人教版(2019)必修第二册 Unit1Cultural Heritage Language Points 2知识点讲义


名称 人教版(2019)必修第二册 Unit1Cultural Heritage Language Points 2知识点讲义
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-09-15 10:51:30



B2U1Language Points 2
Period 2 Reading and Thinking (1)
balance (n.)平衡;均匀 (vt.)使平衡
Finding and keeping the right balance between progress and the protection of cultural sites can be a big challenge. 在发展与文化遗产保护之间找到恰当的平衡点,并加以保持,这可能是一项巨大的挑战。
Tourists often disturb the delicate balance of nature on the island. 游客常常干扰岛上脆弱的自然生态平衡。
His wife’s death disturbed the balance of his mind. 妻子的离世使他心神不宁。
keep/strike a balance between work and family 保持工作和家庭的平衡=balance(vt.兼顾) work and family
balance advantages and disadvantages 兼顾优缺点
balance himself on the rope 在绳子上站稳 (使...保持平衡;立稳)
keep a balanced diet 保持均衡饮食 (balanced adj.保持平衡的)
propose (v.)提议,建议 (to suggest a plan, an idea, etc. for people to think about and decide on); 打算,计划 (intend to do);proposal (n.) 提议;建议 (a formal suggestion or plan)
But the proposal led to protests. 但是,该提案引发了抗议。
I’d like to make/put forward/come up with a proposal before the meeting. 在开会前我想提个建议。
They all agreed to my proposal that we (should) share in the taxi fare.
propose(v.) a possible solution to the problem 提议一个解决该问题的方案
He proposed building a dam. = He proposed that a dam (should) be built. 他建议建造一座大坝。
=He suggested/advised building a dam.= he advised/suggested that a dam (should) be built.
likely (adj.)可能的 (probable or expected);(adv.) 可能地
Water from the dam would likely (adv.) damage a number of temples and destroy cultural relics that were an important part of Egypt’s cultural heritage.
= Water from the dam would be likely (adj.) to damage a number of temples...
The temple is likely to be damaged. 寺庙很有可能被毁。
= It is likely /possible/probable that the temple will be damaged.
limit (n.) 限度;限制 (vt.) 限制;限定
A committee was established to limit damage to the Egyptian buildings and prevent the loss of cultural relics. 委员会成立了,旨在减少对那些埃及建筑物的破坏,并防止文物损失。
Everyone who participates in the speech contest should limit your speech to 5 minutes.
每一个参加演讲比赛的人应该把演讲限制在5分钟内。(limit sth to sth 限制;限定)
The government set a strict limit on/to the speed of the car and the speed limit is 60km/h.
政府对汽车的行驶速度作了严格的规定,每小时的速度是60千米。(put/set a limit to/on对...限制)
push sb/sth to limits 把某人/某物推到极限;把某人逼到极限
limited (adj.) time/resources 有限的时间/资源
词义关联:Speed is restricted/limited to 30 mph in towns. 在城里车速不得超过每小时30英里。
(restrict v. to limit the size, amount or range of sth 限制,限定(数量、范围等))
5. prevent (vt.) 阻止;阻碍;阻挠to stop sb from doing sth; to stop sth from happening
The government is sparing no effort to prevent/stop the forest (from) being destroyed.
The government is sparing no effort to keep the forest from being destroyed.
They were stopped/prevented/kept from entering the burning building. 他们被拦在了燃烧着的大楼外面。
Prevention[U.] is more important than treatment.预防比治疗更重要。
6.donate (vt.)(尤指向慈善机构)捐赠;赠送;献(血)
Fifty countries donated nearly $80 million to the project. 50个国家向该项目捐赠了近8千万美元。
Those who are willing to donate their organs for use after death could be called heroes.
Medical science has proved that donating blood is good for donors both physically and spiritually.
医疗科学证实献血有益于献血者的身心健康。(n. 捐赠者;献血者,器官捐献者)
The old man donated/contributed a large number of books to the local school.
The old man made a donation/make a contribution of a large number of books to the local school.
contribute (vi.&vt.) 捐献;捐助 contribution (n.) 捐款;贡献;捐赠
The group asked for contributions from different departments and raised funds within the international community. 该委员会请求各个部门予以支持,并在国际范围内筹集资金。
The professor has made great contributions to the cause of education.
