人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 2 Wildlife Protection 单元达标测试(含解析)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 2 Wildlife Protection 单元达标测试(含解析)
格式 docx
文件大小 58.6KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-09-12 17:23:18



Unit 2 Wildlife Protection
第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
It happened on a rainy Saturday morning last month. My wife Catherine and I were driving along what some people called moose alley(麋鹿通道). It was so early that there were few cars on the road. Suddenly, something happened. A moose jumped out across our path. I had been driving for years and was good at driving. In order to avoid knocking into the moose, I made a quick turn to the other lane. If I had not done that, the moose might have been killed, and my wife and I might have got injured, too. A few seconds later, when stopped and looked back in my rear view mirror, the moose was getting up and then ran into the bush. Shaken but fine, we both looked at each other with a surprised expression.
From then on, I often thought about the relationship between humans and wildlife. We know that animal species(物种) have appeared and disappeared continually since life began on the Earth. It is quite natural. However, animal species have been decreasing at a much faster rate for about a century now because of human factors (因素) such as pollution.
Certain philosophers and scientists keep repeating that if we don't save animals, how we will be able to save ourselves. A better knowledge of animals gives us a better understanding of our own species. The will to protect animals and nature in general shows the value of a society. And all animals play roles in nature and have a right to survive. Therefore, I think we should try our best to save endangered animals, because humans cannot live on the Earth alone.
1.What happened on a rainy Saturday morning last month
A.My wife and I were both injured in the accident.
B.My car knocked into a moose running across the path.
C.A moose was killed because of the knock on my car.
D.With my good driving skills, we successfully avoided hitting a moose.
2.According to the passage, which of the following is not the factor of animal decreasing
A.pollution B.overhunting C.earthquake D.habitat loss
3.What’s the main idea of the passage
A.No animal, no human
B.Focus on animal activities all the time
C.Human activities must be stopped
D.Animals are more important than humans
The African grey parrot's ability to talk and mimic sounds makes it a charming companion. African grey parrot owners often report that their grey parrots often talk in context and can understand their people's emotions. The African grey parrot is not just atop talker—this bird is also known for its extreme intelligence(智力), which gives it the name "The Einstein in the Bird World".
The bird is middle-sized, dusty-looking and almost pigeon-like. It has a bright red tail, intelligent orange eyes, and a stunning scalloped(扇形的) pattern on its feathers. Their diet in the wild consists mostly of nuts, seeds, fruits, and leafy matter.
At home, African grey parrots need plenty of toys that challenge their intelligence, such as food searching and puzzle toys. Nutri-Berries by Lafeber Company is a perfect choice, which, with a balance of grains(谷物), seeds and other nutrients(营养物) in the shape of a berry, encourages African grey parrots to bite and play, just as they do in the wild.
African grey parrots seem especially affected by stress and disturbing noise in their environment and can be put more at ease by placing one corner of the cage against a wall as opposed to in the middle of a room.
African grey parrots are more likely to suffer from lack of vitamin A/beta-carotene (β-胡萝卜素), and therefore benefit from eating vegetables high in beta-carotene, such as cooked sweet potato and fresh kale. Lack of vitamin D is another concern, especially for grey parrots on a poor diet. Offering a balanced, pill-shaped diet, such as Nutri-Berries, helps prevent vitamin and mineral shortage.
4.Why is the African grey parrot called "The Einstein in the Bird World"
A.Because of their brain size. B.On account of their cleverness.
C.Owing to their rich emotions. D.Due to their talking ability.
5.What can "Nutri-Berries" probably be
A.A brand of bird food. B.Puzzle toys for birds.
C.A type of round fruit. D.Good intelligence games.
6.What can we know about African grey parrots
A.They may get ill due to lack of vitamins.
B.They prefer to stay in the middle of a room.
C.They are dusty-looking with blue eyes.
D.They are smart and love to have fun.
7.Where can we most probably find the passage
A.In a wildlife magazine. B.In a history book.
C.In a travel guide. D.On a shopping website.
