Lesson objectives:
a.Students will be able to learn and recall classroom rules
b.Students will be able to recall their own and classmates’ names
c.Students will be able to become aware of the fact that each alphabet letter has its own unique sound.
2paper cups and stick for drawing lots ( table seating and pillows )
Award chart
Magnetic cards
English letter stickers
Reading book
Teaching :
Introduce seatings and award chart ( 5mins)
Have students line up before they come in
Explain how to use award chart
Draw lots to choose table seatings and pillows on the carpet area
Name card activity ( 15mins)
Have students sit down at their own seats
Write everyone’s names in English and sound out each letter and students repeat after the teacher
Explain that they are going to put letter stickers to form their names on the card
Handout materials and let them start. Early finishers can help those who are not finished.
Give stickers to everyone once they are finished
Attention getters ( 5mins)
-Teacher:“Hands on top “ with the action of putting hands on head students: “everybody stop” with the action of doing the same as the teacher.
- Repeat 3times m rule
Classroom Rule ( 20 mins)
-Show classroom rule ppt.
-Use actions and examples to make them understand
-Introduce basic classroom phrases: sit-down/ stand-up/ turn -around
-Play action song to practice the actions and the phrases
Name game ( 10mins)
-Review their names by doing the game.
-Game rule: Everyone make a circle. PersonA stands in the middle of the circle. A has to say her name and point at someone else to come and take her place. When Person B is chosen by A, they hi-five each other and B starts saying his name. The same cycle begins.
6. Cleaning up ( 5mins)
- Have them look for rubbish on the floor and tables and clean them up.
- line them up. ( Explain that they are going to get a line leader and a caboose)