人教版(2019)必修第一册Welcome Unit 单元达标测试卷(含解析)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第一册Welcome Unit 单元达标测试卷(含解析)
格式 docx
文件大小 42.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-09-12 17:31:21



Welcome Unit
第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
Welcome back to school! Have you signed up for an after-school activity yet Here are some of the activities you can try.
Do you like sports How about joining the football team It has tryouts at 3:00 pm next Tuesday. Many of our best players have moved up to college. So now the team needs new players. For more information, meet our sports advisors, Ms. Matte or Mr. Stergis.
This year, your schoolmates in the school art club plan to paint a mural(壁画) on the wall by the office. So they need new members to help create it. Are you interested in drawing, painting or taking photographs This club is for you. The first meeting of the school year is at 3:15 pm next Wednesday in room 221. Please see Ms. Greenway for more information.
There are some new activities you can have a go at. Try the new after-school science club. It has plans to enter the national senior robotics competition this year. So if you want to try building a robot, this club is for you. See Mr. Larson in room 105 for more details. The club meets at 3:30 pm every Thursday.
Do you like acting Are you good at singing The school play this year is a musical—The Sound of Music. Come and tryout for it at 3:10 pm next Monday in room 125.
For a list of all the after-school activities this year, click here, or pick up a membership form from the advisor's office—room 107.
1.When are the tryouts for the football team
A.At 3:10 pm next Monday. B.At 3:00 pm next Tuesday.
C.At 3:15 pm next Wednesday. D.At 3:30 pm every Thursday.
2.What does the art club plan to do this year
A.To paint a mural. B.To put on a musical.
C.To offer photography courses. D.To enter a national competition.
3.Where can you get more information about the science club
A.In room 221. B.In room 125.
C.In room 107. D.In room 105.
The winter break is just about to end. Soon we will be back at school. It's with both happiness and sadness. I look very much forward to seeing my friends and starting practice again, but it also means I’m officially(正式地) half way through the exchange yean With school starting there are new things to try out and experience. For example, I’m starting a new sport, Track. It’s similar to Cross Country, which I did from August till November.
Being here for half a year now, I can easily tell the differences between my two schools. The hardest or most different part for me was to have the same schedule every day here. Honestly, I prefer to have different classes every day, as I did in my home country. However, I have fallen in love with the Friday football games. Football is one of my favorite sports now. Before I came,I knew nothing about it Now I love it, especially to watch it with my host parents. I have also been so lucky to go to two college football games.
Before I left school in December, I had a couple of tests called Mid-term Test. They all went pretty smooth, mostly because I didn’t have too many hard classes. My favorite class was English, and also my hardest. Personally I really liked English, where I could write essays (文章),challenge writing skills and improve English talking.
Only four days of winter break is left. A part of me wants to be on a break forever, and the other part expects to get started again, start a new sport and see my friends and classmates.
4.Why does the author feel sad before school starts again
A. Her homework is not finished. B. The exchange year will end soon.
C. Her school life will get harder. D. The new sport no longer attracts her.
5.How does the school in the author's home country differ from the one she is in now
A. The courses are richer. B. The teachers are kinder.
C. The meals are healthier. D. The holidays are longer.
6.What does the author enjoy doing most with the host family
A. Having a talk in English. B. Playing video games.
C. Watching football matches. D. Visiting her relatives.
7.What does the underlined word “They” in the third paragraph refer to
A. Classes. B. Tests. C. Games. D. Students.
My First Day of School
Frightened, I was walking into my first school in America. I had traveled a long distance from India in order to join my parents, who had been here for three years, hoping America would help my future. My father decided that I would have a better education here, so I enrolled(登记) in the local high school in my new town.
I was afraid of how I would do. On the first day, I went to my second class after I had missed my first. With anxiety, I reached for the door, opening it slowly. Without paying attention to my classmates, I went straight to the teacher and asked if this was the right class. With a soft voice he answered, "Yes." His voice comforted me a little. He gave me a sheet called Course Requirements, which I would never get in India because we didn't have anything like that. Then he asked me to choose where I would sit. I didn't actually want to pick a seat. In India we had fixed seats, so I never needed to worry about that. I spent the rest of the class taking notes from the image produced by the overhead projector(投影仪). In Indian schools, we didn't use the technology. We had to take notes as the teacher spoke.
