人教版(2019)必修 第一册Unit 3 Sports and fitness 单元综合练习(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第一册Unit 3 Sports and fitness 单元综合练习(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 101.3KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-09-07 23:14:41



Unit3 Sports and fitness
序号 内容
Part1 话题综述和感知
Part2 相关话题阅读练
Part3 话题写作常用词汇和结构
Part4 话题写作练(应用文、读后续写)
本单元主题语境是人与社会之体育运动该主题语境主要包括体育活动、体坛人物、大型 体育赛事、体育与健康和体育精神等。本单元主要涉及体坛人物、体育与健康和体育精神。 该主题与学生生活密切相关, 在此主题意义引领下, 有助于整合体育方面的学习内容, 促进 学生语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能力的融合发展。从写作方面而言, 使用恰当语 言描写有关身心健康的运动,发扬体育运动精神的人物等。
※话题感知读 (读一读)
Life lies in movement. Exercise is very important to our health. My favorite sport is basketball. As a high school student, I live a busy and stressful life. Playing basketball helps me relax my body and relieve tension. I often play basketball with my friends after school. Besides, playing basketball provides me a valuable chance to connect with others and learn from them, which benefits me a lot.
When playing basketball, I also pay attention to such aspects as warming up before playing, wearing sportswear and so on. These tips keep me from getting hurt in the game.
※话题感知练 (填一填)
As a player, Lang Ping brought honor and glory to her country. As a coach, she led the China women’s volleyball team 1 medals at world championships and the Olympics. As a person, Lang Ping 2 (love) by fans at home and abroad. 3 the Chinese team was preparing for the 2015 World Cup, her 4 (determine) was tested. The team that Lang Ping 5 (build) was falling apart. One of the best players had been injured, and the team captain had 6 (leave) because of heart problems. 7 (Lose) two important players was a big challenge, but Lang Ping did not lose heart. She had faced difficulties before, and she 8 (know) that her young players could win if
they worked together as 9 team. Two weeks later, they were world 10 (champion)! Then in 2016, Lang Ping led her volleyball team to Olympic gold in Brazil.
1. to 2 .is loved 3 .When 4 .determination 5 . had built
6 .to leave 7 .Losing 8. knew 9 .a 10 .champions
Passage1 阅读理解
Competitive video gaming, known as e-sports, should be included in the Olympic Games, the creator of World of Warcraft has told the BBC.
Rob Pardo, who until July, 2014 was chief creative officer at Blizzard Entertainment, a famous game company, said that “sport” now had a broad definition. “Video games are well positioned to be a spectator sport(观赏性体育运动).“ he told Afternoon Edition on BBC S Live.
Professional e-sports events currently attract audiences of millions. A recent major final held in Seoul, South Korea, filled a stadium of 40,000 people, with many more watching online around the world.
”There’s a very good argument for e-sports being in the Olympics,“ said Mr Pardo, who was also lead designer on Starcraft: Brood War, a game often credited with promoting the e-sports phenomenon.
”I think the way that you look at e-sports is that it is a very competitive skill and you look at these professional gamers and the reflexes are lightning quick and they’re having to make very quick decisions on the fly.
“When you look at their ‘actions per minute’, they’re clearing over 300.”
However, he admitted that video gaming faced a cultural battle to win over those who followed more physical sports.
“That starts getting into how you define sport,” he said. “If you want to define sport as something that takes a lot of physical exertion(用力气), then it’s hard to argue that video games should be a sport, but at the same time, when I’m looking at things that are already in the Olympics, I start questioning the definition.”
Having new sports admitted into the Olympic is a long-winded process and, since the International Olympic Committee(IOC)limited the number of sports allowed in the Games, has become increasingly difficult.
Even if e-sports were to be recognized as an Olympic sport, that doesn’t mean they would be included in the Games—it merely means a case can be presented to the IOC.
1 .Which of the following is TRUE about Rob Pardo
A .He works for BBC now.
B .He held the e-sports final in Seoul.
C .He was in charge of the game Starcraft: Brood War.
D .He is the chief creative officer at Blizzard Entertainment now.
2 .What does the underlined word “reflexes” mean in paragraph 5
A .reaction B .challenge C .creation D .ability
3 .The professional e-sports gamers’ ability to respond is thought to be________.
A .very slow B .very quick
C .as quick as ordinary people D .as quick as other sports players
4 .Where does this text probably come from
A .A travel brochure B .An advertisement
C .A textbook D .A news report
Passage2 阅读理解
As the most popular individual sport in America, jogging has enjoyed great popularity among people. The plain truth is that jogging is a cheap, quick and efficient way to maintain physical fitness.
