4A Module 4 The natural world
Unit1 On the farm
单元教学内容 《基本要求》相关内容与要求 学
语音 sc, sk 1.1.3 常见字母组合的读音规则——知晓常见字母组合的读音规则。 A
词汇 hay, grass, corn, meat farm, rubbish, visit, bin 2.1 核心词汇---背记、理解和运用核心词汇。 C
词法 verb “to be”: These are... verb“to have”: He has... 3.5.1 动词种类---知晓动词种类的属性和功能 A
句法 imperatives: Don’t ... Let’s... Wh-question: What do they eat 4.2.1 运用祈使句对他人提出建议。 特殊疑问句——用特殊疑问句提问, 并作出回答 C
语篇 Look and say(核心板块) Say and act(次核心板块) Read and match(非核心板块) Listen and enjoy(非核心板块) 5.1.1记叙文基本信息---简单讲述对话、故事等记叙文中的时间、地点、人物、事件等基本信息。 B
本单元的主题是On the farm,主要介绍农场动物和农场规则。其中有关农场动物的内容在1AM4U1On the farm,1BM1U2 Listen and hear,2A M4U2 In the forest和2B M4U2 On the farm,3A M4U2 On the farm中都学习过。通过一至三年级学习,学生已经能熟练说出农场动物的名称,描述农场动物的外形,模仿农场动物的叫声。本单元中有关农场动物的词汇在2AFarm animals和3B Module 4 (Unit 1) Animals中都学习过,牛津教材是螺旋上升的编写方式,语言的复现率很高。虽然三年级时对这些词汇做过音、形、义的要求,但是四年级的学习应该有更高层次的要求。复习和巩固这些词汇的读音和语义,更要掌握其拼写形式。同时,提供学生学习一些动物食物的词汇,能掌握其不可数名词的特性。
在三年级中,学生已会用What do you like?询问对事物的喜好,本单元中,通过学习新的句型What do they eat 询问人或动物吃的食物,并能用They eat… 作答或描述。
在二年级和三年级的学习中,同学们理解了:Don’t pick the flowers. Don’t close the door.的祈使句。在四年级本单元学习中进一步掌握Don’t 引导的表示否定意思的祈使句
除了核心词汇之外,本单元的新词难度较大,包括throw stones, walk on the grass, feed…with…这些词作虽然不是核心词汇,但需要学生在理解的基础上操练运用,并进行交流。
运用祈使句对他人提出建议是本单元的重点。学生可以运用书本上的句子做简单操练,比如Don’t litter. Don’t pick the flowers…在这样的结构基础上,教师可适当拓展符合固定场景的一些规则和标志,丰富学生语用体验。
1. 能知晓辅音字母组合sc-, sk-的发音。
2. 能在文本的学习和正确的语境中正确朗读听懂掌握核心词汇:hay,grass,meat,corn和它们的复数形式。
3.能在文本语境中正确运用词法verb “to be”: These are...和verb“to have”: He has...
4. 能在文本语境中正确运用核心句型What do they eat They eat …对人或动物的所吃的食物进行问答或描述。
5. 能在文本语境中正确运用核心句型Don’t…要求别人不做某事;会用Let’s …来表达建议。
6. 能在文本语境中正确运用核心句型These are…来介绍农场里的动物。
7. 能在文本语境中正确运用核心句型He has …来表示他有的句式。
8. 能运用所学的核心词汇和核心句型完成农场小导游的任务。
Period 1 Animals on the farm
Period 2 Rules on the farm
Period 3 A little farm guide
单元主题 On the farm
课时话题 核心语言 知识与技能 语用任务
Period 1 Animals on the farm 词汇: hay grass meat corn feed 句型: These are… What do they eat 1. 能在文本的习和正确的语境中正确朗读听懂掌握核心词汇:hay,grass,meat,corn和它们的复数形式。 2. 能在文本语境中正确运用词法verb “to be”: These are... 3. 能在文本语境中正确运用核心句型What do they eat They eat …对人或动物的所吃的食物进行问答或描述。 4. 能在文本语境中正确运用核心句型These are…来介绍农场里的动物。 能写出农场动物外形,叫声,食物和会做的事,帮助Mr MacDonald制作农场动物信息卡。
Period 2 Rules on the farm 词汇: farm, rubbish, visit, bin 句型: Don’t pick flowers. Don’t litter. Don’t walk on the grass. Don’t throw stones. Don’t … . 1、能在文本语境中正确运用词法verb“to have”: He has... 2. 能在文本语境中正确运用核心句型Don’t…要求别人不做某事;会用Let’s …来表达建议。 3. 能在文本语境中正确运用核心句型He has …来表示他有的句式。 4. 能初步感知字母组合sc-, sk-在单词中的发音, 能帮助Mr MacDonald制作农场标志并提出相应的建议。
Period 3 A little farm guide 词汇: hay grass meat corn feed farm, rubbish, visit, bin 句型: These are… What do they eat Don’t pick flowers. Don’t litter. Don’t walk on the grass. Don’t throw stones. Don’t … . 能在合适的语境中,熟练运用核心词汇和核心句型介绍农场动物和农场规则。 能知晓字母组合sc-, sk-, 的发音规则,并能正确朗读含有该字母组合的儿歌。 做一名合格的农场小导游,向农场游客介绍农场上的动物并提醒他们遵守农场规则。
Theme: On the farm
Topics: Period 1 Animals on the farm(Look and Learn + Say and act)
Period 2 Rules on the farm (Learn the sound+ Look and Learn+ Look and say)
Period 3 A little farm guide (Listen and enjoy+ Play a game+ Read and match)
Period 1 Animals on the farm
2、能在文本语境中正确运用核心句型These are…来介绍农场里的动物。
3. 能在文本语境中正确运用核心句型What do they eat They eat …对人或动物的所吃的食物进行问答或描述。
4. 能从外形,叫声,食物,会做的事这几方面来描述Mr MacDonald农场上的动物。
5. 能写出农场动物的外形,叫声,食物和会做的事,帮助Mr MacDonald制作农场动物信息卡。
能从外形,叫声,食物,会做的事等方面来描述Mr MacDonald农场里的动物。
能写出农场动物外形,叫声,食物和会做的事,帮助Mr MacDonald制作农场动物信息卡。
Procedures Contents Methods Purpose
Pre-task Song: How much is the doggie in the window Free talk. Sing the song together. In the song, what does the girl want Do you have a dog in your home Tell me something about your dog. 歌曲和问答营造和谐的课堂气氛,并引入本课时的话题:农场动物。
