单 元 整 体 教 学 设 计
学科 英语 年级 九年级上学期
使用教材 沪教牛津(深圳·广州·沈阳)版
单元名称 Unit3 Family life
单元主题分析: 本单元的主题是“家庭生活”,对应课标中的“人与社会”这一主题语境以及“社会服务与人际沟通”这一主题群。 单元内容分析: 本单元的主题是人与社会,涉及的话题是“不同学生的家庭生活方式”,通过多模态形式的语篇,如表格、图片、对话、描写Emily和Jerry的家庭成员、私人物品、家务劳动、家庭活动、家规、家庭关系以及Alisha写给Bod的信件等预测主要阅读文本的内容,呈现了不同学生的不同家庭生活细节。 整个单元分为Getting ready,Reading,Listening, Grammar, Speaking, Writing, More practice,Study skills及 Culture corner九个部分。每部分的内容都有兼顾学生“听、说、读、看、写”等技能的内容编排,关注语言的理解性技能和表达性技能的协调发展。教材的语言材料涉及的具体语言知识有:(1)介绍不同学生在城市里的家庭生活;(2) 如何提供、接受和拒绝帮助;(3)描述做多少家务;(4)如何与家长沟通 ;(5)如何制定规则。通过单元话题的学习,了解不同学生的生活方式,理性处理生活中遇到的问题。根据不同的阅读目的,运用阅读策略获取信息。鼓励学生开展小组活动,增强合作意识;引导学生在学习过程中利用可视化思维工具分类整合信息,提高学习效率。 以下是单元语篇内容分析图和基于单元主题和语篇内容分析形成的单元结构图: 表一:Family life单元教学内容 Family life单元教学内容语篇语篇类型语篇内容语篇主题一 Family life in cities 说明文(读、写)Emily和Jerry的家庭成员、私人物品、家务劳动、家庭活动、家庭规则、家庭关系方面的信息。学习在城市里不同人的家庭生活及个人信息的表达二 Alisha’s email 说明文(读、写)介绍埃及女孩Alisha的个人信息和家庭信息学习介绍自己的个人和家庭信息三 Family members 对话(听)介绍家庭成员信息学习如何表达介绍家庭成员信息四 Ask and answer 问答(说)学会向别人提问是否做不同类型的家务劳动学习询问是否做家务劳动并总结的表达五 My family life 说明文(读、写)介绍自己的家庭生活学会表达个人的家庭生活内容六 How to communicate with your parents 说明文(读)学习如何与家长沟通并给出建议学习与父母沟通的方法
表二:Family life单元大观念: 核心素养的综合表现: 学完本单元后,学生能够掌握家庭生活方式、提供接受或拒绝帮助和解决问题建议的表达,以听说读写看等方式来描述自己或他人的家庭生活方式,以及写出理性解决问题建议的说明文。此外,根据不同的阅读目的,运用阅读策略获取信息。
(一)自然情况 本课授课对象为九年级学生,大部分学生英语基础较好,小部分学生对英语学习存在畏惧感。因此,在课堂教学中,事实性问题主要留给这部分学生回答。增加其对英语学习的成就感,而分析性问题则以同伴或小组活动的形式由学生共同完成锻炼团队合作能力。 (二)已有基础 (1)学生对“生活方式”的话题比较熟悉,对自己生活的方式也有一些粗略的感知。 (2)学生已经基本掌握了课内词汇并能理解系动词的基本用法和祈使句的基本句型。约有70%的学生可以准去表达Do型祈使句的肯定与否定形式。 (三)存在问题
(1)学生对表达家庭生活和如何理性解决问题的方式比较陌生,对本课时的学习稍有影响! (2)学生程度参差不齐,接受能力有快有慢,不利于新知识的推进! (3)在语言知识方面,小部分学生对运用连系动词来表达自己的观点,以及重点句型I suppose...和Sb. have/has trouble (in) doing sth.的掌握不到位,尤其是在对话中的使用不太熟练。 (4)在语言技能方面,学生缺乏良好的记笔记习惯,学习较为被动。 (四)解决措施 (1)加强课前普及,督促学生做好课前准备,进一步熟悉家庭生活和解决问题的概念 (2)注重课下培优补差,不断缩小学生之间的差异。 (3)注重课堂练习,尤其是对话练习,小组合作练习! (4)多提醒学生及时整理笔记,多谅解记笔记的好处,随着时间的推移,学生便会养成自觉的记笔记的好习惯!