The most useful sort of exercise is the exercise that develops the heart, lungs, and circulatory systems. If these systems are fit, the body is ready for almost any sport and for almost any sudden demand made by work or emergencies. Running trains your heart and lungs to deliver oxygen more efficiently to all parts of your body. It is worth noting that this sort of exercise is the only kind that can reduce heart disease, the number one cause of death in America.
Only one sort of equipment is needed—a good pair of shoes. Physicians advise beginning joggers not to run in a tennis or gym shoe. Many design advances have been made in only the last several years that make an excellent running shoe indispensable if a runner wishes to develop as quickly as possible, with as little chance of injury as possible. A good running shoe will have a soft pad for absorbing shock, as well as a slightly built-up heel and a full heel-cup that will give the knee and ankle more stability. A wise investment in good shoes will prevent blisters and the foot, ankle and knee injuries and will also enable the wearer to run on paved or soft surfaces.
No other special equipment is needed;you can jog in any clothing you desire, even your street clothes. In cold weather, several layers of clothing are better than one heavy sweater or coat. If joggers are wearing several layers of clothing, they can add or subtract layers as conditions change.
It takes surprisingly little time to develop the ability to run. The American Jogging Association has a twelve-week program designed to move from a fifteen-minute walk to a thirty-minute run. A measure of common sense, a physical examination, and a planned schedule are all it takes.
5 .What’s the main idea of this passage
A .It introduces jogging as a useful and practical sport.
B .It describes the type of clothing needed for jogging.
C .It distinguishes between jogging and other sport events.
D .It provides scientific evidence of the benefits ofjogging.
6 .Why is wearing several layers of clothing in winter better recommended
A .It can keep warmer. B .It is a popular trend.
C .It looks much more fashionable. D .It’s easier to adjust flexibly.
7 .Which of the following statements is TRUE
A .Jogging needs no special equipment but long-time practice.
B .For beginning joggers ,tennis or gym shoes are better choices.
C .Jogging can do good to the heart ,lungs and help reduce heart disease.
D .A pair of good running shoes with a full heel-cup is designed to prevent shock.
8 .What’s the author’s attitude towards jogging
A .Skeptical. B .Supportive. C .Neutral. D .Objective.
Passage3 阅读理解
When it comes to playing the spikeball (迷你排球) game, you need to master several different skills. ___9___
The first essential skill is called ready position. Spikeball uses the concept of volleyball. Well, the ready position is one of the few skills that both volleyball and spikeball have in common. It is a general positioning of the body in spikeball and volleyball. ___ 10___ Besides, the ready position is very important because, if players perform it properly, it enables them to react more quickly to the strike coming from the partner or opposing team.
The second essential skill is known as hand-eye coordination (协调). ___ 11___ In these two sports hand-eye coordination is pretty much essential if you’re looking to achieve a better level. ___ 12___ The eyes will let you understand where the ball is going while the hand deals with defending and striking.
Lastly, sending or receiving is another essential skill during the spikeball game. In a way to avoid losing a point to the opposing team, every player needs to understand or figure out the best ways to receive the ball and then strike it back.
___ 13___ The first thing you need is just to get familiar with the rules and regulations of the sport. What is more, start small until you fully understand the rules. After that, you just need to practice and practice until you become better at playing spikeball.
A .That’s why spikeball is popular.
B .Spikeball offers a sense of achievement.
C .It’s not hard to learn how to play spikeball.
D .This is also common to both spikeball and volleyball.
E .However, the three key skills that you must have are as follows.
F .When playing spikeball, the receiver needs to use his hand and eyes at the same time.
G .It allows a player to be physically prepared to defend a hit and strike the ball back against the net.
Passage4 完形填空
When I first walked into a Tai Chi class, I had no idea this eastern movement practice would become so central in my life. It ____ 14____ I was not just there for exercise! For many years now it has been my continuing ____ 15____ to share Tai Chi with students of all ages and walks of life.
Many people begin classes wanting to grow stronger, more ____ 16____, and flexible. Others are looking for effective ways to ____ 17____ with stress, the constant demand and trouble of modern life. ____ 18____ some had seen a TV ad they couldn’t remember, describing a group calmly doing Tai Chi in the park, and it ____ 19____ their curiosity about a different route to health
Concentrating on ____20____ posture and breathing control, Tai Chi’s movements are graceful and well balanced, ____21____ the complete harmony of body and mind. It is different from western sports such as rugby where the harder and quicker the ____22____. Tai Chi is a sport that strengthens the body as well as the ____23____ from the within. All of these are powerful benefits of Tai Chi. ____24____, I have found that consistent practice of these forms develops my everyday experience, and ____25____ the way for growth.
