【新课标】Unit 4 第五课时 More practice& Culture corner课件+单元整体分析+课时教学设计(牛津深圳版九上)


名称 【新课标】Unit 4 第五课时 More practice& Culture corner课件+单元整体分析+课时教学设计(牛津深圳版九上)
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版本资源 牛津深圳版
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-09-13 09:21:04


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单 元 整 体 教 学 设 计
学科 英语 年级 九年级上册
使用教材 沪教牛津版(深圳·广州·沈阳)
单元名称 Unit 4 Problems and advice
单元主题分析: 本单元的主题是“征求和给予建议”,对应课标中的“人与社会”的主题语境以及“社会服务与人际沟通”的主题群。 单元内容分析: 本单元涉及的话题是“问题和建议”,围绕着“问题和建议”的话题来展开听、说、读、写的训练。共选入四篇关于问题和建议的文章,分别为Aunt Linda’s advice page,Aunt Linda’s replies to the Internet posts,An email to Aunt Linda,Agony aunts,通过多模态形式的语篇,描写求助信中四位青少年的困惑和苦难;“知心阿姨”相关知识以及戴维给Linda阿姨写信谈自己的问题并征求她的建议,知心阿姨的起源和现状。 整个单元分为Reading、Listening、Grammar、Speaking、Writing、More practice、Culture corner、Project八个部分。单元的每部分教学活动的设计通过词汇,听、说、读、写等语言实践活动,关注语言的理解性技能和表达性技能的协调发展。本单元Reading板块阅读篇章中,学生阅读一份在线报纸答读者问专栏中的四封电子邮件,了解四名青少年的困惑和苦恼。Listening板块通过一篇求助类广播节目的听力材料巩固获取和记录关键信息的技能;Grammar板块介绍主语、动词、宾语、间接宾语和直接宾语、主语和宾语补语、状语等语法知识;Speaking的版块介绍了Sam和Ann直接关于问题和建议的对话,呈现征求和给予建议的表达方式;Writing板块介绍求助信的求助邮件包含的内容、框架结构、特点和写作方法等内容。More practice介绍了答读者问专栏主笔Linda针对四名青少年的问题或困惑给予的建议。Culture corner的内容介绍“知心阿姨”的起源和现状。 本单元包括的具体知识点有:1.学习征求和给予建议的表达方法。2.巩固预测能力、通过图表读取信息的技能、获取和速记关键信息的听力技能。3.主语、谓语、宾语、补语和状语等句子成分等知识。4.以自身存在的困惑和苦恼征求意见并根据个人经验给他人提出恰当的建议。5.根据所给情景,运用征求和给予建议的表达方法编写对话。6.分析求助信的结构,以四封求助信为写作范本,并就自己的困惑和苦恼给答读者问专栏的主笔Linda写一封电子邮件,寻求帮助和建议。7.学习答读者问专栏以及作者(agony aunt)的知识。8.以小组合作的形式进行对话,提出自身困惑并给予他人建议。9.编写校报设计答读者问专栏。
以下是单元语篇内容分析图和基于单元主题和语篇内容分析形成的单元结构图: 表一:单元教学内容 Problems and advice单元教学内容语篇语篇类型(技能)语篇内容语篇主题一 Aunt Linda’s advice page 应用文(读)介绍了在线报纸答读者问专栏里的四封青少年的求助信。学习文中四个青少年征求和给予建议的方法。二 Asking for and giving advice 对话(读、写)保罗和乔就关于给琳达阿姨写信寻求帮助的对话。使用正确地单词完成对话,巩固本课中词汇的用法。三 Aunt Alice’s radio programme 记叙文(读、听)一段求助类的广播节目,介绍来自阳光市的本打电话给爱丽丝阿姨,讲述他看见一个小男孩被稍大的男孩子开玩笑,他没有帮助小男孩,感到很羞愧的经历。训练听前预测、根据语境猜测听力材料、根据图表信息和题目根据图表信息和题目获取关键信息、捕捉关键信息的能力、学生速记关键信息的能力。四 Aunt Linda’s replies to the Internet posts 应用文(读、写)琳达阿姨给51页上的网络帖子的回复。学习巩固更多的征求和给予建议的表达方法。五 An email to Aunt Linda 应用文(读、写)戴维给琳达阿姨写了一封电子邮件,征询琳达阿姨的建议。学习写一封求助信的方法并进行练习。六 Agony aunts 记叙文(读)“知心阿姨”的补充信息,包括专栏的起源和现状。学习他国文化,尊重文化差异,促进跨文化交流。