There's nothing like having a best friend forever—that person who you can have fun with and talk to. July 30 is the International Day of Friendship. Maybe you can seek to encounter a new friend. And while we're talking about friends, don't think humans are the only ones who know a thing or two about friendship. Check out these friendly animals in nature who help each other out.
An elephant and an olive baboon(东非狒狒) can be friends It sounds amazing, but it's true. You can find this pair of friends in the grasslands of Africa. This unusual pair can help each other out like any pair of good friends would. The elephant uses its front teeth to make a waterhole in the sand, and it lets the olive baboon have a drink from this "well" when it gets thirsty. In return, the baboon tells the elephant when danger is near. It climbs up to the treetops and calls out so its friend knows that it's time to move on.
In the sea world, the goby fish(虾虎鱼) and the shrimp are well-known for their friendship. The shrimp provides a home for the goby fish, while the goby fish provides a guidance service for the almost blind shrimp. You see, the goby has great eyesight(视力) and stays close to the shrimp. As the shrimp moves around, the shrimp is feeling the goby with its antennae(触须)from time to time to make sure it's still there. If the goby senses danger, it will return to the home and the shrimp will follow.
The langur(叶猴) has a very good friendship with the chital deer(斑鹿). While the langur eats in a tree, it drops leaves to the ground. This is good for the deer because sometimes there's not much food. The deer will follow the langur and eat whatever food that is dropped. And in return, when the langur comes down from the tree, the deer will stamp heavily to tell the langur if it senses danger.
8.How can an elephant help an olive baboon
A.By providing protection. B.By providing a home.
C.By providing water. D.By providing information.
9.What does a shrimp do when moving around in the sea
A.It never swims far from its home. B.It goes home from time to time.
C.It uses its antennae for directions. D.It stays close to the goby fish.
10.What do the olive baboon and the chital deer have in common
A.They warn their friends of danger. B.They live together with their friends.
C.They have a good sense of smell. D.They have good eyesight.
11.What would be the best title for the text
A.Best friends forever B.Friendship in the animal world
C.Love me, love my dog D.The International Day of Friendship
A tiny Alaskan village has experienced a boom in tourism in recent years as polar bears spend more time on land than on Arctic sea ice.
More than 2, 000 people visited the northern Alaskan village of Kaktovik in 2018 to see polar bears in the wild. The far north community lies in an area where increasingly higher temperature has sped up the movement of sea ice, the primary habitat of polar bears. As ice has gradually moved to deep water beyond the continental shelf, more bears are remaining on land to look for food.
Polar bears have always been a common sight on sea ice near Kaktovik, but villagers started noticing a change in themid-1990s. More bears seemed to stay on land, and researchers began taking note of more female bears making homes in the snow on land instead of on the ice to raise their babies. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service biologists began hearing reports of the increasing number of polar bears in the area in the early 2000s.As more attention was given to the plight(困境) of polar bears about a decade ago, more tourists started heading to Kaktovik.
"The village had fewer than 50 visitors annually before2011," said Jennifer Reed of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. "Today we're talking about hundreds and hundreds of visitors, many from around the world each year," said Reed. Most tourists visit in the fall, when bears are forced toward land because sea ice is farthest away from the shore. Bruce Inglangasak, a local hunter who sometimes offers wildlife-viewing tours, said he's been offering polar bear tours since 2004. Most of his clients(客户) are from China and Europe, as well as from the lower 48 U.S. states. Many tourists stay several days in the village, which has two small hotels. The villagers have benefited a lot from that. In turn, they provide more effective protection for polar bears with financial support from tourism development.
12.What causes more polar bears to stay on land in Kaktovik
A.Food shortages. B.Climate change.
C.Habitats' movement to shore. D.Their preference for land.
13.How did common people feel about more sight of bears onland
A.Excited. B.Puzzled. C.Concerned. D.Shocked.
14.What can be inferred from the last paragraph
A.Hotels in Kaktovik are in demand in autumn.
B.Kaktovik has about 50 visitors annually.
C.Inglangasak makes a living as a tour guide.
