人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 5 Poems 单词拓展课件 (共39张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 5 Poems 单词拓展课件 (共39张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 48.0MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-09-17 19:20:29



drama/ drɑ:m / n.戏;剧;戏剧艺术
Last Friday witnessed an extraordinary English drama festival, which aims to stimulate students’ interest and enrich our school life.
The last decade saw a dramatic increase in the number of people opting for online shopping.
sorrow/ s r / n.悲伤;悲痛 vi.感到悲伤
1. 毫无疑问,他们之间的隔阂被打破了,他们眼中的悲伤无处可寻。(2023武汉2月调考读后续写“鼓励转校生融入新环境”)
Without doubt ,the barriers between them were broken and the sorrow in their eyes was nowhere to be found.
2. 听到这个消息,她陷入极度的悲伤之中。
Hearing the news, she fell into deep sorrow.
3. 她从学校慢慢地骑车回家,心难过到麻木了。
She rode home from school slowly, numb with sorrow.
Sorrowful tears rolling down Roy’s cheeks, Roy let out a sudden painful moan with cold sweat on his forehead.
literary/ l t r ri/ a.文学的;爱好文学的
Not only did it provide us students with access to the magical world of English literature, but also equipped us with the ability to appreciate its literary charm.
Tang poetry, a combination of rhyming charm and literary beauty, is the cream of Chinese classical literature, a taste of which will surely spark your interest in learning Chinese.
imagery/ m d ri/ n.形象的描述;意象;像
Li Bai, one of the greatest poets of China’s Tang Dynasty, is celebrated for his profound and lyrical verses. His poetry, filled with vivid imagery and deep emotions, transcends time and space, communicates universal themes of nature’s beauty and human longing for freedom.transcend[tr n send]v.超出;超越;(尤指神)超然存在于(物质世界)之外;
I enjoyed a spring day.I listened to the birds chirp and sing up in the trees(听觉意象) that were beginning to burst out in brilliant pink and white buds(视觉意象).The earth smelled fresh with greenery(嗅觉意象)that was finally emerging with the new season of life.
It was quiet in the forest. I could feel the sun gently touching my skin with the summer breeze caressing my face(触觉意象), and the air I breathed in was mixed with the sweet scent of grasses and fresh flowers(味觉意象). The buzz of insects and the tweet of birds(听觉意象)made up the morning music of the forest. The peaceful landscape of the nearby mountains was a true feast for the eyes, with green meadows dotted with sheep and cattle(视觉意象). I was so absorbed in the beauty and tranquility of the forests scenery that I forgot about the time.
rhyme/ra m/ n.押韵词;押韵诗 v.使押韵
Professor Green is a renowned expert in English literature and
specializes in poetry. He will illustrate the connotations of poems in structure,imagery and rhyme by sharing his own poem. I hope all in attendance will participate positively and follow his instructions as requested.connotation[ k n te n]n.内涵意义;隐含意义;
Right here waiting is a typical English romantic song, meanwhile, it is my favorite poem. The poem consists of 10 lines which rhyme each other like “day” and “insane” , “ never” and “forever”. Some concrete images are used, such as “ocean” and “on line”, to present the picture of a long distance between the two lovers. Every word feels like spilling out from the poet’s heart.
Her reply fuelled his anger and he erupted like a volcano.(simile)fuel[ fju l]v.为…提供燃料;n.燃料;
Today’lecture gave me a lot of food for thought.(metaphor)
The scenery literally took my breath away.(hyperbole)
The hungry flames tear up the buildings faster than anything else.(personification)
5.井里的水涨了又降,涨了又降。 (反复:有意义的重复)
The water in the wells rose and fell, rose and fell.(repetition)
It is you who, despite the lack of equipment and the potential of infection, desperately rescue those infected but striving for life. It is also you who have shed new light on the virus with expertise to build up our confidence to defeat it. It is you who deserve all the admiration and love!(parallelism)expertise[ eksp ti z]n.专门技能;专门知识;
Food is to the body as fuel is to the engine.(analogy)
The fair breeze blew, the White foam flew, the furrow followed free.We were the first that ever burst into that silent sea.(alliteration)英国“湖畔派诗人”之一塞缪尔·泰勒·柯尔律治(Samuel Taylor Coleridge)的经典诗作《古舟子咏》
rhythm/ r m/ n.节奏;韵律;规律
It has a flexible line length and some repeated phrases, giving both a pattern and a rhythm to the poem.
