Unit 2 good manners


名称 Unit 2 good manners
格式 zip
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 深港版
科目 英语
更新时间 2014-12-20 09:43:20



课件41张PPT。Unit 2Good mannersFunctionsLanguage FocusTopic VocabularyLetters and sound Tasks教学内容: Part A
教学要求: Teach students the new words in Part A
Let students practice key expressions and sentences.
教学重点: New words and phrases. Please don’t throw rubbish on the
floor! Look at Mary. She’s throwing rubbish in the bin. Well
done, Mary.
教学难点:To make students master the new words and sentences .
教学关键: Part A : learn and practice.
教学教具: textbook word cards pictures powerpoint
教学课时: the first period ( of eight periods)
Sing a song
New lesson: Teach Part A
1. Prepare photos of signs in English in school or in some public places .
Show these signs to the pupils:
Don’t run in the corridor.
Be polite.
Please be quiet in the library.
Please throw rubbish in the bin.
1.????? 2.Mime the actions of run
and walk one by one.
Ask the pupils what I
am doing and where we
can run in school. Can we
run in the corridor?
Underline the word
corridor in the sign
on the board.
????3. Ask the pupils what
can we do in the library?
Mime quiet and noisy .
Ask the pupils Are we quiet
or noisy in the library?
1.???4.? Gesture to someone to give me a book .
Say Thank you .Say I am polite .
Then snatch a book from someone else’s desk.
Say I am rude .Ask Is it good to be rude /polite?
? Teach the phrases for these actions.
Watch the pictures of the PowerPoint.
Point to a phrase and ask the pupils to
do the action and say the phrase
at the same time.
Explain that Don’t throw rubbish
on the floor .Throw rubbish in the bin ….Well done . 1.???5.?Watch the PowerPoint on the screen.
Using the new phrases to make short dialogues.
???? 6.Play the recorder.
Ask the pupils to follow the tape.
Explain Part A. Explain a teacher
is watching the children in school .
Ask the pupils to repeat the conversation
after me.
????7.Look at the exercises on the screen.
Try to finish the 6 exercises. Try to make short conversations with the new phrases in pairs. Ask some of them to come to the front and show their dialoguespoliterudenoisycorridorrubbishBe polite.Be rude.
1.Listen and recite Part A.
2.Copy the new words and phrases.
3.Preview Part B1.walk in the corridors run in the corridorsWhat are they doing?They are walking ….They are running in….throw rubbish
on the floorthrow rubbish
in the binWhat are they doing?He is throwing ……..She is throwing …be rudebe politeHow are they ?He is rude.She is polite.be noisybe quietHow are they ?She is noisy.He is quite.walk in the corridors ,please.Don’t run in the corridors,( )
( )School rulesYou should …..You shouldn’t ….Don’t throw rubbish on the floor,throw rubbish in the bin ,please.School rulesYou shouldn’t ….You should Don’t be rude,be polite,please.School rulesYou should You shouldn’t ….Don’t be noisy,be quiet,please.School rulesYou shouldn’t ….You should Part APractice2:
School rules
用Be /Do not/ Do not be 填空:
1.___throw rubbish on the ground.
2.___________run in the corridors.
3._____________walk on the grass.
4._________noisy in the classroom.
5.___________quiet in the library.
6.____________polite and helpful
用Be /Do not/ Do not be 填空:
1. Do not throw rubbish on the ground.
2. Do not run in the corridors.
3. Do not walk on the grass.
4. Do not be noisy in the classroom.
5. Be quiet in the library.
6. Be polite and helpful.
Make similar dialogues according to the following pictures.
1.Listen and recite Part A.
2.Copy the new words and phrases.
3.Preview Part B1.教学后记:A部分主要是掌握一些关于学校纪律方面的词组,虽然有10个,但同学们对于这部分的内容较感兴趣,所以学得不错。