人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 5 Music 课时分层练(3份打包,含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 5 Music 课时分层练(3份打包,含答案)
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-09-17 10:42:44


Unit 5 Music Reading and Thinking—2023-2024学年高一英语人教版(2019)必修第二册课时分层练
知识点1 名词的用法
1.The band's _____(perform) was very wonderful, and it left a deep impression on us.
2.His movie won several _______(award)at the film festival, which was beyond his wildest dream.
3.Mozart's _____ (compose) are undoubtedly amongst the world's greatest.
知识点2 副词的用法
4._____ (original), we had intended to go to Italy, but then we won the trip to Spain.
5.Since he arrived in Beijing, he has adjusted to eating the northern food _____ (gradual).
This will ________________ the audience ________________ in comfort while watching the shows.
I am glad to have the ________ to ________this different way of life.
_____ _____ _____ _____ she is right, and we should follow her advice.
9.在太空计划中体验失重使我们非常兴奋。 (make+宾语+宾补)
Experiencing weightlessness _____ _____ _____ _____ in the space program.
10.由于受到老师的鼓励,学生们学习物理的热情大大提高。 (过去分词作状语)
_____ _____ _____, students' enthusiasm for learning physics has been greatly improved.
11. The Austrian composer, Schubert, was born in Vienna. His father, a schoolmaster, was his first music teacher. When he was 11, he was fortunate in being chosen to one of the Vienna Boy's singing group. There he received a free general education as well as music teaching. He began to compose in these years mostly instrumental or orchestral compositions, but also a few songs. He spent more time in covering sheets of paper with these compositions than at his other studies.
After he left the singing group, Schubert became a schoolmaster to avoid being sent into the army, and he taught at his father's school for 3 years. When only 17, he wrote his first great song, and during the next 2 years he wrote many of his finest songs. After his 3 years' teaching, he lived with various friends, all as penniless as himself, composing all the time, sometimes writing eight songs in a day, and even sleeping in his glasses in case he might have an idea for a song during the night. Although he hated teaching, he earned some money by giving piano lessons.
Schubert never became widely famous outside Vienna during his life. It was late in his short life, and only after much persuasion, that publishers began to print and sell some of his compositions; and Schubert received very little money for these. He had been able to be happy and free to compose, though extremely poor. But a cloud of sadness hung over in his late years. In 1827 he wrote his song-cycle for voice and piano. The Winter Journey and its sadness show his own state of mind. In the autumn of 1828 he fell ill for the second time in his life and died. Almost all his last words were of Beethoven, whom he loved and admired above all other composers. He was buried beside him.
Although Schubert died when only 32, he wrote a great amount of music. He had little academic training but a very sure musical talent. Much of his finest work he never heard performed.
1.Who first taught Schubert to learn music
A.Vienna Boy's singing group.
B.His father.
C.His teacher in a primary school.
D.His brother.
2.Why did Schubert work as a schoolmaster
A.Because he didn't want to join the army.
B.Because he liked teaching children.
C.Because he could earn more money.
D.Because he wanted to build his own band.
3.What can we know about Schubert according to the passage
A.He was famous in his late life.
B.Publishers were willing to publish his works.
C He didn't have enough money all his life.
D.He heard many of his compositions performed.
4.How was the passage developed
A.By following time order.
B.By giving examples.
C.By making comparison.
D.By giving definitions.
12. SILVER SPRING, MARYLAND—Students' involvement (参与)is a goal in schools everywhere. A teacher in the Washington suburbs has found a way to engage and motivate students—by bringing rhythm and fun to mathematics. The approach works well especially for students who speak English as a second language.
Making math fun
The voice heard in the video belongs to mathematics teacher Jake Scott. Most of the performers are his students. "I use rap because it is something that appeals to students, and also because music aids memory,"explains Scott.
Scott started using rap videos three years ago. So far he has produced nine, including YouTube favorites Triangle Experts and Quadratic Formulatic, which have been viewed tens of thousands of times. It is fun and the whole process is something that students appreciate," says Scott.
More than a teacher
Blair High School principal Renay Johnson is a big supporter. She even appears in Scott's latest video , Undefined Expressions.
"Mr. Scott is very motivating and engaging for students,"notes Johnson. "He enjoys what he does. As you know, he engages students and mathematics through music. But he is also our wrestling coach. He also sponsors the National Honor Society. And he is also a director of afterschool sports academy. I am lucky to have him here as a teacher."