D.Tourism affects the balance of nature.
15.Which saying can describe the text
A.The fittest can survive. B.After a storm comes a calm.
C.One man's fault is another man's lesson. D.Every coin has two sides.
第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
Urban Wildlife
Cities are diverse ecosystems. In addition to visitors, a large number of species share our urban areas. As our cities spread, we need to think about what it is like for other species to have human neighbors.
Cities are built for humans. ①_____ For example, most city parks are kept neat and tidy so that humans will find them beautiful. But when we cut grass or plants, we destroy natural habitats, which leads to the imbalance of ecology.
②_____ When a bridge in Austin, Texas was repaired, engineers added small gaps running the length of its bottom. This made a good home for bats, and soon the bridge was home to thousands of bats. ③_____ Now, they have come to value their winged neighbors. The bats become an attraction, and they eat lots of bugs every night.
There are also structures built with the aim of bringing wildlife into the city. The Olympic Forest Park in Beijing is a good example. The park used native plants, and created open and natural spaces for wildlife. The result is a zone in Beijing with over 160 species of birds. In many ways, the park is the opposite of a zoo. ④_____
If we learn to share our space, we can become better neighbors of the wildlife around us. ⑤_____ Our own future will be endangered too.
A.They are built to protect birds.
B.Our actions sometimes help other species.
C. If we do not, more species will become extinct.
D.They do not always provide suitable habitats for wildlife.
E.Instead of being kept in cages, wildlife can move more freely.
F.At first, people were afraid of the bats and tried to get rid of them.
G.They would sit on it and their droppings would fall into the water.
第二部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
Topher White visited a wildlife reserve in Indonesia. He was hiking through the rainforest when he came across a man 1 a huge tree.
The logger(伐木工) ran away while seeing White, but the 2 bothered White. He knew the wildlife reserve employed rangers(护林员) to watch out for illegal loggers. But the guards hadn't known about the man White saw. "How did they 3 him "
White wondered. White, a trained engineer, thought 4 could be part of the solution in the fight against deforestation. He then 5 a device he calls Guardian. Guardian can 6 the sound of a chainsaw from two-thirds of a mile away. They are 7 on the tree. When Guardian detects a chainsaw, it sends a 8 to rangers, indicating where the sound is coming from. The rangers then set off to stop the illegal activity. "If you really 9 the moment you get the warning, there's a 10 that you can show up before much of the tree has been cut," White says.
White installed the first Guardians at the wildlife reserve where he got the 11 for the project. Two days later, the devices helped rangers 12 a logger. That made him 13 others could use this too. Since then, white has created and installed Guardians in ten countries. White says he couldn't have done any of this without local 14 . "We are just techs for them," he says. "The people who are really making a 15 and fighting deforestation are on the ground in the rainforest."
1.A.planting B.climbing C.watching D.cutting
2.A.experience B.thought C.knowledge D.idea
3.A.guard B.notice C.hate D.miss
4.A.tourism B.education C.technology D.training
5.A.discovered B.created C.found D.described
6.A.pick up B.give out C.agree to D.turn up
7.A.followed B.circled C.returned D.fixed
8.A.message B.warning C.request D.mistake
9.A.appear B.leave C.contribute D.respond
10.A.fact B.result C.chance D.decision
11.A.inspiration B.pleasure C.invitation D.order
12.A.frighten B.interrupt C.inform D.bother
13.A.believe B.imagine C.explain D.persuade
14.A.loggers B.partners C.soldiers D.travelers
15.A.sense B.point C.difference D.change
第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
When it comes to wildlife ①_____(protect), every species should be treated ②_____(equal). Pandas, dolphins, and other cute wildlife ③_____(be) of importance, but we must pay attention ④_____ less cute animals, too. The world needs all ⑤_____(kind) of animals because without variety, our planet could not survive. So if you want to have a beautiful future, you have to give ugly ⑥_____ opportunity.
