Unit 2 Period 6 Iconic Attractions Using Language (2)课件 新人教版选择性必修四


名称 Unit 2 Period 6 Iconic Attractions Using Language (2)课件 新人教版选择性必修四
格式 pptx
文件大小 45.4MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-08-28 23:58:14



Describe an iconic animal
To read a passage about the amazing animals of Australia and learn to describe an iconic animal
To be able to use rhetorical devices to arouse readers’ interest in your writing
Match the countries and their iconic animals.
Let’s watch the short video and count how many amazing animals of Australia you find. Do you know their names
The Amazing Animals of Australia
Read the subheadings and the first sentence, then complete the blanks.
few people know
cute but _________
symbol of the country
Tasmanian devil:
duck-billed platypus:
_______ eggs
a little creature
Read the text and then answer the questions.
1. When do baby kangaroos begin to spend less time with their mothers
2. Why shouldn’t you try to pet a wild kangaroo
After they are about seven or eight months old and when they begin to jump.
They can hit and kick very hard.
3. What do koalas spend most of their time doing
They spend quite a lot of time eating, sleeping, and hanging onto tree trunks.
4. Why has the government made it against the law to handle koalas
Interaction with humans can cause them a lot of stress.
5. What two things about Tasmanian devils can bother people most
6. What do Tasmanian devils like to eat
The noise they make could wake the dead and they have a terrible smell.
Their diet is mostly dead animals.
7. What makes the way duck-billed platypuses give birth so different from the other mammals
8. What is the unique way used by duck-billed platypuses to find food
It lays eggs in a nest like a bird.
It finds food in the water by using electrical sensors in its bill.
Mind-map about Kangaroo
Features: look cute
Babies: weigh 2g at birth
Relationship with humans:
always move forward
not for petting
sleep and drink in the pouch until 7 or 8 months old
a tough animal to survive in a difficult environment
What are the unusual aspects of the animals that the writer / Dr Jim Smith mentions in each part
Why does he focus on those aspects
2 Read the text again.
What rhetorical devices does the writer use to arouse the readers’ interest Find at least three rhetorical devices the writer uses to arouse the readers’ interest.
Besides rhetorical devices, what other techniques does the writer use
2 Read the text again. How does the writer describe these animals Find at least three rhetorical devices the writer uses to arouse the readers' interest.
euphemism 委婉语
irony 反语
pun 双关
rhetorical question 反问
repetition 重复
alliteration 头韵
simile 明喻
metaphor 暗喻
metonymy 借喻
allusion 引喻
personification 拟人
hyperbole 夸张
rhetorical devices
This expresses the strength and resolve of the Australians as individuals and as a nation.
They are about the size of small dogs and look like rather large black rats.
The noise they make could wake up the dead.
While it may lay eggs in a nest like a bird, it’s really a primitive mammal, with a unique biology.
This expresses the strength and resolve of the Australians as individuals and as a nation.
... and that they are handled for only a limited time and on a limited frequency of occasions.
Analogy (类比)
Write a description of an iconic animal in China. Bing Dwen Dwen —— The official mascot of Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games
The panda is named “Bing Dwen Dwen” in Chinese. Bing means “ice” in Chinese, while Dwen Dwen suggests “health and ingenuity” — characteristics also shared by pandas.
The halo surrounding the mascot’s face is suggestive of ice and snow tracks, as well as the flowing “ribbons” on the exterior of the National Speed Skating Oval. The oval is one of two new competition venues in downtown Beijing expected to become a landmark of the Games.
“冰墩墩”以熊猫为原型进行设计创作,将熊猫形象与富有超能量的冰晶外壳相结合,体现了冬季冰雪运动和现代科技特点。头部外壳造型取自冰雪运动头盔,装饰彩色光环,其灵感源自于北京冬奥会的国家速滑馆 ——“冰丝带”,流动的明亮色彩线条象征着冰雪运动的赛道和5G高科技。
Brainstorm a list of four iconic animals in China.
giant panda
Chinese sturgeon
golden monkey
First, choose some attractive details about one animal.
Next, think of some rhetorical devices to use in the writing.
Then, make an outline. The following questions may help you.
What is the key sentence for this expository writing
How to make it attractive, such as asking a question, giving an interesting fact about this animal
What is the logical order of each aspect
How to make the ending more attractive
Do some research and make notes. For example:
where they live
what they eat
what they look like
how they are different from other animals
how they interact with people
any other unusual or interesting facts about them
habitat: in Sichuan
food: bamboo
appearance: black and white; cute
difference from others: mainly live on bamboo; a very low
birth rate …
interaction with people: …
other unusual or interesting facts: …
Using your notes, write a description of one of these animals. Remember to use some rhetorical devices to make your writing vivid and interesting.
Exchange your draft with a partner. See whether the writer does a good job of describing the animal. Take your draft back and revise it using your partner’s comments.
Present your description to the rest of your class.
The most iconic animal of China by far is the panda. In fact, many people would say that the panda is a symbol of China. These cuddly creatures with their black and white markings almost look more like stuffed toys than real animals. Nearly everyone sees pandas as cute.
This feeling is enhanced by the way the animals clumsily move about, which is sometimes humorous and cartoon-like. However, pandas are not toys – they are in fact live animals.
The live mostly in remote nature reserves in Sichuan, China. Most people don’t realise that pandas – like all bears – are technically carnivores, and long ago perhaps they mostly ate meat.
However, while pandas today can and do eat almost anything, their preferred food in their wild forest habitat is bamboo. As this food does not give them much nutrition, they have to eat almost constantly, and unlike most bears they do not hibernate in the winter. Pandas are generally quite shy and are seldom seen by people in the wild.
Despite this, they have been known to attack people. while this is a very rare occurrence, it is a useful reminder that pandas are not cuddly toys but are wild animals and should not be approached in the wild. Until recently, pandas were considered endangered. However, with successful breeding and conservation programmes, their numbers have increased, and they are no longer on the endangered species list. Having said that, they are still considered vulnerable, and so more work is needed to protect this magnificent animal.
What iconic animals do you know about China
Yangtze river dophins
Tibetan antelopes
Chinese golden monkeys
iconic animals in China
Features of iconic animals
Yangtze river dophins:
body temperature of 36℃,
widely spread over the Yangtze River area,
prey on fish for food
endangered creatures,
like stuffed toys,
clumsily move,
preferred food is bamboo
Tibetan antelopes:
rare and precious animals,
mostly living in Hoh Xil,
a typical representative of the fauna
Chinese golden monkeys:
a rare species found only in Central and Southwest China,
body length is about 70 cm and the length of its tail is the same as that,
eat lichens, sprouts, fruits, seeds, buds, leaves, bamboo shoots
Yangtze river dophins:
are likely to live in deep of water
are timid and are easily frightened
live far away from boats and cruises
uncommon to see them
national treasure
a rare occurrence to attack people
chosen as the mascot of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics
relationships with humans
Tibetan antelopes:
strengthen its protection efforts for Tibetan antelope and local ecological environment
living environment for Tibetan antelope is more and more secure
Chinese golden monkeys:
family lifestyle
take care of each other while foraging or having a rest
relationships with humans
Iconic Animals in China
Uniqueness: how different
Relationship with humans
Polish your writing.
Complete Activity 3 on Page 69.