D.Greet others politely by sending an "Are you there "with emojis.
I2.hat does the word“it”refer to in Paragraph3
A.personal information
B.voice message C.emoji
The traditional Chinese Longtaitou Festival,or Dragon-Head-Raising Festlval,
13.Who will send you a wave to say goodbye according to the passage
falls on the second day of the sccond Junar month every year,and recognizes the start
of spring and
A.The post-80s gencration.
B.The post-90s gencration.
Ancicnt people believed that after this day,rainfnll will 2 because the rain
C.The post-2000s generation.
D.The post-2010s generation.
bringing Dragon King has 3 from his winter sleep.A well-known phrase "Er yue
14.What is the writer's opinlon about chatting online
er,long tai tou.means "On the second day of the second month,the dragon 4
A.The ways you use to chat are the same as your parenis.
his head.
B.Using too many emojis while chatting will annoy others
The festival celebrates ancient agrrian()Chinese culture,and while some
C.Voice messages make it casier for others to undersland you.
of traditional ways to celebrate it are no longer practised.The most famous5 is
D.Your text messages on the phone will show what you're feeling
getting a haircut..Some believe that going to the barber(理发店)on this
15.What is the passage mainly about
day 6 bad luck,while others believe getting a haircut during the first month of
A.Hidden rules in chatting online.
the lunar calendar brings bad luck.7 saying wams that cutting your hair in the
B.Good ways of sending right things.
first month will cause your uncle to die.8 today not many people pay attention
to it,it is still a tradition to line up outside barber shops on the day of Longtaitou,
C.Flow to understand others through the messages.
9haircuts in the first month of the lunar calendar.
D.How to get to the point when you're chatting online
People eat toufu balls in Fujian province during the festival,and often make tofu
and vegetable balls to10 for famlly and business.The Fried beans is the
traditional festival dish for people in parts of Shandong province.Meanwhile,other
Unfortunately,most schools are closed due to the recent COVID-19 pandemic.
foods are named after dragon body parts to mark the day.For example,noodles are
You all must be missing
dragon's beard (long xu),dumplings are dragon's ears (long er),spring rolls are
the leamning environment of your school and the playful laughter of your classmates.
dragon's scales (long lin),and popcorn dragon seeds (long zi).
Today let's leamn about the history of schools.
Schools are great places to leam new things,educate yourself and make lots of new
friends.The school system is not new but hes existed for thousands of years in ancient
Rome,India and China.In fact,the concept()of education dates back to the very
first humans who ever live on Earth.Cave men and women saw the need to pass their
skills,knowledge and values to the next generation to help them survive.But as time
6.A.gets up
B.gets on
C.gets rid of
D.gets out
passed,a higher-level society formed.Humans understood that a large group of
C.The others
children would be better educated if a small group of wise adults taught them about
varous subjects.Based on this,the early concept of the school system took birth.
The early schools were more focused on developing fighting skills and passing
religious(旅数的)beHe6 ather tan re图ching modern subjects we learn today.In the mid
·7 th century,with the rlse of the age of Enlightenmen(启骇a运动),people started to
realize the importance of exploration through reading,writing and mathematics.In 1642,
Massachusetts became the first colony()to require basic education and set up
What do you usually do in your spare time Chatting online is now
various schools for kids in that area.But the modern school system usually went to an
a national pastime()in China,especially among the post-90s and
American named Horace Mann who was the secretary of education in Massachusetts in
post-00s generation.To some people,however,online chats can seem
1837.After he visited Croatia and saw its education,he put forward his idea for the
like a kind of polite conversation,.Yet hidden rules do exist(存在),as
long as you take the time to look for them.
system of professional (teachers who could teach students and organize basic
Get fo the Point
lessons and was followed by other states in America quickly.For this reason,Mann is
When sending a friend request,include your real name and any
often called "The Father of the Common School Movement".
other identifying(身份拼别)information,.Remember,,everybody's time is
And by 1918,every state had required students to complete primary schools and
valtuable.If there's something you want cut rigbt to the chase.Never
the systcm kept improving throughout the 20th century.It lcads to the high leveled
send an "Are you there "without any follow-up messages.The quicker
system we enjoy today.
that you get to the point,the more likely the other person is to reply.
16.What is the passage mainly about
Send the Right Things
A.The concept of education.
Please send texts,not voice messages.It might'be easier for you to
B.The history of schools
speak than type,but what about the person on the other end They may be
C.How humans spread religious beliefs.
unable to listen to a 59-second message right now.Also,never send
D.How a higher-level society formed.
information by voice message-一is hard to note down..Emojis(装情符
17.What was the purpose of the carly schools
and GIFs can save the day when you find yourself in an embarrassing
A.To pass the skills,knowledge and values to the next gencration.
conversation,or words fail you
B.Totecha larg group of childrenbouarious subjects.
Try to Understand
C.To teach high-level subjects as we learn today.
D.To teach fighting skills and spread religious beliefs.
You can always judge a person's mood by their text messages.If the
person you're talking to says "Good night"or "I'm going to take a
18 Which was the first colony where basic education was made a requirement
shower,that's probably not what they're actually going to do.It is just
an excuse to stop talking to you.If someone waits for longer than three
19.Why is Mann called "The Father of the Common School Movement"
seconds before saying "Yes",they probably really.mean "No".If you
A.Because he became the secretary of education in Massachusetts in 1837.
receive these emojis from friends who are older,read them literally
B.Because he set up various schools for kids in Massachusetts.
字l而地)(such as a smile or a wave).For the post-90 s and post-00s
C.Because he visited Croatia and saw its education organization
D.Because be came up with the idea for the educational system of professional teachers
generation,however,they could be speechlessness(
and other states followed it
I1.What may the underlined sentence mean
20.Which order is right according to the article
A.Send your real name without any follow-up messages.
DPeople started to realize the importance of exploration through reading,writing and
B.Tell others what you want without any other useless messages.
C.Send a friend request without any other identifying information
@Horace Mann put forward his idea for the education system of professional teachers