I’ve been a ____26____ in various schools over the years, and delight in watching ____27____ we each find our own keys to learning. It’s a privilege to accompany and ____28____ that process in my students. I am ____29____ by the marvelous teachers with whom I’ve had the good fortune to work. All of my ____30____ take place in beautiful old buildings. The first class is free to newcomers ____31____ they may try it out with no commitment. I invite you to ____32____ with questions, or to register for classes. Whether you are young or aged, male
or female, you can choose Tai Chi as your ____33____ physical exercise.
14 .A .breaks out B .puts out C .makes out D.
15 .A. 16 .A. 17 .A. 18 .A. 19 .A. 20 .A. 21 .A. 22 .A. 23 .A. 24 .A. 25 .A. 26 .A. task wealthy deal Surely applied fantastic admitting better confidence However cut teacher B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. pleasure balanced begin Apparently destroyed comfortable promoting slower movement Instead clear student C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C. burden comfortable play Possibly aroused extreme meeting faster mind Therefore close stranger (












turns out
27 .A. why B .whether C. where D .how
28 .A. forgive B .remember C. support D .protect
29 .A. inspired B .demanded C. praised D .commanded
30 .A. schools B .classes C. grades D .teachers
31 .A. now that B .even though C. so that D .in case
32 .A. consult B .examine C. pursue D .accommodate
33 .A. familiar B .imaginary C. favorite D .ideal
Part3 话题写作常用词汇和结构
1.感冒/发烧 catch a cold; have a fever
2.患流感 have the flu; get flu
3.流鼻涕 have a running nose
4.某个部位疼痛 have a pain in …
5.感觉虚弱/恶心 feel weak/sick
6. 感到紧张/沮丧 feel stressed/depressed
7. 患上重病 suffer from a serious disease
8. 进行体检 have a body check/physical examination
9. 量体温 take one’s temperature
10. 吃药 take the medicine
11. 给某人做手术 have an operation on sb
12. 实施急救 perform first aid
13. 吸毒成瘾 be addicted to drugs
14. 染上 …… 的习惯 get into the habit of
15. 暴露在辐射环境下 be exposed to radiation
16. 身心健康 mental and physical health
17. 呼吸新鲜空气 breathe fresh air
18. 自我放松 relax oneself
19. 减少/释放压力 reduce/release pressure
20. 养成好生活习惯 form good living habits 21.勇敢地面对困难 face difficulties with courage 22.身体好/差 in good/poor health
23.熬夜/学习到深夜 stay up (all night); study late into the night
24.医疗保险/护理 medical insurance; medical care
25.焦虑的负面影响 the negative effects of anxiety
26. 高纤维/低脂肪 be rich/high in fiber; be low in fat
27. 挑食 be particular about food
28. 节食 be/go on diet
29. 削减脂肪 cut down body fat
30. 对身体有害 do harm to one’s health
31. 吃垃圾食品/绿色食品 eat junk food; eat green food
32. 多吃新鲜蔬菜水果 eat more fresh fruits and vegetables
33. 吃零食/吃快餐 eat snacks; eat fast food
34. 食物中毒 food poisoning
35. 保持均衡/健康的饮食 keep a balanced diet; keep a healthy diet
36. 保持健康 keep healthy; keep fit
37. 保持身材苗条 keep slim
38. 减肥/增加体重 lose weight/put on weight
39. 对 …… 失去胃口 lose appetite for
40. 使我们精力充沛 make us energetic
41. 不吃早餐 skip breakfast
42. 挨饿 suffer from starvation or hunger
43. 餐桌礼仪 table manners
44. 点菜 take an order
45. 吸收营养 take in nutrition
46. 外卖食品 take-away food
47. 进行有规律的运动 take regular exercise
48. 注重食品质量 attach importance to food quality
49. 更加注意你的饮食 pay more attention to your diet 养成健康的饮食习惯 develop healthy eating habits
1 .Taking exercise is closely related to health .
2 .We should get into the habit of keeping good hours .
3 .Smoking has a great influence on our health .
4 .According to a recent survey ,four million people die each year from diseases linked to smoking .
5 .Unless you keep a balanced diet ,you will put on weight .
