You're lost in the woods,in the sea or on the mountain.You have your smart phone with you.
At this time,don't wory as you can use the following apps on your phone to get help.
Boot Print Suryival
The Boot Print Surviyal app can keep track of the last place where you had a celi phone signal.
If and when you find yourself lost and without a cell phone signal,justopen up,Boot Print Survival,
which tells you the direstion and distance to the last place where you had a signak Then it's simply
a matter of finding your way back.
Wild Edibles
"Wildman"Steve Brill is an experienced explorer and naturalist who poured his knowledge of
wild foods into this handy app.Though humans can go weeks without eating,our bodies work
much better with a little food in our stomachs.Out in the wild it can be just as dangerous to eat the
wrong thing as to eat nothing,and the Wild Edibles app provides detailed descriptions and pictures
of each plant as well as food preparation instructions.
Army Survival
You can't have too much good-infermatien when it comes to saving your life.The Army
Survival guide app draws information from a survival guide written by the U.S.Army and covers
water,dangerous animals to avoid,and how to find and prepare food.This app has.topics like cold
weather survival and how to get by in the desert.
SAS Survival Guide
If you've gotten to this point,it probably means you're considering spending at least a night
out in nature.The SAS Survival Guide was born as a book written by John Wiseman,a former SAS
(British Special Air Service)soldier and instructor.The 400-page book has been translated to both
iPhone and Android apps and is full of information on first aid,shelter-building,eating,drinking,
and tips to guide you through places like forests,deserts,the sea coast and cold weather