核心素养的综合表现: 学完本单元后,学生能够掌握征求和给予建议的表达方式;能够掌握主语、谓语、宾语、补足语和转喻等句子成分;能够写一封电子邮件表达困惑并寻求建议和帮助,提升写作能力;了解他国文化中答读者问专栏作者的相关知识,提升跨文化交际能力。能为校报设计编写答读者问专栏,提升学生的逻辑思维能力,分析和整合信息的能力。
学情分析 (一)自然情况 本单元围绕“问题与建议”这一话题,开展教学活动,学习征求和表达建议的表达方式,能够正确表达自身困惑和苦恼。符合Module 2 Ideas and Viewpoints这个话题的内容探究,以及九年级学生对知识的汲取需求。 (二)已有基础 本单元内容主要是关于困惑和意见,话题内容贴近学生生活,通俗易懂,容易吸引学生的兴趣。在小学、七年级和八年级教材中已经涉及过人与社会的主题群和根据自身问题提建议的话题。学生对于征求和给予建议的话题有一定的基础,学生对于求助类的语篇内容较为熟悉,话题能和学生产生共鸣。 (三)存在问题 初三年级的学生已有一定的英语学习基础,对话题内容比较熟悉,但是对于如何采用正确表达方式阐述自己的问题和提出建议不太了解,对于表达语言句式相对关注较少,口语表达能力有待提高。小学到初中的英语学习,学生已经学习过英语主语、谓语、宾语等语法知识,但是对于句子成分的整体知识了解不够,不太能够区分句子的成分,写出逻辑合理、语法正确的句子,这些问题都需要重视,找到欠缺的知识点,根据实际情况制定教学计划,确定教学重难点。 (四)解决措施 1.培养学生充分利用图书馆和网络资源收集课程相关的资料和信息用于学习的能力。2.以学生为主体设计学习活动,注重发展学生的思维、锻炼学生的能力。3.课堂创设学生合作交流的学习情境,把具体的学习内容寓于游戏等多种教学形式,调动学生主动参与学习活动的意识。4.给学生提供自学和探讨的机会,让学生主动参与其中,引导相互之间讨论话题,共同完成学习任务。5.在语法方面要更多地注重句子的成分的讲解。6.鼓励学生将所学内容在课外与家长进行分享,再现所学的知识,有利于学生消化所学的知识点,学生和家长交流后有助于家校沟通合作。7. 教学方式灵活多样,例如:情境教学法、音乐教学法、交际教学法、语言经验教学法、任务教学法、联想教学法、团体教学法,根据学生随堂掌握情况,及时做出调整和改进。8.从多角度多维度对学生进行多方位评价,比如:交流式评价,选择式评价,论述式评价等评价方法。
通过本单元的学习,学生能够: 1.学生能表述自身遇到的问题并征询他人意见,给他人提出恰当的建议。 2.学生掌握根据语境猜测听力材料,图表信息和题目获取关键信息等和速记的听力技能。 3.学生掌握主语、谓语、宾语、补语和状语等句子成分。能辨别句子中各个成分,写出语法正确、逻辑合理的句子。
4.学生能够口头征求建议和给予建议。根据所给情景,运用征求和给予建议的表达方式,根据所给情境,编制两段对话。 5.学生能够根据所给的框架、提示、表述,就自身存在的问题和困惑给专栏主笔Linda写一封电子邮件,寻求帮助和建议。 6.能通过小组合作,思考并讨论青少年通常面临的困惑和问题,并寻求解决问题的途径。
语篇 课型 第*课时 课时对应的单元教学目标
Reading (Reading A,B,C +fast reading +language point) 阅读课 第一课时 能够用目标语言了解课文内容,介绍四名青少年的困惑和苦恼,掌握应用文的逻辑思维和框架,以及征求和表达意见的表达方式,掌握根据上下文猜测词义的方法。
Reading & Listening 听力课 阅读课 第二课时 掌握通过图片、题目和提供的信息对篇章内容的整体推测,及学生掌握根据图表信息和题目获取关键信息等和速记的听力技能。
Grammar 语法课 第三课时 掌握主语、谓语、宾语、补语和状语等句子成分。能辨别句子中各个成分,写出语法正确、逻辑合理的句子。
Speaking & Writing 对话课 写作课 第四课时 通过学习了解求助信的结构,能够根据自身存在的问题和困惑给专栏主笔Linda写一封电子邮件,寻求帮助和建议。