Scott was recognized as an outstanding educator last year by the Montgomery County Council. He was also honored the year by an African-American civil rights organization.
Jake Scott says he wants mathematics to be something that students look forward to learning. And he says the results will help them on a path to colleges and careers.
1.Why does Scott use rap to make math fun
A.It is closely connected with math.
B.It is a kind of music with good beats.
C.It is a kind of music with good rhythm.
D.It is popular with students and helps memory.
2.Who are Scott's teaching approach especially for
A.Students who are poor in math.
B.Students who are fond of music and math.
C.Students who speak English as a second language.
D.Students who major in science and technology.
3.What can we conclude from the passage
A.Johnson doesn't approve of Scott's work.
B.Scott's work is recognized by the public.
C.Watching videos is a daily routine in math classes.
D.Scott makes students sing and dance in math class.
4.What is the main idea of the passage
A.A teacher uses music to make math fun and cool.
B.An introduction of a new teaching method to readers.
C.Mr. Scott is a successful math teacher.
D.Students' involvement is a goal in teaching.
解析:考查名词。由设空处前面的名词所有格The band's可知此处应用名词,根据空后的was可知应用单数名词。故填 performance。
6.答案:enable to sit
解析:考查一般将来时态及非谓语动词。根据句意可知,第一个空应填入"使能够"的英文表达enable,且will后接动词原形,故第一个空填enable。分析句子结构可知,第二个空作宾语补足语,enable后接不定式作宾补故第二个空"坐着"应用to sit的形式。故填enable;to sit。
7.答案:opportunity experience
解析:考查名词和动词。根据汉语提示,表示"有机会去做某事"用have the opportunity to do sth;表示"体验"用动词experience。故填opportunity;experience。
8.答案:It is proved that
9.答案:made us very excited
10.答案:Encouraged by teachers
11.答案:1-4 BACA
解析:1.细节理解题。根据第一段的His father, a schoolmaster, was his first music teacher.可知,他的父亲是他的音乐启蒙老师。故选B。
2.细节理解题。根据第二段的After he left the singing group, Schubert became a schoolmaster to avoid being sent into the army可知,他成为一名教师是因为他不愿意被送到部队里。故选A。
3.推理判断题。根据第二段的he lived with various friends, all as penniless as himself以及第三段的He had been able to be happy and free to compose, though extremely poor.可知,他一生都过着贫穷的生活,没有足够的钱。故选C。
12.答案:1.D; 2.C; 3.B; 4.A
2.细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句"The approach works well especially for students who speak English as a second language. "可知,Scott的教学方法特别针对把英语作为第二语言来讲的学生们。故选C。
2Unit 5 Music Discovering Useful Structures—2023-2024学年高一英语人教版(2019)必修第二册课时分层练
知识点1 名词的用法
1.It was a pity that his actions were based on a false _____(assume).
2.Trash recycling is very important, and a lot of _____(equip) has been prepared to help deal with the waste properly.
3.If you feel a sense of ________(relieve), you feel happy because something unpleasant has not happened or is no longer happening.
知识点2 形容词的用法
4.The students are _____(puzzle) at the works of modern art on the wall because they are too abstract.
5.Messi who set the record for the most goals in a calendar year, is considered the most _____(talent) football player in Europe.
______ ______ ______ the wrinkles on his face, he seemed to have lost confidence in life.
He ______ ______ ______ a second time ______ give up his attempt.
8.当这个消息被告诉他时,他看上去很兴奋。 (过去分词的独立主格结构)
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____, he looked very excited.
9.当被问到发生了什么事时,他脸红了。 (过去分词作状语)
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____, his face turned red.
10.应该让孩子们意识到节约粮食的重要性。 一粥一饭当思来之不易。 (make+宾语+宾补, 被动语态)
Children should _____ _____ _____ _____ the importance of saving food. When you have every bowl of porridge and rice, think about how much effort is paid.
11. Rock and roll music developed in the United States in the early 1950's. It was based on the music called rhythm and blues that was performed by African-American musicians.
Early rock and roll singers developed their own kinds of music. Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry, the Beach Boys, and Bob Dylan were the most popular rock and roll musicians in the early 1960's. All were Americans. Then, in 1964, a new rock and roll group from Britain invaded America: the Beatles.