1.学习运用目标短语和句式help with, expect to do sth.,have (no) interest in来介绍不同学生在不同城市的家庭生活方式。 2.能够用目标语言和比较策略总结和表达Emily和Jerry在家庭生活中的差异。同时,能够表达自己的家庭生活,增强对不同家庭生活的认识和了解。 3.能够用目标语言学习和掌握连系动词的结构、种类和用法,并能够进行语言输出表达自己的观点和看法。 4.通过对话,归纳总结出提供、接受和拒绝帮助的表达方式;能够通过采访家务劳动实际情况,并口头报告记录结果来。 5.能够掌握提出问题和解决问题的目标语言和句式表达;能够通过对不同场景规章制度的讲解,培养学生了解如何获取关键信息的能力;能够通过对世界上最长的族谱的介绍,激发对家庭历史和族谱的兴趣和求知欲。
语篇 课型 第*课时 课时对应的单元教学目标
Reading I 阅读课 第一课时 运用目标文章介绍Emily和Jerry的不同的家庭生活。
Reading II& Listening 阅读课 听力课 第二课时 运用目标文章介绍Alisha的家庭生活。此外,通过家庭成员的对话,了解家庭成员之间的关系。
Grammar 语法课 第三课时 运用对话,教会学生如何使用连系动词
Speaking & Writing 对话课 写作课 第四课时 运用对话,教会学生如何提供、接受和拒绝帮助。
More practice & Culture corner 阅读拓展课 第五课时 运用说明文的形式,给出如何与父母沟通的建议。
1.交流式评价(灵活)通过课堂上提问和回答、对话、口头测验等方式评价。 2.选择式评价(效率高)通过选择题、正误判断题、匹配题、填空题等评价。 3.论述式评价(展现思维)通过论述题、解答题等评价,涉及理解、分析、应用等概念性的知识。 4.表现性评价(成本高)评价学生技能、能力的表现,表现分作品、行为、过程。作品:如考察报告、研究报告、论文、诗歌、思维导图、概念图等。行为:如使用显微镜、角色扮演、演讲、演奏乐器等。 加强表现性评价的应用,是我国中高考命题改革的基本方向,也是当前素养导向评价改革的着力点。
这份作业是在学生学完了Unit 3布置完成的。学生在本单元学习了如何表达家庭生活方式、如何理性解决问题建议的句型,以及系动词的用法、Do型祈使句的肯定句和否定句形式。在教学过程中,针对此话题对学生进行了听、说、读、看、写五个方面的技能训练,因此这份作业的主要目标是对本单元进行综合复习。通过三个任务,达成复习目标。
作业内容 作业目标 设计意图
基础巩固:单词接龙。第二个单词的首字母必须是第一个单词的最后一个字母,以Unit3单词为主,看谁接的单词最多。第一个单词为abroad。每一轮,可以换第一个词。 复习巩固Unit3的单词 改变机械抄写和记忆单词的枯燥乏味,让学生在游戏中学习单词。
能力提升:1. 利用思维导图,将本单元所学的表达家庭生活的句子进行分类整理。2.利用思维导图,写一篇表达如何与父母良好沟通的建议短文。 对Unit3的内容进行话题整合式复习。 锻炼学生整合信息的能力,提升思维品质。
拓展延伸:完成Unit3学习的综合练习 检测学习效果 检测学习效果
Unit 3 Family life
Period 5 MP, Culture corner &
Study skills
牛津深圳版 九年级上
Learning objectives
After learning this lesson, you can:
1.Knowledge objectives: Enable students to acquire the basic usage of some words and phrases.
2.Skill objectives: ① Understand and summarize the main information of the text. ② Use imperative sentences and no+ Gerunds set rules and regulations.
3.Emotional objectives: Be able to get along well with family members and communicate well with parents.
4.Thinking quality objectives: ①Extract and sort out the key information of the text to obtain the main idea of this article. ②Set corresponding rules and regulations for different occasions.
