Unit 3 Period 7 Workbook 课件 新人教版选择性必修四


名称 Unit 3 Period 7 Workbook 课件 新人教版选择性必修四
格式 pptx
文件大小 8.4MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-09-14 13:29:58



Unit 3 Sea Exploration
Using Words and Expressions
1 Match the words with their meanings. Then make a sentence with each word.
1 laptop _______ 5 mercy _______
2 log _______ 6 opponent _______
3 possession _______ 7 coverage _______
4 profession _______ 8 mixture _______
A a job that needs special training anda good education
B the state of owning something
C a small computer that can be easily carried
D a kind attitude towards somebody you have the ability to harm
E someone that you are playing against in a competition
F to record information
G a combination of different things
H reporting in newspapers or on television
2 Complete the following sentences with the words in the box.
1 Inspired by his teacher, Johnny has decided to enter the teaching _________.
2 Although her major was chemistry, Margaret Thatcher chose _______ as her career in the end.
3 Small boats on the sea are sometimes at the _______ of violent weather.
4. If you don’t like this TV programme, you can change ________.
5 This city is a ________ of ancient and modern buildings.
mixture channel profession mercy politics
3 Study the examples and then fill in the third column.
Examples Verbs Nouns Examples Verbs Nouns
expand→ expansion extend impress→ impression possess
comprehend express
include→ inclusion persuade gather→ gathering paint
provide warn
respond→ response applaud encourage→ encouragement entitle
defend enjoy
participate→ participation calculate approve→ approval refuse
negotiate arrive
permit→ permission submit
4 Translate the sentences into English using the words in brackets.
1 敞开心扉,原谅别人,你会更快乐!(forgive)
2 在比赛的大部分时间里,他们的对手都控制住了球。(opponent, possession)
3 纳税是公民为社会做贡献的重要途径。(tax)
4 这两个人因为涉嫌抢劫被逮捕。(arrest)
5 今晚有高尔夫球锦标赛的现场直播。(coverage, tournament)
Open your heart, forgive others, you will be happier.
For most of the game, their opponents kept the possession of the ball.
Paying taxes is an important way for citizens to contribute to society.
These two people were arrested on suspicion of robbery.
There is a live TV coverage of golf tournament tonight.
Using Structures
1 Complete the dialogues with the correct forms of the words in brackets.
1 A: Will your parents be back from their holiday tomorrow
B: No, they decided __________ (extend) their trip.
2 A: Have you got the test result on the new medicine
B: Yes, it has proved _____ (be) somewhat effective, but further testing remains __________ (do).
3 A: Wow!I didn’t expect Pete ______ (be) such a good swimmer!
B: ________________ (spend) the past summer practising almost every day, he is now able ________ (swim) much faster than before.
4 A: What happened You were supposed __________________ (be) in Beijing by now!
B: I overslept and rushed to the airport, only _______ (find) that the check-in counter had closed.
5 A: Which season do you like most
B: Winter. Because the city looks very beautiful when _________ (cover) with snow.
6 A: Who is considered ______ (be) the father of the computer: Charles Babbage, Alan Turing, John Vincent Atanasoff, or John von Neumann
B: Well, they are all believed _____________ (make) important contributions to computer science.
to extend
to be
to be done
to be
Having spending
to swim
to have been / to be
to find
to be
to have made
2 Tell the function of the infinitive in each sentence. Then translate them into Chinese.
1 To be or not to be, that is the question.
2 It is better to give than to take.
3 You’re never too old to learn.
4 To know everything is to know nothing.
5 To save time is to lengthen life.
(S) 生存还是毁灭,这是一个值得考虑的问题。
(S; S) 施比受有福。
(Ad) 活到老学到老。
(S; P) 什么都知道等于什么都不知道。
(S; P) 节约时间就是延长生命。
3 Complete the news report below with the appropriate forms of the verbs in brackets. What else do you know about Jiaolong
Named after a mythical dragon, Jiaolong is China’s first manned deep-sea research submersible. It was developed by Chinese designers _______ (start) from 2002 and entered service in 2010, ________ (make) China the fifth country in the world with deep-sea exploration technology.
In 2017, during a 138-day expedition that ________ (start) in February, the submersible’s mother ship, Xiangyanghong 09 sailed nearly 34,000 km into the South China Sea, the northwestern Indian Ocean, and the northwestern Pacific Ocean. Jiaolong conducted 30 dives _______________ (make) scientific investigations and ___________________ (collect) samples. The submersible made five dives in the Mariana Trench and the Yap Trench, both in the western Pacific Ocean. These operations have enabled scientists __________________ (better understand) geographical and biological conditions deep under the oceans.