Some people say the Beatles' music shook America like an earthquake. The Beatles changed rock and roll forever. Their early songs were influenced by American rock and roll musicians, including Chuck Berry. But the Beatles looked different and sounded different from any other musical groups before them.
The Beatles released their first album in the United States in 1964, when all of the top five records in America were by the Beatles. In 1967, they released an album called Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. It was one of the first "concept" albums. That is, all the songs were linked by a common story or idea.
The popularity of the Beatles led the way for more rock and roll bands from Britain to become popular in America. The Rolling Stones was the most important of these bands. The Rolling Stones is one of the few groups from the 1960's that is still performing and recording today. In 1965, the group recorded one of its most famous songs, Satisfaction.
The musical instrument most linked to rock and roll is the guitar. Experts say Jimi Hendrix was one of the most influential guitar players in rock and roll during the late 1960's. His Purple Haze was liked by many people.
By the 1970, s,rock and roll music became known as rock music. It expanded into many new forms. For example, there were country rock, hard rock, acid rock, heavy metal rock, punk rock, jazz rock and glitter rock.
In the middle 1970's, experts said that rock music regained some of the energy of early rock and roll. Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band became popular with their album Born to Run. Springsteen's music was like the lively rock and roll music of the early 1960's. Many of his songs were about social issues. He sang about the effects of unemployment and the war in Vietnam.
1.The main topic of this passage is _________.
A.the history of American music B.the development of rock and roll music
C.the famous rock and roll groups D.the new forms of rock and roll music
2.Which of the following matches is NOT true
A.The Beatles—Chuck Berry. B.The Rolling Stones—Satisfaction.
C.Jimi Hendrix—Purple Haze. D.Bruce Springsteen—Born to Run.
3.Whose songs were mainly about social problems like unemployment and war
A.Elvis Presley's. B.Bob Dylan's.
C.Jimi Hendrix's. D.Springsteen's.
4.From the passage, we can know that ________
A.one of the Reeling Stones' albums was called "concept"
B.the Beatles and the Rolling Stones became popular at the same time
C.rock and roll music had many different forms at the beginning
D.rock and roll music probably came from African-American music
12. Music can make us feel happy or peaceful, energize us to dance, or move us to tears. As an orchestra conductor, Amy Anderson brings music to life, allowing people to experience the feelings that music can bring.
Anderson fell in love with music as a child. She started to sing in school choirs in the first grade, began studying the piano at 7, and started composing at 9. Her school had no orchestra, but she bought many recordings of great orchestras and conductors and listened to them for hours on end.
During a concert, the audience see the back of a conductor and the arm movements she or he uses to lead the orchestra. What the audience do not see is all the work the conductor has done beforehand to prepare for the performance.
Months before a concert, Anderson studies a piece of music by playing it on the piano. She decides how she wants each part to sound. Should it be fast or slow Loud or soft She reads about the composer's life and reviews historical events that would have influenced the composer. Her goal is to recreate the music as the composer wanted.
While conducting, Anderson uses her whole body to express how the music should sound and feel. Her movements are dramatic(激动人心的) when the music is energetic and gentle when the music is peaceful.
Each instrument makes a special sound. Although it is not necessary for conductors to know how to play all of the instruments, they must be familiar with the sound of each instrument in the orchestra. To help young musicians understand how to play the music, Anderson will tell them to imagine a calm, leisurely walk or a ship being tossed by waves.
Anderson has seen the audience at her concerts applauding(鼓掌) together in rhythm. She is happy to know that she and the musicians have brought joy into ordinary days.
1.From the passage we can infer that, to perform well, an orchestra conductor _______.
A.has to learn to compose at an early age
B.must know what music the audience like
C.should be able to play all of the instruments
D.has to prepare a lot before the performance
2.Anderson reviews historical events in order to _______.
A.show her knowledge
B.attract more audience
C.perform the music perfectly
D.know more about conductors
3.By saying the underlined part, Anderson probably wants to show that _______.
