Unit 6 In a Nature Park Part A教案


名称 Unit 6 In a Nature Park Part A教案
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(PEP)
科目 英语
更新时间 2014-12-24 07:42:44



备课内容: unit 6 In a nature park
本单元的句型I can…/There is/are…/Where…?It’s…等对培养学生会话能力起着极其重要的作用,培养学生在特定语境内领悟和使用语言进行有意义交际的能力是小学英语教学的主要任务。
单元教学目标:. 能听、说、认读:flower, grass, river, lake, forest, path, There is a ……in the city. Is there a ….in the park? Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t. 并能在实际情景中运用,通过给句型的询问处理实际问题。 ??b. 了解字母组合er, or, wh在词中发音。
课题:Let’s start? Let’s chant?? A. Let’s learn? ?Let’s find out??????????
备课人: 上课人:
教学目标:a. 能听、说、读、写本课四会单词:flower, grass, river, lake, forest, path..
? ????????b. 能够听、说、认读单词sky, cloud, mountain 以及句子:There is a forest in the nature.
????????? c. 能够完成Let’s find out 中找图片区别的任务。d. 学会吟唱Let’s chant.
教学重点:掌握有关自然景物的单词: flower, grass, river, lake, forest, path, sky, cloud, mountain 以及句子:There is a forest in the nature.
教学难点:mountain, sky, cloud的发音及“找找图片的区别”中要求学生用There be句式描述。
第几课时: 第一课时
1. Free talk.
2.师生齐唱歌曲In a small house.
3. 看看说说。让学生看着教室里的物品用There be 句型说句子,越多越好。
1. 教学sky、cloud a. 老师在黑板上画一个???????? ,问学生:What’s this? 学生能回答出:It’s the sun. T:Where can you see the sun? 老师可以帮助学生回答:We can see it in the sky. 老师带读sky, 强调“sky”在该词中的发音,并列出fly.
b.操练。T:What can fly in the sky? S: …can fly in the sky. ( bird, balloon, plane, leaf, cloud)
c. 老师顺势在黑板上画简笔画,一朵似山似树的云cloud.( 可有很多猜想形状)T: Does the cloud also fly in the sky ? The clouds float in the sky. 带读。
d. 学生重复cloud. 可以联系“ou”组合 cloud,? mouse, house, mountain等。
T: What does the cloud look like? S: The cloud looks like a ….( horse, baby, a mountain)
2. 教学mountain, forest, grass, flower
? I think the cloud looks like a mountain. a. Ss try to spell the word mountain(老师可以用简笔画勾勒出山的形状)
b. Are there any famous mountains in China?… Mountain( the Yellow Mountain…)
c. What’s in the Changbai mountain? There is /are……( 让学生自己先说一说,如:animals, trees, 顺势引出forest, grass, flower. 老师可以同时用简笔画在山上画出。老师带读,学生跟读并拼读
d. 操练。 T:What can we do in the forest? ( have a picnic, draw pictures,..)
?Can we smoke in the forest? We can’t ….in the forest. T: What can we do on the grass? ( play football, fly the kite…)
3. 教学lake, river, path. 在山峰的底部画两条曲线,让学生猜猜是什么。可以根据需要画上小船或行走的人,来引出river, path. 有bath---path. 让学生自己读出单词。然后在河流的上游画出圆形的湖泊,引出lake. 有cake---lake. 学生自己读出单词。
4. 操练。 What can you do in the river/lake? 让学生自己说句子。最后引出a nature park
5. 听读正音。老师播放Let’s learn 部分录音,学生看课本跟读,同时手指单词。
6. 合作学习。学生同桌之间互相检查单词和句子的认读,互相帮助。
3. Let’s chant. 老师播放P68的歌谣,学生吟唱。
4. Let’s find out.. 老师引导学生观察课本的四幅图片,可以先逐一描述如: There is a….in Picture1. 然后让学生分组讨论,并用There be 句型说出他们的不同。
?“ 争做临沭小导游”老师可以举出一些临沭著名的景点,如仓马山,红石湖,沭河故道等等,假如你是一名导游的话,该如何向游客们介绍呢?让学生先在小组内讨论,再比赛。参考句子: There is …. There are….
2.小结。复习本课所学知识,以P68 Let’s chant 结尾,让学生反复吟唱。

