Unit 3 Look at me! Part B Start to read& Part C Story time 表格式教案


名称 Unit 3 Look at me! Part B Start to read& Part C Story time 表格式教案
格式 docx
文件大小 25.3KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(PEP)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-09-07 07:51:52



课 题 Unit3 PB Start to read& PC Story time 课 时 数 2
授课班级 授课时间
教学目标 可操作、易落实 1.能够找出并能听、说、读、写图片中的字母Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii。 2.能够听、说、认读表示五官和身体部位的单词,并数出对应的单词个数。 3.能够根据图片信息预测听力考查点,并有意识地去听录音,完成排序。 4.能够观察图片,朗读单词并完成配对练习。 5.能够理解、跟唱歌曲Head and shoulders, knees and toes. 6.能够根据图片信息理解story time故事大意。
教学重难点 与考点、易错点 准确、具体 重点: 1.能听、说、认读本单元与五官及身体部位有关的单词。 2.能够独立完成Let’s check板块的练习。 难点: 能够在日常生活中自然地运用本单元句型进行交际。 考点: 身体部位单词的认读;--How are you –I’m fine, thank you./ Very well, thanks; --Let’s …! –OK/ Great! 易错点: 1.hand和head的发音。 2.arm和leg的区分。 3.First, then的意思。
问题预设 学习新知可能 遇到的障碍 1.部分学生可能不理解First, then的用法和意思。 2.部分学生可能无法表演出story time的故事。 3.部分学生可能对本单元学的11个身体部位单词掌握不够好,不能做到看图说词、看图说句子。
知识铺垫 学习新知需要 用到的旧知 1.词汇:nose, mouth, ear, eye,face,arm, leg, hand, head, body, leg 2.句型:--How are you –I’m fine, thank you./ Very well, thanks. --Let’s … --OK/ Great!
教学准备 学生:课前三件小事 教师:课件、教案、教材、贴纸
教 学 过 程 围绕核心问题设计教学模块,要求科学、适量、易操作 旁 注
Step 1: Warm-up& Lead in 1.Greetings. 2.Let’s sing and dance 3.Make a dialogue A: Good morning! B: Good morning! A: How are you B: I’m fine, thank you./ Very well, thanks./ I’m not good. A: Let’s … B: OK/ Great! 3.Review (1) Open the red packet to review the words: body, leg, arm… (2) Introduce the robot: This is the … Step 2: Presentation& Practice 1.Find and say Show the picture and ask students to answer: Q1: How many letters can you see Q2: What are they Circle and read. 2.Show a picture of a clown (1) Look and say (2) Point and read (3) Read and count 3.Show the picture of “Listen and number” (1) Look and guess: what do they say (2) Listen and number (3) Listen and repeat 4.Show the picture of “Look and match” (1) Who are they What are they doing (2) Look and match 5.Let’s sing (1) Watch the video (2) Listen and sing together (3) Explain: shoulder, knee, toe 6. Story time (1) Watch and answer Q: How do they make a puppet Ss: First, make the head. Then, make the body. Look! An arm and a leg. (2) Read the story (3) Look and Fill Step 3: Consolidation & Extension 1. 能力培养与测试——单元小结 身体部位单词 Let’s do部分指令:close, open, wave, shake, stamp, clap, touch 2.单元学科能力测评卷(三) head& hand, eye &ear, arm& leg, hand& foot 课本重点句子的使用情景 How are you Let’s … Step 4: Summary 1. words: head, hand, arm, body, leg, foot, nose, mouth, eye, ear, face 2. Sentences: ——How are you ——I’m fine, thank you/ Very well, thanks. ——Let’s go to school/ make a puppet! ——OK/Great!
板书设计 呈现核心内容, 要求规范、有条理
作业设计 有梯度,分层次,精准,适量 1.Review the words and the sentences. 2.Read the story and act it out. 3.Do the exercises.
教 后 记