A.bad performance may cause danger
B.music can express people's feelings
C.energetic music needs to be played dramatically
D.it is not easy to become an orchestra conductor
4.Which of the following can be used as the best title of the passage
A.The magic power of music
B.Anderson brings music to life
C.Anderson tells you how to play music
D.How to become a successful orchestra conductor
解析:考查过去分词作表语。设空处作表语,主句的主语为The students,此处指"学生们对墙上的现代艺术作品感到很困惑,因为它们太抽象了",表示"(人感到)困惑的",应用过去分词puzzled。故填puzzled。
解析:考查形容词。分析句子结构可知,设空处在句中作定语修饰名词短语football player,故填形容词talented,意为"有天赋的"。句意:梅西创造了年度进球最多的纪录,被认为是欧洲最有天赋的足球运动员。故填talented。
6.答案:In addition to
7.答案:would rather fail, than
8.答案:The news told to him
9.答案:When asked what had happened
10.答案:be made to realize
2.细节理解题。根据第二段中的"Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry, the Beach Boys, and Bob Dylan were the most popular rock and roll musicians in the early 1960's. " 可知,Chuck Berry 是一个音乐家的名字,而其他选项都是将歌手与其代表作联系在一起,故A项错误。故选A。
3.细节理解题。根据最后一段中的"Springsteen's music was like... Many of his songs were about social issues. He sang about the effects of unemployment and the war in Vietnam. "可知D项正确。故选D。
12.答案:1-4 DCCB
解析:1.细节理解题。根据文章第三段中的What the audience do not see is all the work the conductor has done beforehand to prepare for the performance.可知,乐队指挥在演出前要做充分准备。故选D。
2.推理判断题。根据文章第四段中的Her goal is to recreate the music as the composer wanted.可知,Anderson了解音乐背后的历史故事是为了了解作曲者当时通过音乐想表达的东西,以此更好地展现音乐。故选C。
4.主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了一位成功的乐队指挥Anderson,她用心将每一段音乐展现给观众,让大家充分领略音乐所要表达的情感。引用文章中的点晴之笔:Amy Anderson brings music to life。故选B。
2Unit 5 Music Reading for Writing—2023-2024学年高一英语人教版(2019)必修第二册课时分层练
知识点1 名词的用法
1.Her parents' _____(react) to the news was surprisingly calm.
2.It has been hard to adjust but now I'm getting ______(satisfy) from my work.
3.The doctors discussed various approaches to the _____(treat) of his disease and got a good plan.
知识点2 形容词的用法
4.Schools used________ (vary) methods of testing to check students' performance.
知识点3 副词的用法
5.To compete more effectively with others, more and more people equip themselves _____ a higher education.
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ deliver a speech here.
This book is _____ _____ _____ we all enjoy reading it.
There were________ ________then, including singing and dancing.
I could clearly see ______ ______ ______ ______ appearing on her face.
The financial problem _____ _____ _____ _____ _____. It needs efforts made by all the people.
11. Do you often listen to music at great volume You should know that this habit is bad for your hearing, according to the World Health Organization(WHO).
Over 1 billion young people are at risk of hearing loss due to listening to loud noises for long periods of time, WHO said. ①_____
The United Nations has standards for safe listening. It is not safe to listen to sounds that are louder than 85 decibels(分贝) for eight hours or 100 decibels for 15 minutes. The sound of a busy road is about 85 decibels and the sound of a rock concert can be about 100 decibels.
②_____ Most of us are born with about 216,000 hair cells(毛细胞) in our inner ears. These cells detect sounds. However, listening to loud noises for a long time can make these cells work too hard and cause some of them to die. ③_____
Some people might think that their music isn't all that loud. ④_____ For example, if you are in a noisy place like the subway, you might turn up your music too loud without realizing it. Later, when you listen to it at the same volume in a quiet place, it may sound uncomfortably loud, which may have an impact on your hearing.
WHO said the "safe level" for most sound is below 80 decibels for up to 40 hours a week. ⑤_____
A.This is what causes hearing loss.
B.But this can depend on where you are.
C.Loud noises are harmful to the inner ear.
D. There are different ways to protect your hearing.
E.A level of 80 decibels is roughly equal to the noise of a subway.
F.Young people are more sensitive to different sounds than elder people.
G.Listening to music or watching a TV show at great volume can harm your hearing.
12. It was May 23, 2016. Arnot, the 32-year-old mountain guide, reached the top of Everest without the use of oxygen(O2) equipment. It was achieved after seven years, three previous attempts, and fourteen straight hours of climbing.
After 15 minutes at the top, Arnot began her descent(下坡). Eight hours later, she reached the camp at 7,600 meters and became the first American woman—and only the seventh woman ever—to successfully reach Mount Everest without oxygen equipment.