)6 .Early to bed and early to rise ,makes a man healthy ,wealthy and wise .
7. We can never take our health for granted since happiness, first of all, lies in health .
8. Here are some tips on how to live a healthy life .
9 .First, drink enough water every day, which is essential for our bodies to function well . 10 .Second, exercise whenever possible .
11. Daily exercise brings benefits to our health, such as lowering the risk of disease . 12 .Besides, getting rid of junk food, developing a balanced diet and keeping a positive attitude all contribute to a healthy life .
13 .All in all, take small steps and you’ll never regret it .

作为双奥之城, 北京成功举办了夏季奥运会与冬季奥运会, 这让世界深刻认识了北京, 也 让全民运动的热情进一步高涨。假如你是李华,学校英语角举行以“My Favorite Sport”为题 的征文活动。请你根据以下要点,写一篇英语短文投稿,内容包括:
注意: 1.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
2.词数:不少于 80 词。
My Favorite Sport
Li Hua
最近,刘畊宏健身操的流行引发了新一波的运动热潮。请你写一篇短文,向英文校报投稿, 内容包括:
1 .你最喜欢的运动;
2 .这项运动对你的影响。 注意:
1.写作词数应为 80 左右;
2 .请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写词
数应为 150 左右。
"Pick up the pace!" said Amy's husband. "But I can't!" Amy said, her heart beating quickly inside. "I can't go any faster! Her husband encouraged her. "Yes, you can! You're making progress every day.”
To help Amy stay healthy, her husband had been running with her for over two years. Several years ago, Amy could barely walk down the stairs of her apartment building due to fatness caused by eating disorders. She realized the problem after a failed job interview and began walking to improve her ability to move. At first, she could walk for only 15 minutes at a time. But she pushed herself every day, walking 5 minutes longer than she did the day before until she walked for an hour and eventually two. For three years, Amy kept her walking habit, slowly and painstakingly building her body shape. Then she changed her walking shoes to running shoes about two years ago and became an excellent runner.
In March 2001, an advertisement invited people to nominate (提名) an ordinary person who inspired them to bring the Olympic flame to Salt Lake City as torch bearers (火炬手) or support runners. (Support runners serve as “guardians of the flame" and run with torch bearers along the journey. ) Amy's experiences touched her husband, so he nominated her to be a torch bearer. The possibility to be selected was low, but Amy wanted to try.
Running taught Amy the importance of training for a race. She pictured herself running a race and crossing the finish line. For months, she ran through her neighborhood carrying a broken-off broom handle, feeling the weight of the torch. She waved at her neighbors, pretending they were cheering crowds. She also printed a picture of a torch bearer wearing the white uniform, replaced the face with a picture of hers, and put it onto her refrigerator door.
Every day, Amy imagined herself as a torch bearer. She was training for a historic running event. On September 26th, while on her daily run through her neighborhood, an express package arrived.
注意: 1. 续写词数应为 150 左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1:
Amy opened it and found a letter and a book on the Olympics.
The Sport I Like Most
Paragraph 2:
"One of today's torch bearers can't run her part, " announced the relay organizer.
Part2 相关话题阅读练
1 .C 2 .A 3 .B 4 .D
1.细节理解题。根据第四段“There’s a very good argument for e-sports being in the Olympics,“ said Mr Pardo, who was also lead designer on Starcraft: Brood War, a game often credited with promoting the e-sports phenomenon.( Pardo 先生说: “电子竞技参加奥运会是有充 分理由的。 ”Pardo 先生同时也是《星际争霸:孵化战争》(Starcraft: Brood War)的首席设 计师,这款游戏经常被认为促进了电子竞技现象的发展。 )”可知, Rob Pardo 曾经负责游戏 《星际争霸: 孵化战争》。故选 C。
2.词义猜测题。根据划线单词所在句子“the reflexes are lightning quick and they’re having to make very quick decisions on the fly.(the reflexes 速度快如闪电,他们不得不以飞行的速度做 出非常快的决定)”可知,职业玩家做出非常快的决定,这说明他们的反应很快,快如闪电, 下文“‘actions per minute’”也是提示,由此可知,划线单词意为“reaction(反应)”,故选 A。
3.细节理解题。根据第五段中“you look at these professional gamers and the reflexes are lightning quick and they’re having to make very quick decisions on the fly.(你看看这些职业玩家,他们的 反应速度快如闪电, 他们不得不在飞行中做出非常快的决定。 )”可知, 专业电子竞技玩家的 反应能力是被认为很快的,故选 B。
4.推理判断题。通读全文, 尤其是第一段“Competitive video gaming, known as e-sports, should be included in the Olympic Games, the creator of World of Warcraft has told the BBC.(魔兽世界 的发明者告诉英国广播公司,被称为电子竞技的竞技视频游戏应该被纳入奥运会比赛项 目。 )”可知,文章主要报道了《魔兽世界》游戏的发明者认为电竞游戏应该被纳入奥运会比 赛项目中并就此说明了原因。由此可推知,文章可能选自一篇新闻报道,故选 D。
5 .A 6 .D 7 .C 8 .B
【导语】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了在美国慢跑运动很流行, 跑步对人们身体有益,
5.主旨大意题。根据第一段“As the most popular individual sport in America, jogging has enjoyed
great popularity among people. The plain truth is that jogging is a cheap, quick and efficient way to maintain physical fitness.(慢跑作为美国最受欢迎的个人运动,深受人们的喜爱。显而易见 的事实是, 慢跑是一种廉价、快速和有效的保持身体健康的方法)”可知, 第一段总体概述了
慢跑的好处。第二段是对慢跑作用的说明。第三段介绍了此项运动只需要准备跑鞋, 方便实
行。可知,这篇文章的主旨是介绍慢跑是一项实用的运动。故选 A。
6.细节理解题。根据第四段中“Ifjoggers are wearing several layers of clothing, they can add or subtract layers as conditions change.(如果慢跑者穿了好几层衣服, 他们可以随着情况的变化增 加或减少层数)”可知, 慢跑者冬天穿几层衣服更好, 这是因为这样他们更容易灵活调整—— 增减衣服。故选 D。
7.细节理解题。根据第二段中“Running trains your heart and lungs to deliver oxygen more efficiently to all parts of your body. It is worth noting that this sort of exercise is the only kind that can reduce heart disease, the number one cause of death in America.(跑步训练你的心和肺, 更有 效地将氧气输送到身体的各个部位。值得注意的是, 这种运动是唯一一种可以减少心脏病的 运动, 而心脏病是美国人的头号死因)”可知, 慢跑对心肺有好处且可以减少心脏疾病。故选
8.推理判断题。根据第一段中“The plain truth is that jogging is a cheap, quick and efficient way to maintain physical fitness.(显而易见的事实是,慢跑是一种廉价、快速和有效的保持身体健 康的方法)”以及最后一段中的“A measure of common sense, a physical examination, and a planned schedule are all it takes.(基本的常识、一次身体检查和一个有计划的时间表就足够了)” 可知, 慢跑很简单, 且是一种廉价、快速和有效的保持身体健康的方法。因此作者对其持支 持态度。故选 B。
9 .E 10 .G 11 .D 12 .F 13 .C
9.根据上文“When it comes to playing the spikeball (迷你排球) game, you need to master several different skills.(当你玩迷你排球时,你需要掌握几种不同的技能)”结合后文主要介绍了这些 技能,故 E 选项“然而,你必须具备的三个关键技能如下”符合语境,故选 E 。 10.根据上文“The first essential skill is called ready position. Spikeball uses the concept of volleyball. Well, the ready position is one of the few skills that both volleyball and spikeball have in common. It is a general positioning of the body in spikeball and volleyball.(第一个基本技能叫 做准备位置。迷你排球使用了排球的概念。好吧, 准备姿势是排球和迷你排球少有的共同技 能之一。这是迷你排球和排球中身体的一般位置)”以及后文“Besides,the ready position is very important because, if players perform it properly, it enables them to react more quickly to the strike coming from the partner or opposing team.(此外, 准备位置非常重要, 因为如果球员正确 地执行它, 它使他们能够更快地对来自伙伴或对方球队的打击作出反应)”可知, 本句旨在说
