人教版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 4 Space Exploration外刊精读学案(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 4 Space Exploration外刊精读学案(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 1.0MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-08-30 09:37:15



Can I Be an Astronaut If I Have Myopia
Being an astronaut is the dream of a lot of people. After all, who wouldn’t want to look at the stars from outer space Since having sharp vision is important for traveling through the milky way, it’s totally possible for someone with managed myopia to be an astronaut.
So before you buckle (扣紧) up and prepare for takeoff, make sure you have your glasses ready.
Can astronauts have myopia
Yes, NASA astronauts can have myopia and still go to space. As a matter of fact, approximately 80% of astronauts wear glasses or contact lenses (隐形眼镜) to correct some sort of vision problem.
approximately / pr ks m tli/ adv [学术词] 大概;大约
To be approved for space travel, astronauts must have 20/20 vision or better, with or without correction. This means that they can see clearly, without blurriness (模糊) or double vision.
approve v 批准
20/20 vision 正常的视力(其衡量基准是平均人群从20英尺,约6米处可以清晰看见目标)
If an astronaut has a refractive (由折射引起的) error that causes them to have blurry vision at certain distances, it must be correctable to at least 20/20. These refractive errors can be corrected or managed using glasses, contact lenses or vision surgery. They include:
· Myopia (nearsightedness)
· Hyperopia (farsightedness)
· Astigmatism (visual distortion at all distances)
· Presbyopia (age-related farsightedness)
To apply to become an astronaut at NASA, you must also have or meet the following requirements:
U.S. citizenship
A degree in engineering, biological science, physical science, or mathematics
At least three years of related work experience
Ability to pass the NASA long-duration space flight physical
Blood pressure of 140/90 or lower
A standing height of 62 to 75 inches
For would-be astronauts who don’t want to mess with glasses or contact lenses in space, NASA has approved LASIK and PRK for the correction of refractive errors. LASIK is a surgery that uses a laser to fix blurry vision so you won’t have to rely on glasses.
If you’re interested in refractive surgery, keep in mind that you have to be at least 18 years old to have LASIK done. NASA also requires you to wait a year after the surgery before traveling off-planet, and you must be free of any side effects related to the surgery.
keep in mind牢记
side effect副作用
There is a growing number of astronauts who have gone into space with 20/20 vision, and returned home with poor eyesight.
Astronaut John Phillips noticed his normally clear vision had become fuzzy (模糊的) while in space. When he returned home and had his post-flight physical, eye doctors found that John’s vision had gone from 20/20 to 20/100 in only six months.
宇航员约翰 菲利普斯注意到,在太空中,他平时清晰的视力变得模糊不清。当他回到地球进行飞行后的体检时,眼科医生发现约翰的视力在短短六个月内从20/20下降到20/100。
physical / f z kl/ n [学术词] 体检
Additional testing showed that the state of his eyeballs had changed, not just his eyesight. He was diagnosed (诊断) with a condition called visual impairment intracranial pressure syndrome (VIIP), now known as spaceflight-associated neuro-ocular syndrome (SANS).
additional adj 额外的;更多的(addition + -al)(近extra)
Here’s how it happens:
When you’re on earth, there’s gravity that keeps you from floating up into the sky. It also pulls blood and other bodily fluids (液体) down toward your feet. In outer space, there is no gravity, which causes extra fluid to travel upward, toward your head.
Having extra fluid in the skull causes a rise in pressure — like filling a water balloon with too much water. The pressure can affect your brain and the backs of your eyes.
When Phillips had his eyes examined, the backs of his eyeballs were flattened, and his retinas (the tissue at the back of his eyes) were pushed forward. His optic (视觉的) nerves also showed signs of inflammation (炎症).
Finding a solution to SANS is tricky because the condition only occurs in people who have been to space. However, new research seeks to allow current and future astronauts to travel the solar system without putting their vision at risk.
find a solution to找到解决……的办法
tricky adj 棘手的(trick + -y)
put ... at risk使……处于危险之中
What do we know about the vision requirements of NASA
Having vision correction surgery is better than wearing glasses.
Vision correction is aimed at 3 types of refractive errors.
20/20 vision is the minimum standard.
The LASIK surgery has no age limit.
Which of the following meets the requirements of NASA astronaut selection
Having a Bachelor’s degree.
Having 3 years of flying experience.
To be aged between 26 and 46.
To pass the NASA long-duration astronaut physical.
What causes the astronauts’ vision problem after traveling to space
Space radiation.
Strong space race.
Pressure in the head.
Eyeball inflammation.
参考答案:1. C 2. D 3. C