"There are so many reasons for her impressive achievement, especially the physical and emotional efforts that she's put forth over the years to make this happen," said the professional climber and photographer Richards. "The mental courage that it requires is something very few people have."
Arnot didn't start climbing until she was 19 years old. Money was tight in her family, and climbing mountains never occurred in her mind. After graduating from college, Arnot was invited by her friend to climb a mountain. "It totally changed my life," said Arnot. "I always know that if you want something, you can achieve it, but knowing what you want is a whole different thing," she said. "I am athletic but not competitive. After my first climbing, I knew immediately that mountains are what I want—as that is where I felt at home for the first time in my life."
After that first climb, she devoted herself to learning how to climb and move through mountain. It was during her second trip to Everest in 2009 that she first set her sights on a no-oxygen attempt. However, while hiking into Everest Base Camp that year, she hurt her leg and wasn't able to climb without oxygen. In 2013 she nearly made it to the top, but was forced to take oxygen at 8,504 meters while helping another climber.
When Arnot finally stood atop Everest, she called her best friend, "I reached the top and I'm not using any oxygen." Then, tears began to stream down from her eyes. So much of Arnot's life has been about pushing the limits of her abilities, and in this case, she's also pushed up against the outer limits of the human spirit.
1. What did Arnot do on May 23, 2016
A. She spent 8 straight hours climbing.
B. She stayed at the top for 50 minutes.
C. She made her first attempt to climb Everest.
D. She reached the top without oxygen equipment.
2. Why did Arnot fall in love with climbing
A. Money was no longer a problem to her.
B. Mountains gave her the feeling of comfort.
C. She tried to be more athletic and competitive.
D. She wanted to build up her body through climbing.
3. What do we know about Arnot's climbing experiences
A. She took up climbing when she was 19 years old.
B. She has always been a good climber since her childhood.
C. She climbed Everest with her family during her first trip.
D. She hurt her leg badly while helping another climber in 2009.
4. Which of the following can describe Arnot best
A. Determined and brave. B. Cautious and honest.
C. Caring and open-minded. D. Confident and creative.
解析:考查名词。由设空处前面的名词所有格Her parents'可知此处应填名词 reaction。故填reaction。
解析:考查名词。句意:这很难适应,但现在我从工作中得到了满足。根据空前am getting为动词可知,此处为名词作宾语成分。故填satisfaction。
解析:考查名词。句意: 医生们讨论了他的疾病的各种治疗方法, 并得到了一个好的方案。根据空前的冠词the及空后的of可知, 此处需要用名词。treatment"治疗"。 故填treatment。
6.答案:It is an honour for me to
7.答案:so interesting that
8.答案:various performances
9.答案:a sense of satisfaction
10.答案:is difficult to deal with
②主旨句。设空处下文提到了我们内耳中毛细胞的情况,长时间听巨大的声音可能会使毛细胞工作过度,导致其死亡,C项"巨大的声音对内耳有害"可以很好地概括下文所述内容,符合语境,"inner ear"为关键词。故选C。
12.答案:1-4 DBAA
解析:1.细节理解题。根据第一段中的"It was May 23,2016. Arnot, the 32-year-old mountain guide, reached the top of Everest without die use of oxygen (O2) equipment."可知,2016年5月23日,32岁的阿诺特在没有使用氧气设备的情况下登上了珠穆朗玛峰峰顶。故选D。
2.细节理解题。根据第四段最后一句"After my first climbing, I knew immediately that mountains are what I want—as that is where I felt at home for the first time in my life."可知,阿诺特爱上登山是因为登山让她感到舒适,即山给了舒适感。故选B。
3.细节理解题。根据第四段第一句"Arnot didn't start climbing until she was 19 years old."可知,阿诺特直到19岁才开始登山。故选A。
4.推理判断题。根据倒数第二段第一句"After that first climb, she devoted herself to learning how to climb and move through mountain."与第三句"However, while hiking into Everest Base Camp that year, she hurt her leg and wasn't able to climb without oxygen."可知,阿诺特第一次爬山之后,她全身心地投入到学习如何爬山和穿越高山之中;虽然腿受了伤无法进行无氧登山,但她还是没有放弃登山,说明了阿诺特非常有决心。根据最后一段最后一句"So much of Arnot's life has been about pushing the limits of her abilities…"可知,阿诺特一生的大部分时间都在挑战自己的能力极限,说明了阿诺特非常勇敢。故选A。