Learning objects
Do they get along well with each other
Lead in
Do you get along well with your parents
Have you ever read these pictures in your life
Are they happy in the picture
Lead in
Tim, what do you think of your family life
Not so well , because I don’t know how to communicate with my parents.
I have some useful tips that can help solve this problem.
So, how to communicate with your parents
Lead in
Tip1: Make a list of the things you and your parents disagree about most.
Lead in
Tip2: Talk to your parents when it is convenient for them.
Lead in
Tip3: Listen to what your parents have to say.
Lead in
Tip4: If you do not get a satisfactory result, try not to get too angry.
Talk with your parents and find out their reasons.
Skim the text and divide it into three parts
Before you read
Read the title and the first and last paragraphs of the article. Then answer the questions.
communicate with sb. 与某人沟通交流
have trouble (in) doing sth. 做某事有困难
help (sb.) do sth. 帮助(某人)做某事
help sb. with sth. ; help with sth. 帮着做某事
learn to do sth. 学会去做某事
What is the article probably about
It is about how to communicate with our parents.
2. What will you probably learn about from the article
We will learn about some useful tips on how to communicate with our parents.
3. Why does the writer write the article
Because many young people have trouble communicating with their parents.
4. What do you need to do if you want to communicate better with your parents
We need to do a little hard work.
How to communicate with your parents
First, make a list of the things you and your parents disagree about most.
With each of these things, try to find an answer acceptable to both you and your parents. It is no good for you to require everything to go your way.
You have to be ready to change a little if you want them to change.
It is no + n./not+adj.(for sb.)to do sth. (对某人来说)做某事不是……
be ready to do sth. 准备做某事
Read and find the main idea of this paragraph.
First, make a list of the things you and your parents disagree about most.
make a list of. 给……列清单
both A and B AB两者都
topic sentence
Second, talk to your parents when it is convenient for them. Remember that your parents may have to work long hours and this can make them tired, so be patient with them.
be convenient for sb. (对某人来说)方便
be patient with sb. 对某人有耐心
have to do sth. 不得不做某事
Read and find the main idea of this paragraph.
Second, talk to your parents when it is convenient for them.
topic sentence
Third, listen to what your parents have to say. How can you expect them to listen to you if you are not ready to listen to them In addition, your parents were once young like you, so they understand your situation better than you expect.
better than +句子 比……更好 比较状语从句
in addition 除此之外,单独使用,常置于句首
expect sb. to do sth. 期待某人去做某事
Read and find the main idea of this paragraph.
Third, listen to what your parents have to say.
topic sentence
Finally, if you do not get a satisfactory result, try not to get too angry.
Talk with your parents and find out their reasons. Part of growing up
is learning to live with these kinds of disagreements, and learning to understand another person's way of looking at things.
live with 与……共存
talk with 与……谈话
find out 查明,发现
grow up 成长;成熟
get angry 生气:感到愤怒或不满
Read and find the main idea of this paragraph.
Finally, if you do not get a satisfactory result, try not to get too angry.
agreements 分歧
topic sentence
1. What must you be ready to do if you want your parents to change
2. Why might your parents understand your situation better than you expect
You have to be ready to change a little if you want your parents to change.
Because your parents was once young like you, they understand your situation better than you expect.
A Read the article and then answer the questions below.
Reading task
3. What is part of growing up
Part of growing up is learning to live with disagreements and learning to understand another person’s way of looking at things.
Reading task
B What kinds of problems do you have with your parents
How do you solve them
Discuss these with your classmates.
Post- reading
1. Many young people have trouble communicating with their parents.
【用法】① communicate with 意为“与…沟通/交流”
I often email to communicate with my friends in Britain.我经常给我在英国的朋友发电子邮件进行沟通。
Do you often communicate with your pen friend
Language points
【用法】② have trouble doing … 意为“做……有困难”
have trouble / difficulty (in) doing sth
You may have trouble sleeping at night when you travel. 当你旅行时,也许你在夜晚难以入睡。
This child has trouble / difficulty hearing.
= This child has trouble / difficulty in hearing.
Language points
2. However, there are some very useful tips to help solve this problem.
【用法】help (sb) do sth 意为“帮助(某人)做某事”,
help sb with sth;help with sth 意为“帮着做某事”
He helped (to) do the housework yesterday.
