(新课标)Unit 2 第2课时 Reading(课件+表格教案+音频)(牛津译林版七上)


名称 (新课标)Unit 2 第2课时 Reading(课件+表格教案+音频)(牛津译林版七上)
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 牛津译林版
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-09-08 19:29:48


Unit 2
Let’s play sports!
Learning objectives
Teaching aims and learning objectives
By the end of the lesson, students are expected to be able to:
1. read the passage about Simon’s favourite football player fluently;
2. find out some detail information about Li Hua by reading carefully;
3. identify the main idea of each paragraph in the passage and sum up how to introduce one’s favourite player;
4. introduce their favourite players by cooperating with the partner.
Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty
Read the passage in different ways.
Sum up how to introduce one’s favourite player.
Introduce their favourite players with the passage as a model.
Read the passage in different ways.
Sum up how to introduce one’s favourite player.
Introduce their favourite players with the passage as a model.
Lead in
Here are some pictures of sports. Can you tell me what sports they are
Here are some pictures of sports. Can you tell me what sports they are
table tennis
Who is your favourite player Do you know anything about him
I like football best.
What is your favourite sport
Work in pairs to make a dialogue to talk about something about sports. Here is a model:
A: What is your favourite sport
B: My favourite sport is…
A: Who is your favourite player
B: My favourite player is…
A: Do you know anything about him/her
B: He/ She …
Now, let’s watch videos about football stars.
Who is he
Yes, he is Messi. He can play football very well.
Who is he
He is Cristiano Ronaldo. He can also play football well.
Lead in
Who is he
He is Neymar. He has good football skills.
Can you guess who is my favourite football player of the three players
You can have a guess like this,
“I think Miss Shan’s favourite football player is …, because…”
The following is my answer.
My favourite football player is Messi. I like him very much, because he plays football very well. Do you know something about him Let me introduce him to you. Messi is a good football player. He is a member of Barcelona Football Club. I like him because he plays football very well. In his free time, he studies English. He wants to play football in the next World Cup. I hope his dream comes true.
player[ ple ]n. 运动员
member [ memb ]n. 成员
club [kl b] n. 俱乐部
free [fri ] adj. 空闲的
hope [h p] vt. 希望
dream [dri m] n. 梦想
come true 变为现实
Read the words together.
Now let’s read a passage about his favourite football player.
Simon also likes playing football. Who is his favourite football player
1. Who is Simon’s favourite player
2. Why does Simon like him best
Fast reading
Li Hua is his favourite football player.
Read the passage quickly, and answer the questions.
Because he looks strong and plays football very well.
Read Para 2 and find out the information about Li Hua.
Football Player
Age: _____________
Club: ____________
Looks: ___________
Comes from: _______
Lives in: _________
22 years old
Huanghe Football Club
Read para 2 again and finish the dialogue between Millie and Simon.
comes from
lives in
Please read Para 3,4 and answer the following questions.
1. What does Li Hua do every day
2. What does he do in his free time
3. What makes him happy
4. What is his dream
Li Hua plays football every day.
He studies English and enjoys listening to music.
He wants to play in the next World Cup.
Listening to music makes him happy.
Para 4
Para 2
Para 1
Para 3
Read the whole passage and help Mille complete Li Hua’s information.
every day
1. Who is Simon’s favourite football player
2. How old is Li Hua
3. Which club is he in
4. How does he look
5. Can he play football very well
6. What does he do in his free time
7. What is Li Hua’s dream
8. What is Simon’s hope
Review the passage by answering the questions.
Li Hua.
He is 22 years old.
He is in Huanghe Football Club.
He looks strong.
Yes, he plays football very well.
He studies English and enjoys listening to music.
He wants to play in the next World Cup.
He hope Li Hua’s dream comes true.
Retell the passage to introduce Simon’s favourite football player in your own words according to these questions and answers.
________ is Simon’s favourite __________ _______. He is ____ years old. He is a ________ of Huanghe Football _____. He comes from __________ and now ______ in Beijing. He looks _______ and plays football very ______. In his ______ time, he studies ________ and enjoys _________ to music. It makes him _______. Li Hua wants to ______ in the next _______ _____. Simon hopes his dream ________ ______.
Li Hua
After reading the, can you tell me how to introduce your favourite player What should we talk about in each paragraph
Para 1
Para 1: Who is he
Why do you like him
Para 2
Para 2: age; club; hometown; living place; looks …; popularity.
Para 3
Para 3: free time activity; hobby and interest.
Para 4
Para 4: dream
You can work in pairs to get some help from your partner. Try to use as many sentences as possible.
Here are some sports players. It’s time for all of you to make a speech to introduce your favourite player.
Here are some useful expressions for you.
I would like to introduce my favourite player to you.
He/She comes from … He/She looks …
He/She plays … very well. He/She is a member of …
In his/her free time, he/she … He/She also enjoys …
He/She wants to … I hope his/her dream comes true.
He/She is my hero.
language points
一.In his free time,he studies English.