Right now, Jiaolong is undergoing maintenance before ________ (start) its next adventure. In 2020, Jiaolong will begin its first global deepsea scientific exploration mission. It will have a new mother ship, which is _______ (name) Deep Sea No. 1. This grand mission is intended ___________ (strengthen) China’s capacity in _________ (survey) deep-sea environments and will increase the nation’s influence in this field.
It is named after a Chinese water dragon. It was designed by a former professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and it has the second greatest depth range of any manned research vehicles in 2012.
making / to make
collecting / to collect
to better understand
to strengthen
Listening and Speaking
Shark Bites off Surfer’s Arm
Man Bitten by Shark
3 Listen to the interview again and answer the questions.
1 How many people are killed by sharks each year
2 Why are so many sharks being killed
3 How does the shark’s biology affect shark populations
4 What does Carl think will happen if people don’t stop shark fishing
5 How long have shark species been in existence
Only a few people are killed.
A lot are killed by modern fishing; Many are killed just for their fins.
Female great white sharks do not give birth until they are about 15 years old.
Sharks will die out.
Over 400 million years.
4 How can humans further improve their relationships with life in the ocean
Prepare a short speech and present it to the class.
Sample Speech
To me, the best way to improve our relationship with life in the ocean is to learn more about the sea life that we use as products. Think about, for example, the food that you eat. Most people know something about where our pork or chicken comes from, but what about the canned tuna we eat Where was that tuna caught What kind of life did that tuna lead before then Is that tuna endangered or threatened If so, what can we do to protect it While food is the most obvious use of sea life, did you know that sea life is also used in makeup and skincare products For example, seaweed is used to clean and protect the skin. Again, where does that seaweed come from What products is it in What is the environmental impact of harvesting that seaweed Most of us have no idea as to the answers to these questions. Whether we realise it or not, we are constantly using sea life in our daily lives. Our actions thus have a direct impact on the oceans. It could be that this impact is not harmful, or it could be that it is really hurting the ocean. The problem is, we don’t know, and we don’t even think about how our actions might affect our oceans. This needs to change.
Reading and Writing
A Sea Of Plastic
Look at the title and the photo of the text.
1. What objects can you see on the beach
2. How do you think this come into being
3. What should we do to change this
I can see a lot of plastic, wood and cans.
I guess they came from all over the world, or at least from tourists or people live nearby.
I think the article will have words that talk about waste, pollution, stronger laws and plastic recycling.
Plastic waste can be found everywhere.
Micro plastic is worse and is being produced at an alarming speed.
Plastic waste exists long and travels wherever with currents.
Work now to make it better in the future.
People are seeking ways to fight against it.
Fast reading
Main idea of each paragraph
Pa. 1 _______
Pa. 2 _______
Pa. 3 _______
Pa. 4 _______
pa. 5 _______
Structure of the reading passage
1. The structure of argumentative essay:
raise questions
analyze problems
solve problems
2. Complete the table below
structure paragraph
raise questions
analyze problems
solve problems
para 1 plastic pollution
para 2 long existing; harmful
para 3 explain the Ocean Cleanup Project
Intensive reading
Para 1
A very remote island was covered in plastic waste of ____________ plastic pieces, weighing almost ________, with ____________ new pieces washing up each day.
This means, however remote you are in this world, you can not survive ____________.
Para 2
Plastic takes ________________ to decompose. Around _____ of plastic made are not recycled and _____________ enter the sea and travel with currents.
38 millions of
18 tons
thousands of
plastic waste
hundreds of years
large amounts
Para 3
1. Micro plastic is even worse in that it is harmful to ____ as well as to _______.
2. “The plastic on Henderson Island accounts for just 2 seconds’ worth of global annual plastic production” Translate the sentence into Chinese.
3. The production of plastic will be _______ by 2050, when the weight of plastic will ____ that of fish in the sea.
Para 4
The _____________ project places ______________________ in the Pacific. Currents then ___________ the waste naturally so it can be ________ and _________.
Sea plastic is a symbol of the negative effects of our ________ and ___________.
Ocean Cleanup
very long floating barriars
2 Read the text again and then answer the questions on page 79.
1 What alarming discovery did the scientists make
2 What are “gyres”
3 What is the “Great Pacific Garbage Patch”
4 Why does “micro plastic” make things even worse
5 How does The Ocean Cleanup project work
Scientists discovered 38 million pieces of plastic on the tiny island of Henderson in the South Pacific.
They are large circular current systems that naturally gather waste.
It is one of the largest of the circular systems that have collected floating waste.
Micro plastic is eaten by fish and leads to massive species loss, as well as entering the human world in terms of second-hand consumption and in some cases, has even appeared in drinking water.