More practice & Culture corner& Project 阅读拓展课 第五课时 通过学习了解答读者问专栏的形式,巩固征求和给予建议的方法。能够通过同时通过了解外国文化来了解中西文化的差异,增强文化意识。
持续性评价的手段与方式 通过略读回答问题链,精读主阅读篇章,通过读文章,定位、获取、整合四名青少年的困惑的信息,了解他们存在的问题,提出看法并完成表格内容填写,评价学生对语篇主题理解程度,语篇关键信息提取和整合能力完成对答读者问题专栏中四封求助信的信息提取任务,评价学生对于用目标语言介绍四名青少年电子邮件中描述的问题及对这些问题的看法,尝试给予意见;掌握电子邮件形式的应用文的逻辑思维和文章框架。 2.以游戏比赛的形式,评价学生对于主语、谓语、直接宾语、间接宾语、补语和状语成分掌握程度,根据列出的句子,评价学生是否能够区分句子的成分、分析句子的结构理解句子含义,写出语法正确、逻辑合理的句子的能力。 3.通过听一段求助类广播节目,评价学生巩固听前预测、根据语境猜测听力材料、根据图表信息和题目对篇章内容的整体推测并获取关键信息、捕捉关键信息的听力技能。 4.通过模仿Talk time部分的对话中向他人征求建议和给予他人意见的表达方式和句型,根据情境编制对话,评价学生灵活运用学习的语言知识口语表达的掌握。 5.通过小组合作,思考并讨论青少年通常面临的困惑和问题,进行口头输出,寻找解决问题的途径,评价掌握巩固征求和给予建议的表达方式,英语思维,语言表达能力,整合资源、分工合作、完成板块任务的能力。 6.通过学生根据自身存在的问题完成一封求助信,评价掌握理解求助信框架结构和求助信的写作方法,掌握正确地表达困惑和建议的表达方式,写出用词准确、语法正确、逻辑合理的文章的能力。完成设定话题写作任务的能力。 7.通过分享agony aunts起源和现状,激发对国外“知心阿姨”知识的兴趣和对于他国文化的求知欲;同时通过了解外国文化对比中国文化,了解西文化的差异,尊重他国文化,增强跨文化交际的意识。
本单元的教学设计,在单元主题的指导下,每节课的设计都体现了任务型教学的理念,任务的设计由浅入深,层层递进。每个任务又细化成几个小步骤完成,目标明确,可操作性强。在教学实施的过程中,也呈现出了一些问题。下面对存在的问题及改进措施进行反思。 一、师生互动 在课堂教学中,有的课时只讲授知识点缺乏用心有效的师生互动。应该采取能激发学生想象力、创造力和发散学生思维的方式进行教学。 二、阅读技巧 对教材的解读和处理不够细致,阅读语篇教学过程讲解不够详细,导致一小部分学生没有完全理解课文内容及延伸的意义。讲解的阅读技巧比较单一,导致一部分学生没有掌握阅读技巧,不能完整提取文章信息完成图表填空。在以后的教学中,阅读课文之前可以向学生讲解有效的阅读技巧和例子,使学生有效地预测课文内容、找读所需信息。 三、针对个体学生 课堂教学语法环节中,没有很好地针对个体学生,课堂教学没有针对每个学生进行语法知识难点的讲解,一部分学生没有掌握语法,写出的句子有明显的语法错误,缺乏逻辑性。所以,一定要注意语法讲解的方法,可以结合图表、思维导图等方式整合语法知识,使学生更容易理解教师教授的内容。在讲解语法规则以后,要注重和学生之间的互动,可以和学生进行语法练习并让学生回答,积极改正错误。 四、课堂活动时间 课堂留给学生合作交流时间比较有限,课程时间安排不太好,个别学生参与机会比较少,没有对所学知识进行练习的机会,没有练习口语的机会。在制定教学计划的时候,要合理规划课程,注意每一部分的内容都要均衡分布,不要忽略课堂活动,在安排学生口语训练的时候,可以采取自荐、点名、抽签、分组等办法,尽量让学生多参与课堂互动。 五、教学评价 课堂设计没有及时完成教学评价,不能及时获悉学生学习情况。课前设计、课堂反馈和课后反思三个环节没有得到最大程度上的统一。这样不利于教师自检,不能了解这节课的优势和不足,不能针对这节课不足的地方及时改正,对下节课的开展没有发挥总结提升的作用。在课程完成后,及时对本课时内容进行总结,分析这节课存在的问题,纠正不恰当的教学方法,这样才能从中找到自身不足及时改进,在下一节课教学中获得更好的效果。
