Module 4 Unit 12 The giant's garden 学案


名称 Module 4 Unit 12 The giant's garden 学案
格式 docx
文件大小 19.7KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 牛津沪教版
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-09-16 22:45:42



Unit 12 The giant’s garden
学习目标 通过看图说话活动,初步了解故事的人物、背景和故事大意,并学习生词,激发阅读兴趣。
学习重难点 1.能掌握单词: wall, kind, through, no entry 2.会运用句型: A giant lives in a big house with a beautiful garden. Children like to play in the garden.
Step 1 Check 1.我是听写小能手。(听写—对改—改错—汇报) ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ 2.Free talk 谈谈自己喜欢的故事。 Step 2 Presentation 1.出示新单词,跟读,操练。 Camera, watch 2.独自记忆——对子互相拼读。 3.根据卡片说单词。 4.听录音,看图片,感知课文。 5.再听故事录音,完成判断句子正误,以检测是否听懂故事大意。 (1)The giant lives in a small house. ( ) (2)Some children come and play in the garden. ( ) (3)The giant gets angry when he sees the children playing in his garden. ( ) (4)The children are afraid of the giant because he is very big. ( ) (5)The giant builds a wall around his garden. ( ) 6.阅读故事,并把有疑问的地方划出来或写在小纸条上。 7.弄清楚有疑问的单词、词组或句子。 8.看图,跟着录音读故事。 9.然后总结故事大意,思考并说说从这个故事中学到了什么。 (故事的寓意:快乐要与人分享,自己才能更快乐。) Step 3 Show 六人一组,讨论并将故事改编成课本剧,然后分角色表演故事。 Step 4 达标测评 (互改—改错—自评、互评—汇报) 再读课文,完成下面选择题。 ( ) 1.Does the giant like the children at first A.Yes, he does. B.No, he doesn’t. is not clear according to the story. ( ) 2.What does he do A.He plays with the children. B.he only puts up a sign in his garden. C.he builds a wall around the garden and puts up a sign with no entry on it. ( ) 3.Why does he build a wall A.Because he does not want to share his garden with the children. B.Because the children make a noise in his garden. C.Because he thinks a wall can make his garden more beautiful. ( ) 4.Miss Spring does not go into the giant’s garden. Miss Summer and Miss Autumn do not visit the giant’s garden either. Why A.Because they do not like the garden. B.Because Miss Spring thinks the giant is selfish (自私的). C.Because they think the giant is selfish (自私的).
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