It was noon. I was very confused about when I would have lunch. I went to my next class and the bell rang as I entered. I went through the regular(惯常的) process of asking the teacher if I was in the right class. She said, "It's still fourth period."
"But the bell just rang," I said.
Changing from a gentle tone to a harsh(刺耳的) one, she said, "That is the lunch bell, young man."
I apologized. Without another word I headed for the cafeteria. I felt lucky because we didn't have this in India. Every confusion seemed like a barrier I had to get through to reach my goal. At the end of the day, I was on my way to the bus which we didn't have in India either. I saw my bus and sat down inside happily. I was thinking, today wasn't so bad.
8.Why did the author attend an American high school
A.Because his father preferred American schools.
B.Because his family wanted him to have a bright future.
C.Because his mother had worked in it for 3 years.
D.Because he had been longing to leave his homeland.
9.What do we know about the author's first day of school
A.He went to the wrong class for second period.
B.He met some enthusiastic teachers and classmates.
C.He got the Course Requirements sheet from his classmate.
D.He experienced differences between American and Indian schools in many ways.
10.What does the underlined word "barrier" probably mean
A.Door. B.Difficulty. C.Task. D.Period.
11.How did the author feel at the end of the day
A.Worried. B.Puzzled. C.Happy. D.Sad.
For many years the school system in Finland has been very successful. In the PISA's survey, which compares reading, math and science knowledge of 15-year-olds around the world, Finland not only is the top European country but also competes with Asian giants(巨头) like China, Singapore and South Korea. But what makes the education system in this small country so different from others in the western world
Until the 1960s Finland's school system had been influenced largely by its neighbor, the Soviet Union. Most students left school after six years; some went on to private schools. Only the wealthy ones got a better education. In the middle of the 1960s the Finnish government saw the need to change and modernize their education system if they wanted to be internationally competitive. Lawmakers made a simple decision: a basic school for all the 7-16-year-pulsory education(义务教育) begins at 7. The government makes it possible for all children to attend preschool(幼儿园) as well.
Teachers work with their pupils in school as much as possible. When teachers are not with the pupils, they spend a lot of time in schools working on the curriculum and new projects. Schools in Finland are small, at least for international standards. So teachers know every pupil in their school and try everything to succeed with their pupils. That is why dropout rates are low compared to other countries. In contrast to other nations, teachers in Finland are highly respected. Finland selects its teachers very carefully: only talented students go on to university and receive a master's degree in education. Finland only takes the best to educate its youth.
All Finnish children, whether they come from the city or the country, whether from a rich or poor family, have the same chances of education. There are not so many differences between the wealthy and the poor, as in America or other Western European countries. Education experts say that there is very little difference between very good and very bad students. Two thirds of Finnish pupils move on to higher education, the highest rate in the European Union.
12.What does the author want to show by mentioning China, Singapore and South Korea in the first paragraph
A.Asian countries are successful in school education.
B.The school system in Finland has been very successful.
C.Students in these countries are better than those in European countries.
D.The education system in Asia is different from that in the western world.
13.What did the Finnish government do in the middle of the1960s
A.They changed the school system.
B.They lengthened(延长) preschool education.
C.They encouraged students to go to private schools.
D.They learned modern education from neighboring countries.
14.What can we learn from the text
A.The children in Finland are educated equally.
B.The children in Finland get compulsory education at the age of six.
C.The school system in Finland is better than that in Singapore.
D.The schools in Finland don't meet international standards.
15.What can be the best title for the text
A.What Differences European Schools Have
B.What Good Schools Provide Students with
C.Why Finland's School System Is Successful
D.Why Finland's School System Has Changed
第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
Going from junior high school to the freshman year of senior high school is a big challenge. What if you meet with difficulties. ①_____
Be open to new friendships.
Senior high school is all about experiencing new things, including new friendships. Getting to know people you haven't met before is a great way to broaden your horizons. ②_____ Simply sitting with a new person at lunch can be a good way to get it started.
For most people, going off to senior high school means heading off to a new campus. If you worry about the unknown, reach the school and see if someone can help. They might be able to show you around the campus, which will make you a bit more comfortable as you go on with your freshman year.
Get organised.