⑦_____(make) paper for humans, many trees are being cut down every year. Every tree ⑧_____ is cut down is a part of the habitat of ⑨_____(vary) animals. Therefore, a lot of animal homes are being destroyed! Is ⑩_____ right to make animals homeless so that humans can have more paper
第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 (满分15分)
Good afternoon, everyone!
That's all. Thanks for your listening.
第二节 (满分25分)
The Feel-Good Shoebox
Catherine sat on her bed with her chin in her hands. "Why aren't you getting ready for Grandma's birthday party " asked Mother.
"I can't bake(烘烤) like Sylvia or knit(编织) like Anne," Catherine grumbled. "They made good presents. All I made for her is an ugly card." It's a lovely card. And no one can be good at everything," said Mother. She sat on the bed next to Catherine. "When I was your age, I felt sad when I couldn't do certain things. But one day Grandma showed me the shoebox game, and it made me feel a lot better." Catherine frowned(皱眉), "How can a shoebox make me feel better " "You'll see," said Mother. She disappeared down the hall, then came back carrying a shoebox, a pencil, paper, and scissors.
Catherine watched as Mother cut several pieces of paper into squares. "Now, I want you to write down all the things you can do," said Mother. "Like what " asked Catherine. "Why not start with things you've learned in school Give it some thought while I ice Grandma's birthday cake."
Catherine sat for a while wrinkling(皱起) and unwrinkling her eyebrows. Slowly Catherine began to write and write. Before long she had written on every square of paper. She was so busy that she didn't hear Mother come into the room. "My goodness!" said Mother. "Do you think they'll all fit in the shoebox " "I hope so," said Catherine. "It was fun thinking of all the stuff I can do." "And the next time you feel sad because you can't do something, your feel-good shoebox will remind you of how much you can do—just as mine did when I was a little girl," said Mother. "Now let's finish getting dressed for Grandma's party."
Paragraph 1:
"Happy birthday!" yelled(欢呼) the children when they arrived at Grandma's house.
Paragraph 2:
Then Catherine gave her card to Grandma.
第一部分 阅读理解
解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中的“It happened on a rainy Saturday morning last month. My wife Catherine and I were driving along what some people called moose alley(麋鹿通道). It was so early that there were few cars on the road. Suddenly, something happened. A moose jumped out across our path. I had been driving for years and was good at driving. In order to avoid knocking into the moose, I made a quick turn to the other lane. A few seconds later, when I stopped and looked back in my rear view mirror, the moose was getting up and then ran into the bush.”(这件事发生在上个月一个下雨的星期六早上。我和妻子凯瑟琳沿着一些人称之为麋鹿通道的道路行驶。路上几乎没有汽车。突然,发生了一些事情。一只麋鹿从我们的小路上跳了出来。我已经开了几年车,而且很擅长开车。为了避免撞到麋鹿,我快速转向另一条车道。几秒钟后,当我停下来,回头看我的后视镜时,麋鹿站起来,然后跑进了灌木丛。)可知,在上个月一个下雨的星期六早上,“我”凭借出色的驾驶技术,成功避免撞上一头麋鹿。故选D。
