人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection-词汇过关练习(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection-词汇过关练习(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 111.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-09-03 00:37:50



新人教版必修 2
poster n. 海报
illegal adj. 不合法的;非法的
illegally adv. 不合法地;非法地
legal adj 合法的;法律的
legally adv 合法地
hunt vi.vt. 打猎;捜寻;追捕
hunter n. 猎人
go hunting 去打猎
hunt for 搜寻;寻找
immediately adv. 立刻
species n. 物种
shark n. 鲨鱼
fin n. (鱼的)鳍
on earth (放在疑问词之后表示强调)究竟;到底
die out 灭亡;逐渐消失
alarm vt.vi. 使惊恐;使害怕;使担心; n.恐慌;警 报;警报器
alarming adj. 办惊人的;使人惊恐的
rate n. 速度;(比)率;vt.划分等级
at a rate of 以..... 的速度/比率
rating n. 等级;级别
extinct adj. 已灭绝的
extinction n. 灭绝
mass adj. 大量的;广泛的;n.大量;堆;群
“amassof /masses of +名词 ”作主语时,谓
habitat n. (动植物的)生活环境;栖息地
aware adj. 办知道;发觉;有…… 意识的
be aware that… 意识到/体会到……
●awareness n.意识;认识
arouse/raiseone'sawarenessof... 唤 起 某 人…… 的意识
●unaware adj.不知道的;未察觉的
endanger vt. 使遭受危险;危害
endangered animals 濒危物种
average n.平均数;平均水平;
adj. 平均的;正常的;普通的
on average 平均
● an average of 平均有……
above/below average 平均水平以上/以下
【联想】 盘点“on 十名词”词块∶
①on guard 在执勤
②on leave 在休假
③on holiday 在度假
④on strike 在罢工
⑤on sale 出售
⑥on loan 借用
prince n. 王子;王孙;亲王
make progress 取得进步
concern vt. 涉及;让……担忧
concerned adj. 担心的;关切的
be concerned about 对 …… 关切的;为 ……担忧 的
● show/express concern about/for 对 · · · · ·表示关心
as/so far as..be concerned 就 ……而言; 依……之见
● concerning prep.有关;关于
【点拨】 concerned 作形容词用作前置定语 时,意为“关心的;担忧的”;作后置定语时, 意为“有关的;相关的”。
living adj. 居住的;活的;在用的;n.生活; 生计
adapt vi.适应; vt. 使适应;使适合
adapt to 适应
adaptation n.改编
【联想】 一“字”之差荟萃∶
①adapt v.适应;改编→adopt v.采纳;收养
②affect v.影响→effect n.影响
③angeln.天使→angle n.角度
④access v.接近→assess v.评估
⑤aboard prep.& adv. 在船上 → abroad adv. 在 国外
⑥expect v.期待→expert n.专家
measure n.措施;方法;vt. 测量;度量;估量
●measure...by...用……来衡量…… ·
takemeasures/steps/actiontodosth采取措施 做某事
makesthtosb'smeasure照某人的尺寸做某物 eg.It'sgenerallyacknowledgedthateducation shouldn'tbemeasuredonlybyexamination results.人们普遍认为教育不应该仅仅以考试 成绩来衡量。
等) ”时,是系动词,后跟测量的结果,不用
authority n. 官方;权威;当权
pressure n. 压力;要求
● under pressure 在压力下;承受压力 put pressure on sb 给某人施加压力 ●press vi.& vt.按;压;逼迫
press sb to do sth 敦促某人做某事
whale n. 鲸
antelope n. 羚;羚类动物
Tibetan antelope 藏羚羊
reserve n.保护区;储藏(量);vt. 预订;预留;保留
