Module 3 Things around us Unit 1 The four seasons period1 - period 2 表格式教案


名称 Module 3 Things around us Unit 1 The four seasons period1 - period 2 表格式教案
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文件大小 2.1MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 牛津上海版(试用本)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-09-01 22:11:14



Teaching Plan for Oxford English (Shanghai Edition)
2BM3U1 The four seasons
本模块主题为Things around us,本单元的主题为:The four seasons,其教学的主要任务是使学生学会关于季节的核心单词,并能运用所学句型I like (doing)... in/on...描述在不同地点进行不同活动。根据教学实际和学生认知情况,我们将单元内容进行统整,设计了以下三个话题“Backkom’s season”,“Backkom’s seasons”和“Backkom’s favourite season”,以此为语境吸引学生,激发学生的学习兴趣。引导学生在情境中认知本单元的核心词汇:autumn, winter, cool, cold和核心句型: I like doing通过整合学生学过的颜色类单词、天气类单词丰富学生的语言信息量,培养学生正确的语言描述能力。根据教材特点和学生的实际情况,将整合内容依托富有童趣的情境进行操练,提高课堂教学效率和学生的语用能力。
在学习本单元内容之前,学生已能运用两个季节的相关内容,如:spring, summer, warm, hot等;能说一些简单的词汇和短语来描述这两个季节,如:warm, hot, I can see... in spring/summer. 此外,学生也能运用一些动词和like doing的句型来表达自己的动作喜好。
课时 话题 内容来源
Period 1 Backkom’s season learn the sounds, look and learn, listen and enjoy
Period 2 Backkom’s seasons learn the sounds, look and learn, look and say, do a survey
Period 3 Backkom’s favourite season learn the sounds, look and learn, look and say, enjoy a story
1. 能了解辅音字母s、z在单词中的发音,正确朗读含有字母s,z的例词例句。
2. 能在语境中正确理解、熟练朗读并运用本单元核心词汇autumn, winter, cool, cold。
3. 能在语境中用核心句型I like on...描述自己在不同季节中喜欢做的事情, 能做到语音、语调基本正确,表达基本规范。
能在北极熊Backkom的故事语境中,运用核心词汇autumn, winter, cool, cold和核心句型I like on...,在语言支架、板书和图片的帮助下,用3--4句话口头介绍自己喜欢的季节及其理由,要求内容完整,表达较为流利规范。
1. 能在课堂交流中,注意倾听,积极思考,参与讨论。
2. 能利用学习资源,通过讨论、合作、交流等形式完成学习任务。
语言知识与技能 语言运用 文化与情感
第一课时 初步感知字母s, z的发音,能正确跟读单词sun, bus, zebra, zoo,并能跟读儿歌。能在语境中正确朗读本单元的核心词汇:autumn, winter, cool, cold,并建立音、形、义之间的联系。能在语境中理解并正确朗读核心句型I like doing.... 能用新授核心词汇autumn, winter, cool, cold基本正确地吟唱儿歌和歌曲。能在Backkom’s season的故事情境中,在语言支架的帮助下,模仿着表达自己对四季的不同喜好。 在交流与分享中了解不同的季节,感受季节的气候特征和美好。
第二课时 1. 进一步体验s、z在单词中的发音;能正确朗读字母s、z,的发音; 能正确朗读例词及字母儿歌。能正确认读核心词汇autumn, winter, cool, cold, 并在老师的帮助下正确抄写核心单词,并初步运用。能在语境中理解核心句型I on...及其意义并初步运用核心句型。能理解词组in the park, on the ice, in the water的含义,并能正确朗读这些词组。 能在Backkom’s adventure的故事情境中,初步运用核心词汇说说四季的特征。能在Backkom’s adventure的故事情境中,借助语言支架、板书及图片,尝试着介绍四季、四季的特征及相应的活动。 继续感受四季之美,并进一步体验不同季节进行不同活动之乐;在故事情境中感受对家乡的喜爱之情。
第三课时 1.能知道s、z在单词2.中的发音;能正确熟练地朗读例词及例句。3. 能正确熟练地运用核心词汇autumn, winter, cool, cold,并能正确书写。4. 能在语境中熟练运用核心句型I on...表示自己喜欢的活动。 1. 能在Backkom’s adventure的故事情境中,熟练运用核心词汇说说四季的特征。2. 能在介绍自己最喜欢的季节的语境中,借助语言支架、板书及图片,熟练介绍自己喜欢的季节及相应喜欢的活动。 整体感受四季之美,体验不同季节进行不同活动之乐;在故事情境中感受对家乡的喜爱之情。
Winter is white. Winter is cloudy and cold. I can skate in winter. I like skating. I like winter!
