【精品解析】牛津上海版(深圳用)小学英语五年级下册Module 2 Unit 5 同步练习


名称 【精品解析】牛津上海版(深圳用)小学英语五年级下册Module 2 Unit 5 同步练习
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文件大小 270.3KB
资源类型 试卷
科目 英语
更新时间 2021-01-20 14:58:43


牛津上海版(深圳用)小学英语五年级下册Module 2 Unit 5 同步练习
1.We are good friends. We often _____________ a film and _____________ TV together.
A.see; see B.watch; watch C.look; see
【解析】【分析】句意:我们是好朋友。我们经常一起……电影和……电视。第一空和film搭配,用see或watch都可以,look是不及物动词,错误;第二空和TV 搭配,用动词watch;B选项正确。故答案为:B。
2.— are you going next month, Lucy
A.What B.How C.Where
3.(  )
A.The boys are going to do a survey today.
B.The children are going to swim today.
C.The children are going to play on the swing.
【解析】【分析】各选项的意思是:A.男孩们今天会做个调查。 B.孩子们今天会去游泳。 C.孩子们打算去玩秋千。根据图片可知选C。
4.(  )
A.The pig is going to build a house tomorrow.
B.The pig is building a house now.
C.The pig is going to go fishing this afternoon.
【解析】【分析】各选项的意思是A.这头猪明天会建房子。 B.这头猪现在在建房子。 C.这头猪今天下午会去钓鱼。根据图片可知选B。
5.You should your house now.
A.building B.build C.builds
【解析】【分析】You should build your house now.你应该现在建房子。
6.I don't have     plans for the weekend. (some / any)
7.Don't wait    tomorrow. (unit / until)
8.Do you want to come with    (I / me)
9.The    day is Sunday. (tomorrow / next)
【解析】【分析】next day意思是“第二天,明天”,tomorrow后面不能加day,故填next。句意:明天是星期天。
10.I'm going to stay     home with my grandparents.(in / at)
【解析】【分析】at home为固定介词词组搭配,句意:我明天和祖父母待在家里。
11.She is going to play    .
【答案】table tennis
【解析】【分析】句意:她要去打……。根据图片提示是短语play table tennis,“打乒乓球”。故答案为:table tennis。
【点评】这是考查单词拼写的题目。要掌握短语play table tennis。
12.They are going to    .
【答案】row a boat
【解析】【分析】句意:他们要去……。根据图片提示是短语row a boat“划船”。故答案为:row a boat。
【点评】这是考查单词拼写的题目。要掌握短语row a boat。
13.Jill often does his h    at night.
【解析】【分析】句意:吉尔经常在晚上做……。 图片是一个男孩在晚上做作业,homework作业,故答案为 homework.
14.I'm going to     this weekend.
【答案】row a boat
【解析】【分析】I'm going to row a boat this weekend.这周末我要去划船。
【点评】本题考查的是对row a boat的掌握。
15.Why is the girl c   
【解析】【分析】句意:女孩为什么……?图片是一个女孩在哭,哭 cry,本句用现在进行时,构成be+doing, cry- crying,故答案为 crying.
a. I want to play it with you. b. At my school. c. Table tennis. d. I am going to play badminton. e. Hi, Jack. Nice to see you, too.
A: Hello, Sam. Nice to see you!
A: What are you going to do this weekend
A: What's your favourite sport
Do you have time
A: Yes. What do you want to do
Do you want to come with me
A: Where do you want to play
A: OK! See you later.
B: See you!
a. I want to play it with you. 我想要和你一起玩。
b. At my school. 在我们学校。
c. Table tennis. 乒乓球。
d. I am going to play badminton. 我有打羽毛球。
e. Hi, Jack. Nice to see you, too. 你好,杰克。见到你也很高兴。
(1)根据上句:你好,山姆。见到你很高兴!可知这是见面问号,回答用e. Hi, Jack. Nice to see you, too.正确。故答案为:e。
(2)根据上句:本周末你打算做什么?这是问打算做什么,回答用d. I am going to play badminton.正确。故答案为:d。
(3)根据上句:你最喜欢的运动是什么?这是问最喜欢的运动,回答用c. Table tennis.正确。故答案为:c。
(4)根据上句:你想要做什么?这是问想要做什么,回答用a. I want to play it with you.正确。故答案为:a。
(5)根据上句:你想要去哪里玩?这是问地点,回答用b. At my school.正确。故答案为:b。
17.请以"My weekend"为题,根据思维导图的提示,写一写你的周末是怎样度过的,用40-50词表达出来。
参考词汇:not go to school; see a film; row a boat; fun; interesting; in the park; enjoy myself; at the cinema; at the weekend; with my friends...
【答案】My weekend
At weekend I am usually very busy. First I will finish my homework at home. Next I will go out and play with my friends or my family. We usually play football on the playground at our school. After that I often go to the bookshop to read books with my friends. Because I like storybooks and my friends like picture books. At every weekend we are all busy but we are all happy.