Senior high school and junior high school are very different in studying. ④_____ You can buy a planner and spend a few minutes each night revising the notes you took in class that day. Being on top of your study will make it much easier to get used to senior high school.
Create a three-year plan.
While there's no need to plan every day for the next three years, it can't hurt to make a note of classes you want to take or activities you'd like to try. ⑤_____ Having a plan in place will help you make the most of your senior high school experience.
A.Explore the campus.
B.Be open to new experiences.
C.If you're nervous or frightened, start small.
D.Believe it or not, the three years goes by really fast.
E.Challenges like these might sometimes put you under great pressure.
F.Try to get as organised as possible so you can be on top of your study.
G.Here are some ways to help you deal with bad feelings and prepare for the first year.
第二部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
Each school year, we welcome a new generation of students. Freshmen enter senior high school not 1 what to expect. They will soon learn that classes are harder, bathrooms are busier and grades seem to 2 more than in junior high school.
But freshman Adam Lin finds high school more 3 than middle school. "The 4 are more flexible about what to do in class. The administration(管理) is not as 5 as that in middle school and we can decide what to wear," said Lin.
While Lin enjoys his freedom and flexible teachers, he 6 talking to his friends in P.E. class. "In high school, P.E.is an elective(选修课) and no longer a(n) 7 course. I miss hanging about with my friends in P.E. class 8 that was the time when I could relax," stated Lin. "My classes can be hard sometimes and I wish I had more 9 time with my friends."
Lin entered the school losing a sense of 10 . The campus is bigger than he expected and the class is usually in the opposite direction of his previous class. " 11 are too far away from classrooms. If I'm walking across the campus to my next class and I decide to use the bathroom, I will end up being 12 ," said Lin. "I love the classes here, but it'll take me some time to find my way around the 13 ."
Coming into high school, freshmen carry many goals that they hope to 14 . At the end of high school, Lin hopes to graduate with excellent grades and 15 a university like Massachusetts Institute of Technology because of his love of engineering.
1.A.planning B.knowing C.forgetting D.understanding
2.A.matter B.drop C.test D.show
3.A.valuable B.difficult C.enjoyable D.tiring
4.A.teachers B.students C.seniors D.juniors
5.A.common B.good C.simple D.strict
6.A.misses B.loves C.regrets D.remembers
7.A.special B.required C.popular D.organized
8.A.so B.if C.but D.because
9.A.warm B.free C.busy D.local
10.A.control B.humor C.direction D.confidence
11.A.Labs B.Shops C.Bathrooms D.Restaurants
12.A.late B.afraid C.hurt D.lost
13.A.playground B.classroom C.building D.campus
14.A.open B.solve C.achieve D.collect
15.A.tour B.attend C.change D.choose
第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
①_____(come) from the USA, Ann Wells is a Grade 10 student at Lakeside High School. As an active person, she loves sports. She is curious ②_____ everything so she often asks questions. Her learning style is learning by doing. Physics ③_____(be) her favourite subject. Dancing and skating are her ④_____(hobby). And she also enjoys reading short stories. She plans ⑤_____(become) an engineer in the future.
Thando Gowon from South Africa is also a Grade 10 student at South Hill High School. He looks good and thinks fast with a hard-working ⑥_____(personal). He is never ⑦_____(see) without a book or a pen. And if not in class, he is either in the library ⑧_____ in the computer lab. At the weekends, he ⑨_____(usual) plays computer games when he's not busy studying. His dream is to start ⑩_____ IT company.
第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 (满分15分)
Dear Lin Hao,
Li Hua
第二节 (满分25分)
Yesterday a heat wave hit the town. "It's too hot! Let's go for a swim after we finish our chores(家务活) at home!" Joseph complained to his little brother, Loren. As the boys walked toward the Little Colorado River, they saw Sam and Frank, who ran to join them. "Swimming's just what we need to cool off!" Sam said, kicking a rock.
"Sure it is," Frank agreed. Then he looked at the field they were passing. There were many round watermelons in Farmer Davis's patch(果园).“Hey, Joseph,” said Frank, "do you have the courage to climb over that fence and get us a ripe(成熟的) watermelon "
"I don't know," said Joseph.
Loren looked uncomfortable. "I don't think that's a good idea."
"Come on," said Frank, pushing Joseph toward the fence. "No one will ever know." Then Frank started to climb the wooden fence. Joseph felt bad but climbed the fence and jumped with Frank into the watermelon patch.