单元整体评价 经过本单元的学习,大部分学生对如何正确地征求和提出建议的表达方法掌握得比较好,能够完成本单元对于听、说、读、写四个方面的教学目标。大部分学生能运用预读和略读等阅读策略来初步了解课文的主要内容,找出四封电子邮件青少年面临的困惑及原因并表达看法。个别学生在表达看法和建议的时候,英语口语表达能力有待提升。听力预测、查找核心信息的能力和速记的能力这部分,大部分学生掌握了查找和速记等能力,少数出现记漏、拼写错误等问题。语法教学板块,大部分学生能够写出语法正确、逻辑合理的句子,少数学生语法出错。在编制对话的环节,学生沟通顺畅,课堂活动较为有效地展开。学生在完成书面表达环节比较顺利,基本能达到陈述自己的问题并征询建议的目标。在谈及各国文化差异的时候,大部分学生能够说出教材中出现的文化差异的内容并能理解和尊重文化差异;个别学生能够针对一些文化差异提出自己的观点和态度,并对继续学习更多不同国家的文化产生兴趣。 在教学活动中鼓励学生积极参加课堂小组活动,增强合作意识,提高学习效率,促进学生学习能力的培养和提高,以达到增强学生合作交流意识和团队协作能力的目的。在实践过程中还使用可视化流程,例如:画图,思维导图,流程图,视觉笔记,图表等形式对课本内容进行对比学习,对关键信息进行分析和整合,使教材信息更加系统化结构化,有利于提升教师教学效率,使教学活动更加生动,有利于促进学生的思维发展,学生更容易理解和记忆,提高学生的课堂活动参与度,提升学生的学习效率。
作业设计 这份作业是在学生学完了Unit 4 Problems and advice布置完成的。在教学过程中,针对此话题对学生进行了听、说、读、看、写五个方面的技能训练,因此这份作业的主要目标是对本单元进行综合复习。通过三项任务,达成复习目标。
作业内容 作业目标 设计意图
基础题: 教材配套练习题 掌握本单元的关键单词,重要短语和常用句表达句式。 及时课后复习,查漏补缺达到巩固这节课关键词和语言点的效果。
提高题: 系统性整理本单元的学习笔记和五个课时的语言点,自主绘制思维导图,记忆重要知识点。 培养学生归纳整合能力,增强自主学习的能力。 能够通过整理发现自己掌握的语言点和稍有欠缺的知识点,把单一知识串联成系统性知识网络。
拓展题: 全班组织开展一场关于分享自身困惑并征求建议途径的演讲比赛的活动。 对单元本单元的主题观念和语言观念进行复习,在设定的情境中让学生进行口语训练活动,有利于本单元知识的消化和吸收。 迁移创新本单元的问题和建议的单元主题大观念和语言大观念。
Unit 4 Problems and Advice
Period 5 More practice&Culture
corner & Project
Learning objectives
(1)了解短语make up one’s mind。
Ask for advice:
1.How can I help her
2.What should I do in this situation
3.What do you suggest
4.What should I do
Give advice:
1.I think/believe it is (not) important
/proper/right /fair to...
2.In my opinion,you must remember that...
3.I think you should...
4.Why not (do)..
5.How about (doing)...
Are there any other
Looking back at the confusion and problems faced by four teenagers, what advice would the Aunt Linda give them
What advice may Aunt Lina give when reading the readers' column on page 51
make up your one’s mind
More practice
Reading task
1. What is the content of the letter
2.Who does Anna worry about
3. ls it awful to laugh at a silk lady
4. Why isn’t Simon alone
5. What should Julie do
6. How many students have problem
The content of the letter relates to the problems encountered by four students and the suggestions made by Aunt Linda in response to their problems.