plain n.平原; adj. 简单明了的;直率的;平凡 的
make out 看清;听清;分清
herd n.牧群;兽群
herb n. 草药
observe n. 观察(到);注视;遵守
【联想】 observation n.观察
observatory n.天文台
observer n.观察者
beauty n. 美;美人;美好的东西
remind vt. 提醒;使想起
remind sb of sbsth 使某人想起(类似的人或物)
【联想】 "v.+sb+of sth"的短语还有∶
①cure sb of sth 治好某人的病
②accuse sb of sth 控告某人某事
③rob sb of sth 抢劫某人某物
④inform sb of sth 通知某人某事
⑤convince sb of sth 使某人相信某事
fur n. 毛(皮); 毛皮衣服
sacred adj. s 神圣的;受尊敬的
scared adj. 害怕的
shoot vt.vi. (shot,shot) 杀;射伤;发射
profit n. 利润;利益
nonprofit 非盈利的
watch over 保护;照管;监督
day and night 日日夜夜;夜以继日
=all dayandallnight
attack n.vi.vt. 攻击;抨击
be attackedwith...患……病
be attackedby…被……攻击/袭击
effective adj. 有效的;生效的
recover vt. 恢复;康复;找回;寻回
remove vt. 去除;移开;脱去
intend vi.vt. 打算;计划;想要
intention n. 打算
threat n. 威胁
threaten vt. 威胁;危及
exist vi. 存在;生存
Thereexists...某地有…… ;存在 ……
●existencen ,存在;生存
comeintoexistence 产生;成立;开始存在 ●existingadj. (仅用于名词前) 目前的, 现存的
【点拨】 exist,come into existence 无被动语 态,不用于进行时态。
harmony n.和谐;融洽
in harmony with…与……和谐; 与……协调一 致
out of harmony with...与……不和谐
harmonious 和谐的
goods n. 商品;货物
creature n. 生物;动物
deer n. 鹿
kangaroo n. 袋鼠
reduce vt. 减少
due adj. 由于;因为
due to 由于;因为
【联想】 “ 因为;由于……”荟萃 ∶
to④thanksto⑤asa result of ⑥asa
consequence of ⑦inconsequenceof
insect n. 昆虫
net n. 网(=the Internet);adj. 净得的;纯的 neighbourhood n. 临近的地方;街区 binoculars n. 双筒望远镜
bird field guide 鸟类图鉴
search for 捜索;查找
● in one's search for 寻找
in search of 寻找;搜寻;寻求
● search sth/sb 搜查某物/对某人搜身
search...for…. 为找到……而搜查……
dolphin n. 海豚
Yangtze River dolphin 白鳍豚
koala n. 树袋熊;考拉
stir vt. 激发;搅动
stir up 激起
emotion n. 感情;情感;情绪
skin n. 皮;皮肤
unusual adj. 特别的;不寻常的
usual adj. 通常的
Tibetan adj 西藏的; 藏语的; 藏族(人)的 n.西
藏人; 藏族人; 藏语
Tibet n.西藏
Ⅰ. 核心单词
1. ____________ adv. 立刻
2. ____________ vt. 使惊恐; 使害怕; 使担心
n. 恐慌; 警报; 警报器
3. ____________ adj. 知道; 发觉; 有…… 意识的
4. ____________ n. 措施; 方法 vt. 测量; 度量; 估量
5. ____________ n. (动植物) 保护区; 储藏(量)
vt. 预订; 预留; 保留
6. ____________ vt. & vi. 射杀; 射伤; 发射
7. ____________ vi. 恢复; 康复 vt. 找回; 寻回
8. ____________ vt. 去除; 移开; 脱去
9. ____________ vt. 减少
10. ____________ n. 情感; 情绪; 感情
1 .illegal adj. 不合法的; 非法的→ adv. 不合法地; 非法地→ adj.合法的
2 .alarming adj.惊人的;使人惊恐的→ vt.使惊恐;使害怕; 使担 心 n .恐慌;警报;警报器→ adj.害怕的
3 .extinct adj. 已灭绝的→ n .灭绝
4 . aware adj. 知 道 ; 发 觉 ; 有 …… 意 识 的 → n . 意 识 → adj.未发觉的;不知道的
