在语境中学习、理解并运用词汇:tortoise、parrot、bone、cat food、dog food、fish、cute等。
在语境中学习并运用What does ...(do)/...(does)...句型来询问动物吃的食物并做相应回答。What does she eat She eats fish.
知晓元音字母o及字母组合oe, oa的发音, 在单词中准确朗读、掌握字母的发音并积累相关的单词。
1. 学生能够熟练运用核心词汇,介绍动物的食性。
2. 学生在四个分课时的语境中,能熟练地运用-wh特殊疑问句询问动物吃的食物并做出相应回答。
3. 学生能够根据所学内容给于自己或他人对于喂养宠物的合理建议,并能够与同伴交流。
4. 学生能够理解故事内容,并完整表达,热情演绎。
语言知识 语言技能 情感态度 学习策略
第一课时 在in the forest的情境中,学习,理解核心词汇:cute/cat food/ fish 等。在in the forest的情境中,学习,理解并运用It eats ...来表达动物吃什么食物。在in the forest的情境中,理解课文内容并完整表达。 1. 听:听懂核心词汇:cute/cat food,/fish等。2. 说:用It eats ...表达动物吃什么食物。3. 读:读懂课文内容。 通过本课时的学习,学生了解动物间的友情,对cute animals产生喜爱之情。 认真倾听、积极思考、参与讨论、任务驱动。能在语言活动中,互帮互学,借助直观媒介学习语言知识。
第二课时 在at home的情境中,理解词汇:naughty/ be afraid of/jump off等。在at home的情境中,理解,运用It eats .../ It likes...表达动物对食物的喜爱。在at home的情境中,理解课文内容,并完整表达。 1. 听:知晓词汇:naughty/ be afraid of/ jump off等。2. 说:用It eats .../ It likes表达动物对食物的喜爱。3. 读:读懂课文内容并进行角色扮演。 通过本课时的学习,学生了解动物的另一面,进一步对小动物产生浓厚兴趣。 认真倾听、融入情境,积极思考。注重体验,借助媒体资源学习语言知识。
第三课时 在Pet Club的情境中,学习,理解并运用词汇:tortoise/ parrot/bone/dog food/ sunflower seeds/shrimp等。在Pet Club的情境中,运用句型What does a ... eat / It eats ... / I feed it ...询问动物的食性。在Pet Club情境中,运用已知词汇,句型描述宠物的食性并给出合理的喂养建议。知晓元音字母o及字母组合 oe, oa的发音, 在单词中准确朗读、掌握字母的发音并积累相关的单词。 1. 听:知晓核心词汇:tortoise/parrot/bone/dog food等。2. 说:用句型What does a ... eat / It eats ...询问宠物吃的食物并做出相应回答。3. 读:读懂核心词汇及文本。4. 写:运用已知词汇,句型描述宠物的食性并给出合理的喂养建议。 通过本课时的学习,学生了解他人饲养宠物的需求,初步了解一些宠物的食性,并能给出合理的喂养建议。从而对身边的动物有更进一步的关注。产生对小动物的关爱之情。 本课时以三项任务贯穿于整个教学过程中。学生认真倾听、积极思考、参与讨论、自信表达,学生通过师生互动,生生互动,借助媒体进行语言知识的学习。
第四课时 1.在at home的情境中,理解并运用核心词汇:tortoise/ parrot/bone/dog food/ sunflower seeds/shrimp/cute/fish/ cat food等在at home的情境中,理解并运用核心句型:...(does)...询问宠物的喜好,食性。3.在at home的情境中,运用词汇,句型对宠物进行描述。 1. 听:知晓核心词汇:tortoise/parrot/bone/dog food/ sunflower seeds/shrimp/cute/fish/ cat food等等。2.说:用句型It eats ...描述自己宠物的外形特征,食性等。3. 读:读懂核心词汇及文本。4. 写:运用已知词汇,句型描述自己的宠物 通过本课时的学习,学生产生了解自己的宠物的想法,合理饲养宠物,并能关爱身边的宠物。 认真倾听、任务驱动,积极思考、参与讨论、自信表达,学生通过师生互动,生生互动,借助媒体进行语言知识的学习。
1. 在Pet Club的情境中,学习,理解并运用词汇:tortoise/ parrot/bone/dog food/
sunflower seeds/shrimp等。
2. 在Pet Club的情境中,运用句型What does a ... eat / It eats ... / I feed it ...询问动物的食性。
3. 在Pet Club情境中,运用已知词汇,句型描述宠物的食性并给出合理的喂养建议。
4. 知晓元音字母o及字母组合 oe, oa的发音, 在单词中准确朗读、掌握字母的发音并积累相关的单词。
学生在Pet Club的情境中,运用任务驱动策略,学习并了解他人饲养宠物的需求。学生通过听说,回答问题,猜谜,观看视频等形式学习语言、训练表达、形成思维,最终能够运用所学词汇,句型描述宠物的食性并给出合理的喂养建议。
Kitty: Welcome to our Pet Club. We can share the experience(经验) of keeping a pet.
What animals do you want to keep as pets
Danny: I want to keep a dog as a pet. I’m too fat. I can take a walk with it.
Joe: I want to keep a tortoise as a pet. It’s easy to take care of.
Flo: I want to keep a parrot as a pet. I can talk with it.
