Unit5 What does he do?Part C Story time 表格式教案


名称 Unit5 What does he do?Part C Story time 表格式教案
格式 docx
文件大小 25.3KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(PEP)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-09-13 21:59:32



总 6 课时 第 周 星期
课题:Unit5 What does he do C Story time(第6课时) 课型:新授
教材与学情分析: 【教学内容】 单元分析:本单元是的主话题是Jobs。本单元通过不同的场景,提供了表达比较人物的职业和生活情况的句型。共三个版块:A 部分,B部分和C 部分。A部分的重点词汇factory worker, postman, businessman, police officer,是生活中比较常见的职业。B部分的重点词汇fisherman, scientist, pilot, coach是一些不寻常的职业,重点谈论了这些职业的工作地点和交通工具。C部分的故事,重点是拓展更多的不寻常的职业。根据这三部分之间的递进关系,设定了的分话题:jobs, jobs and workplaces, hobbies and unusual jobs。 单课分析:Story time版块呈现的是Zoom和Zip聊天,构思自己的职业梦想的故事。通过故事的学习,复习和巩固表示建议、询问职业梦想的句型,深化unusual job的概念。通过整体感知、答疑解惑、模仿表演方式,巩固和发展语言。 【教材链接】 本节课的单词farmer与computer game,在四年级和本册第四单元的A部分有涉及到,而lion tamer, magician’s assistant和nut cracker是完全没有接触过的单词,且magician’s assistant比较难读。test, nut, stung, maybe虽然是第一次接触,但是可以根据发音规律拼读出来。 本课的疑问句型What about …. /How about... 在第三单元的主情景图中What about you 中有涉及。I want to be a ...在本单元第一课时对话中已经接触过。I like.../ I don’t like...在三年级下册已经学习过。 【学情分析】 已有知识基础:授课对象为小学六年级学生,在学习本课之前,他们已掌握了有关表达梦想职业的句式,已经接触了不同职业的表达,但不是很熟练。 学生心理基础:六年级学生已有一定的语言基础,基本能表达家人的职业。在生活中,对于不寻常职业的了解比较少,大部分学生没有接触过。关于梦想职业,学生能简单地进行表达。
学习目标: 知识目标: 1. 能听懂、会问答句子What about …. /How about... I like.../I don’t like... I want to be ... 2. 能听懂、会说并能够拼读单词test, nut, stung, maybe. 3. 能够听懂、会说单词lion tamer, magician’s assistant, nut cracker. 技能目标: 1.学生能够通过直拼和小组合作,来学习新单词。 2.学生能够初步将单词适用到句子中。 3.学生能学会在小组中合作学习、理解故事内容,并尝试续编故事。 情感目标: 能够通过本故事学习,深入了解生活中unusual job。根据个人的爱好,能为他人推荐不寻常的职业。
教学重点: 1. 学生能学会在小组中合作学习、理解故事内容。 2. 能听懂、会问答句子What about …. /How about... I like.../I don’t like... I want to be ...
教学难点: 1.认读单词lion tamer, magician’s assistant, nut cracker。 2.根据爱好,能为他人推荐不同的职业,尝试续编故事。
教学方法:角色扮演法、合作学习法 教学准备:卡片、多媒体
教学过程:        任务驱动           二次备课(点评式反思)
Wa rm-u p I draw, you guess. T: Look at this picture. Let’s guess what he does. S: Postman T: Maybe. S: Police officer T: Maybe. Let’s have a look... (Pictures: police officer, coach, postman, farmer, bee farmer, computer game test.) Free talk. T shows the picture of people and the sentence. T: What does Oliver’s father do Ss: He’s a businessman. T: What does Oliver’s mother do Ss: She’s a head teacher. T: What do they want to be S: Amy wants to be a businessman. Chen Jie wants to be a .... S: I want to be a/an ... S: I want to be a/an ... S: ...
P r e s e n t a t i o n 1. (1) Watch and answer T asks: What are they talking about T shows the pictures of the story. Ss watch the video and answer the question. Great jobs. B. Unusual jobs T write the right answer on the blackboard. Let’s act. Let’s think. T: What job is unusual S: Fisherman./... 2. (1) Let’s act. T shows the second picture of the story. T teaches the sentences. T write the sentences in the blackboard. Zoom: How about a lion tamer Zip: Oh, no. Too dangerous! Pair work. Ss act with the partner. (2) Read and circle. T shows the pictures three to picture five. Ss read and circle the words about jobs. T write the answers on the blackboard. Let’s spell. T shows the words. Ss try to read. seebeenamegamebesttesterducknut
3. Try to read. Picture three. T: What does Zip want to be What about bee farmer I love honey. S: Oh, no. Too dangerous. T: Why it is too dangerous Maybe a bee farmer will get stung. (T act like a bee and sting the students.) Ss try to read and act. study-- stung Picture four. Ss try to read after the tape. Picture five Let’s act. (
Zoom: What
about a magician

s assistant That would be cool.
Zip: Oh, no. I don

t like that.
) (
Zoom: What about a/an ____
Zip: Oh, no. I don

t like that./ Too dangerous./...
Word bank: fisherman, scientist, pilot, coach, fireman, spaceman, artist, cook, police o
) 4. Think and guess. T: What does Zip want to be He likes jumping. He also likes climbing trees. He likes eating nuts. If you are Zip,... S: I want to be a ... 5. Let’s think. T: Unusual job. What does it mean S: Maybe it is great but dangerous./... T: Maybe it is cool but difficult. 6. Read along the story. Ss read the story lightly after the video. Ss read loudly and fill in the blank.
P r a c t i c e Make the ending. T says: Does it end (故事就这样结束了吗?)What will Zoom say Zoom: Haha! You’re nuts! _______ You will be fat. That’s not good for you. Maybe a nut cracker is good job. _________________________. Try to continue the story. (1) T asks: Zoom likes eating honey and fish. He also likes running and swimming. He likes singing, dancing and playing computer games, too. What does he want to be Ss guess: He wants to be a/an... T says: Can you finish it (
Zip: What do you want to be What about a
nut cracker

Zoom: Oh, no. I don

t like nuts.
Zip: How about ________
Word bank: fisherman, scientist, pilot, coach, fireman, spaceman, artist, cook, police officer, bee farmer, computer game tester,...
作业设计 必做:1. Listen and read this story. 选做: 1. Search for the unusual jobs online. 2. Recommend the unusual job for your friends.
板书设计 Book 7 Unit5 What does he do C Story time How about ... / What about ... (
lion tamer bee farmer computer game tester magician

s assistant
) Oh, no. Too dangerous. I don’t like... I want to be ...