单词 音标 含义 例句
jump /d mp/ 跳跃 I jumped over the fence.
spend /spend/ 花费 I spent my money on a new bike.
exercise / eks sa z/ 锻炼 I exercise every day.
baseball / be sb l/ 棒球 He doesn't play baseball well.
be good at /bi ɡ d t/ 擅长 I am good at playing baseball.
weekend / wi kend/ 周末 I have fun on the weekend.
part /pɑ t/ 部分 This is a part of my homework.
take part in /te k pɑ t n/ 参与 I will take part in the sports meet.
be good for /bi ɡ d f r/ 有益于 Exercise is good for you.
health /helθ/ 健康 I am in good health.
popular / p pj l / 受欢迎的 She is a popular girl.
all over / l v / 到处 There are flowers all over the garden.
world /w ld/ 世界 The world is a big place.
heart /hɑ t/ 心脏 My heart is beating fast.
lung /l / 肺 I have a cold in my lungs.
the day after tomorrow / de ɑ ft t m row/ 后天 I will see you the day after tomorrow.
healthy / helθi/ 健康的 He is a healthy boy.
fit /f t/ 健康的 I am fit and healthy.
keep fit /ki p f t/ 保持健康 I need to keep fit.
supper / s p / 晚餐 I had supper at home.
relax /r l ks/ 放松 I need to relax.
famous / fe m s/ 著名的 He is a famous actor.
teammate / ti mme t/ 队友 He is my teammate.
excited / k sa t d/ 兴奋的 I am excited to see you.
bad /b d/ 坏的 I feel bad.
leave /li v/ 离开 I will leave tomorrow.
leave for /li v f r/ 离开去 I will leave for school at 7:00.
pity / p ti/ 可惜,可怜 What a pity! You can't go with us.
单词 音标 含义 例句
/d mp/ 跳跃 I _________ over the fence.
/spend/ 花费 I _________ my money on a new bike.
/ eks sa z/ 锻炼 I _________ every day.
/ be sb l/ 棒球 He doesn't play _________ well.
/bi ɡ d t/ 擅长 I __________________ playing baseball.
/ wi kend/ 周末 I have fun on the _________.
/pɑ t/ 部分 This is a _________ of my homework.
/te k pɑ t n/ 参与 I will __________________ the sports meet.
/bi ɡ d f r/ 有益于 Exercise __________________ you.
/helθ/ 健康 I am in good _________.
/ p pj l / 受欢迎的 She is a _________ girl.
/ l v / 到处 There are flowers _________ the garden.
/w ld/ 世界 The _________ is a big place.
/hɑ t/ 心脏 My _________ is beating fast.
/l / 肺 I have a cold in my _________.
/ de ɑ ft t m row/ 后天 I will see you __________________.
/ helθi/ 健康的 He is a _________ boy.
/f t/ 健康的 I am _________ and healthy.
/ki p f t/ 保持健康 I need to __________________.
/ s p / 晚餐 I had _________ at home.
/r l ks/ 放松 I need to _________.
/ fe m s/ 著名的 He is a _________ actor.
/ ti mme t/ 队友 He is my _________.
/ k sa t d/ 兴奋的 I am _________ to see you.
/b d/ 坏的 I feel _________.
/li v/ 离开 I will _________ tomorrow.
/li v f r/ 离开去 I will _________________ school at 7:00.
/ p ti/ 可惜,可怜 What a _________! You can't go with us.
单词 音标 含义 例句
/d mp/ I _________ over the fence.
/spend/ I _________ my money on a new bike.
/ eks sa z/ I _________ every day.
/ be sb l/ He doesn't play _________ well.
/bi ɡ d t/ I __________________ playing baseball.
/ wi kend/ I have fun on the _________.
/pɑ t/ This is a _________ of my homework.
/te k pɑ t n/ I will __________________ the sports meet.
/bi ɡ d f r/ Exercise __________________ you.
/helθ/ I am in good _________.
/ p pj l / She is a _________ girl.
/ l v / There are flowers _________ the garden.
/w ld/ The _________ is a big place.
/hɑ t/ My _________ is beating fast.
/l / I have a cold in my _________.
/ de ɑ ft t m row/ I will see you __________________.
/ helθi/ He is a _________ boy.
/f t/ I am _________ and healthy.
/ki p f t/ I need to __________________.
/ s p / I had _________ at home.
/r l ks/ I need to _________.
/ fe m s/ He is a _________ actor.
/ ti mme t/ He is my _________.
/ k sa t d/ I am _________ to see you.
/b d/ I feel _________.
/li v/ I will _________ tomorrow.
/li v f r/ I will _________________ school at 7:00.
/ p ti/ What a _________! You can't go with us.
单词 音标 含义 例句
jump /d mp/ 跳跃
spend /spend/ 花费
exercise / eks sa z/ 锻炼
baseball / be sb l/ 棒球
be good at /bi ɡ d t/ 擅长
weekend / wi kend/ 周末
part /pɑ t/ 部分
take part in /te k pɑ t n/ 参与
be good for /bi ɡ d f r/ 有益于
health /helθ/ 健康
popular / p pj l / 受欢迎的
all over / l v / 到处
world /w ld/ 世界
heart /hɑ t/ 心脏
lung /l / 肺
the day after tomorrow / de ɑ ft t m row/ 后天
healthy / helθi/ 健康的
fit /f t/ 健康的
keep fit /ki p f t/ 保持健康
supper / s p / 晚餐
relax /r l ks/ 放松
famous / fe m s/ 著名的
teammate / ti mme t/ 队友
excited / k sa t d/ 兴奋的
bad /b d/ 坏的
leave /li v/ 离开
leave for /li v f r/ 离开去
pity / p ti/ 可惜,可怜