这位教授为教育事业做出了巨大的贡献。(make a contribution/contributions to 捐款;对...做贡献)
Many people contributed money to the poor boy, which contributed to his return to school. A writer wrote a story about this and contributed it to a press. 许多人给那个贫穷的男孩子捐款,这使他重返校园。一位作家写了一个关于此事的故事并把它投给了一家出版社。
(contribute...to...把...贡献给...;向...捐献/捐赠...;向...投稿 contribute to 有助于;导致;捐款;投稿)
Eating too much sugar can lead to/result in/contribute to health problems. 糖分摄入过多会导致健康问题。
attempt(n.)(vt.) 企图;试图;尝试
Why did the Egyptian government want to attempt the building of the dam
= Why did the Egyptian government want to attempt to build the dam
(attempt sth/to do sth: to make an effort or try to do sth, esp sth difficult)
If you fail at the first attempt, there is no need to care about that.
如果你第一次尝试失败的话,也没必要担心。(at the/one’s first attempt (某人)第一次尝试)
Two factories were closed in an attempt to cut costs. 为消减费用,关闭了两家工厂。(企图;为了)
In my view, parents are making an attempt to protect/at protecting their kids by giving whatever they require.
词义关联:try to do sth 试图/想要做某事 to make an attempt or effort to do or get sth
conduct (n.) 行为;举止;管理方法 (vt.) 组织;安排;带领
Experts investigated the issue, conducted several tests, and then make a proposal for how the buildings could be saved. 专家们对此议题进行调查研究,多次试验,提出了一个保住那些建筑的方案。
conduct an experiment/an orchestra/sb around the ruins of the ancient city/oneself better than expected
cheating/illegal conduct(n.)舞弊/非法行为
Your conduct[u.] doesn’t agree with what you say. 你的行为和你说的不相符。
Under the conduct of his father, their business was very successful.
在他父亲的指导下,他们的事业相当成功。(conduct of sth经营方式;管理方法)
conductor(n.) (管弦乐队、合唱队等的)指挥;列车长;检票员;导体
词义关联:perform an experiment/an operation/a task 做试验/做手术/执行任务
behave well/badly 表现得好/不好
give way to 让步;屈服
There comes a time(全部倒装)when the old must give way to the new(定语从句), and(连词) it is not possible to preserve everything from our past as (引导时间状语从句) we move towards the future.
lead to protests 引发了抗议
Big challenges, however, can sometimes lead to great solutions.
With him leading the way, we got there without any difficulty. He was in the lead all the way. Without him, we would have been lost, which would lead to serious consequences. His actions led us tobelieve that he was our true friend. 在他的带领下,我们毫无困难地到达了哪里。他一路领头。要不是他,我们将会迷路,这将导致严重的后果。他的行为使我们相信他是我们真正的朋友。
turn to 向...求助;转向;致力于;翻到;查阅
After listening to the scientists who had studied the problem, and citizens who lived near the dam, the government turned to the United Nations for help in 1959. 埃及政府在听取了研究该问题的科学家以及大坝附近居民的意见后,于1959年向联合国寻求帮助。
turn to the left 向左转 turn to Page 4 翻到第4页 turn to computer science 从事计算机科学
turn to the dictionary 查阅词典
establish a committee 成立委员会= set up
suffer a great loss/great losses 遭受巨大的损失
be at a loss 不知所措;困惑
He is always at a loss what to say in front of strangers. 他在陌生人面前总是不知要说什么。
Unfortunately, I’m at a loss whether I should bring a small gift or not when I call on him.
within walking distance 在步行距离之内 within (prep.在(某段时间、距离或范围)之内)
The supermarket is within walking distance of our school. 超市离学校很近,走几步路就到了。
make sure 确保;设法保证
We must protect the temples and make sure that no damage is done.
make sure of the exact time of the arriving train 确定火车到达的确切时间
be worthwhile doing/to do 值得做某事 worthwhile (adj.) 值得做的;值得花时间的
Do you think it was worthwhile 你觉得值得吗?
The plan is worth consideration/considering.
The plan is worthy of consideration/of being considered/to be considered.
It is worthwhile to consider/considering the plan. 这个计划值得考虑。
raise funds for 为...筹集资金
be prevented from disappearing 防止消失
Perhaps the best example is shown by UNESCO, which runs a programme that prevents world cultural heritage sites around the world from disappearing.
Not only had the countries found a path to the future that did not run over the relics of the past, but they had also learnt that it was possible for countries to work together to build a better tomorrow.