明上文提到的一般位置的作用, 故 G 选项“它使球员在身体上做好防守的准备, 并把球击回
网中”符合语境,故选 G。
11.根据上文“The second essential skill is known as hand-eye coordination (协调).(第二个基本 技能是手眼协调能力)”可知, 本句承接上文继续说明眼手协调能力的使用的场合, D 选项中 This 指代上文 hand-eye coordination。故 D 选项“这在迷你排球和排球中也很常见”符合语境, 故选 D。
12.根据上文“In these two sports hand-eye coordination is pretty much essential if you’re looking to achieve a better level.(在这两项运动中,如果你想达到更好的水平,手眼协调是非常必要 的)”可知,本句承接上文解释说明手眼协调的作用。故 F 选项“打迷你排球时,接球手需要 同时用手和眼睛”符合语境,故选 F。
13.根据后文“The first thing you need is just to get familiar with the rules and regulations of the sport. What is more, start small until you fully understand the rules. After that, you just need to practice and practice until you become better at playing spikeball.(你需要做的第一件事就是熟 悉这项运动的规则和规则。更重要的是, 从小事开始, 直到你完全理解规则。在那之后, 你 只需要不断地练习, 直到你迷你排球打得更好)”可知, 后文主要强调了需要勤加练习就能打 得更好,说明打迷你排球并不困难,故 C 选项“学习打迷你排球并不难”符合语境,故选 C。
14 .D 15 .B 16 .B 17 .A 18 .C 19 .C 20 .D 21 .B 22 .A 23 .C 24 .D
25 .B 26 .A 27 .D 28 .C 29 .A 30 .B 31 .C 32 .A 33 .D
【导语】这是一篇夹叙夹议文。文章介绍了作者学习太极时的感受, 对于各种学习太极的人
14.考查动词短语辨析。句意:事实证明我去那里不只是为了锻炼! A. breaks out 爆发;B. puts out 熄灭; C. makes out 理解; D. turns out 结果是,证明是。根据后文“I was not just there for exercise!”以及“share Tai Chi with students of all ages and walks of life”可知太极成为了作者生 活的中心,事实证明作者不只是为了锻炼, 也很高兴与不同年龄和不同阶层的学生分享太极。 故选 D。
15.考查名词词义辨析。句意:多年来,我一直很高兴与不同年龄和不同阶层的学生分享太 极。 A. task 任务;B. pleasure 快乐;C. burden 负担;D. hope 希望。根据后文“share Tai Chi with students of all ages and walks of life”可知,作者很高兴与不同年龄和不同阶层的学生分享太极。 故选 B。
16.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:许多人开始上课是想变得更强壮、更平衡、更灵活。A. wealthy 富有的;B. balanced 平衡的;C. comfortable 舒服的;D. healthy 健康的。根据第 7 空后的“Tai Chi’s movements are graceful and well balanced”可知太极是个让人更平衡的运动。故选 B。
续的需求和麻烦。 A. deal 处理; B. begin 开始; C. play 玩耍; D. mix 混合。根据后文“with stress, the constant demand and trouble of modem life”可知一些人去学习太极是为了寻找有效 的方法来应对现代生活中的压力、持续的需求和麻烦。故选 A 。 18.考查副词词义辨析。句意:一些人可能是看过一个他们不记得的电视广告,描述了一群 人在公园里平静地打太极,这引起了他们对另一种通往健康的途径的好奇心。 A. Surely 当 然;B. Apparently 显然地;C. Possibly 可能地;D. Clearly 显然地。由后文“some had seen a TV ad they couldn’t remember, describing a group calmly doing Tai Chi in the park”可知,此处只是 作者对于人们学习太极的猜测,故 possibly 符合语境。故选 C。
19.考查动词词义辨析。句意:一些人可能是看过一个他们不记得的电视广告,描述了一群 人在公园里平静地打太极,这引起了他们对另一种通往健康的途径的好奇心。 A. applied 应 用;B. destroyed 破坏;C. aroused 引起, 唤醒;D. completed 完成。根据后文“their curiosity about a different route to health.”可知有些人是因为看了太极的广告, 引起了他们对另一种通往健康 的途径的好奇心。故选 C。
20.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:专注于正确的姿势和呼吸控制, 太极拳的动作优雅而平衡, 促进身心的完全和谐。 A. fantastic 极好的; B. comfortable 舒服的; C. extreme 极端的; D. correct 正确的。结合后文“posture and breathing control, Tai Chi’s movements are graceful and well balanced”可知此处指专注于太极的正确姿势。故选 D。
21 .考查动词词义辨析。句意:专注于正确的姿势和呼吸控制,太极拳的动作优雅而平衡, 促进身心的完全和谐。 A. admitting 承认;B. promoting 促进;C. meeting 遇到;D. extending 延伸。根据后文“the complete harmony of body and mind”可知太极可以促进身心的和谐。故 选 B。
22 .考查形容词词义辨析。句意:它不同于橄榄球等西方运动,它要求越强硬越快越好。
A. better 更好的;B. slower 更慢的;C. faster 更快的;D. worse 更糟的。根据上文“It is different from western sports such as rugby where the harder and quicker the”可知,像橄榄球一类的西方 运动是越强硬越快越好。故选 A。