解析:细节理解题。根据第二段“However, animal species have been decreasing at a much faster rate for about a century now because of human factors(因素) such as pollution.”(然而,由于污染等人为因素,近一个世纪以来,动物物种以更快的速度在减少。)可知,动物减少是由于人为因素造成的,pollution(污染),overhunting(过度捕杀),habitat loss(栖息地丧失)这些都属于人为因素,earthquake(地震)是自然原因,不属于人为因素,故选C。
解析:主旨大意题。文章第一段讲述了作者凭借出色的驾驶技术,成功避免撞上一头麋鹿的事。第二段介绍了作者开始思考人类与动物的关系,同时说明了人为因素造成动物不断减少。第三段讲述了拯救动物的重要性,因为拯救地球上的动物就是拯救人类自己。所以综上所述,文章的主要观点是要告诉我们动物和人类息息相关,保护动物很重要,因为拯救动物就是拯救人类自己,A选项“No animal, no human”(没有动物就没有人类。)符合主旨大意,故选A。
解析:细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句中的“this bird is also known for its extreme intelligence, which gives it the name ‘The Einstein in the Bird World’.”可知,非洲灰鹦鹉因其异乎寻常的智力而被称为“鸟界的爱因斯坦”。故选B。
解析:推理判断题。根据第三段中的“Nutri-Berries by Lafeber Company is a perfect choice, which, with a balance of grains, seeds and other nutrients in the shape of a berry”可知,Lafeber公司生产的Nutri-Berries是一个完美的选择,它被制成浆果的形状,含有均衡搭配的谷物、种子和其他营养物质,由此判断出,Nutri-Berries 应该是一种鸟粮品牌。故选A。
解析:细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句中的“this bird is also known for its extreme intelligence”可知,非洲灰鹦鹉非常聪明;根据第三段中的“Nutri-Berries by Lafeber Company...encourages African grey parrots to bite and play, just as they do in the wild.”可知,Lafeber公司生产的Nutri-Berries能让非洲灰鹦鹉像在野外一样咬和玩耍,这说明它们爱玩。综合两条线索来看本题选D。
解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“The elephant use sits front teeth to make a waterhole...when it gets thirsty.”可知,大象通过提供水来帮助东非狒狒。
解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的“You see, the goby has great eyesight... the shrimp will follow.”可知,当虾在海里游动时,一直和虾虎鱼保持很近的距离。
解析:细节理解题。根据第二段倒数第二句“In return, the baboon tells the elephant when danger is near.”和最后一段最后一句中“the deer will stamp heavily to tell the langur if it senses danger”可知,东非狒狒和斑鹿的共同点是,它们警告它们的朋友有危险。
解析:主旨大意题。根据第一段最后一句“Check out these friendly animals in nature who help each other out.”以及下文所讲述的三对动物之间的友谊可知,本文介绍了动物界的友谊。故选B。
解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“...increasingly higher temperature has sped up the movement of sea ice...more bears are remaining on land to look for food.”可知,越来越高的气温加速了海冰移动,越来越多的北极熊待在陆地上以寻找食物,所以是气候变化导致越来越多的北极熊待在陆地上。故选B。
解析:推理判断题。根据第三段中的“As more attention was given to the plight(困境) of polar bears about a decade ago, more tourists started heading to Kaktovik.”可知,大约十年前,随着人们越来越关注北极熊的困境,越来越多的游客开始前往卡克托维克,所以大众对更多北极熊登陆现象表示关注。故选C。
解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“Most tourists visit in the fall”以及“Many tourists stay several days in the village, which has two small hotels.”可知,大多数游客会选择在秋季去卡克托维克游览,而且很多游客会在这个小村庄待上几天,而这个小村庄只有两个小旅馆,由此可推知在秋季,卡克托维克的旅馆很抢手。故选A。
解析:①细节句。空前说“Cities are built for humans.”,再结合后文“But when we cut grass or plants, we destroy natural habitats”可知,D选项“它们并不总是为野生动物提供合适的栖息地”符合逻辑,故选D。
②主旨句。由后面的“...engineers added small gaps running the length of its bottom. This made a good home for bats”可知,我们人类的行为有时是可以帮助到其他物种的,故选B。
③细节句。根据空后句的时间标志词Now可以判断设空处所填句子与后文内容存在时间上的对照关系,At first与后面的Now形成对比,故选F。
④细节句。空前句“In many ways, the park is the opposite of a zoo.”说明此处是要介绍这个公园与动物园的区别,空前句中的opposite与E项中的Instead of 形成意义上的呼应,E项是对前文的进一步说明,故选E。
第二部分 语言知识运用