课题:A. Let’s try? Let’s talk? Pair work? C Pronunciation???????????????
备课人: 上课人:
教学目标:a. 能听、说、认读There is a ……in the city. Is there a ….in the park? Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t. 并能在实际情景中运用,通过给句型的询问处理实际问题。
?????????? b. 了解字母组合er, or, wh在词中发音。
教学重点:掌握句型Is there a ……in the…? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t. 与区分Is this/that…? Yes, it is.
教学难点:掌握句型Is there a ……in the…? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t. 与区分Is this/that…? Yes, it is.
教具学具课件准备:1.教师准备两张自然公园的图片、录音机、磁带、纸盒、单词卡。2. 上节课的家庭作业图片。
第几课时: 第二课时
1. 播放Let’s chant P68, 师生一齐吟唱。
2. 快看快拼。老师快速出示Let’s learn 中的单词卡,学生快速拼出,并说出汉语意思。
? 二、Presentation
1.新知呈现? 老师呈现一个盒子同时摇动盒子,让学生根据盒子晃动时发出的声音猜盒子里有什么。
?T: What’s in the box? Can you guess?? S: I think there is /are…..
?T: (接学生所说,转换句型): Is there …… in the box?
老师打开盒子揭示答案:Ss:There is a picture in the box.
T: Yes, there is. 老师带读。可以换个东西再猜,引出No,there isn’t.
b. 趣味操练:考考老师 老师背对学生,某一学生当着其他学生的面往盒子放一件物品,教师根据声音,用所学句型猜物品名称。
Ss: What’s in the box??? T: Is there a … in the box?
Ss: No, there isn’t.????? T: Is there a …. in the box?
Ss: Yes, there is.
2. Is there a …… in Hongshihu Park? (或其他学生知道的景区)
?T:( 老师呈现红石湖公园的图片)What’s in Hongshihu Park?
Is there a lake in the park?
?Ss: Yes, there is .可以让学生互相提出其他的问题并作答
(也可以利用P71 Let’s try中的两幅图片,让学生观察后问答 )
3. Let’s talk. T: Zhang Peng and John are talking about a nature park.
? Is there a river in the park? Listen and answer. 播放录音,学生听录音。回答问题。
?4. 学生听录音,跟读。模仿录音中的语气和语调。同桌之间互相分角色朗读。
1. 利用课本中其他三副图,学生在小组内替换句型, 作对话, 并请几组展示。
2. Pair work. 学生拿出自己上节课作业,自己最喜欢的自然公园图片,小组内询问。老师可先给个示范。老师先拿出自己的图片,不能让学生看?????? 见。T: What’s in my picture? Can you guess?
Ss: Is there a …..???? T: No, there isn’t? 等等。
3. Let’s try.? Listen and circle.
2. Pronunciation
a. 老师呈现含有er,or,wh 字母组合的四组词,让学生自己拼读,然后总结读音规则。还可以让学生说一说其他符合这一规则的词
b. 老师播放录音,让学生跟读,辨别相互之间的异同。

?听录音,读Let’s talk 对话,并做一个相似的对话写下来。
课题:A. Read and write? Group work? C Story time
备课人: 上课人:
教学目标:a.能够听、说、读、写句型: Is there…….? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.? b. 能用Is there ….?? Yes, there is.? No, there isn’t. 谈论假日照片。c. 能够培养良好的阅读习惯,理解Story time的故事内容。
教学重点:学生掌握“Is there ……? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.” 句型,培养学生在实际情景中运用对话的能力是本课的难点。
教学难点:学生掌握“Is there ……? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.” 句型,培养学生在实际情景中运用对话的能力是本课的难点。
教具学具课件准备:1.教师准备自己的假日风景照,词卡 2. 学生准备自己的假日照片。
第几课时: 第三 课时
1. Sing the song “My Small Bedroom”. 学生跟录音唱歌。
Ask two questions according to the song words.
a. Is there a small closet in the bedroom?
b. Is there a picture in the bedroom??
2. 小小记忆王, 快速出示单词卡,让学生快速拼出。
3. Play a guessing game. What is in the picture? ( 让几个学生背对图片,用Is there a …..? 句型来提问,其他学生看图回答。)
?Ask the students: Is this picture nice? Who are the children? They are on holidays. During the holiday, you don’t go the school, you can play games, go to the park, or do the things what you like.
Write “holiday picture” on the blackboard. Show my own holiday picture and say: This is my holiday picture. The students read after me, then show their own holiday pictures.
1.General reading: Wu Yifan has a holiday picture, too. What’s in his picture? Read the dialogue on Page 72, and choose the answers below:
? 读课本的对话,选出正确的答案。
(??? ) 1. Is there a forest in the park?
?????? A. Yes, there is.???? B. No, there isn’t.
(??? ) 2. Is there a river in the park?
?????? A. Yes, there is.???? B. No, there isn’t
(??? ) 3. Is there a lake?
?????? A. Yes, there is.???? B. No, there isn’t
(??? ) 4. Is the park pretty?
?????? A. Yes, it is.??????? B. No, it isn’t.
2. Detailed reading:? It’s a pretty park. What’s it like? Read the dialogue carefully and answer the following question:
What’s the nature park like?? There is …………
3. Read and write:? Does Wu Yifan like the park? Read the dialogue and finish the sentences on Page 72.
4. Listen and read. Listen twice.
5. The students read the dialogue loudly in pairs.
1. Ask some pairs to reads the dialogue out.
2. Give some key words to retell the dialogue.
Key words: holiday picture, a nature park, a forest, a river, a lake, like.
Ask some students to retell the dialogue.
3. Pair work: Talk about their holiday pictures.
4. 创设情景,手机响,引出下面的对话:
T:? Hello!?????? ?
?S:? Hello, Miss Liu. Let’s go to the park, ok?
T:? Is there a river in the park?
?S:? Yes, there is .
?T:? Is there a lake in the park?
?S:? No, there isn’t.
?T:? Ok, let’s go.


1 听本课录音,并熟读对话。
2.你的假期都去哪里玩的呢? 用你刚学习的知识写写你的所见所闻吧,一定非常的有趣。