Very long floating barriers are placed in the ocean, allowing the current to gather the waste naturally. The waste is then collected and recycled.
3 Write an argumentative essay about sea protection.
1 Choose a topic from the box below. You can also choose your own topic.
protecting sea animals preventing oil spills/petrol leaks
preserving sea resources reducing pollution
collecting sea waste promoting better understanding of and respect for the sea
2 Before you write, consider and discuss these questions.
Why is it important to protect the sea What facts support this
What is the issue you want to highlight Why is it happening
What facts illustrate this issue
Does everyone agree on the issue What different opinions are there about it
What solutions are there already for this issue Do they work Are they being used
What solution do you think would work for this issue Why How would it work
3 Include your opinions on the topic, and find facts to support and prove your point.
Sample Writing
The oceans cover 70% of the earth’s surface. Ocean plants provide much of the oxygen that we breathe, and sea life provides much of our food and many of our products. Without healthy oceans, we would be in terrible trouble. Yet, today our oceans are under threat because of pollution. What can we as individuals do to stop this crisis
First, we can stop using single-use plastic products such as plastic shopping bags. These products can take anywhere from 450 to 1000 years to biodegrade (生物降解). Our oceans have become one giant rubbish bin of plastic waste, threatening sea life. We can keep this problem from growing by recycling bottles and using our own shopping bags at the market.
Second, we can push for stronger laws so that farmers will not be able to use chemicals harmful to the environment on their crops, and factories will not be able to dump their waste into our waters. Since all rivers in the end empty into the sea, chemicals from a farm or factory will eventually make their way to the ocean, killing sea life and destroying the ocean’s delicate balance.
Third, we can reduce our carbon footprints by using less fossil fuel. While this may not look like an issue that has much to do with the ocean, rising temperatures due to climate change have started to cause our coral reefs to die. As these reefs provide a habitat for thousands of animal species, these species will decline. Scientists predict that this will result in mass hunger, because so many people depend upon sea life for food, and a huge economic impact as well. All this can be prevented if we will ride a bicycle instead of driving a car or using solar power instead of coal or gas.
The future of our oceans is in our hands. If we act now, they can still be saved, and they will still be a resource for future generations.
Language points
make an alarming discover
have a free pass
sit up
break down into
massive species loss
tap water
account for
dedicate one’s life to
side effect
negative effect
Sentence pattern
...why move through the sea when the sea can move through you 既然;尽管;可是
Why use metal when you can use plastic
They kept trying when they knew it was hopeless.
She paid when she could entered free.
1. 既然可以走着去,我们为啥要叫出租车呢?(汉译英)
2. 我只有20美元,可是我需要30美元买这本字典。(汉译英)
3. How can you hope for mercy when you show none (英译汉)
Why should we call a taxi when we can walk
I had only twenty dollars when I needed thirty to buy the dictionary.
untouched adj. 未触及的;未受影响的;未开发的
have a free pass 幸免
sit up 警醒
decompose v. 使)腐烂,腐败;(使)分解
gyre n.v. 环流
patch n. 补丁,补片;小块;小片,碎片
Expanding Your World
Sea Fever
On the Seashore
Sea Fever (海之恋) explores wanderlust and the desire for new adventures. Again and again the speaker expresses his need to return to the sea as a sailor. Having been to sea at least once before, he can think of nothing but getting back out there on the open water and seeing new sights. A taste of seafaring ( 航海的) has not satisfied his desire for travel and exploration, but stoked (烧火) it. This poem suggests that, once a relish for the unknown gets its hooks in someone, it is difficult for that person to ever return to ordinary life.
Sea Fever
About the Poem
About the Author
John Masefield (1878-1967) was the Poet Laureate (桂冠诗人)of the United Kingdom from 1930 until his death in 1967. When he was quite young, his mother and father died, leaving him with an unhappy childhood. He ran away to train as a sailor at the age of 13 but got seasick on his first real ocean voyage. He later jumped ship in New York and worked in a factory, all the while indulging in his passion for writing and literature. He returned to England at the age of 23. “Sea Fever” was in his first collection of poems published in 1902. He went on to write novels and more poetry, and began to achieve recognition as a writer. This finally led to his recognition as Poet Laureate, a post that is often considered honorary.
I must go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky,
And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by,
And the wheel’s kick and the wind’s song and the white sail’s shaking,
And a gray mist on the sea’s face, and a gray dawn breaking.
I must go down to the seas again, for the call of the running tide
Is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied;
And all I ask is a windy day with the white clouds flying,
And the flung spray and the blown spume, and the sea-gulls crying.
