Unit5 What does he do?Part A let's talk表格式教案


名称 Unit5 What does he do?Part A let's talk表格式教案
格式 docx
文件大小 23.7KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(PEP)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-09-13 22:08:08



总 6 课时 第 周 星期
课题:Unit5 What does he do A Let's talk(第1课时) 课型:新授
教材与学情分析: 本课时是围绕父母的职业这个话题展开。本节课主要是通过谈话的情景巩固询问他人职业的句型What does he/she do He’s/She’s... 鼓励学生大胆发言,激发学生用英语表达的热情。本课时的重点是核心句型的灵活运用。 本课时包括Let’s try 和 Let’s talk 两个版块。Let’s try是听力训练,用来引出Let’s talk版块的相关信息。Let’s talk通过呈现Oliver和Sarah在家长日谈论自己父母的情景,引出核心句型What does he/she do He’s/She’s...话题的设置贴近学生的生活,激发了学生求知的欲望,鼓励了学生想要用英语表达的热情。 本课时出现的词汇country, head teacher,借助于一定的语境,图片等方法帮助学生学习和理解。对话教学可以先通过游戏、问答帮助学生回忆和巩固旧知,然后利用多媒体、教材设置的情境学习对话。再鼓励学生表演对话、创编对话,引导学生更好的运用和巩固语言。
学习目标: 1. 能够正确听、说、朗读What does your father/mother do He/She is a/an...Do you want to be... 等询问职业的相关句型。 2. 能够正确听、说、认、读表示职业的名词,如:taxi,driver,cleaner,writer,singer等。 3. 能够听懂、会说、会表演Let’s talk的内容,并能在真实情景中运用所学语言进行真实交流和运用。 4. 在对话交流中使学生养成用英语交流的习惯,培养学生良好的语音语调和语感。
教学重点: (1)能够掌握询问他人职业的句型:What does he/she do He’s/She’s... (2)能够听、说、读、写句型—What does he do —He is a businessman. (3)能够理解对话大意。
教学难点: 能够在情景中运用第三人称单数的特殊疑问句。
教学方法:角色扮演法、合作学习法 教学准备:卡片、多媒体
教学过程:        任务驱动           二次备课(点评式反思)
Wa rm-u p T shows some pictures about jobs. Ss ask and answer. 通过看针筒、足球、锄头等图片猜职业,学生复习之前学过的有关职业的单词,引入本课职业的主题。 教师通过“自己说命令,学生做动作”的形式复习旧单词。如: Act like a teacher.(学生扮演老师) Act like a doctor.(学生扮演医生) Act like a nurse.(学生扮演护士) Act like a farmer.(学生扮演农民) Act like a driver.(学生扮演司机)
P r e s e n t a t i o n Learn”Main scene”. T shows pictures about”businessman”and”headteacher”.T explain the difference between them. T makes a song:What does your mother do She’s a head teacher. Is your father a head teacher No,he is a businessman. After the song, Ss act in groups. Ask and answer. T:Which one do you like S:I like this one. T:Can you tell me what does he do? S:He is a businessman. T:Is your father a businessman,too S:No,he isn’t. He is a teacher. T:Here you are. S:Thank you. Ss practice the dialogue in groups. Learn “let’s try”and “let’s talk”. Let’s try 教师引导学生看教材上Let’s try部分的内容,播放录音。 学生带着问题听录音,选择正确答案。 ①Sarah’s mother can/can’t come today. ②Her father is a doctor/teacher/taxi driver. 教师核对答案。 再次播放录音,让学生从录音中找出回答问题的关键信息点,尽量让学生听出录音原文或复述对话。 Let’s talk 1. 教师拿出比尔 盖茨的照片说:Who is he 引导其中的一位学生试着回答:He is Bill Gates. 然后教师继续说:I’m a teacher. What does he do 学生说出商人时,教师板书并教读单词 businessman,可用拆分法教读并理解:business-man。 教师继续问那位学生:What does he do 引导学生回答:He is a businessman. 教师板书并教读句型:What does he do He is a businessman. 替换重点单词或接龙法进行操练,如: T: What does he do S1: He is a businessman. What does he do S2: He is a teacher. What does he do S3: He is a doctor. What does he do S4: He is a taxi driver. What does he do S5: He is a farmer. What does he do … 2. 教师拿出一张迈克尔 杰克逊的照片说:What does he do 引导学生回答:He is a singer. 并继续问:Which country is he from 引导学生对问句的思考,引出country这个单词,可采用拼音法教读:coun-try,并提醒学生注意发音,也可拿出不同国家歌手的照片展示。 教师询问学生Am I your teacher or head teacher 板书并领读短语head teacher,通过拆分法解释其含义。教师问学生:Do you want to be a head teacher, too 学生回答:Yes, I do./No, I don’t.教师拓展句型:What are you going to be /What do you want to do/be 引导学生回答:I am going to be a/an…教师板书并教读句型:What are you going to be /What do you want to do/be I am going to be a/an…以小组为单位,一问一答操练此句型,如: Gl: What are you going to be G2: I am going to be a teacher. 也可以学生间相互询问对方未来的职业理想。 播放Let’s talk部分的录音,学生带着问题静听,画出回答问题的关键信息。问题如下:What does Oliver’s father/mother do 教师核对答案,再次播放录音,让学生把不懂的地画出来。学生—边听一边跟读读,教师讲解。全班跟读熟练后,再分组分角色朗读。 5. Make a survey. My family NameJobWant to befathermothersister...
P r a c t i c e 1. Play a game One student imitate the job,and the others guess. 2. The exercise book. 课堂练习。 课内完成作业本听力部分的内容,并及时反馈。
作业设计 1、复习课本P58对话一颗星读熟,两颗星会背划线句子,三颗星背诵全文 完成书写本:描写句子 3、预习P59(一颗星听5遍;两颗星听,模仿跟读;三颗星听,会读)
板书设计 Unit5 What does she do What does she/he do He/She is a/an... Do you want to be... Yes,I do. No, I don’t. head teacher businessman