He helped with the housework yesterday.
Language points
3. It is no good for you to require everything to go your way.要求每件事按你的意愿走对你来说没有好处。
【句型】 “It is+no+n. / not+adj. (for sb) to do sth”
意为 “(对某人来说)做某事不是……”。
It is not important for him to take part in this speech.
It is no use to plant trees here.在这里种树是没有用的。
Language points
4. Second, talk to your parents when it is convenient for them.
【用法】be convenient for 意为“对……方便”
When would it be convenient for you to call me 你什么时候方便给我打电话?
Language points
5. Remember that your parents may have to work long hours and this can make them tired, so be patient with them.
【用法】be patient with … 意为“对……有耐心”
A good teacher will always be patient with his or her students.
Language points
6. In addition, your parents were once young like you, so they understand your situation better than you expect.
【用法】in addition 意为“除此之外”,相当于介词besides,
可单独使用,常置于句首;in addition to ... 意为“除……之外”,后面常接名词或动词 ing形式。
Language points
In addition, he travelled to a few cities nearby.
= Besides, he travelled to a few cities nearby.
In addition to music, he likes sports. 除了音乐,他还喜欢运动。
Language points
1. have trouble (in) doing sth.
2. make a list of…
3. be ready to do sth.
4. both A and B
5. have to do sth.
6. be convenient for
7. be patient with sb.
8. in addition
9. get angry
10. find out
11. grow up
12. communicate with sb.
13. live with
Study skills
Discuss and answer the questions below.
Lead in
Do your parents make rules for you at home Give some examples.
Where else do we have rules and regulations
At home, at school, in the library, at the underground station...
Yes, they do. I am not allowed to stay up late at night.
Making rules and regulations
We have rules and regulations everywhere, e.g. at home, at school, in the library and at the underground station.
Study skills
Making rules and regulations
We have rules and regulations everywhere, e.g. at home, at school, in the library and at the underground station.
Top tip
We can express the rules as dos (positive rules)
and don’ts (negative rules).
Study skills
A Jerry’s parents have set some rules for him.
Read what Jerry’s mother says and complete the rules.
Study skills
Listen, Jerry. After school, you mustn't play with your friends for too long. You must come back home by 5 p.m. You're not allowed to watch TV when you're eating dinner. You should help wash the dishes after dinner. You must finish your homework and then go to bed before nine. At the weekend, you may play computer games, but you mustn't play for more than 30 minutes at a time.
you mustn't
You're not allowed to
You must
You should
you may
Come back home by 5 p.m.
Don’t watch TV when you’re eating dinner.
Help wash the dishes after dinner.
Finish your homework and then go to bed before nine.
Don’t play computer games for more than 30 minutes at a time at the weekend.
Study skills
· Come back home by 5 p.m.
· Help wash the dishes after dinner.
· Finish your homework and then go to bed before nine.
Don’ts: 把Don't直接放句首,后接动词原形。(否定句)
· Don’t play with your friends for too long after school.
· Don’t watch TV when you’re eating dinner.
· Don’t play computer games for more than 30 minutes at a time at the weekend.
Study skills
Top tip
We can also express the rules by using
No + a gerund.
No smoking.
No cycling.
No playing in the fountains.
No sleeping on the benches.
No begging.
*B Mr Li is the manager of Central Garden Shopping Centre. He wants to put some rules on the centre’s notice board. Read his words and complete the rules.
Study skills
C Work in groups to make five rules on one of the following topics.
Study skills
For the family—to make family life more pleasant
For using public transport—to make travelling safer
For the environment—to make the Earth a better place
Culture corner
Draw a family tree according to the text.
Lead in
A family tree is a diagram(表格) of the people in a family. This is the Wilson family tree. All the members of the Wilson family are on the tree.
Betty and Henry are the parents of Sally, Linda and Tom. Linda is single(单身 ). Sally is married. Her husband's name is Jack. Sally and Jack are the parents of Jimmy and Sarah. Jimmy is their son, and Sarah is their daughter.
Tom is also maried.His wife's name is Patty. Patty and Tom are the parents of Julie and Kevin. Julie is their dauchter, and Kevin is their son.