Not only Tom and Mary but also I am fond of watching TV. 不仅Tom和Mary,而且我也喜欢看电视。
Not only does the sun give us light, but (also) it gives us heat. 太阳不仅给了我们光,也给了我们能量。
Additional Accumulation
sign (n.) a sign of stress/life/improvement 紧张/生命/改进的迹象 a traffic sign/a road sign 交通/道路标志
(v.) sign one’s name/the letter签名/署名 sign to sb to do sth 示意某人做某事
count(v.) count on sb to do/doing sth 依靠/指望某人做某事 countless cultural relics 无数的文物
It is one’s thought that counts/matters. 贵在心意。
progress(n.) make little/no/slight/much/rapid progress in...
在...(几乎没有/没有/稍微)取得了(很大的/迅速的)进步 in progress (happening at this time) 进行中
(v.) As the evening progressed/went on, sadness turned to rage. 随着夜幕逐渐降临,悲伤已成愤怒。
Period 5 Discovering Useful structures & Listening and Talking
professional (adj.) 专业的;职业的 (n.) 专业人员;职业选手
We met a professional archaeologist at the entrance to the Great Pyramid. 我们在大金字塔的入口处遇见了一位专业的考古学家。
professional skills专业技能 seek professional advice 寻求专业意见
a health professional(n.) 健康专家 a top golf professional 顶尖高尔夫球职业选手
The tournament is open to both amateurs and professionals. 这次锦标赛业余选手和职业选手均可参加。
profession [C.] (需要专门技能,尤指需要较高教育水平的某一)行业,职业
the medical/legal/teaching profession 医疗/法律/教学行业enter/go into/ join a profession 加入一个行业
He was an electrician by profession. 他的职业是电工。
词义关联:career(n.) 生涯,职业;经历,事业 a career in politics 政治生涯
choose a career as a vet 选择兽医这个职业
occupation [C.] a job or profession 工作;职业
Please state your name, age,and occupation below. 请在下面写明姓名、年龄和职业。
entrance (n.) 入口;进入
college entrance examination 大学入学考试 ([U.](俱乐部、社团、大学等的)准许加入,进入许可)
at the entrance to the cinema 在电影院的入口处 ([C.]大门(口),入口(处);入口通道)
介词to表示目的、对象 the answer to the question/the key to the door/the solution to the problem
The police were unable to gain entrance to the house. 警方未能得到进入这栋房子的许可。
enter a university 考入大学 (vt. 成为...的一员;加入;开始从事)
词义关联:entry(n.) in the entry 在入口处 gain entry into the building 进入大楼 No entry! 禁止入内!
access[U.] the only access to the farmhouse 去农舍的唯一道路 have access to sth 有使用/见到...的机会
exit (n.) emergency exit 紧急出口
process (n.) 过程;进程;步骤 (vt.) 处理;加工
He explained to us the process of building such a difficult structure.
the learning/printing process 学习/印刷过程 process(vt.) the data 处理数据
Preserved meet is a processed food. In the process of making preserved meat, there are several processes to pay special attention to when processing (vt.) the meat. 腊肉是加工食品。在制作腊肉的过程中,有几个步骤在腌肉时需要特别注意。(in the process of 在(做)某事的过程中)
词义关联: emergency procedures 紧急情况处理程序 follow normal procedure(for sth) 遵循正常的步骤
forgive (vi&vt.) forgave-forgiven原谅;宽恕 (vt.) 对不起;请原谅
Forgive me for asking, but... 请原谅我的冒昧,但是...
Please forgive me for interrupting you.= Please forgive me/my interrupting you. 对不起,打扰了。
forgive and forget 不念旧恶;不记仇 forget the debt 免除债务
词义关联: I hope you’ll excuse me for being late. 我来晚了,希望你能原谅。
Excuse my interrupting you. 对不起,打扰你一下。
excuse me(引起尤其是陌生人的注意)/(客气地请人让路)/(因打扰别人或失礼表示歉意)/(婉转地表示不赞成)/(婉转地要求离开或要与另外的人说话)/(因挤着别人或做错了事表示歉意)对不起
Excuse me NAmE(没听清楚,请对方再说一遍)对不起
I beg your pardon./Pardon (me). 请原谅;对不起 (used to tell sb that you are sorry for sth you have said or done);(未听清楚)请再说一遍
download the app 下载应用程序
work day and night 日夜工作
go without 没有...也行;没有...而勉强应付
I beg your pardon, but is this the Xuanyuan Mirror 对不起,但这是轩辕镜吗?
