n.前景);despite; special/specialist/speciality/specialize ; specify/ specification/specific
32. CE / si: i:/ (CommonEra) 公元
33. struggle / str gl/ n.&vi.斗争;搏斗;挣扎(激烈或时间持续长的战斗或奋斗
n. 斗争;奋斗;努力;难事
When I started studying German , it was a struggle.
vi. 斗争;奋斗;搏斗;努力
struggle for 为……而奋斗
struggle with/against 与……作斗争
struggle to do sth. 努力做某事
struggle to one’s feet 挣扎着站起来
(1)[2019·江苏卷]He struggled __________(explain)what he heard in his head.
(2) It was ________ struggle for the poor family to earn a living on the little farm.
(3) The country is struggling ________ peace.
(4) Dina,________________(struggle)for months to find a job as a waitress,finally took a position at a local advertising agency.
(5) Man ________________________________( 一直与……作斗争)nature.
(6) Though he was badly injured,he ________________________(挣扎着站了起来).
to explain
having struggled
has been struggling with/against
struggled to his feet
34.tongue / t / n. 舌头;语言
The words felt strange on my tongue. 在我的舌头上,单词感觉很奇怪。(P64)
35. point of view观点;看法
I could see the world from a different point of view. 我可以从不同的角度看世界。
from one’s point of view 依照某人的观点,在某人看来
=in one’s view
=as far as I am concerned
36. semester / s mest (r) / n.学期(AmrE)=term (来自德语)
I plan to take chemistry this semester. 这学期我准备选修化学。
37. petrol /‘petr l/ n. (NAmE gas ) 汽油 –petro(岩石)+oil
38.subway /'s bwe / n.(BrE underground ) 地铁 sub—subhealth; suburb;(urban)
ride/take the subway 乘地铁
by subway乘地铁;从地下通道
39.apartment / 'pɑ:tm nt/ n.(especially NAmE) 公寓套房(=flat)
40.pants / p nts / n. [pl.] (BrE )内裤;短裤;(especially NAmE )裤子
I really need to buy some pants. 我真的需要买些裤子。(P65)
In British English, the word “pants” means underwear.
41.beg /beg/ vt. 恳求;祈求;哀求
I beg your pardon. 对不起。(P65)
beg for sth.乞求某物
beg sb to do sth. 乞求某人做某事
42.equal /‘i:kw l /--equ(=)+al 扩展:equality; equator;
adj. 相同的;同样的→unequal / n i:kw l/ adj. 不平等的; 不相等的; 不胜任的
vt. 等于; 和……相等;比得上
→equality/i kw l ti/ n. 平等,同等
→ equally adv. 相等地,同样地,均等地→ unequally adv. 不公平地;不相等地
…our relationship is close and we're equals …
adj. 相同的;同样的
be equal to sth./doing 与……相等/能胜任……(to为介词,后接名词、代词或动名词)
be equal in sth.在某方面相等
vt. 等于; 和……相等;比得上 A equals B in sth. A 在某方面比得上B
Four plus four equals eight.
(1)I don’t think Jim is equal to transporting these valuable goods.
(2) None of us can equal her,either in beauty or as a dancer.
(3) The island is equally attractive in spring and autumn because of the pleasant weather in both seasons.
(4) The good thing about her as a boss is that she treats us all as equal.
(5) It’s a challenging job but I’m sure you’ll be equal to it.
be equal to sth./doing 与……相等/能胜任……
be equal in sth.在某方面相等
A equals B in sth. A 在某方面比得上B
43.gap /g p/ n.间隔;开口;差距
I only need a few words to bridge the gap between us.
44.vocabulary / v ‘k bj l r ; NAmE –leri / n.(C/U) 词汇---voc (声音;叫喊)--voice
For me , vocabulary is my biggest problem.
He has a poor vocabulary , so he can't express himself correctly.
45.demand/ d mɑ:nd /
I must make it a question , not a demand.
in demand有需求
Good teachers are always in demand.
meet/satisfy one’s demands 满足某人的要求
vt. 强烈要求;需要
demand to do sth. 要求做某事
demand that + 主语+ (should)+ 动词原形 要求……
The workers demanded that they (should) get better pay and conditions.
“Who are you ” he demanded angrily.
in demand有需求
meet/satisfy one’s demands 满足某人的要求
demand to do sth. 要求做某事
demand that + 主语+ (should)+ 动词原形 要求……
(1) The Harry Potter books are quite popular;they are
(2)We just can’t find good enough second-hand cars to ____________________________ (满足我们的要求).
(3)He demanded everything.
=He demanded everything. 他要求将一切都告诉他。
(4)It was an unusually hot summer and air-conditioners were .
in great demand
to be told
that he(should)be told
in great demand
satisfy/meet our demands
46.description /d skr p n/ n.描写(文字);形容
→describe v. 描写,描述,形容
→descriptive adj. 描写的,叙述的
Does the writer give a clear description of the problem 作者是否清楚地描述了这个问题?(P67)
beyond description 无法形容;难以描述
give a detailed/general/brief description of 对……作详尽的 / 概括性的 / 简短的描述
(1) He gave me a detailed ___________(describe)of how he managed to get the information.
(2) It was a tiny little house,but everything in it was so clean,neat and elegant that it is _________ description.
(3) She ____________________________(对……作了简短的描述) the amazing classroom.
gave a brief description of
47.relate / r le t /vt. 联系;讲述 –re+late (携带;拿取) translate
→related adj. 相关的;有(亲属)关系的
→relation n. 关系;亲属
→ relationship /r 'le n p/ n.关系;联系
Does each sentence relate to the main idea 每个句子都与主旨有关吗?(P67)
48. relate to涉及;相关;谈到
relate...to... 把……和……联系起来
be related to 与……有关/ 有联系
relate sth. to sb. 向某人讲述某事
Unit5 Languages Around The World
(1) It is said that this festival is related ________a legend(传说).
(2) I found it difficult ________(relate)the two ideas in my mind.
(3) Old Henry suffers from memory loss ________( relate)to his disease.
(4) The study found a direct ________(relate)between smoking and lung cancer.
(5) Theory should _________________(与……紧密联系) practice.
relate to涉及;相关;谈到
relate...to... 把……和……联系起来
be related to 与……有关/ 有联系
relate sth. to sb. 向某人讲述某事
to relate
be closely related to
Unit5 Languages Around The World
(1) It is said that this festival is related ________a legend(传说).
(2) I found it difficult ________(relate)the two ideas in my mind.
(3) Old Henry suffers from memory loss ________( relate)to his disease.
(4) The study found a direct ________(relate)between smoking and lung cancer.
(5) Theory should _________________(与……紧密联系) practice.
relate to涉及;相关;谈到
relate...to... 把……和……联系起来
be related to 与……有关/ 有联系
relate sth. to sb. 向某人讲述某事
to relate
be closely related to
relate v .
The report related high wages to labour shortages .
We shall discuss the problem as it relates to our interests .
The culture that he describes is so different from mine that I sometimes find it hard to relate to