5 . endanger vt. 使 遭 受 危 险 ; 危 害 → adj. 濒 危 的 → n .危险→
6 .concern vt. 涉及 ;让 …… 担忧 → adj. 担心 的 ;关切 的 → prep.关于
7 .adapt vi. 适应 vt. 使适应; 使适合→ n .适应; 改编本→ adj.适应性强的
8 .beauty n .美;美人;美好的东西→ adj.美丽的;美好的→ vt.美化
9.effective adj.有效的;生效的→ n.效果;影响→ vt. 影响;侵袭
10 .recover vi.恢复;康复 vt.找回;寻回→ n .恢复
11 .intend vi.& vt.打算;计划;想要→ n .意图;打算
12 .threat n .威胁→ vt.威胁;危及
13 .exist vi.存在;生存→ n .存在;生存
14 .unusual adj.特别的;不寻常的→ adj.常见的,寻常的
1 .on earth (放在疑问词之后表示强调)
2 .die out
3 .aware of
4 .on average
5 .concerned about
6 .adapt to
7 .under pressure
8 .make out
9 .remind sb.of sb./sth
10 .watch over
11 .day and night
12 .due to
13 .search for
1. 究竟;到底
2. 灭亡;逐渐消失
3. 意识到;知道
4. 平均
5. 取得进步
6. 对……关切的;为……担忧的
7. 适应
8. 在压力下;承受压力
9. 看清;听清;分清
10. 想起(类似的人或物)
11. 保护;照管;监督
12. 日日夜夜;夜以继日
13. 由于;因为
14. 搜索;查找
1. People should raise ____________ (aware) of vegetable quality and safety.
2. He is outgoing and has adapted himself to ____________(live) in the new place.
3. (2021 · 浙江高考)Today, in Australia, most children ____________ average fall 2, 000 steps short of the physical activity they need to avoid being overweight.
4. It goes without saying that we should take ____________ (measure) to stop noise pollution.
5. The policeman is questioning the men ____________(concern) with this car accident.
6. I have no ____________(intend) of going to the wedding.
7. I left a ____________ (remind) for myself on the table.
8. He has gone to a big city ____________ search of a better job.
9. China tightened its water control to prevent Chinese fishing boat from ____________(attack).
10. My father has made a full ____________ (recover) from the operation.
11. It is reported that the new rules will become ____________(effect) in the next few days.
12. Masses of endangered species are being hunted ____________(legal), which has caught the government’s attention.
be aware of, adapt to, make progress in, on average, due to, remind of, watch over, intend to, make out, in harmony with
1. Supposed that you ____________ watch a football match but the tickets are expensive and it will take you a couple of hours to get to and from the stadium.
2. It does point out that many parents still limit electronic reading, mainly ____________ concerns about increased screen time.