The piano player began to beat the keys with magic hands, nodding his head in rhythm.
folk/f k/ a.民间的;民俗的
I am writing to express my recommendation when you deliver lecture on Arts of Western Society. It is my long expectation that I am crazy to learn more about the folk dances in western countries, especially their origination, music features and related ceremonies.
folk/f k/ a.民间的;民俗的
As scheduled, The Folk Festival will last one week from January 20th to 26th, aimed at advocating the traditional food and promoting folk culture in China. Visitors will enjoy authentic local cuisine, appreciate food culture and experience the folk life.
recite/r sa t/ vt.背诵;吟诵;列举
Reciting with emotion is a little bit challenging to me, so I would like you to teach me some techniques for this.
I am writing to invite you to be the judge at the coming English Poetry Recitation Contest.
dawn/d :n/ n.黎明;开端;萌芽
At dawn, Taylor opened her sleepy eyes and looked out of the window at the foggy field below.
When I was awarded the prize, it dawned on me that it was my teacher’s encouragement and guidance that made me where I am today.
butterfly/ b t fla / n.蝴蝶
Standing in this broad new park, both Peter and Isabel were reminded of their happy
childhood. A butterfly rested on Isabel’s shoulder.
Although he had butterflies in his stomach, Peter still believed that their constant painstaking efforts would let their goal come true. Gathering up his courage, Peter delivered his speech.
be made up of/bi me d p v/ 组成(构成)
Tang poems,which is usually made up of few lines and involve rhyming words.With the bare minimum of words, They can convey a strong picture and message in a subtle and appropriate way.
2.只有一小部分学生通过读书和上网来学习,分别占18%和20%。2022年高考英语全国乙卷书面表达“Learning English beyond the classroom”调查结果短文投稿
Only a small percentage of students learn through reading books and looking through websites, which make up 18% and 20%.
mood/mu:d/ n.情绪;心情;语气
She was dressed up and in a mood to party.
With his work unfinished, he was in no mood to see a film.
In an unpleasant mood, she dragged her heavy legs back home, tired out.
4.见他闷闷不乐,我就问他为什么不愿意参加比赛。2022全国卷一续写续写 “脑疾孩子参加越野赛”
Seeing that he was moody, I inquired him why he was unwilling to take part in the race.
tease/ti:z/ v.取笑(某人);揶揄;逗弄
He teased me mercilessly.
Behind him, he could hear merciless teasing, which was like knives sticking into his heart.
A warm smile(微笑) is the universal language of kindness.
Kate laughed(出声的笑), happiness and hope bubbling with her.
They grinned(露齿而笑)with delight when they heard our news.
She beamed (笑容满面)with delight at his remarks.
She chukled(低声轻笑)at the memory.
Two men standing nearby looked at me, nudged each other and smirked(得意地笑)
He managed to keep a straight face for a minute before he let loose with a loud guffaw(狂笑)
They giggled(因紧张或有趣而咯咯笑、傻笑) nervously as they waited for their turn.
Never sneer at/mock at (嘲笑)others’s failure.
respectively/r spekt vli/ ad.分别;各自;依次为
The poem consists of four lines, each containing five syllables respectively. In addtion, it possesses and elegant rhyme and rhythm.
2022年高考英语全国乙卷书面表达“Learning English beyond the classroom”
As is shown in the survey, 65% of students would
learn English by listening to music and 50% by
watching English movies, while reading English
books and browing English learning websites
account for 18% and 12% respectively.
blossom/ bl s m/ n.花朵;花簇
When Peter and Isabel entered the park again, they sensed the fragrance of blossoms,
reminding them of their childhood spent there.
The cherry blossom look like a galaxy of twinkling stars
against the backdrop of the blue sky.galaxy[ ɡ l ks ]n.星系;
The poet composed quite a few poems featuring the image of cherry blossoms, and describing the joys and sorrows of life.
Now and then, pretty birds singing merry songs and flowers blooming with smiles made the kids immersed in the charm of nature.
delicate/ del k t/ a.精美的;精致的;脆弱的
My first suggestion is Qipao, a fine and delicate piece of traditional Chinese clothing with its unique and fascinating design.
Fascinated by the delicate paper cutting works of my aunt, I have a strong urge to learn it from her.
utter/ t (r)/ vt.出声;说;讲 a.完全的
The instant he saw the elegantly cooked dishes, he was rooted to the ground, unable to utter any single word.
She still missed her kid. She would utter mournful howls whenever I took her out for walks in the woods.
Holding the old tattered diary, he seemed to be brought back to the golden old days when his caring and patient father taught him to make the first step and utter the first word over and over again.
comprehension/ k mpr hen n/ n.理解力;领悟力;理解练习
In a gesture to cultivate students’ comprehension and passion for labor, our school will launch a life-skill demonstration activity at 9:00 a.m. next Friday.
His behaviour was completely beyond comprehension.