Autumn is yellow. Autumn is windy and cool. I can fly a kite in autumn. I like flying a kite. I like autumn!
Spring is green. Spring is nice and warm. I can ride my bicycle in spring . I like riding my bicycle. I like spring!
Summer is red. Summer is sunny and hot. I can swim in summer. I like swimming. I like summer!
I like spring. Spring is green. Spring is nice and warm. I can ride my bicycle in spring. I like riding my bicycle in the park. How happy!
I like summer. Summer is red. Summer is sunny and hot. I can swim in summer. I like swimming in the water. How happy!
I like autumn. Autumn is yellow. Autumn is windy and cool. I can fly a kite in autumn. I like flying a kite in the park. How happy!
I like winter. Winter is white. Winter is cloudy and cold. I can skate in winter. I like skating on the ice. How happy!
Winter is cloudy and cold. It’s white. I like skating on the ice. We like skating in winter. How happy!
Autumn is windy and cool. It’s yellow. I like flying a kite in the park. We like flying a kite in autumn. How happy!
Spring is nice and warm. It’s green. I like riding my bicycle in the park. We like riding a bicycle in spring. How happy!
Summer is sunny and hot. It’s red. I like swimming in the water. We like swimming in summer. How happy!
Topic1 : Backkom’s season
Procedure Contents Methods Purpose Evaluate
Pre-task preparation 1. Phonetics teaching 1-1. Read the words.1-2. Read the chant. 通过读词,读句感受字母发音。
2. Lead in. 2-1. Enjoy a video about four seasons.2-2. Questions about spring and summer.2-3. Read a chant. 通过欣赏四季的视频,让学生直接进入学习主题,再通过问题复习旧知。
While-task procedure 1.Introduce Backkom 1-1. Listen to Backkom1-2. Enjoy a video. 让学生认识主人公,并通过video感受北极的季节和特征。
2.The feature of winter. 2-1. Q: What season is it Learn: winter. Winter is white.2-2. Questions:How is winter inBackkom's hometown Learn: cold cloudy and cold2-3. Read a chant.2-4. Listen and follow.2-5. A role play.2-6. Talk about winter. 通过猜测和问题激发学生思维和好奇心。通过儿歌巩固新授单词。
3.The feature of autumn. 3-1. A wechat from Papa(some pictures about autumn)Q: What season is it Autumn.Q: What colour is it 3-2. Listen and tick.(worksheet)3-3. Learn: cool3-4. Read a chant.3-5. Listen and follow.3-6. A role play.3.7. Talk about autumn. 通过Papa发来的图片感受秋天,让学生自主谈论秋天的颜色,放开学生思维。再通过Papa的语音,来说一说他眼中的秋天。任务驱动,有效视听输入。
4.The feature of spring and summer. 4-1. Listen to Backkom.4-2. Read and tick.4-3. Introduce spring and summer to Backkom.4-4. Say a chant. 学生根据旧知和提供的语言框架向Backkom介绍春天和夏天的特征。
5.Different activities in different season. 5-1. Listen to Backkom.5-2.Match and say.(worksheet.)5-3. A role play according to the worksheet. 学生通过所给动词短语给Backkom制定就不同季节的活动计划,激发学生思维。 评价内容:5-2评价维度:表达习惯 评价主体:学生评价方式:自评
6. The reason why I like the season. 6-1. Listen to Backkom.6-2. Read the chant.6-3. Guess: What season does Backkom like I like ____ (season). I like ___(doing)6-4. Listen, choose and say. 学生猜测Backkom最喜欢的季节,利用所给语言框架表达,进一步操练I like doing....