Joe: Excuse me. What does a tortoise eat
Kitty: It eats fish, shrimps and tortoise food. We feed it once a day.
Flo: What does a parrot eat
Kitty: It eats corn, fruit and sunflower seeds. We feed it once a day too.
Danny: What does a dog eat
Kitty: It eats dog food and bones. We feed it once a day.
Joe, Flo &Danny: I see. Thank you.
Kitty: We feed pets nice food every day. But don’t feed dogs with chocolate. Refresh the water for tortoises. Clean the cages after meals for parrots. Know more about pets’ eating habits and take good care of them.
Procedures Teacher’s activities Learners’ activities Purposes
Pre-task preparations 1. Show an English song.2. Learn the sound: / / Sing a song.2-1Find the words that contain the sound of / /.2-2 Read the chant 通过歌曲,学生迅速进入上课状态,并引入本单元及本课主题。通过寻找缺失的单词的活动,知晓元音字母o及字母组合oa, oe的发音。
While-task procedures Show the picturesAsk the questionsGuide the students to learn the new words and the reason why Joe, Flo and Danny want to keep animals as pets.(Choose a suitable pet.)4. Guide the students to learn the pets’ eating habits.(Tell about pets’ eating habits. )5. Guide the students to learn the tips for feeding pets.(Give more tips for taking good care of pets.) 1-1 Guess. 2-1 Answer the questions.eg: Maybe it’s a _____. Because they _______. T: What are they talking about What club is it 3-1Listen to the text.3-2 Look and read.3-3 Learn the word: dog3-3-1 Listen and read3-3-2 Ask and answereg: What animal does Danny want to keep as a pet Why does he keep a dog as a pet 3-3-3 Look and read.3-4 Learn the word: tortoise3-4-1 Listen and guess.3-4-2 Ask and answer.eg: It’s easy to take care of.3-4-3 Look and read.3-5 Learn the word: parrot3-5-1 Play a game3-5-2 Ask and answer3-5-3 Fill in the blanks4-1 Learn the sentence pattern: What does a …eat 4-1-1 Look at the photos 4-1-2 Ask and answer.4-1-3 Watch the movie.eg: What does a … eat It eats …(fish, shrimps and tortoise food/ corn, fruit and sunflower seeds/ dog food and bones)4-2 Read the whole dialogue with group members.5-1 Listen and answer.Listen and get some information about the tips.eg: Don’t feed dogs with chocolate.Refresh the water for tortoises.Clean the cages after meals for parrots. 通过看一看、猜一猜、听一听,学生感知文本内容。运用师生问答,引导朗读等形式开展教学,帮助学生进入本课时语境。运用任务驱动策略,通过问答,提升学生思维品质,了解他人对于饲养宠物的需求。学生通过听一听,猜一猜,学习并运用新授单词,利用含有相同因素的单词,帮助学生记忆单词。通过游戏,复习旧知,培养学生提取关键信息的能力。运用任务驱动策略,学生通过问答,观看视频,学生运用已有知识,结合新授句型,能够准确描述宠物所吃的食物,以及喂养的频率等。通过分角色朗读课文,完整感知所学内容。通过听一听,结合生活,学生提炼喂养宠物的注意事项,学会将英语学习,运用到实际生活中去。
Post-task activities 1. Guide the students to make the reminding cards.2. Have the students to share the reminding card with classmates and teachers. 3. Help the students to be kind to the pets and love the pets. 1-1 Make the reminding card2-1 Share the reminding cards with others.3-1 Share your photos 运用任务驱动策略,通过提醒卡的制作,学生复习本课所学词汇,句型,并给出合理喂养建议,借助板书帮助学生理清思路,培养思维品质,提升语用能力。教师通过评价,对学生语言运用能力进行指导,激发学生学习兴趣。总结提炼,升华情感。
Assignment Read the dialogue fluently. Share your reminding card with your friends.
On board
本课时的话题为Pets’ eating habits。结合前一个单元Sports Club的话题,将单元间的情境进行了有效衔接,创设了本课时Pet Club的情境。使得学生对于知识的学习更有延续性。同时,在宠物俱乐部里和大家分享交流饲养宠物的经验,本课时的话题得以顺利展开。
在课堂教学中,教师设计了ask and answer、listen and enjoy、read and write等活动,学生感知,思考,运用所学内容,培养良好的思维品质。
本课时教师设计了一项任务,在了解他人饲养宠物的需求时,教师通过What animal do you want to keep as a pet Why 两个问题,结合学生生活实际,发散思维,寻找理由,促进学生的语言和思维能力。
本课时教师运用了任务驱动策略,三项任务1.Choose a suitable pet. 2.Tell about pets’ eating habits. 3.Give more tips for taking good care of pets.贯穿整堂课,从了解他人饲养宠物的需求,到了解宠物的食性,再到为自己或他人提供合理喂养建议。学生的认知水平层层推进,学生的思维品质有效提升。
课堂评价可以更好的检测学生的学以及教师的教,本课时Post-task环节中,教师设计了制作Reminding Card的环节,从三个方面:了解宠物的食性,给出正确合理的喂养建议,大声,自信的朗读。对学生的学习效果进行反馈。将卡片贴于俱乐部告示栏上,颁发俱乐部徽章等环节,提高学生学习的积极性,增加趣味性。
4B M2U2 Cute animals
Cute animals’ story
Naughty animals’ story
Pets’ eating habits
My pet