23 .考查名词词义辨析。句意:太极是一项从内部增强身体和精神的运动。 A. confidence 自 信;B. movement 运动;C. mind 精神,思维;D. memory 记忆。由上文“the complete harmony of body and mind”可知,太极是一项从内部增强身体和精神的运动。故选 C。
24.考查副词词义辨析。句意:此外, 我发现, 坚持这些形式的练习可以增加我的日常经验, 并为成长扫清道路。 A. However 然而;B. Instead 相反;C. Therefore 因此;D. Besides 此外。 后文“I have found that consistent practice of these forms develops my everyday experience, and 12 the way for growth.”是对上文的进一步补充说明, besides 符合语境。故选 D。
25.考查动词词义辨析。句意:此外, 我发现, 坚持这些形式的练习可以增加我的日常经验, 并为成长扫清道路。 A. cut 切割;B. clear 清除;C. close 关闭;D. stop 停止。由后文的“the way
for growth”可知,指太极为个人的成长扫清道路。故选 B。
26.考查名词词义辨析。句意:多年来,我一直在不同的学校担任教师,并乐于看到我们每 个人如何找到自己的学习关键因素。 A. teacher 老师; B. student 学生; C. stranger 陌生人; D. colleague 同事。根据后文“that process in my students”可知, 作者多年来在不同的学校当老 师。故选 A。
27.考查连接词词义辨析。句意:多年来,我一直在不同的学校担任教师,并乐于看到我们 每个人如何找到自己的学习关键因素。 A. why 为什么;B. whether 是否;C. where 哪里;D. how 如何。此处为宾语从句,从句中缺少方式状语,表示“如何”应用how。故选 D 。 28 .考查动词词义辨析。句意:陪伴和支持我的学生的这一过程是一种荣幸。 A. forgive 原 谅;B. remember 记得;C. support 支持;D. protect 保护。根据上文“It’s a privilege to accompany and”可知,陪伴和支持学生的这一过程是一种荣幸。故选 C 。 29.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我很幸运能和这些了不起的老师一起工作,他们让我深受启 发。 A. inspired 鼓舞,受启发;B. demanded 要求;C. praised 表扬;D. commanded 命令。根 据后文“by the marvelous teachers with whom I’ve had the good fortune to work”可知, 作者深受 和自己一同工作的老师的启发。故选 A 。 30 .考查名词词义辨析。句意:我所有的课程都在美丽的老建筑里进行。 A. schools 学校; B. classes 课; C. grades 成绩; D. teachers 老师。根据后文“The first class is free to newcomers”可知,此处是在介绍作者上课的地点。故选 B。
31.考查连词辨析。句意:第一堂课新手可以自由发挥, 以便他们可以不带任何承诺地尝试。 A. now that 既然;B. even though 虽然;C. so that 以便;D. in case 万一。由“they may try it out with no commitment”可知,句子表示“第一堂课新手可以自由发挥,以便他们可以不带任何 承诺地尝试”,故选 C 。 32 .考查动词词义辨析。句意:我邀请你们咨询问题,或者注册课程。 A. consult 咨询; B. examine 检查; C. pursue 追求; D. accommodate 容纳。根据后文“with questions”可知,此处 指咨询问题,应用 consult。故选 A。
33.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:无论你是年轻还是年老,男性还是女性,你都可以选择太 极作为你理想的体育锻炼。 A. familiar 熟悉的;B. imaginary 虚构的;C. favorite 最爱的;D. ideal 理想的。结合上文“Whether you are young or aged, male or female, you can choose Tai Chi as your”可知,太极不限性别和年龄,是一项理想的体育锻炼。故选 D。
Part4 话题写作练
My favorite sport
As you know, Beijing successfully held the Summer Olympic Games in 2008 and the Winter Olympic Games in 2022, which makes sports popular again. Among different kinds of events, skiing is my favorite.
Skiing is a really good sport, which makes me feel relaxed. This sport can make me stay healthy and strong. Every time I go skiing, it can help me to exercise almost every part of my body.
Before going skiing, we should pay attention to three points. The first is to make your body in a better state. The second is that you should not eat too much. And thirdly, you'd better go skiing with some friends. This can help you stay safe and enjoy yourself.
【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文, 作为双奥之城, 北京成功举办了夏季奥运会与冬季奥运 会, 这让世界深刻认识了北京, 也让全民运动的热情进一步高涨。假如考生是李华, 学校英 语角举行以“My Favorite Sport”为题的征文活动。请你根据以下要点, 写一篇英语短文投稿。
【详解】 1. 词汇积累
健康的: healthy→ fit
帮助: help→ assist
不同种类的: different kinds of→ varieties of
安全的: safe→ secure
2. 句式拓展
原句:And thirdly, you'd better go skiing with some friends. This can help you stay safe and enjoy yourself.
