Module: Changes
Unit: Now and then
Task 4 Life 500 years ago
Task description
Pupils choose a topic about life 500 years ago. They gather information and then draw and write about the topic. Then they tell their friends about the topic. Finally they compile all the topics into a class book.
Learning target(s)
ISe to provide information in classroom situations
KSa to provide or find out, organise and present information on familiar topics
KSb to interpret and use given information through processes or activities such as matching, sequencing, describing, classifying, comparing, explaining, predicting, drawing conclusions; and to follow instructions
Language skills
Listening Locate specific information in spoken texts
Speaking Open an interaction by eliciting a response by asking questions Maintain an interaction by asking questions, replying, adding or giving examples and explaining
Writing Use a small range of language patterns such as different verb forms and structural patterns Gather and share information and ideas by using strategies such as brainstorming, questioning and interviewing
Generic skills
Information Technology skills Provide, find out, organise, interpret, use and present information
Study skills Obtain information from the different parts of a publication
Values and attitudes Develop confidence in using English through working on their own and in groups, making judgements independently
Task steps
Read the rubrics and examples carefully with the class. Practise the language needed for the task and demonstrate the steps by using the pictures at each step of the task.
Part A
Pupils choose a topic about life 500 years ago. They gather information about it. They can get the information by surfing the Net, reading books or visiting museums.
Part B
They draw and write about the topic on the Copymaster.
Part C
In class, pupils tell their friends about their topic.
More able pupils could say what they think about this aspect of life 500 years ago and why.
Part D
Pupils compile all the topics into a class book. Ask them to prepare a contents page for their class book using page 31 of the Pupil’s Book as a reference.
Find out about life 500 years ago. Choose a topic.
What did people wear / do
How did people travel / pay
Where did people live
Was / Were there any …
Did people …
)Draw and write about the topic.
What did people wear
Most people wore cotton clothes.
Some people wore silk clothes.
Tell your friends about the topic.
My topic was ‘What did people wear ’
Most people wore
cotton clothes.
Some peopl
e wore …
Make a class book about life 500 years ago.
How well did you do Circle.
is the best.
Did you use the simple past tense correctly
Did you know where to find useful information
Did you
speak clearly
Did you write clearly
Complete the sentence.
You can t
ick (
more than one choice
I can do better next time. I can …
use the simple past tense correctly.
know where to
find useful information.
speak clearly.
write clearly.