答案:1-5.DADCB 6-10.ADBDC; 11-15.ABABC
解析:1. 根据下文的关键词logger可知此处指一个人在砍一棵大树。故选D。
2. 上文提到White看到一个人在砍一棵大树,当这个人看到White时就跑开了,这是一次经历,这次经历使White烦恼。故选A。
3. 上文提到“the guards hadn't known about the man White saw”,所以此处是指White想知道警卫员怎么会没有看到这个砍伐大树的人。故选D。
4. 下文提到“a device he calls Guardian”,所以此处是指他认为技术可以成为解决方案的一部分。故选C。
5. 此处注意词语搭配,此处是指他创造了一个设备。故选B。
6. 此处注意词语搭配,此处指“守护者”这个设备能在三分之二英里远的地方接收到链锯的声音。pick up接收(信号或声音)。故选A。
7. 本句中的They是指“守护者”设备,所以此处是指它们被固定在树上。fix使固定。故选D。
8. 下文提到“the moment you get the warning”,所以此处是指当“守护者”探测到链锯(的声音)时,它会向护林员发出警报。故选B。
9. 此题可以和下一题一起解出,注意整体语境的理解。此处指如果你真的在收到警报的那一刻作出反应,你就有可能在树木的大部分被砍伐之前出现。故本题选D,下一题选C。
10. 解析见上题。
11. 由上文White的经历我们可以知道他是在这个野生动物保护区获得的这个项目的灵感的。故选A。
12. 由上文介绍的“守护者”会起的作用我们可以知道此处指的是两天后,这些设备帮助护林员阻止了一个伐木的人。interrupt使中断。故选B。
13. 上文提到了“守护者”起到的积极作用,所以此处指那让他相信其他人也可以用这个。故选A。
14. 要想取得这些成效,应该是离不开当地的合作搭档。故选B。
15. 此处指那些真正起作用并与滥伐森林行为作斗争的人正在热带雨林的土地上。此处是指当地的那些护林员,White认为他们才是真正起作用的人。make a difference起作用。故选C。
答案:①protection②equally③are④to⑤kinds⑥an⑦To make⑧that⑨various⑩it
解析:①考查名词。When it comes to...中的to为介词,设空处作介词to的宾语,且被前面的名词wildlife修饰,应用名词,故填protection。
③考查动词的时态及主谓一致。设空处在句中作谓语动词,由上下文语境可知应用一般现在时,主语为Pandas, dolphins, and other cute wildlife,谓语动词应用复数,故填are。
④考查介词。pay attention to意为“关注;注意”,故填to。
⑦考查动词不定式。此处指为了给人类造纸,每年,很多树木遭到砍伐,设空处在句中作目的状语,故应用不定式To make。
⑧考查定语从句的引导词。设空处无提示词,且设空处前面是名词tree, ⑧_____ is cut down中缺少主语,故推测设空处引导的是定语从句,修饰指物的tree,且tree被Every修饰,故应用关系代词that。句意:每一棵被砍倒的树都是各种各样的动物的栖息地的一部分。
Good afternoon, everyone! All the animals play apart in keeping the balance of nature. Unfortunately, many wild animals are facing the danger of extinction. The reasons are various. For one thing, the environment that they are living in has been greatly destroyed. For another, they are being overhunted.
So we must take measures to protect them. We should raise our awareness of animal protection. Besides, let's make every effort to protect animals' living environment.
I hope we can live in harmony with animals. Let's take action.
That's all. Thanks for your listening.
Paragraph 1:
"Happy birthday!" yelled(欢呼) the children when they arrived at Grandma's house. "I brought you cookies. I made them by myself," said Sylvia. "It is wonderful," said Grandma. Meanwhile, Anne quietly took out the scarf she knitted for Grandma. When Grandma saw it, she said proudly, "My baby, you are very handy. I like it very much." Catherine looked nervously at the card in her hand and wondered if Grandma would like it. At this time, Grandma looked at Catherine kindly and said gently, "I'm curious about what Catherine has prepared for me."
Paragraph 2:
Then Catherine gave her card to Grandma. When Grandma saw this card, she showed a big smile, "Wow, this is the most beautiful card I've ever seen." Grandma thanked the children again for their birthday gifts. They ate delicious cookies and spent a good night together. That night, when she lay in bed, Catherine thought about her feel-good shoebox and how it made her feel very good. Now, she feels that no matter what difficulties she encounters in the future, she can face them bravely as long as there is a feel-good shoebox.