拓展句: And thirdly, you'd better go skiing with some friends, which can help you stay safe and enjoy yourself.
【点睛】 [高分句型 1] As you know, Beijing successfully held the Summer Olympic Games in 2008 and the Winter Olympic Games in 2022, which makes sports popular again.(as 和 which 引 导的非限制性定语从句)
[高分句型 2] Every time I go skiing, it can help me to exercise almost every part of my body.(every time 引导的时间状语从句)
The Sport I Like Most
As the saying goes, “Life lies in movement.” Among various sports, I have a strong preference for volleyball.
You cannot imagine how weak I was before junior high school when I would often catch a cold and easily become out of breath. Then I took up volleyball, from which I have gained plenty of benefits. Through daily training, not only does it help build up my strength and develop my character, but it also makes me aware of the importance of team spirit. Besides, by cooperating
with my teammates, I make more friends.
All in all, volleyball gives me a body full of strength and a mind crazy about sports. Let’s enjoy the pleasure and benefits of sports together!
【导语】本篇书面表达属于说明文。要求考生写一篇短文, 介绍自己最喜欢的运动以及这项 运动对自己的影响。
【详解】 1.词汇积累
各种不同的: various → diverse
许多、大量: plenty of → a great many of / a great number of
获得: gain → obtain
总而言之: all in all → in a word / in short
原句: All in all, volleyball gives me a body full of strength and a mind crazy about sports. 拓展句: All in all, it is volleyball that gives me a body full of strength and a mind crazy about sports.
【点睛】【高分句式 1】You cannot imagine how weak I was before junior high school when I would often catch a cold and easily become out of breath. (运用了 how 引导的宾语从句和 when 引导的时间状语从句)
【高分句式 2】Through daily training, not only does it help build up my strength and develop my character, but it also makes me aware of the importance of team spirit. (运用了部分倒装)
One possible version:
Paragraph 1:
Amy opened it and found a letter and a book on the Olympics. The letter read, "Congratulations! You've been selected as a support runner for the Olympic Torch Relay..." Although she wouldn't be wearing the white uniform, she wasn't disappointed. She completed the required physical examination, delivered the forms, and waited. Months later, another package arrived. It contained her official blue support runner uniform along with instructions for her part of the relay. Then on a cold day, Amy and her husband stood outside the Torch Relay collection point.
Paragraph 2:
"One of today's torch bearers can't run her part," announced the relay organizer. Then he said, "One lucky support runner will become a torch bearer. Select a person now." Luckily, Amy became the torch bearer. Holding it tight, she ran down the street filled with people waving flags. The Olympic theme song was broadcast. Amy smiled and waved to the crowds, knowing that she was carrying not only the torch, but also the Olympic spirit.
【详解】通过阅读所给文章可知, 几年前, 艾米由于饮食失调导致肥胖, 几乎走不下公寓楼 的楼梯。在丈夫的帮助下, 慢慢地恢复身材, 并成为一名优秀的跑步运动员。在看了一则广 告后,丈夫鼓励艾米去竞选奥运火炬手。为此,艾米把自己想象成火炬手,一直为此训练, 直到有一天,一个快递包裹到达。
续写部分分为两段,第一段开头是:艾米打开它,发现了一封信和一本关于奥运会的书。本 段应该写艾米看到信上写着自己被选为奥运火炬接力的助跑员。她完成体检几个月后, 又来 了一个包裹, 里面是正式的蓝色助跑服, 还有她那部分接力的说明, 终于到了火炬接力的那 一天。第二段开头是:“今天的火炬手中有一个不能胜任她的角色, ”接力组织者宣布。本段 应该写艾米在挥舞着旗帜的人们中, 跑去接过火炬, 奥运主题曲播出了, 艾米微笑着向人群 挥手致意,她传递的不仅是火炬,还有奥林匹克精神。
续写时要注意所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右,按要求完成写作任务。
【点睛】本文描写详略得当, 使用了高级词汇和高级句子。如:be selected as,run down ,fill with 等高级词汇;Although she wouldn't be wearing the white uniform, she wasn't disappointed. 让步状语从句的运用;Amy smiled and waved to the crowds, knowing that she was carrying not only the torch, but also the Olympic spirit.宾语从句的运用等高级句式。