课题:四年级英语下册(沪教2011课标版 三年级起点) 课时:第一课时
本课是上海教育出版社出版的三年级起点《2011课标版》四年级下册第十二单元的内容。本课呈现了一个孩子们比较熟悉的童话丑小鸭这一故事。本单元是这册书的最后一单元,也是复习单元,通过故事把本书的知识点串联起来,帮助学生进一步掌握一般现在时态中描述人物动物或物品的用法如The duckling is big and grey. He is ugly. 以及初步掌握第三人称单数做主语时,动词的变化如Mother duck sits near the river.这也是初学一般现在时态的一个难点和易错点。教学内容在不同的年级不断反复呈现,并逐渐深入、全面,有利于学生在学习中温故而知新,打下扎实的基础。本单元重在通过丑小鸭这一童话故事,给学生搭建一个综合运用所学描述动物的外形以及表达情感这类语用的平台。而这样的话题也是生活中常涉及的交际话题。在处理教材时,遵循由易到难,从学生认知规律出发,给学生提供充足的表演空间,培养学生的表演能力,语言的输出也从量的积累逐步实现了质的飞跃。
◇ 语言知识目标1、在语境中学习理解运用词汇swan, swim away, later。2、在语境中学习理解运用一般现在时态。◇ 语言技能目标能用自己的语言创编小对话并表演。◇ 学习策略目标在教学过程中培养学生的听说策略和认知策略;选用小组合作学习教学方式,培养学生的合作策略;运用故事教学法,培养学生的交际策略。 ◇ 情感态度目标告诉学生遇到困难不气馁,只要肯努力生活总是美好的。◇文化意识目标通过课堂教学帮助学生理解遇到挫折不气馁,丑小鸭也可能成天鹅这一主题。
◇ 教学重点1、能正确地理解、运用词汇swan, swim away, later。 2、在语境中学习理解运用一般现在时态。◇ 教学难点能用自己的语言创编小对话并表演。
多媒体资源: 通过PPT的多种功能,如视频插音频插入功能,极大的吸引了学生的注意力,激发了学生的学习兴趣,不仅学生学习的热情高涨,也实现了以学生为主体,给学生更大的展现空间这一目标。故事教学资源: 孩子对故事都是非常感兴趣的,所以说故事本身就是一种能够快速吸引孩子注意力的资源,教师利用故事中的情境,通过对学生的启发和引导,学生能够很快进入角色并用准确的语言来表达所扮演角色的想法。
教学环节 教师活动 预设学生活动 设计意图
I.Pre-task preparation Pre-reading1.Ask students “Do you like reading fairytales ”2. Introduce the writer of the story—Hans Christian Anderson.3. Have the Ss guesswhat story we’re going to learn today. Ss answer yes.Ss can talk about some fairytales written by Anderson they know.Ss say“The uglyDuckling” 通过谈论童话故事引出丑小鸭的作业安徒生。帮助学生初步了解作者安徒生以及他的代表作品。引出本节课的故事丑小鸭。
II. Presentation Pre-reading1. Read the name of the story for several times., 2. Have the students guess “What’s in the story ”While-readingWatch the whole story one time.2.Check their answers what’s in the story.3.Learn the first part, have the Ss watch the flash of the first part.a. a.Show three pictures of the first part of the story and some key words. Have the Ss retell the first picture.Bb. Have the Ss retell the second picture.c. Have the Ss retell the third picture.d. Have the Ss retell the three pictures with the help of the key words.d. Play a game: Find the squares and rectangles with the magnifier. Learn the second part of the story. a. Watch the flash of the second part of the storyb. Ask the Ss what happens to the eggs.c. Have one student read these three pictures.d. Have the Ss act the mother duck with feelings.e. Have the Ss make a dialogue between the ugly duckling and the mother duck.f. Have the Ss watch the flash again and repeat sentence by sentence.g. Have the Ss use the key words to retell the second part.5. Learn the third part. Watch the third part of the story.a. Have the Ss match the three pictures and the paragraphs.b. Show a picture and ask them “Where is the ugly duckling Does he want to sit on mother’s back c. Have the Ss make a dialogue between the ugly duckling and the other yellow ducklings.d. Sing a song which is rewritten by the teacher.e. Have the Ss retell this part with the key words.6. Learn the fourth part and watch the flash of this part.a. Show them the pictures of this part and ask them “Where is the ugly duckling