Jimmy, Sarah, Julie, and Kevin are cousins. They are also the grandchildren of Betty and Henry.
Read the article and look at the picture on page 48. Then answer the questions.
Culture corner
Family trees
Many people use a family tree to show the history of their family.
To do this, they draw a diagram that looks like the branches of a tree. Some people can follow their family tree back in history for a long time.
The family tree of Confucius is the longest in the world. It covers more than 80 generations and includes over two million people!
use sth. to do sth. 利用某物去做某事
diagram / da ɡr m/ n. 图表
family tree 家谱
generations /d en re nz/ n. 世代
over adv. 超过
1. Why do people use a family tree
2. How do they make a family tree
3. What can people do with their family tree
4. Whose family tree is the longest in the world
5. How many people does it include
To show the history of their family.
They draw a diagram that looks like the branches of a tree.
They can follow their family tree back in history.
The family tree of Confucius.
Over two million people.
Culture corner
Draw a family tree for your family.
How far back in time can you go
Culture corner
Family trees
Many people use a family tree _________ (show) the history of ______ (they) family.
To do this, they draw a diagram that looks like the _________ (branch) of a tree. Some people can follow their family tree back in history for a long time.
The family tree of Confucius is the _________ (long) in the world. It ________ (cover) more than 80 ______________(generation) and ________ (include) over two million people!
to show
1. 看太多电视对青少年来说是不好的。
It ____ ____ _____ for teenagers to watch too much TV.
2. 这家餐馆的菜味道很好。另外,它还提供无线宽带。
The good in this restaurant________ ___________.
___ _________, it offers Wi-Fi.
Our head teacher ____ ______ _______ each student in her class.
is no good
tastes delicious
In addition
be patient with
4. 令人惊讶的是她唱歌比我们预料的要好。
To our surprise, she can sing ________ ______ ____ ___________.
5. 他的字写得太差了,我读他的信很费劲。
His handwriting was too bad. I ______ ________ __________.
6. 你什么时候方便给我电话?
When would it _____ ____________ ______ you to call me
better than we expected
had trouble reading
be convenient for
7. 我想你给我一些如何与老板沟通的建议。
I want you to give me some advice on ________ _________ _______________ __________ the boss.
how to
communicate with
1. Recite new words and expressions .
2. Finish the MP exercise paper.
Unit1 Family life第五课时教学设计
本单元第五课时 More practice & Study skill & Culture corner
这节课是本单元的第五节课,是阅读拓展课。重点是通过拓展阅读一篇说明文,激发学生思考如何与父母正确沟通的问题,同时,学习不同场所的规则,通过祈使句的表达增强规矩意识。 【what】本节课More practice 是一篇关于如何与父母沟通的说明文。在Study skill中,通过一篇关于图书馆规章制度的应用文,学习祈使句的肯定句式和否定句式的正确表达。在Culture corner中,通过一篇短文介绍了孔子的家庭树(族谱)是世界上最长的族谱,覆盖了80多代,200多万人 。 【why】通过多种语篇形式,让学生学习有关与父母沟通的方法和制定规章制度。学会解决问题并给出建议。 【how】本节课的语篇围绕主题“如何与父母沟通”,要求学生结合已有的家庭生活经验,发现问题并提出解决建议,同时,懂得制定规则和遵守规则。More practice 部分继续延伸“Family life”的单元话题,呈现如何解决学生与家庭成员(父母)之间存在问题的方法,促进学生形成健康家庭关系的意识。Study skills部分,通过对不同场景规章制度的讲解,让学生了解如何获取关键信息。Culture Corner 拓展学生知识面,介绍世界上最长的族谱,激发对家庭历史或族谱的兴趣和求知欲。
