Module 2 Unit 5 Animals in danger单元分层检测卷(语音+词汇+语法+句型+写作)(含答案)


名称 Module 2 Unit 5 Animals in danger单元分层检测卷(语音+词汇+语法+句型+写作)(含答案)
格式 zip
文件大小 3.2MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 牛津深圳版
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-08-28 18:55:25


六年级上册Module 2 Unit 5 Animals in danger单元分层检测卷 沪教牛津版(深圳用)
_______ 1. make Now there are ten thousand blue whales.
_______ 2. the My brother likes flying a kite.
_______ 3. down I have a big house with a garden.
_______ 4. car There is a large museum in the city.
( )1. book cool good ( )2. thing think thank
( )3. cut put cut ( )4. hard large warm
( )5. face watch same ( )6. chick like pink
These animals are in d_______ .
Joy f_______ Elsa on her way home.
I always take a w_______ after dinner with my mum.
My aunt has two b_______ .
I l_______ a lot from the book.
-________are you, Bob -I’m in the________ ________. 2.In this ________ the baby was about two ________ old and she was ________.
3.The________ ________ is famous all over the world. 4.You should stop ________ ________. Mum is sleeping.
5.In the ________, there were many ________ China ________. 6.Elsa ________ ________ the rhino and saved Elsa.
( )1. There_______ only 30 teachers in our school ten years ago.
were are was
( )2. Ken likes_______ photos at the weekend.
taking takes took
( )3. The schoolbag is _______.
Sams Sam Sam’s
( )4. We enjoy_______ films together.
watch watching watches
( )5. When_______ you go to Beijing last summer
do does did
( )6. _______ of people went to Beijing for holiday.
Thousands Thousand A thousand
( )7. There are five _______ boys on the playground.
thousands hundred hundreds
( )8. There_______ a cake on the plate ten minutes ago.
is was were
( )9. We stayed in Sanya_______ a week.
in on for
( )10. There_______ many kinds of stamps.
is / C. are
He________(find) a watch on his way home yesterday.
My sister________(go) to the market an hour ago.
Peter________(play) the piano every day.
Kitty________(write) an e-mail to her grandma last week.
She________(have) breakfast this morning.
I don’t like singing. How about________(dance)
Kitty often________(visit) her uncle at the weekend.
There________(be) a football match last term.
________(be) you good at Maths
________(do) your uncle go to work by subway
( )1. What did you have for dinner No, he wasn’t.
( )2. Did you drink juice just now Yes, she is pretty.
( )3. What did you see I had some noodles.
( )4. Does he play football well No, she won’t.
( )5. Was he ill No, he won’t.
( )6. Were you angry yesterday F. No, he doesn’t.
( )7. Is Kitty pretty It was exciting.
( )8. Will Kitty wear glasses in the future No, I wasn’t.
( )9. Will your brother angry I. I saw a lot of people.
( )10. How was your holiday No, I didn’t.
there cars city are a lot of in the__________________________________________________
there no the were past factory in__________________________________________________
i the future want to a teacher be in __________________________________________________
summer how your was holiday __________________________________________________
what have did for breakfast you__________________________________________________
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
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六年级上册 Module 2 Unit 5 Animals in danger 单元分层检测卷 沪教牛津版(深圳用)
I.语音判断(10 分)
基础类:在下列句子中找出一个与所给词划线部分发音相同的单词。(4 分)
_______ 1. make Now there are ten thousand blue whales.
_______ 2. the My brother likes flying a kite.
_______ 3. down I have a big house with a garden.
_______ 4. car There is a large museum in the city.
提升类:判断下列每组单词划线部分字母发音,相同的写 A,不同的写 B。(6 分)
( )1. book cool good ( )2. thing think thank
( )3. cut put cut ( )4. hard large warm
( )5. face watch same ( )6. chick like pink
II.词汇练习(20 分)
基础类:结合句意,根据首字母补充句子。(5 分)
1. These animals are in d_______ .
2. Joy f_______ Elsa on her way home.
3. I always take a w_______ after dinner with my mum.
4. My aunt has two b_______ .
5. I l_______ a lot from the book.
提升类:看图,补全句子。(15 分)
1. 2.
-________are you, Bob In this ________ the baby was about two
-I’m in the________ ________. ________ old and she was ________.
3. 4.
The________ ________ is famous all over You should stop ________ ________. Mum is
the world. sleeping.
5. 6.
In the ________, there were many Elsa ________ ________ the rhino and saved
________ China ________. Elsa.
III.语法练习。(20 分)
基础类:选择填空(10 分)
( )1. There_______ only 30 teachers in our school ten years ago.
A. were B. are C. was
( )2. Ken likes_______ photos at the weekend.
A. taking B. takes C. took
( )3. The schoolbag is _______.
A. Sams B. Sam C. Sam’s
( )4. We enjoy_______ films together.
A. watch B. watching C. watches
( )5. When_______ you go to Beijing last summer
A. do B. does C. did
( )6. _______ of people went to Beijing for holiday.
A. Thousands B. Thousand C. A thousand
( )7. There are five _______ boys on the playground.
A. thousands B. hundred C. hundreds
( )8. There_______ a cake on the plate ten minutes ago.
A. is B. was C. were
( )9. We stayed in Sanya_______ a week.
A. in B. on C. for
( )10. There_______ many kinds of stamps.
A. is B. / C. are
提升类:用所给词的适当形式填空。(10 分)
1. He________(find) a watch on his way home yesterday.
2. My sister________(go) to the market an hour ago.
3. Peter________(play) the piano every day.
4. Kitty________(write) an e-mail to her grandma last week.
5. She________(have) breakfast this morning.
6. I don’t like singing. How about________(dance)
7. Kitty often________(visit) her uncle at the weekend.
8. There________(be) a football match last term.
9. ________(be) you good at Maths
10. ________(do) your uncle go to work by subway
IV.句型练习。(20 分)
基础类:根据问句,选择答句。(10 分)
( )1. What did you have for dinner A. No, he wasn’t.
( )2. Did you drink juice just now B. Yes, she is pretty.
( )3. What did you see C. I had some noodles.
( )4. Does he play football well D. No, she won’t.
( )5. Was he ill E. No, he won’t.
( )6. Were you angry yesterday F. No, he doesn’t.
( )7. Is Kitty pretty G. It was exciting.
( )8. Will Kitty wear glasses in the future H. No, I wasn’t.
( )9. Will your brother angry I. I saw a lot of people.
( )10. How was your holiday J. No, I didn’t.
提升类:连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号。(10 分)
1. there cars city are a lot of in the
2. there no the were past factory in
3. i the future want to a teacher be in
4. summer how your was holiday
5. what have did for breakfast you
V.写作练习(30 分)
基础类:看图,写出至少五句与图片内容相关且完整的句子。(10 分)
提升类:根据所给提示完成一篇 50 词的小作文。(20 分)