Have the students play a game in small groups.Ask them to go around the classroom slowly.When teacher shows the picture of red light,they should stop immediately.They can move on when teacher shows the picture of green light.
Play a game
Look at the light.
It's red.Let's stop.
Look at the light.
It's green.Let's go.
Look at the light.
It's red.Let's stop.
Look at the light.
It's green.Let's go.
Look at the
Remember the traffic rules.
Stop at a red light.
Wait at a yellow light.
Go at a green light.
traffic lights.
Let’s chant
Look at the traffic lights,
Remember the traffic rules.
Green light, green light, go, go, go.
Yellow light, yellow light, wait, wait, wait.
Red light, red light, stop, stop, stop.
Rihgt or wrong
1.Spell and write these words.