Because lots of people wear braces these days.
She should talk to her sister more.
Read the text and answer the following questions.
Read the text and judge whether the following sentences are true or false.
1.Aunt Linda thinks all the people worry about their looks.( )
2.Aunt Linda thinks Anna doesn't have to ask Jolin to see a doctor.( )
3.Aunt Linda thinks Peter should listen to his friends.( )
4.Aunt Linda thinks it was awful to laugh at a sick lady.( )
5.Few people wear braces these days.( )
6.If Simon continues to pay attention to his friends, his friends will always laugh at him.( )
7.Julie should talk to your sister more.( )
8.Julie should ask her sister play the piano when she is studying.( )
Reading task
Reading task
Aunt Linda’s suggestions To Anna
To Peter
To Simon
To Julie
1. You should try to get Jolin to see a doctor.
2.You should tell her that she’s not alone.—we all worry about our looks sometimes.
1.You should make up your own mind in the the same situation next time.
2.You shouldn’t listen to your friends.
1.You should stop paying attention to your friends.
2.You should think of the beautiful, straight teeth you’ll have in a few month’s time.
1.You should talk to your sister more.
2.You should try spending some time with her every day.
Read Aunt Linda's replies to the Internet posts on page 51. Then complete the table below.
Group work
The third step
If you are one of these four teenagers, you have accepted Aunt Linda's advice. You want to write a letter to aunt Linda, what will you say to her
The second step
If you were one of these four teenagers, would you accept Linda's advice
The first step
If you were Aunt Linda, what advice would you give to each of the four teenagers
Work in groups and discuss the following problems.
The second step
The first step
In groups of four, play the roles of these four teenagers and explain what they will say in their replies
If these four teenagers have received aunt Linda's letter and accepted her suggestion. After that, they will all reply to Aunt Linda.
Conduct group role-playing activities within the whole class.
Hello, Aunt Linda. Thank you for your advice. I’ve talked with Jolin and she agreed to see a doctor. The doctor told her that the best way to lose weight was to exercise. Eat more sensibly.
Thank you, Aunt Linda. Yes. I’ve learnt an important lesson now. It was awful of my friends to laugh at a sick lady.I have already talked with my friends, and I told them not to laugh at others when they meet someone in need next time. They accepted my advice.
If you are one of these four teenagers, you have accepted Aunt Linda's advice. You want to write a letter to aunt Linda, what will you say to her
Free talk
Aunt Linda, thank you very much for writing back to me. I agree with you. Many people wear braces now. I don't care what my friends say anymore. It makes me happy to think that I will have beautiful and neat teeth in a few months. Thank you for your advice.
I talked to my younger sister. She told me that she just wanted more attention from me. Now, I try to spend some time with him every day. We live happily together now.
If you are one of these four teenagers, you have accepted Aunt Linda's advice. You want to write a letter to aunt Linda, what will you say to her
Do you know the advice columns in Chinese and foreign newspapers and magazines
Culture corner
Background information
In these columns, questions are often asked "anonymously" (匿名地) .The signature usually shows the problem that is being expressed like "Worried About My Son".
Agony is a noun. It means extreme physical or mental pain. An agony aunt is someone who gives advice to people who send in problems to a newspaper or magazine. Sometimes the agony aunt is a team.
Today, there are many online advice columns. Anyone can be a columnist and create their own advice column. Users can post questions for columnists to answer.Users can also interact with the columnist or with each other to voice their opinions.Emailing advisers is popular because readers can open up about their personal problems without exposing their identity to the world.
Agony aunts
In 1691, John Dutton in England had a problem, but he had no
one to ask for advice. He thought that other people might be in
a similar situation, so he began his own newspaper to give people
advice. The newspaper proved to be quite successful, and soon
many people started similar newspapers. Other newspapers also
started to have advice columns. By 1740, however, most of the
people giving advice were women. Today we call a person giving advice to readers in a newspaper or magazine an agony “aunt”.
Culture corner
Who do you turn to for advice Are there any agony aunts in China
1.Who was the first agony aunt in history
2.How did he get the idea
3.How was John's newspaper with such a section
4.Why is the name "agony aunt" used
Read the pictures and texts in the Culture Corner section, and then answer the following questions.
John Dutton.
He had no one to ask for advice and he thought other people might be in a similar situation.