b. Have the students fill in the blank of the sentences in this part.c. Have the Ss retell this part with the key words. Ss follow to read the title.Ss answers “ I think the…is in the story.”Ss watch the flash carefully.One student summary what’s in the story.Ss watch the first part and try to remember.Ss try to retell the first picture with the key words.Ss retell the second picture with the key words.Ss retell the third picture with the key words.Student try to retell.Spell the new word.Ss watch the flash carefully.Ss answer the eggs open.One student reads this part of the story.Ss practice to act with feeling.Ss work in pairs make a short dialogue and act it out.Ss watch and repeat.One student uses key words to retell.Ss watch the flash carefully.Ss think for a while and try to match.Ss answer “He swims behind mother duck. He wants to sit on mother’s back.Ss discuss and make a dialogue then act it out in groups.Ss listen and sing the song together.One student retell this part.Ss watch the flash carefully.Ss answer it is in the grass. It’s not ugly. It is a beautiful swan.Ss try to fill in the blank and talk about the pictures.Ss try to retell this part. 带领学生读课题同时也能初步熟悉本故事的主人公。读前预设内容,创设情境,巧设悬念,为后续学习做准备。整体感知,明确任务,学生看的更有针对性,有利于学生理解故事。学生先理清故事里的人物,对之后学习故事做好铺垫。通过分段教学减轻学习的压力。学生通过记忆和关键词的帮助进行复述,提高学生的专注力和记忆力。提高学生的专注力。给学生提供综合运用语言的机会。开放性问题拓展学生思维,用所学知识解决生活中问题。flash的插入极大的吸引了学生的注意力。考察学生对本段的综合理解。帮助孩子加深印象进一步理解本段故事。引导学生有感情的朗读并表演,帮助学生理解鸭妈妈对小鸭子们的爱。学生在原故事基础上自己来丰富故事内容,通过合作编对话既提高了交流能力也开发了想象力,并且能够帮助孩子更好地体验人物情感。听音模仿语音语调有助孩子打下良好的语音基础。复述段落能帮助学生更好地记忆故事,并提高学生综合运用语言的能力。Plash的插入让故事教学更加直观。图文配对能够很好地考察学生对故事的理解和记忆。对比丑小鸭和其他小鸭子的地位,烘托出丑小鸭不被鸭妈妈和其他小鸭子的欢迎这一气氛。培养学生想象力以及体验人物情感,为体验丑小鸭的低落情绪做铺垫。学生们通过讨论自己创编小对话,让文本更加丰富也培养学生的想象力和表演能力。这首歌是丑小鸭的内心独白,学会这首歌更能帮学生更好的体会丑小鸭此时此刻的心情。帮助学生总结本段的大意。通过分段教学减轻学习的压力。让学生们在图里找丑小鸭,其实丑小鸭已经变成天鹅了,教师提出这样的问题就是想强调一下丑小鸭已经变成了白天鹅。学生通过已给的句型结构把漏掉的词填上,锻炼了学生看图说话的能力。复述段落能帮助学生更好地记忆故事,并提高学生综合运用语言的能力。
III. Post-taskactivities 1.Watch the whole flash and repeat sentence by sentence.2. Have one student retell the whole story.3. Have Ss work in groups to make the whole dialogue and act it out.
Ss follow and repeat.One student try to retell the whole story.Ss practice to act the story out. 让学生整体完整地感知一遍故事并且模仿语音语调,打下良好的语音基础。这个任务比较难,是专门给能力强的孩子提供的平台,满足他学习的成就感。学生们分小组表演整个故事,培养了学生的团队合作意识,并且能够完整地呈现所学,让语用的输出更有情境,学生们在表演中体会学习的乐趣和成果。
IV.Summary & Homework Tell the students “ Never be sad as an ugly duckling.Maybe you will become a swan one day.”The homework.:Retell the story to your parents. Sum up what they have learned today.After class, everyone should retell the story to their parents. 向学生渗透尽管是丑小鸭也不要悲伤,也许有一天也会变成天鹅的道理。布置作业,使其成为课堂教学的延伸和补充,也是对英语工具性更好的得以体现。
依据课程标准,在学生学习活动中,我注重评价的多元化,评价方式的多样化。在学生学习活动中采用以下三种评价方式:1. 教师评价:教师的常规即时评价贯穿教学始终。同时教师应用丰富的肢体语言到恰当的鼓励语言,激励学生大胆开口说英语,勇于用英语表达自己的真实想法,关注学生自信心的树立。2. 学生互评:要求学生在课程结束后小组内的所有成员共同商讨,根据上课表现对组内的每个成员进行评价。3. 学生自评:课后学生互相评价,既是对自己课堂表现的掌握,又能鼓励同伴的,调动学生学习的积极性。 这是我在课后发给学生的评价单:这节课你的小伙伴们表现如何?为他们评一评吧。 NameOK!Good!Super! ABCD