A compehensive initiative was started, with a number of
measures that addressed the issues.
shelf/ elf/ n.架子;搁板
There were shelves along the walls, with framed pictures of people Mariam did not recognize.
After examining the blister on my foot, she went to fetch the first-aid kit on the shelf and bend down again.
blank/bl k/ a.空白的;无图画 n.空白
Her face was a cold blank mask.
Although he had practised it for a hundred times, his brain just went blank at the sight of the crowd.
I sat frozen in my seat, staring blankly after him.
sympathy/ s mp θi/ n.同情;赞同
sympathetic/ s mp θet k/ a.同情的;有同情心的
Driven by enormous sympathy and kindness, she started to cook a big meal.
Seeing her conditions, I immediately felt sympathetic for her. It was coming deep from within my heart.
innocent/ n snt/ a.天真无邪的;无辜的
The farmer was very afraid, and he thought he would
be sentenced to death by killing people, but he was innocent.
With her heart beating wildly, the innocent girl, held
by her mom and screaming with excitement, unwrapped
her delicate gift box which she had been looking forward
to without any hesitation.
era/ r / n.时代;年代;纪元
1.生活在信息时代,我们可以轻松便捷地获取各种英语学习资源。2022全国乙卷应用文“Learning English beyond the classroom”调查结果短文投稿
Living in an information era, we have easy access and convenient access to various English learning resources.
2.诚然,我们这代人正处于一个新世纪,世界正经历着百年来的重大变化。巨大的变化带来了新的挑战和挑战的责任。作为新时代的学生,我们需要扫除校园里所有的不文明行为。2022武汉二月调考应用文“new era, new students征稿信”
Admittedly, we generations are in a new era when the world is undergoing major changes in a century.With great changes come new challenges and responsibilities.As students in the new era, we need to sweep away all the uncivlized behaviours in our campus.
era/ r / n.时代;年代;纪元
The film is set in the Tang dynasty, an especially prosperous era of Chinese history from 618 to 907, and depicts some of the era’s most famous poets including Li Bai, Du Fu, and Gao Shi — all household names in contemporary China, with the study of their poems mandatory at school.
depict[d p kt]v.描绘;描画;
mandatory[ m nd t r ]adj.命令性的;指令的;
correspond/ k r sp nd/ vi.相一致;符合;相当于
Donated to people, the clothes can be put into full
display, which corresponds with the environmental- friendly policy.
Constant personal correspondence between them obviously helped sow the seeds of love between the two.
seed/si:d/ n.种子;起源;萌芽
It was a fun and creative way to have the opportunity to get hands-on experience by planting seed and tending to the garden.
We planted trees and in the meantime, sowed seeds of hope for the future.
deadline/ dedla n/ n.最后期限;截止日期
If interested, please send your article to Chinadaily@ and the deadline for the entries is July 20th.
It would be better if we have your article before December 20th and about 400 words would be fine. We will extend the deadline if you consider the deadline is not enough.
contest/ k ntest/ n.比赛;竞赛 vt.争取赢得
A Chinese poetry Contest is scheduled to be held at 6 pm in Room102 on the first floor of No.3 building in our school next Saturday.
The contest is made up of three parts. First of all, each contestant was
required to give his or her speech without referring to the notes and then the
judges asked some questions concerning the speech. Finally, the judges gave
some insightful remarks on the contestants’ performances and awards were
given to those excellent participants shortly after the contest.
contest/ k ntest/ n.比赛;竞赛 vt.争取赢得
For I had known the true value of the contest was not just about winning, but the journey of self-discovery, the growth in confidence as well as the newfound passion I had gained along the way.
polish/ p l / vt.修改;润色 n.上光剂
I wonder if you could spare some time and take the trouble to polish my application letter and resume.
To polish up our spoken English, you grouped us students in pairs of two at random.
wherever/we r ev (r)/ conj.在任何地方 ad.在哪里
Whenever and wherever I come across difficulties in the
future, never shall I submit to them.
Wherever she goes, there are crowds of people waiting
to see her.
grief/gri:f/ n.悲伤;悲痛;伤心事
Joy shared is joy increased. Grief shared is grief decreased.
My grief consumed me and I felt like I was sailing through a fog in a rudderless boat. I was aimlessly drifting, fearful of what lay beyong the horizon.rudderless [ r d l s] adj.无舵的;无方向舵的;
I felt so grieved that tears began to well up in my eyes and streamed down my face.
complicated/ k mpl ke t d/ a.复杂的;难懂的
I guess most of you now have complicated feelings: pride at having completed your degree, excitement about all that awaits you, sadness at having to say goodbye to good friends, anxiety about the unknown.
After my first successful attempt of a butterfly pattern in paper cutting, I tried something more complicated like Chinese character Fu and my own Chinese zodiac Rooster.