Longman Welcome to English Gold 2A
Chapter 6: Places in the park
Task 6 Things we do in the park
Task description
Pupils get into pairs. Pupil A writes a list of things he/she wants to do in the park and Pupil B tells him/her where he/she can do these activities by looking at the picture of the park.
Learning target(s)
ISe to obtain and provide objects and information in simple classroom situations and through activities
KSa to provide or find out and present simple information on familiar topics
KSb to interpret and use simple given information through processes or activities such as describing and classifying
Language skills
Listening Locate or provide specific information in response to simple questions Recognise the connection between ideas supported by appropriate cohesive devices, including connectives and pronouns
Speaking Use simple sentences to communicate with others with the help of cues Connect ideas by using cohesive devices, e.g. and Open an interaction by eliciting a response Maintain an interaction by providing information in response to factual or yes/no questions
Writing Put words in a logical order to make meaningful phrases or sentences
Generic skills
Collaboration skills Identify and accept different roles in collaborative work Assume different roles in group work and role-play Clarify information and seek correction
Communication skills Comprehend and act appropriately on spoken instructions Provide, use and exchange simple information on familiar topics Understand, respond to and make short simple requests and instructions
Critical thinking skills Provide, use, find out, interpret and present simple information on familiar topics
Values and attitudes Develop confidence in using English through performing tasks on their own or in groups Develop sensitivity towards language use in the process of communication
Task steps
Read the rubrics and example carefully with the class. Practise the language needed for the task and demonstrate the steps by using the pictures at each step of the task.
Put pupils into pairs. Tell Pupil A to write a list of things on Copymaster 1 he/she wants to do in the park and Pupil B to look at the picture of the park on Copymaster 2.
Pupil A tells Pupil B what he/she wants to do in the park and asks for the location of different places located in the park.
Pupil B uses the picture of the park to tell Pupil A where he/she can do the things and the location of the places.
More able pupils could talk about more than six things that they want to do.
Pupil A
Get into pairs. What do you want to do in the park Write a list. Then ask your partner where you can do these things.
) (
Where’s the …
) (
I want to …
Pupil B
Get into pairs. Look at the picture of the park. Listen to what your partner wants to do. Tell your partner where he / she can do it.
It’s in front of the …
behind the …
/ between the … and …
) (
You can go to the …
) (
List for Pupil A
I want to
I want to
) (
I want to
) (
I want to
) (
I want to
) (
I want to
Park for Pupil B
How well did you do Circle.
is the best.
Did you ask questions
Did you answer the questions correctly
Did you name the
places correctly
Did you use the correct prepositions
, e.g. behind
Complete the sentence.
You can t
ick (
more than one choice
I can do better next time. I can …
ask questions
answer the questions correctly.
name the places correctly.
use the correct prepositions
, e.g. behind