Joseph took the closest melon and raced back to the fence. The other boys laughed and took turns to carry the heavy melon as they ran to the river. Finally they broke open the watermelon. The sticky sweet juice was delicious! But Joseph regretted what he had done and wished he hadn't taken the melon.
On the way home, they finished off the last piece of the melon just as they passed the watermelon patch again. Joseph lowered his head quickly when he saw Farmer Davis in the field. He waved at the boys, who quickly threw the melon rind(皮)to the side of the road. Davis looked upset as the boys hurried by. Joseph felt terrible. It was wrong to take the watermelon. He knew he had to tell Farmer Davis what they had done and ask for forgiveness(宽恕).
That evening Farmer Davis visited Joseph and Loren at their house. "One of my biggest watermelons went missing," he said. "And I am wondering if you boys happened to see anyone in my field as you passed by today."
Paragraph 1:
Joseph looked at his shoes and said in a low voice,
Paragraph 2:
Farmer Davis thought for a minute.
第一部分 阅读理解
解析:细节理解题。根据SPORTS TEAMS部分中的“It has tryouts at 3:00 pm next Tuesday.”可知,足球队的选拔在下周二下午3点,故选B。
解析:细节理解题。根据GOOD AT ART 部分中的“This year, your schoolmates in the school art club plan to paint a mural(壁画) on the wall...”可知,艺术俱乐部打算在今年画一幅壁画,故选A。
解析:细节理解题。根据NEW THIS YEAR部分中的“Try the new after-school science club.”和“See Mr. Larson in room 105 for more details.”可知,如果想要了解更多关于科学俱乐部的信息,就去105号房间,故选D。
解析:细节理解题。根据第一段The winter break is just about to end. Soon we will be back at school. It's with both happiness and sadness. I look very much forward to seeing my friends and starting practice again, but it also means I'm officially(正式地) half way through the exchange year.(寒假就要结束了。我们很快就会回到学校。它既有快乐也有悲伤。我非常期待能见到我的朋友并再次开始练习,但这也意味着我已经正式完成了交换年的一半。)可知,再次开学前,作者感到难过,因为交换年即将结束。故选B。
解析:推理判断题。根据第二段Honestly, I prefer to have different classes every day, as I did in my home country.(老实说, 我喜欢每天上不同的课,就像我在祖国一样。)可知,作者祖国的学校与她现在所在的学校不同在于课程更丰富。故选A。
解析:细节理解题。根据第二段Football is one of my favorite sports now. Before I came, I knew nothing about it. Now I love it, especially to watch it with my host parents.(足球是我现在最喜欢的运动之一。在我来之前,我对它一无所知。现在我喜欢它,尤其是和我的寄宿父母一起看。)可知,作者最喜欢与寄宿家庭一起观看足球比赛。故选C。
解析:代词指代题。根据第三段Before I left school in December, I had a couple of tests called Mid-term Test. They all went pretty smooth, mostly because I didn't have too many hard classes.(在我12月离开学校之前,我参加了几次叫做期中考试的考试。他们都很顺利,主要是因为我没有太多的硬性课程。)可知,"They"意为"考试"。A.Classes班级; .B.Tests考试; C.Games比赛; D.Students学生。故选B。
解析:推理判断题。根据第一段中的“hoping America would help my future”和“I would have a better education here”可推断出作者进入美国高中是因为他父母想给他更好的教育,让他有一个光明的未来。故选B。
解析:词义猜测题。画线词所在句意为“每个困惑似乎都是我为了达到目。”由此可以推断出此处应该指的是障碍。标必须要跨越的difficulty从意义上最接近barrier,且与get through搭配,故选B。
解析:细节理解题。根据文章最后三句中的“At the end of the day” “sat down inside happily” “today wasn't so bad”可知作者感觉很快乐。故选C。
解析:推理判断题。“For many years the school system in Finland has been very successful.”为第一段的主旨句,接下来提到中国、新加坡和韩国是为了通过比较来进一步表明芬兰的学校体制是很成功的。故选B项。
解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段第一句可知,芬兰的所有儿童都有着平等的受教育的机会,故选 A项,选项中的“are educated equally”与文中的“have the same chances of education”呼应。