I must go down to the seas again, to the vagrant gypsy life,
To the gull’s way and the whale’s way, where the wind’s like a whetted knife;
And all I ask is a merry yarn from a laughing fellow-rover,
And quiet sleep and a sweet dream when the long trick’s over.
Reading aloud repeatedly
What does the poet intend to convey by repeatedly saying:
What does “long trick” in the last line of the poem refer to
What do you think drives the poet to go down to the seas again
What kind of life does the poet want to live on the seas
How do you know that
“I must go down to the seas again,...”
“And all I ask is ...”
sail n.帆
fling v. 抛,掷 过去式 flung 过去分词 flung
spume n. (海浪的)泡沫
vagrant n. 流浪者 adj. 流浪(者)的
gypsy n. 吉卜赛人
whet vt. 磨快
yarn n. (尤指难以置信的)故事,奇谈
rover n. 流浪者
Sea Fever
About the Poem
On the Seashore
The poet uses simple language to depict the scenes of children playing on the beach and adults seeking wealth on the sea. In the poem, the sea is a paradise for children, but it’s vanity fair for grown-ups. The poet corresponds to the world of children and adults with the forgiving compassion and violent ruthlessness of the sea. Simple and unadorned, the verse shifts rapidly in emotion and context, as if pages of contrasting images were turned over. With the sea as the backdrop, the adult struggle for fame and fortune to make the children’s games more pure and happy. As Tagore himself said, all world civilizations will eventually be carried away by time. In this poem, the waves carry away all traces, and only the innocent and happy nature of children remains.
Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941), was an Indian writer, poet, music composer, and painter who won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1913. He was born to a wealthy family and started writing poetry at the age of eight. He published his first collection of poems at the age of sixteen, creating a literary sensation. His life was a long and complex, where he produced literary works in many genres, made paintings, wrote songs, and travelled the world as a celebrity, meeting the important people of his age. “On the Seashore” is actually titled “60” because it is the sixtieth poem in his collection called Gitanjali (吉檀迦利), published in English in 1912. Gitanjali was immediately popular around the world and led to his Nobel Prize.
About the Author
Reading aloud repeatedly
What are children doing on the seashore
What are adults doing on the sea
How does the poet describe the sea
What is the sea like in the poet’s eye
Comparing children on the seashore against adults, what does the poet want to convey
Think about the following questions:
verbs. adjectives, phrases
Write down the verbs, adjectives and phrases that describe children, adults and the sea respectively.
What can you see from the table above
meet with shouts and dances; build their houses with sand; play with empty shells; smilingly float the boats; gather pebbles and scatter them again
Pearl-fishers dive for pearls; merchants sail in their ships
surges up with laughter, and pale gleams the smile of the sea-beach; waves sing
meaningless ballads;
Appreciate the poem by Henry Longfellow
  The sea awoke at midnight from its sleep,
  And round the pebbly beaches far and wide
  I heard the first wave of the rising tide
  Rush onward with uninterrupted sweep;
  A voice out of the silence of the deep,
  A sound mysteriously multiplied
  As of a cataract from the mountain’s side,
  Or roar of winds upon a wooded steep.
  So comes to us at times, from the unknown
  And inaccessible solitudes of being,
  The rushing of the sea-tides of the soul;
  And inspirations, that we deem our own,
  Are some divine foreshadowing and foreseeing
  Of things beyond our reason or control.
On the Seashore
boisterous adj. 喧闹的;狂暴的;猛烈的
withered adj. 枯萎的
scatter v. 撒
death-dealing adj. 凶险的, 致命的
cradle n. 摇篮
tempest adj. 暴风雨
roam v. 漫步,闲逛
trackless adj. 没有足迹的
abroad adj. 无处不在的
On the Seashore
Rabindranath Tagore
On the seashore of endless worlds children meet.
The infinite sky is motionless overhead
And the restless water is boisterous.
On the seashore of endless worlds
The children meet with shouts and dances.
They build their houses with sand,
and they play with empty shells.
With withered leaves they weave
their boats and smilingly float them
on the vast deep.
Children have their play on the
seashore of worlds.
They know not how to swim,
they know not how to cast nets.
Pearl-fishers dive for pearls,
merchants sail in their ships,
while children gather pebbles
and scatter them again.
They seek not for hidden treasures,
they know not how to cast nets.
The sea surges up with laughter,
and pale gleams the smile of the sea-beach.
Death-dealing waves sing
meaningless ballads to the children,
even like a mother while rocking her baby’s cradle.
The sea plays with children,
and pale gleams the smile of the sea-beach.
On the seashore of endless worlds children meet.
Tempest roams in the pathless sky,
ships are wrecked in the trackless water,
death is abroad and children play.
On the seashore of endless worlds is the
great meeting of children.