人教版(2019)必修第一册Welcome unit课时练习(2份打包,含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第一册Welcome unit课时练习(2份打包,含答案)
格式 zip
文件大小 53.2KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-09-04 18:26:27


Welcome unit语言知识应用篇
I. 选用方框内合适的内容并用其正确形式补全下面短文(每项限用一次)。
impress, formal, concentrate on, company, goal, anxious, depend on, make a good impression
First impressions have an important influence on the future of a relationship. Here are some simple tips to 1. ________ on others.
Prepare questions and talking points. Before you go into your first meeting with someone, think about what you want to learn from them and what they want to learn about you. For a job interview, research the 2. ________ ahead of time. If your questions are about specific aspects (具体方面) of the business, it will show you are a serious person.
Set a(n) 3. ________. It can also help to calm you down in situations where you may be 4. ________.
Look your best. How you look really matters when meeting people. Dress to either stand out or blend in. Your answer to this question will 5. ________ what your goals are and your own comfort level. How you look isn’t just your clothes. It’s also your car or house. Give them a good cleaning if there’s a chance the person you want to 6. ________ will see them.
Greet people properly. If you’re unsure about how you should greet someone in a(n) 7. ________ way. It’s better to appear polite.
Communicate with body language. Whether you’re aware of it or not, your body language says things about you to others.
Practice active listening. 8. ________ what people are saying, allowing them to feel like their thoughts are heard and understood.
II. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
I walked nervously into the place that would be my second home for the next four 1. ________ (year). I started the most 2. ________ (excite) part of my life that day: high school.
My schedule was in my hands as I was looking back and forth to see where my Spanish class was. I 3. ________ (final) made it to Spanish class after about 10 minutes. After settling down (平静下来), the Spanish teacher told us how her class would be run. I wasn’t too nervous in this class because I did very well 4. ________ Spanish in middle school.
But I again started to get nervous when her class appeared 5. ________ (be) hard because we were going to learn 6. ________ lot of new vocabulary that I hadn’t learned in middle school. She 7. ________ (teach) differently from my middle school Spanish teacher, and I hoped that I could fit in with her teaching style. I said to 8. ________ (I), “It’s fine. You’re smart enough to do this.”
I left school 9. ________ (feel) good that day, believing that high school was not as hard 10. ________ it seemed.
I. 1. make a good impression 2. company 3. goal 4. anxious
5. depend on 6. impress 7. formal 8. Concentrate on
II. 1. years 2. exciting 3. finally 4. in 5. to be
6. a 7. taught 8. myself 9. feeling 10. asWelcome unit语言知识学习篇
I. 请将下面各句中的画线单词和它们的英文释义进行匹配。
Sentences Definitions
1. She’s a very popular writer but I just don’t like her style. 2. Some tests enable you to find out the sex of your baby before it’s born. 3. We have rooms for 2,000 students on campus. 4. “Yours sincerely” is a formal way of ending a letter. 5. The countries hope to develop a common strategy to provide aid. 6. Even though they have different personalities, they became the best of friends. 7. He looks like the kind of guy you can depend on. 8. His goal was to become a partner in his father’s law firm. a. be used in official or serious situations b. a plan or method for achieving something c. the state of being either male or female d. a man e. manner of writing f. someone’s character g. the buildings of a school or university and the land around them h. one of the owners of a company
1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________
5. ________ 6. ________ 7. ________ 8. ________
II. 选用方框内合适的单词填空(每个单词限用一次)。
annoyed, awkward, anxious, frightened, curious, confident, outgoing
1. We had a(n) ________ couple of weeks waiting for the test results.
2. Her father is strict with her and she is always ________ of him.
3. Babies are ________ about everything around them.
4. My parents were rather ________ that I hadn’t told them the truth about the accident.
5. I am ________ that everything will come out right in time.
6. There was a(n) ________ moment when she didn’t know whether to shake his hand or kiss his face.
7. We’re looking for someone with a(n) ________ personality, because he needs to meet customers.
III. 用括号内单词的正确形式填空。
1. Student ________ (register) starts the first week in September.
2. At the International School they have pupils of 46 different ________ (nation).
3. They brought in a(n) ________ (design) to suggest color in the furniture for the house.
4. She was ________ (annoy) to discover that her husband had taken her car keys.
5. He’s got the ________ (confident) to walk into a room of strangers and immediately start a conversation.
6. He didn’t want to take part in the ________ (organize) of the conference, although he was willing to attend and speak.
