Oxford English 3B
Module 1 Unit 3 Tasting and smelling
我班学生性格活泼,对英语学习有着较高的兴趣,语言基础较好,已较熟练掌握表示行为动作、能力的单词,并能够用can、to be、to do等句型进行相关表达。但随着年级的增高,各项语言技能的要求逐步提高,尤其是良好的阅读习惯的培养与与阅读能力的提高。在3BM1U2中,学生已经学习了句型How does it feel 与本单元要学习的How does it smell/taste 句型一致,学生也易于理解。基于上述原因,我尝试将学习本单元Look and learn及Look and say整合教学,在学习新单词和巩固训练本单元主要句型的同时,引导学生通过阅读获取更多的知识,并掌握一些阅读的技巧与方法。
从本单元的中心“Ability”为主线来看,教材内容是以对话的形式着重围绕“Tasting and smelling”这个主题展开并呈现教材内容的;语言的使用环境是学生通过嗅觉和味觉感受接触到的食品。
本单元出现了表示各种味道的单词:sweet、sour、salt、bitter。学习了lemon、apple、cake、coffee等单词。同时,本单元还出现了动词:taste、smell,及助动词(第三人称单数与复数):does、do特殊疑问词:how,介词词组:at the fruit shop。
句型方面,在本单元中出现了Taste…/Smell…/Close….以及How does it taste How does it smell 除此之外,在习得的句型上进行问候语的练习和商业的礼貌用语:Can I help you
通过How does it taste How does it smell 来询问物品的气味与口味,并能准确地表达。
本单元say and act部分创设了和日常生活相贴近的At the fruit shop这样一个语言环境,使学生将所学的语言本领进行练习,锻炼自己的能力,能将书本知识运用于实际生活的能力。
课时 词汇学习运用 句型学习运用 综合运用能力
第一课时 学习词汇taste、smell、lemon、sweet、sour、salt、salty。 Smell this. How does it smell It’s…Taste the ____. How does it taste It’s… 鼓励学生利用所学句型,将相关所学的单词编成语段进行适当的介绍与交流。
第二课时 学习词汇bitter、coffee。 巩固How does it/… taste/smell It’s…句型,学习How do they/…taste/smell They’re…句型操练来巩固本课的单词与句型,并通过补充句型It can make me…丰富对话内容。 在上节课的基础上,学习本课内容,能够用How does/do… 来进行单复数的问答练习,并结合语篇教学进行综合表达和运用。
第三课时 通过故事带动词组at the fruit shop的学习。 正确使用相关句型 How does this apple taste How much… How many… 理解故事内容,并运They look fresh.等相关句型丰富对话。 能在设定情境中自如运用本课的词汇和句型,并进行新旧知识的交流及信息分享。
第四课时 学习词汇whale、white,并能通过前几课时的句型操练进行对话及语篇的阅读理解。 能正确使用to be、to do、can及补充动词词组,表达某种食物的相关信息,进行小组交流,并设计一些相关的练习巩固本课的重点难点。 能辨认和掌握字母组合wh- 的基本发音及其发音类似的词汇,并有节奏地朗读儿歌。
学习句型How does it taste/smell 及回答It’s…,能正确询问及表达不同实物的气味和味道。
Pre-task preparation Lead in 1. Sing a song2. Introduce Dora and Boots and lead in the story 通过唱朵拉片头曲自然引出主人公,活跃课堂气氛,激发学生的学习兴趣。
While-task procedure Learn the word ‘sweet’ & sentence pattern ‘How does it taste ’ Listen to the dialogueLearn: sweetRead and spell the word ‘sweet’Ask and answerF: What is it D: It’s a sweet.Learn: tasteLet students tasteRead and spell the word ‘taste’Learn: How does it taste Ask and answerF: How does it taste D: It’s sweet.Say and actF: What is it D: It’s a sweet.F: How does it taste D: It’s sweet.Have a tryChant 通过听录音以及实物的演示,学习单词sweet,并能进行简单的会话。通过让学生尝糖果,让他们对taste这个单词有更直接的理解,也调动了课堂气氛。通过角色扮演进行对话练习,巩固所学知识。
Learn the word ‘sour’ & ‘lemon’ & sentence pattern ‘How does it smell ’. 1. Listen to the dialogue2. Learn: smell(1) Let students smell(2) Read and spell the word ‘smell’Ask and answer3. Learn: How does it smell (1) Ask and answer B: Smell this. How does it smell D: It’s nice.4. Learn: lemon(1) Read and spell the word ‘lemon’(2) Ask and answerB: What is it D: It’s a lemon.5. Learn: sour(1) Read and spell the word ‘sour’Ask and answerB: Taste the lemon. How does it taste D: It’s sour.6. Say and act7. Guess a riddle8. Make a new riddle 通过让学生直观体验闻香水,帮助学生来理解smell这个单词。通过对柠檬闻一闻、尝一尝,调动了学生的嗅觉和味觉,让他们对柠檬的气味和味道有了更直接的了解。在兴趣浓厚的气氛中,也加深了学生对知识点的理解。通过猜谜和编谜游戏运用所学语言知识,培养学生口头表达能力。