Post-task activities My favourite season Listen and follow.2. Guessing game.3. Finish the season card.4. Say something according to the card. 通过跟读,猜谜等活动有效达成教学目标,通过制作季节卡完成语用输出。 评价内容:季节卡制作评价维度:学业成果 评价主体:学生评价方式:互评
Assignment Listen and follow on P26. Read the materials.Draw a picture about a season and name it, then talk about the picture.
板书 Backkom’s season
season colour weather activity
winter white cloudy and cold skate
autumn yellow windy and cool fly a kite
spring green nice and warm ride my bicycle
summer red sunny and hot swim
Task1: Listen and tick. (听一听,勾一勾)
Task2: Match, say and evaluate. (连一连,说一说,评一评)
Task3: Season card(完成季节卡,相互说一说,并相互评一评)
评价维度 评价标准 评价方式
学业成果 能在别人的帮助下,完成季节卡并说一说。 能自己独立完成季节卡,并能比较熟练的介绍。 能独立完成季节卡,并能熟练地介绍喜欢的季节。
Topic2 : Backkom’s seasons
Procedure Contents Methods Purpose Evaluate
Pre-task preparation 1. Phonetics teaching 1-1. Ask and answer1-2. Follow and read 根据图片,能正确朗读含有字母s、z的单词,并能儿歌。
Review: Backkom’s season 2-1. Listen and guessWhat season is it 2-2. Read the passage2-3. Write the words:autumn, cool, winter, cold 通过听猜游戏复习核心单词并复习第一课时文本。 评价内容:2-3评价维度:书写习惯评价主体:老师评价方式:口头评价评价标准:附件1
While-task procedure Backkom’s wish 1-1 Listen to Backcom’s wish. 导入语境,Backkom向往其它季节,决定出去看看外面的季节外面的世界。
Spring in China 2-1. Look and say: What season is it 2-2. Talk about spring2-3. Listen and tickHow is spring in Backkom’s eyes 2-4. Learn the sentence:I like ...doing in the park.2-5. Listen: How is spring in Backkom’s eyes 2-6. Talk about: How is spring in your eyes 看图说一说是什么季节。谈论一下自己心目中的春天听一听、勾一勾Backkom眼中的春天,并输入新句型I like...doing in the park.教学新授句型并初步操练听一听Backkom眼中的春天,再谈论一下学生眼中的春天。
Summer in Hawaii 3-1. Listen、look and answer.3-2. Guess and talk. You like ...(doing).3-3. Say the chant. 3-4. Listen: How is summer in Backkom’s eyes 3-5. Talk about: How is summer in your eyes 听一听、看一看,说一说是什么季节借助图片和语言框架尝试说一说Backkom在夏天的活动。听一听Backkom眼中的夏天。根据框架说一说他经历的夏天。
Autumn in Australia 4-1. Answer the questions and look for autumn.4-2. Sing a song.4-3. Read and answer.4-4. Talk about: How is autumn in your eyes 通过问题复习秋天的特征,根据特征去寻找秋天。阅读输入,提额取信息说一说秋天的特征及Backkom在秋季的活动。在语言支架和信息的帮助下尝试复述
Winter at home 5-1. Listen to Backkom’s wish. 5-2. Talk about: How is winter in your eyes 在图片的帮助下尝试复述
Post-task activities More practice Listen and read 2. Talk about my favourite season. 分层:1. 选择语言材料介绍自己喜欢的季节。2. 根据语言支架描述自己最喜欢的季节。 评价:学业成果
Assignment Listen to the words on P27. Read the materials Talk about your picture 分层任务,巩固所学,体验语用。
板书Backkom’s seasonsseason colour weather activity place spring green nice and warm ride my bicycle in the park summer red sunny and hot swim in the water autumn yellow windy and cool fly a kite in the park winter white cloudy and cold skate on the ice
Task: Let’s write (写一写)
Task 2: Let’s talk
Choose and read
Choose and say