3. On the plain in front of us, we can just ____________ a herd of graceful animals.
4. With better education, people will be able to build a better society ____________ nature.
5. About 400 people a year die of this disease ____________.
6. The medical community continues to ____________ the fight against cancer.
7. It took him a while ____________ living in his new surroundings.
8. Michael put up a picture of a star beside the bed to keep himself ____________ his own dream.
9. He is very ill, and needs someone to ____________ him all the time.
10. Smokers ____________ the danger of smoking to their own health. III.句式改写
1. He was hardworking; that’s why he succeeded.
仿写: 那就是我在英语方面取得了很大的进步的原因。
2. Only when he took off his glasses did I recognize him.
仿写: 昨天他父亲才把真相告诉他。
3. It was reported that we won the game.
仿写: 据报道, 许多房子现在正在灾区建造。
4. It was she who helped me.
仿写: 是努力和好运使他获得了成功。 (bring about; 强调句)
Ⅰ . 1. immediately
2. alarm
3. aware
4. measure
5. reserve
6. shoot
7. recover
8. remove
9. reduce
adv. 立刻
vt. 使惊恐; 使害怕; 使担心
n. 恐慌; 警报; 警报器
adj. 知道; 发觉; 有…… 意识的
n. 措施; 方法 vt. 测量; 度量; 估量
n. (动植物) 保护区; 储藏(量) vt. 预订; 预留; 保留
vt. & vi. 射杀; 射伤; 发射
vi. 恢复; 康复 vt. 找回; 寻回
vt. 去除; 移开; 脱去
vt. 减少
10. emotion n. 情感; 情绪; 感情
1 .illegal adj.不合法的;非法的→ illegally adv.不合法地;非法地→ legal adj.合法的
2 .alarming adj.惊人的;使人惊恐的→alarm vt.使惊恐;使害怕;使担心 n .恐慌;警报;警报器→alarmed adj.害怕的
3 .extinct adj. 已灭绝的→extinction n .灭绝
4 .aware adj.知道;发觉;有…… 意识的→awareness n .意识 → unaware adj.未发觉的;不知道的
5 .endanger vt.使遭受危险;危害→endangered adj.濒危的→danger n .危险 →dangerous adj.危险的
6 .concern vt.涉及;让……担忧→concerned adj.担心的;关切的→concerning prep.关于
7 .adapt vi.适应 vt.使适应;使适合→adaptation n .适应;改编本 →adaptable adj.适应性强的
8 .beauty n .美;美人;美好的东西 → beautiful adj.美丽的;美好的→ beautify vt.美化
9 .effective adj.有效的;生效的→effect n .效果;影响 →affect vt.影响;侵袭
10 .recover vi.恢复;康复 vt.找回;寻回→ recovery n .恢复
11 .intend vi.& vt.打算;计划;想要→ intention n .意图;打算
12 .threat n .威胁 →threaten vt.威胁;危及
13 .exist vi.存在;生存→existence n .存在;生存
14 .unusual adj.特别的;不寻常的→ usual adj.常见的,寻常的 英译汉
1 .on earth (放在疑问词之后表示强调)究竟;到底
2 .die out 灭亡;逐渐消失
3 .aware of 意识到;知道
4 .on average 平均
5 .concerned about 对……关切的;为……担忧的
6 .adapt to 适应
7 .under pressure 在压力下;承受压力
8 .make out 看清;听清;分清
9 .remind sb.of sb./sth.使某人想起(类似的人或物)
10 .watch over 保护;照管;监督
11 .day and night 日日夜夜;夜以继日
12 .due to 由于;因为
13 .search for 搜索;查找 汉译英
1.on earth 2.die out 3.be aware of 4.on average 5.make progress 6.be
concerned about 7.adapt to 8.under pressure 9.make_out 10.remind sb.
of_sb./sth. 11.watch over 12.day and night 13.due to
14.search for
I.1. People should raise awareness (aware) of vegetable quality and safety.
2. He is outgoing and has adapted himself to living(live) in the new place.
3. (2021 · 浙江高考)Today, in Australia, most children on average fall 2, 000 steps short of the physical activity they need to avoid being overweight.
4. It goes without saying that we should take measures (measure) to stop noise pollution.
5. The policeman is questioning the men concerning(concern) with this car accident.
6. I have no intention(intend) of going to the wedding.
7. I left a reminder (remind) for myself on the table.
8. He has gone to a big city in search of a better job.
9. China tightened its water control to prevent Chinese fishing boat from being attacked(attack).
10. My father has made a full recovery (recover) from the operation.
11. It is reported that the new rules will become effective(effect) in the next few days.
12. Masses of endangered species are being hunted illegally(legal), which has caught the government’s attention. II.1. Supposed that you intend to watch a football match but the tickets are expensive and it will take you a couple of hours to get to and from the stadium.
2. It does point out that many parents still limit electronic reading, mainly due to concerns about increased screen time.
3. On the plain in front of us, we can just make out a herd of graceful animals.
4. With better education, people will be able to build a better society in harmony with nature.
5. About 400 people a year die of this disease on average.
6. The medical community continues to make progress in the fight against cancer.
7. It took him a while to adapt to living in his new surroundings.
8. Michael put up a picture of a star beside the bed to keep himself reminded of his own dream.
9. He is very ill, and needs someone to watch over him all the time.
10. Smokers are aware of the danger of smoking to their own health. III.1. That’s why I made great progress in English.
2.Only yesterday did his father tell him the truth.
3. It is reported that a great number of houses are being built at present in the disaster area.
4. It was hard work and good luck that brought about his success.