1. 题目是“我的周末”, 思维导图是要求从以下方面叙述:1. 做什么;2. 为什么这么做;3. 去哪里;4. 感觉如何。
2. 题目所给单词或短语是: not go to school不用上学; see a film看电影; row a boat划船; fun有趣; interesting有意思; in the park在公园; enjoy myself玩得高兴; at the cinema在电影院; at the weekend在周末; with my friends和我的朋友们等。
3. 根据提示写出句子,可以适当发挥。
1 / 1牛津上海版(深圳用)小学英语五年级下册Module 2 Unit 5 同步练习
1.We are good friends. We often _____________ a film and _____________ TV together.
A.see; see B.watch; watch C.look; see
2.— are you going next month, Lucy
A.What B.How C.Where
3.(  )
A.The boys are going to do a survey today.
B.The children are going to swim today.
C.The children are going to play on the swing.
4.(  )
A.The pig is going to build a house tomorrow.
B.The pig is building a house now.
C.The pig is going to go fishing this afternoon.
5.You should your house now.
A.building B.build C.builds
6.I don't have     plans for the weekend. (some / any)
7.Don't wait    tomorrow. (unit / until)
8.Do you want to come with    (I / me)
9.The    day is Sunday. (tomorrow / next)
10.I'm going to stay     home with my grandparents.(in / at)
11.She is going to play    .
12.They are going to    .
13.Jill often does his h    at night.
14.I'm going to     this weekend.
15.Why is the girl c   
a. I want to play it with you. b. At my school. c. Table tennis. d. I am going to play badminton. e. Hi, Jack. Nice to see you, too.
A: Hello, Sam. Nice to see you!
A: What are you going to do this weekend
A: What's your favourite sport
Do you have time
A: Yes. What do you want to do
Do you want to come with me
A: Where do you want to play
A: OK! See you later.
B: See you!
17.请以"My weekend"为题,根据思维导图的提示,写一写你的周末是怎样度过的,用40-50词表达出来。
参考词汇:not go to school; see a film; row a boat; fun; interesting; in the park; enjoy myself; at the cinema; at the weekend; with my friends...
【解析】【分析】句意:我们是好朋友。我们经常一起……电影和……电视。第一空和film搭配,用see或watch都可以,look是不及物动词,错误;第二空和TV 搭配,用动词watch;B选项正确。故答案为:B。
【解析】【分析】各选项的意思是:A.男孩们今天会做个调查。 B.孩子们今天会去游泳。 C.孩子们打算去玩秋千。根据图片可知选C。
【解析】【分析】各选项的意思是A.这头猪明天会建房子。 B.这头猪现在在建房子。 C.这头猪今天下午会去钓鱼。根据图片可知选B。
【解析】【分析】You should build your house now.你应该现在建房子。
【解析】【分析】next day意思是“第二天,明天”,tomorrow后面不能加day,故填next。句意:明天是星期天。
【解析】【分析】at home为固定介词词组搭配,句意:我明天和祖父母待在家里。
11.【答案】table tennis
【解析】【分析】句意:她要去打……。根据图片提示是短语play table tennis,“打乒乓球”。故答案为:table tennis。
【点评】这是考查单词拼写的题目。要掌握短语play table tennis。
12.【答案】row a boat
【解析】【分析】句意:他们要去……。根据图片提示是短语row a boat“划船”。故答案为:row a boat。
【点评】这是考查单词拼写的题目。要掌握短语row a boat。
【解析】【分析】句意:吉尔经常在晚上做……。 图片是一个男孩在晚上做作业,homework作业,故答案为 homework.
14.【答案】row a boat
【解析】【分析】I'm going to row a boat this weekend.这周末我要去划船。
【点评】本题考查的是对row a boat的掌握。
【解析】【分析】句意:女孩为什么……?图片是一个女孩在哭,哭 cry,本句用现在进行时,构成be+doing, cry- crying,故答案为 crying.
a. I want to play it with you. 我想要和你一起玩。
b. At my school. 在我们学校。
c. Table tennis. 乒乓球。
d. I am going to play badminton. 我有打羽毛球。
e. Hi, Jack. Nice to see you, too. 你好,杰克。见到你也很高兴。
(1)根据上句:你好,山姆。见到你很高兴!可知这是见面问号,回答用e. Hi, Jack. Nice to see you, too.正确。故答案为:e。
(2)根据上句:本周末你打算做什么?这是问打算做什么,回答用d. I am going to play badminton.正确。故答案为:d。
(3)根据上句:你最喜欢的运动是什么?这是问最喜欢的运动,回答用c. Table tennis.正确。故答案为:c。
(4)根据上句:你想要做什么?这是问想要做什么,回答用a. I want to play it with you.正确。故答案为:a。
(5)根据上句:你想要去哪里玩?这是问地点,回答用b. At my school.正确。故答案为:b。
17.【答案】My weekend
At weekend I am usually very busy. First I will finish my homework at home. Next I will go out and play with my friends or my family. We usually play football on the playground at our school. After that I often go to the bookshop to read books with my friends. Because I like storybooks and my friends like picture books. At every weekend we are all busy but we are all happy.
1. 题目是“我的周末”, 思维导图是要求从以下方面叙述:1. 做什么;2. 为什么这么做;3. 去哪里;4. 感觉如何。
2. 题目所给单词或短语是: not go to school不用上学; see a film看电影; row a boat划船; fun有趣; interesting有意思; in the park在公园; enjoy myself玩得高兴; at the cinema在电影院; at the weekend在周末; with my friends和我的朋友们等。
3. 根据提示写出句子,可以适当发挥。
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