【精讲】free adj. 空闲的,有时间的 be free空闲的,
in one’s free time在某人的空闲时间里
adj免费的 sth be free
freedom n.自由
二.I hope his dream comes true.
【精讲】①hope v.希望 hope to do/hope sb will/can do hope that
wish v.希望某事(不大可能)发生或不可能实现的愿望 wish to do wish that(虚拟语气)
【精讲】②dream v. 梦想,做梦dream of/about doing 梦想做某事
n.梦想,梦 in your dreams realize one's dream / comes true
【精讲】③true e true实现
adj. a true story
三.It makes him happy.
【精讲】makes him happy make sb+adj/do sth (动词+宾语+宾补(adj/n./do......)
find it funny leave the door open make sb do
四.How does he look
【精讲】How does he look 他看起来怎么样?(询问外貌特征) =What does he look like
问建议:How do you like/find=What do you think of...=How would you like你觉得...怎么样?
【拓展】like prep.像 look like
1. Write a passage to introduce your favourite player.
2. Recite the passage on the textbook.
牛津译林英语七年级上册Module 1 Unit 2 Let’s play sports!
课题 课时2 单元 Unit2 学科 English 年级 7
语篇主题研读 通过介绍老师自己喜欢的运动员的信息,呈现本单元的新单词和相关短语。运用对话,让学生加深对单词和词组的记忆,以此减轻学生阅读和理解课文的难度。通过略读和精读课文,让学生掌握文章的结构和脉络,最终学会用英语介绍自己喜欢的运动员。
教学目标 By the end of the lesson, students are expected to be able to:1. read the passage about Simon’s favourite football player fluently;2. find out some detail information about Li Hua by reading carefully;3. identify the main idea of each paragraph in the passage and sum up how to introduce one’s favourite player;4. introduce their favourite players by cooperating with the partner.Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficultyRead the passage in different ways.Sum up how to introduce one’s favourite player.Introduce their favourite players with the passage as a model.Read the passage in different ways.Sum up how to introduce one’s favourite player.Introduce their favourite players with the passage as a model.
重点 1. Understand the usages of the new words and phrases;2. Give a report on their group’s favourite player.
难点 1. Understand the usages of the new words and phrases;2. Give a report on their group’s favourite player.
教学过程Step 1 Lead-in1. Read the text and finish the table.T: Boys and girls, in the last lesson, we learned an article about Simon’s hero—Li Hua. Do you still remember what the article says T: Good. Please open you books and turn to Page 20. Let’s read aloud the article together. While you are reading, please pay attention to the details, because we need to finish this form later. Are you ready T: Excellent! You read it very well. Now, shall we try to complete the form Here is some information about Li Hua. You can first discuss with you partner if you want.2. Retell the text according to the table.T: Right. You did a good job! Now can you try to tell the article according to the table I will give you one minute to prepare for it.Step 2 PresentationT: Excellent! Here are some words, phrases and language points for you. Let’s have a look at them one by one. Please take some notes down if necessary.1. Explain “come from/be from”.2. Explain “player”.3. Explain “a member of …”.4. Explain “club”.5. Explain “in one’s free time/when somebody is free” and the word “free”.6. Explain “enjoy”.7. Explain “listen to”.8. Explain “dream”.9. Explain “hope”.10. Explain “come true”.11. Explain “look”.12. Explain “make”.Step 3 Practice 1. Finish Part B4. T: OK. Boys and girls, shall we complete some information about Li Hua Please finish B4. Ask six students to check answers and then read together. 2. Do more exercises.(1) Fill in the blanks to complete the sentences. (2) Translate the following sentences.Step 4 ActivityGroup work. T: Li Hua is Simon’s favourite football player. What is your favourite player Can you talk about your favourite player Please work in groups of four. Group 1, you talk about Yao Ming. Group 2, you talk about Lin Dan. Group 3, you talk about Feng Kun. Group 4, you talk about Sun Yang. Each group member says one sentence about your player. I will give you five minutes to get ready for it. And then the group will stand up and give us a speech on their player.V. Homework1. Recite the article about Li Hua;2. Review the words, phrases and language points;3. Write an article about your favourite player and share it with your friends. 二次备课【设计意图:通过提问昨天上课的内容,使学生迅速进入状态。通过集体朗读课文,并完成一张表格,激活对课文细节的记忆。接着通过让每位同学根据表格内容说一句话来复述课文的形式,为接下来呈现知识点以及最后的小组活动做好语言铺垫。】【设计意图:图文并茂地展示单词、词组、语言点。通过一些趣味性强的图片、贴近学生生活的例子,充分操练,帮助学生理解体会,为下面的环节做好铺垫。】【设计意图:通过完成书上的练习以及补充练习,加深对文章内容以及部分语言点的记忆,为下面的报告做语言铺垫。】【设计意图:让学生通过课文,过渡至谈论身边熟知的运动员,充分发挥语言的语用功能。小组合作学习的方式,可以帮助学生解决难点,培养与其他人合作的能力。】
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