It turned out to be very successful.
Because most of the people giving advice in newspapers were women by 1740.
Reading task
Reading task
5.Who do you turn to for advice
6.Are there any agony aunts in China
7.Is there a character similar to bosom aunt in China
I always turn to my parents and friends for advice.
Similar figures in China have Ju Ping's sister, who often answers children's questions patiently.
Yes, there are.
A What kinds of problems do teenagers usually have In groups, discuss this and make a list. Follow the example.
An advice page for the school newspaper
What kind of problems should we talk about
We could talk about problems with parents
Why not talk about problems with brothers
How about problems with classmates We can also talk about problems with friends.
That's a good idea!
The problems encountered by teenagers can be related to study, life, interpersonal communication and other aspects, and try to get along with more problems.
Step one
Divide students into groups, think and discuss common problems encountered by teenagers.
Step two
Use the expression of the proposal in List these issues by following the example in Part A.
Discuss the questions in groups and record them.
Reading task
A What kinds of problems do teenagers usually have In groups,
discuss this and make a list. Follow the example.
B Each group should choose a kind of problem and discuss what difficulties students might have. Use the example below to help you.
Classroom activities
Take the group as a unit, choose one of the problems, discuss it further, and then list the specific content of this problem according to the example in part B.
Problems with classmates
1. Isolated by small groups in the class.
2. There are contradictions with classmates because of scholarships and other issues.
3. The classmate's speech hurts people and makes me sad.
Problems with friends
1. My friends are jealous that I have more friends than him.
2. My friend is always late when he asks to go out to play.
3. My friend didn't pay me back after he lent me money.
Problems with brothers
1. My brother is very overbearing and always steals from me.
2. My brother is rude and likes to call names.
3. My brother always bothers me when I am studying.
Examples of some problems faced by teenagers.
C Think of ways to solve these problems. You can do research in the following ways.
Classroom activities
D Work together to design the advice page and write articles for it.
Follow the example.
Group cooperation
1.Obtain solutions to the problems listed in class through various means and make appropriate record.
2.Then, in group cooperation, design and write a column to answer readers' questions.
3.Students discuss specific solutions to the selected problem.
4.If you encounter problems that cannot be solved, you can refer to the solutions in section C and seek help from teacher or classmates after class.
Hold a column exhibition for the entire class, and post the columns designed by each group to showcase and exchange ideas within the class. If students encounter similar problems or confusion, they can learn from relevant suggestions.
Language points
If you stop paying attention to your friends, they’ll stop laughing at you.
stop doing sth.停止做某事 stop to do sth.停下来去做某事
例句:The teacher came into the classroom, and the students stopped talking.
People just ________________________ the consequences.
He _________________ TV until his mother told him to go to bed.
don't stop to think about
didn't stop watching
一、Reasons for unhappiness
1.Emily doesn't get along well with her classmates.
2.Her parents expect too much, which makes her feel stressed.
3.She worry about the mid-term exam because of lack of confidence.
How to release pressure
二、Some suggestions for her to release pressure
1. She can communicate with your classmates or parents.
2.I suggest you should take part in more school activities. It’s also helpful.
3.She need to relax yourself on weekends by hanging out with friends, seeing a movie or having a meal outside and so on.
三、Sending wishes
less pressure, better life! Best wishes to her!
①be under too much pressure在许多压力下 ②get on well with与……和睦相处
③take part in参加 ④hang out闲逛
①I am writing to tell you some ways on how to release pressure.(“疑问词+动词不定式”结构)
②Maybe your parents expect too much, which makes you feel stressed.(which引导定语从句)
Items Great (5分) Just OK (4分) Try harder (3分)
I can read Internet posts about teenagers' problems.
I can listen for specific information about a teenager's problem.
I can understand sentence elements.
I can ask for and give advice.
I can discuss some teenagers' problems and give advice with my classmate.
I can discuss some teenagers' problems and give advice with my classmate.
I can write an email to ask for advice.
I know about agony aunts.
Group ________ Great (5分) Just OK (4分)
Try harder (3分)
Pronunciation & intonation (语音语调)
Accurate expression(表达准确)
speak loudly and fluently.(流畅度)
Proper body movements and expressions (肢体动作和表情)
Mastering reading strategies(阅读策略)
Team members actively cooperate(团队合作)
Group — assessment