单元教学目标 课时教学目标
能够掌握提出问题和解决问题的目标语言和句式表达;能够通过对不同场景规章制度的讲解,培养学生了解如何获取关键信息的能力;能够通过对世界上最长的族谱的介绍,激发对家庭历史和族谱的兴趣和求知欲。 1.如何解决学生与家庭成员(父母)之间存在问题的方法,促进学生形成健康家庭关系的意识(学习理解) 2.通过对不同场景规章制度的讲解,让学生了解如何获取关键信息。(应用实践) 3.介绍世界上最长的族谱,激发对家庭历史或族谱的兴趣和求知欲。(创新迁移)
教学重点: 能够理解并总结文章的主要信息、文章的结构和句式表达。 能够正确使用祈使句和no+动名词来表达制定规章制度。 教学难点: 能够树立能与家人和睦相处,与父母沟通良好的意识。 能够针对不同场合制定相应的规章制度。
教学目标 教学活动及互动方式 设计意图 效果评价
如何解决学生与家庭成员(父母)之间存在问题的方法,促进学生形成健康家庭关系的意识(学习理解) 任务一:Lead in T: Have you ever read these pictures in your life So, how to communicate with your parents 任务二:Pre-reading T: Skim the text and divide it into three parts. Read the title and the first and last paragraphs of the article. Then answer the questions. 任务三:Reading & Language Points T: Read the article and then answer the questions below. What kinds of problems do you have with your parents How do you solve them Discuss these with your classmates. There are many language points in this lesson. Let’s see what they are. 任务一:通过导入的内容,引出这节课的学习内容,为后面的教学做铺垫,同时让学生能够对本堂课的教学感兴趣。 任务二:通过一系列的教学活动,训练获取关键信息的能力,了解三段式描述问题和解决问题的说明文结构。 任务三:通过对文章的精读,学会按要点来表达解决问题的语言表达。通过语言知识点的学习,进一步掌握英语基础短语的实际用法。 观察学生互动表现,判断学生能否清晰理解本节课的教学主题,鼓励学生积极参与本节课。 观察学生参与课堂的表现,判断学生能否真正的进入课堂,对解决问题的建议表达进行储备,学习本节课是否有难度,及时给予指导和反馈。
通过对不同场景规章制度的讲解,让学生了解如何获取关键信息。(应用实践) 任务四:Study skills T: We have rules and regulations everywhere, e.g. at home, at school, in the library and at the underground station. We can express the rules as dos (positive rules) and don’ ts (negative rules). Jerry’s parents have set some rules for him. Read what Jerry’s mother says and complete the rules. Mr Li is the manager of Central Garden Shopping Centre. He wants to put some rules on the centre’ s notice board. Read his words and complete the rules. 任务四: 通过一系列的讲解和练习,让学生了解不同场景的规章制度、如何制定规章制度以及制定规章制度的表达。 观察学生对不同场景规章制度的认知,判断是否能够准确表达制定规章制度的语言表达。
介绍世界上最长的族谱,激发对家庭历史或族谱的兴趣和求知欲。(创新迁移) 任务五:Culture corner T:Draw a family tree according to the text. Read the article and look at the picture on page 48. Then answer the questions. Draw a family tree for your family. How far back in time can you go 完成语法和完成句子练习。 任务三:通过一系列的教学活动,训练学生对文章中的重点短语、知识点的识别能力,此外,通过这篇族谱文章,启发学生对自己族谱的了解。 从学生各项任务的完成情况,判断学生对所教授的内容的掌握程度,并进行客观的评价和引导,及时调整教学。
Items Great (5 pt.) Not bad(3 pt.) Try harder(2pt.)
I keep quiet while others are speaking.
I listen carefully.
I understand what they say.
I can make myself understood.
I can make rules and regulations.
Points (pt.) ___________in total
Pronunciation & Intonation (语音语调) Great (5 pt.) Not bad (3 pt.) Try harder (2 pt.)
Fluency (流畅)
Content (内容)
Performance (表演)
Points (pt.) _________ in total
作业内容 作业目标 设计意图
基础题: 整理笔记(单词、短语、句式),复习本单元所学语言知识点。 掌握最基本的语言知识;培养学生借助工具书进行自主学习的能力。 查漏补缺,复习和巩固本单元所学内容。
提高题: 观察生活中各种场合的规章制度,总结并用祈使句来表达。 掌握如何制定规章制度的表达。 熟悉这类应用文的目标语言和写作特点。 加深对本节课内容的理解和消化。
拓展题: 思考自己与父母之间存在的问题,仿照More practice,写一篇如何解决这些问题的文章。 掌握这类说明文的目标语言和写作特点。 加深对本节课内容的理解和消化。
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