I see that you’re looking at that carving on the roof(s). 我看到你正在看屋顶上的雕刻。
tell (v. 区分;分辨) right from wrong 分辨是非 tell the difference 区分不同
Additional Accumulation
take up占据,占用;继续;开始从事;接受 take on呈现;承担(责任);雇佣 take over接管;掌管 take in 收留;欺骗;吸收;理解,领会
turn up被发现;到达,露面;调高 turn down拒绝;把...调低 turn out结果是;证明是
turn over翻身;认真思考
present sth to sb=present sb with sth 把....交给;颁发;授予
motivate sb to do sth 激励某人做某事
work out 锻炼身体;计算;解决(solve); 计划 work on努力说服(某人);努力改善/完成某事
Period 6 Reading for Writing & Assessing Your Progress
throughout (prep.)(adv.) 到处;遍及;in or into every part of sth
自始至终during the whole period of time of sth
They are recording and collecting digital images of cultural relics from the Mogao Caves, which were a key stop along the Silk Road throughout China’s ancient history. 团队成员正在记录和收集莫高窟文物的数码图像;莫高窟在中国古代历史上是丝绸之路上的一个关键站点。
He is working throughout(prep.) the day/all through the day. 他一整天都在工作。
The ceremony lasted two hours and we had to stand throughout(adv.).
They sold their products to markets throughout the country/all over the country.
quality (n.) 质量;品质;素质;特征 (adj.) 优质的;高质量的
Nearly 500,000 high-quality digital photographs have been produced since the international project started in 1994. 1994年该国际项目启动以来,团队已经制作了近50万张高质量的数码照片。
= digital photographs of high quality goods of poor quality 质量差的商品
be of good/high/poor/low quality 质量好/优质/质量差/劣质 improve the quality of life 提高生活质量
leadership qualities 领导素质[C.] a person with many good qualities 一个具有很有优秀品质的人
quality time (尤指工作之余关爱子女,增进感情的)黄金时光
The quality of this kind of quality bean is that it has some qualities that other beans haven’t.
quantity (n.) 数量 a quantity/quantities of food/books 大量的食物/书
further (adv.) (far的比较级)更远;进一步
They also hope to further educate people about the importance of safeguarding historic and cultural relics for future generations to understand and appreciate.
go abroad for further study 去国外深造 further research 更进一步的研究 (adj. more; additional)
further strengthen the relations进一步加强联系 take a step further进一步采取措施
(adv. to a greater degree)
further one’s study 进一步促进学习 (v. to help sth to develop or be successful )
farther (adv./adj.) (时间或空间上)更远(地/的);较远(地/的)
comparison (n.) 比较;相比
words to show comparison and/or contrast 表示比较和/或对比的词
It’s difficult to make/draw a comparison with her previous book---- they are completely different.
= It’s difficult to compare her new book with her previous one---- they are completely different.
By/In comparison with/to her previous book, her new one is completely different.
= Compared with her previous book, her new one gives a detailed description of the social situation.
By comparison, her new book gives a detailed description of the social situation.
词义关联:match sth against sth 拿...与...比较;对照
(to compare sth with sth else in order to find things that are the same or similar)
New information is matched against existing data in the computer. 新的资料和电脑中已有的数据作了比较。
contrast (n.) 对比;对照 (vt.) 对比;对照
It’s interesting to contrast the British legal system with the American one.
(contrast A and/with B: to compare two things in order to show the differences between one 对比;对照)
There is an obvious/sharp/strikingcontrast between the cultures of East and West.
In contrast to/with his brothers, Tom is rather short. 与他的几位兄弟相比,Tom的个子相当矮。
By contrast, Tom is rather short. (相比之下;与之相比)
She had almost failed the exam but her sister in contrast had done very well. 她几乎考试不及格,但是与之相反她的姐姐做得很好。(与此相反;比较起来)
词义关联:distinctions between Eastern and Western cultures 东西方文化的差别(a clear difference or contrast especially between people or things that are similar or related)
identify (vt.) 确认;认出;找到
Underline the relative clauses that the writer uses to identify the following (things).
Many of those arrested refused to identify themselves (=would not say who they were)
identify a link between diet and cancer 发现饮食和癌症之间的关联 (to find or discover 找到;发现)
The Mogao Caves have long been a meeting point for different cultures and are part of the history of many countries. 长期以来,莫高窟一直是多元文化的交汇点,反映着不同国家的历史文化。
raise money/funds for 为...筹钱/筹集资金
last forever 永久持续
turn to 向...求助;转向;致力于;翻到;查阅
be proud of = take pride in 以...为荣
keep balance 保持平衡
lead to 导致
prevent sb/sth from doing sth 阻止某人做某事
donate sth to 捐赠,赠送
take part in 参与某事
make sure of sth/that.. .确保
be more likely to do 更有可能做某事
get students more interested in this field 让学生对这个领域更感兴趣