7. I didn’t get much of a(n) ________ (impress) of the place because it was dark when we drove through it.
8. He has a very outgoing ________ (person) and makes friends very easily.
9. There are more ________ (male) than males in that company.
IV. 从方框中选出与画线部分内容相近的选项(每项限用一次)。
A. stop touching B. Finally C. fixing their attention on D. What should you do if
1. At last, I’d like to thank everyone for coming this evening. ________
2. I don’t like to have you go boating in such weather. What if a storm comes up ________
3. Please be quiet. The children are concentrating on their homework. ________
4. You leave that cup alone. That’s very expensive. ________
V. 根据括号内的汉语提示补全下面句子(每空一词)。
1. Scientists ________ ________ ________ (在做试验) to test the new drug now.
2. He has told me his plans and he’s ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ (给我留下了好印象).
3. ________ ________ ________ ________ (探索这个城镇之后) we will have a good rest.
4. Jim ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ (有一个做笔记的好习惯) while reading, so he is skillful at writing.
5. Students will have to ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ (注册新课程) by the end of April.
6. When you ________ ________ ________ ________ (为考试复习), you need read things again and make notes.
7. Jim has been working hard and ________ ________ ________ (期待) spending his vacation lying on the beach doing nothing.
VI. 选用方框内合适的内容完成下面对话A(Formal)和对话B(Informal)(每项限用一次)。
① How do you do ② I’d like to introduce you to someone. ③ Nice seeing you, though! ④ This is Peter Thompsen. ⑤ what’s up ⑥ I’m feeling fine. ⑦ How is she
Tom: Peter, 1. _____________
Peter: OK.
Tom: 2. _____________
Peter: How do you do Will you be working here
Mr. Smith: Yes, I’ll be in the Sales Department. 3. _____________
Anna: Tom, 1. _____________
Tom: Hi, Anna. Nothing much. I’m just hanging out. What about you
Anna: 2. _____________ It’s a lovely day.
Tom: And what about your sister 3. _____________
Anna: Oh, fine. Not much has changed really.
Tom: Well, I’m in a hurry I’m afraid. I have to go. 4. _____________
Anna: Oh, okay! Perhaps we can meet later. Let’s organize something.
Tom: Sounds good! Later!
VII. 写出画线部分的句子结构。
This summer, 1. I challenged myself. I worked on a project to spread kindness. With the help of two kindness organizations, 2. I spent my summer creating 300 goody bags. 3. There were candies, a pencil, and a kindness card in each bag. 4. I didn’t make my name known and 5. I secretly gave every teacher and student a bag. When they saw the card, 6. they smiled. The smiles made that day full of sunshine. The project was worth it.
1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________
4. ________ 5. ________ 6. ________
VIII. 英汉互译。
1. 年长的学生被期望给年幼的学生树立榜样。 (senior, junior)
2. 当我们看到灯塔在远处闪烁,我从她的眼睛里也捕捉到了希望之光。 (flash)
3. 因为在詹姆士教授的讲座期间玩游戏,杰克受到了班主任的训斥。 (lecture)
4. When we were visiting that famous company, we were in the company of the manager.
5. This guy has set a series of goals at the beginning of the training. One of them is to get the ball into the goal.
6. They have been chosen to be the exchange students to go on an educational exchange to England. Before their leaving, they need to exchange RMB for pounds.
I. 1. e 2. c 3. g
4. a 5. b 6. f
7. d 8. h
II. 1. anxious 2. frightened 3. curious
4. annoyed 5. confident 6. awkward 7. outgoing
III. 1. registration 2. nationalities 3. designer 4. annoyed
5. confidence 6. organization 7. impression 8. personality
9. females
IV. 1. B 2. D 3. C 4. A
V. 1. are doing experiments
2. made a good impression on me
3. After exploring the town
4. has a good habit of taking notes
5. register for the new course
6. revise for an examination
7. looks / looking forward to
VI. A. 1. ② 2. ④ 3. ①
B. 1. ⑤ 2. ⑥ 3. ⑦ 4. ③
VII. 1. SVO 2. SVOC 3. There be ...
4. SVOC 5. S V IO DO 6. SV
1. Senior students are expected to set an example for the junior ones.
2. When we saw a lighthouse was flashing in the distance, I caught a flash of hope in her eyes as well.
3. Jack was lectured by his head teacher for he played games during Professor James’ lecture.
4. 我们参观那家著名的公司时是由经理陪同的。
5. 这个小伙在训练之初就已经设定了一系列目标。其中之一就是把球踢进球门。
6. 他们已被选为交换生去英国进行教育交流。离开前,他们需要将人民币兑换为英镑。