While-task Task 1 Learn the passage about the dog. Task 2 Learn the dialogue about horses. Task 3 Learn the dialogue about hens and ducks. Task 4 Learn the dialogue about sheep and cows. 1. Listen to the passage about the dog. 2. Ask and answer How is the dog How does it go What does it eat Read: meat bone Learn: feed ... with … Watch the flash and learn: guard the farm Imitate Mr MacDonald and introduce the dog. 1. Listen to the passage about animals on Mr MacDonald’s farm . 2. Ask and answer How are horses How do they go What do they do What do they eat Read: hay Complete the dialogue that Mr MacDonald introduces horses and act out the dialogue. 1. Ask and answer How are hens and ducks How do hens go How do ducks go What do they eat Read: corn Read: Lay eggs Make a chant. Children want to remember Mr MacDonald’s words and make a plete the chant and read it with partners. 1. Ask and answer How are cows and sheep How do cows go How do sheep go What do they eat Read: grass Read: give milk, have wool Brain storm. Children want to remember Mr MacDonald’s words and playing a miming game. Mime sheep and cows with partners. 从Mr MacDonald介绍狗的语段中,获取狗的相关信息,然后学习狗的食物meat 和 bone和会做的事情,从而能够模仿MacDonald介绍他的狗。 从Mr MacDonald向孩子们介绍农场动物的语段中,获取马的相关信息,然后学习马的食物hay,从而能把MacDonald介绍马的对话补充完整并和伙伴一起表演对话。 从Mr MacDonald向孩子们介绍农场动物的语段中,获取鸡鸭的相关信息,然后学习鸡鸭的食物corn,学习鸡鸭会做的事情lay eggs,从而能把孩子们编的儿歌补充完整并和伙伴一起表演儿歌。 从Mr MacDonald向孩子们介绍农场动物的语段中,获取牛羊的相关信息,然后学习牛羊的食物grass,学习牛羊会做的事情give milk和have wool,从而能模仿牛羊介绍自己并和伙伴一起表演。
Post-task 1. A dialogue between Mr MacDonald and children. 2. Information cards about farm animals. . 1. Listen to the dialogue between Mr MacDonald and children 2. Ask and answer. 3. Elicit the task: Make information cards about farm animals. 1. Learn how to make a information card. 2. Choose one kind of animal and make an information card about it. 从Mr MacDonald和孩子们的对话中了解到有游客乱喂食物导致小动物不舒服,引出本课时的语言任务:帮助Mr MacDonald制作动物信息卡,能让游客更了解动物,同时起到提醒警示作用。
Assignment Read, copy and recite the new words. Read the text. Make four information cards about farm animals on work sheet.
On the board 4A M4U1 On the farm Period 1 Animals on the farm Animals Features Sound Ability Food
1. Hello, children. I’m Mr MacDonald. I have a big farm. This is my dog, Sam.He is big and clever.He helps me guard the farm. He likes meat and bones. Meat for you Sam. (Woof, woof.) Good boy!
2. Some students are now visiting the farm. Mr MacDonald is showing them around.
Mr MacDonald: Hi, children. Welcome to my farm. There are many farm animals here. Let me show you around. Look, these are my horses. They are tall and strong. They run very fast. (Nay, nay.)
Children: What do they eat, Mr MacDonald
Mr MacDonald: They eat hay.
Mr MacDonald: Here are hens and ducks. They are small and lovely.
Children: Do they eat hay
Mr MacDonald: No, they don’t. They all like corn. Look there, those are eggs. Hen and ducks lay eggs.
Children: I like eggs very much.
Mr MacDonald: These are my cows and sheep. Cow are black and white.
Children: Do they give milk
Mr MacDonald: Yes, they do. They eat grass and give milk. Sheep eat grass too. They are white and fat.
Children: Sheep have wool, am I right, Mr MacDonald
Mr MacDonald: Yes, you are right. Wool makes us warm.
3. Children: What’s wrong with that sheep, Mr MacDonald
Mr MacDonald: A boy feeds it some chocolate. It isn’t feeling well now. Sheep eat grass. We can’t feed it with other things.
Children: Don’t worry, Mr MacDonald. We can make some information cards about these farm
animals. Put the cards in front of their homes.
Mr MacDonald: That’s a good idea. Let’s do it now.