Learn the word ‘salty’ & ‘salt’ Listen to dialogueWatch the videoAnswer the questionsLearn: saltyLet students taste salty biscuitsRead and spell the word ‘salty’Ask and answerTry to sayLearn: saltRead and spell the word ‘salt’Say and act D: Smell the biscuit. How does it smell B: It’s nice. D: Taste the biscuit. How does it taste B: It’s salty. 通过观看有趣的小视频,引出下一个内容的学习。借助食物饼干的品尝,和调味品盐的直观感受,让学生对抽象的单词salty有一个感官的认识,帮助学生更好的理解与记忆。通过角色扮演进行对话练习,巩固所学知识。
Post-task activities Listen to the chant and say it.Act out the dialogueListen to the whole dialogueAct out the dialogue 儿歌表演对故事主线有一个完整的呈现,同时对话的表演一起帮助学生和巩固本课所学的知识。
Assignment Copy the new words and sentences. Try to read the story.
Board design 3BM1U3 Tasting and smellingPeriod 1 salty salt smell lemon How does it smell sour It’s… sweet How does it taste taste It’s…
Dora: Hello, I’m Dora.
Boots: I’m Boots.
Dora: Today is Boots’ birthday! We need some food for the party. Boots, let’s go to Food City, OK
Boots: OK! That’s a good idea.
Boots: But how can we get there
Dora: Let’s ask the map!
Map: Food City is far away from here. You must pass Sweet Gate, Sour Hill and Salty Bridge. Then you can get there.
Sweet Gate
Dora: Let’s go, Boots! Look! What can you see
Boots: I can see a gate! It’s Sweet Gate!
Boots: Here it is. But I can’t open Sweet Gate!
Fox: You must play with me! Then you can pass Sweet Gate.
Fox: What is it
Dora: It’s a sweet.
Fox: How does it taste
Dora: It’s sweet.
Fox: OK! You did it! You can pass Sweet Gate!
Sour Hill
Dora: Boots! Look! There is a lemon tree on the hill. Let’s go and have a look!
Boots: OK! Let’s go!
Dora: Wow! It’s Sour Hill.
Boots: I get a lemon.
Boots: Smell this. How does it smell
Dora: It’s nice.
Boots: What is it
Dora: It’s a lemon.
Boots: Taste the lemon. How does it taste
Dora: Oh, it’s very sour.
Dora: The lemon tree is big and tall. How can we go now
Boots: Backpack, backpack! Help us!
Backpack: You must guess a riddle and make a riddle. Then Tico will help you pass Sour Hill.
Backpack: Great! You did it well! You can pass Sour Hill!
Boots: Thank you, Tico. Byebye!
Tico: You’re welcome! Bye!
Salty Bridge
Dora: Boots, I see Salty Bridge.
Boots: Let’s go!
Dwarf: Smell the biscuit. Is it nice
Dora: Yes, it’s nice.
Dwarf: Taste the biscuit. How does it taste
Dora: It’s salty!
Dwarf: Yes, there is some salt in the biscuit.
Dwarf: At last, you must say and act. Then you can pass Salty Bridge.
Dora: Smell the biscuit. How does it smell
Boots: It’s nice.
Dora: Taste the biscuit. How does it taste
Boots: It’s salty.
Dwarf: Wonderful! You did a good job! You can pass Salty Bridge!
Salty Bridge Food City
Sweet Gate
Sour Hill