解析:主旨大意题。全文围绕着“the school system in Finland”展开,文章首句提到“the school system in Finland has been very successful”,下文做了详细的阐述,说明了芬兰的学校体制成功的原因,故选C。
答案:①-⑤ GCAFD
解析:①过渡句。设空处上文提到从初中到高中一年级是个很大的挑战,并提出问题“你遇到困难了怎么办 ”。下文每段的小标题都提供了一个应对这种变化的建议,所以G项“这里有一些方法可以帮助你处理不好的情绪,为第一年做好准备”既承接上文又引出下文,故选G。
④细节句。本段小标题为“有条理”,设空处上文提到高中和初中在学习上有很大的不同。F项“尽可能(让自己)有条理,这样你就能掌控你的学习”与本段主旨相符,并与上文衔接连贯。且F项中的“be on top of your study”与本段最后一句中的“Being on top of your study”是原词复现,故选F。
第二部分 语言知识运用
答案:1-5.BACAD; 6-10.ABDBC; 11-15.CADCB
3.根据第三段第一句中的“Lin enjoys his freedom and flexible teachers”可知,Adam Lin觉得高中比初中更有乐趣(enjoyable)。故选C。
4.根据句中的“in class”以及第三段第一句中的“Lin enjoys his freedom and flexible teachers”可知,老师((teachers)的课上行为更加灵活。故选A。senior级别(或地位)高的人;junior级别(或地位)低的人。
5.根据后半句中的“we can decide what to wear”可知,学校管理不像初中时那么严格(strict)了。故选D。
6.根据该段中的“I miss hanging about with my friends in P.E. class”可知,此处指他怀念(misses)在体育课上跟朋友聊天。故选A。
7.在高中,体育课是一门选修课,不再是必修(required)课。故选B。required course表示“必修课”。
10.下文讲到学校比Lin预想的要大,不同的课在不同的方向,故推测这使他失去了方向感(sense of direction)。故选C。
14.这里指新生进入高中后会有很多想要实现的目标。goals后面的that引导定语从句,that在从句中作设空处的宾语,将先行词goals代入从句中,即they hope to 14 goals,根据固定搭配achieve goals“实现目标”可知选C。
15.根据前面的“graduate with excellent grades”可知这里指attend a university“上大学”,故选B。
答案:①Coming②about③is④hobbies⑤to become⑥personality⑦seen⑧or⑨usually⑩an
解析:①考查现在分词。设空处位于句首,后跟介词,逗号后为主语,故推测设空处用非谓语动词作状语。这里表示的是主语Ann Wells来自美国,提示词come与主语Ann Wells之间为主动关系,故用现在分词,设空处位于句首,故填Coming。
②考查介词。be curious about为固定搭配,意为“对……感到好奇”,故填about。
④考查名词复数。谓语动词为are,主语Dancing and skating表示两个爱好,故设空处填复数名词hobbies。
⑤考查不定式。plan to do sth.为固定搭配,意为“打算做某事”,故填不定式to become。
⑨考查副词。设空处位于he和plays中间,修饰 plays,需用副词作状语,故填usually。
Dear Lin Hao,
I'm glad to receive your letter. From your letter, I know you have difficulty making new friends in high school. My suggestions are as follows.
First, you should smile and try to be friendly when you meet people. You should also care-about your schoolmates. If you are always ready to help them, they will understand you better. Second, it is important for you to be a good listener. That way, when people are with you, they will feel comfortable and happy. Finally, it is better for you to take an active part in class activities where you can show your talent.
I hope my advice will be helpful to you.
Li Hua
Paragraph 1:
Joseph looked at his shoes and said in a low voice, "We were with some other boys, and I took a watermelon from your field. We took it to the river and all of us ate it together." Farmer Davis said sadly, "Taking a melon that you didn't grow is stealing." "I'm really sorry," said Joseph. "I don't have any money, but I could do some chores to make it up to you." "I ate some too," said Loren. "I'll give you a hand."
Paragraph 2:
Farmer Davis thought for a minute. "Come to my field tomorrow morning. I think I can find some work for you." That night Joseph regretted having taken something that didn't belong to him. He decided not to do such things the next time. He felt a little comfortable thinking that he could do something to make up for his mistake. The next morning he would go to Davis's field and do whatever Davis asked him to do. And he wouldn't complain about the extra work or the heat.