人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册Unit 1 Science and Scientists课时分层练(含解析,3份打包)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册Unit 1 Science and Scientists课时分层练(含解析,3份打包)
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-09-21 17:24:35


Unit 1 Science and Scientists Discovering Useful Structures—2023-2024学年高二英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册课时分层练
知识点1 名词的用法
1.In the 1960s, a German scientist made a remarkable _____(find) when observing honeybees.
2.Mr. Johnson, what's your _____(think) on the question put forward at the meeting
3.A good advertisement should not arouse ____ (resist) among the public.
知识点2 形容词的用法
4.This book focuses on _____ (theory) learning, while I need a practical guide.
知识点3 副词的用法
5.Two people were _____ (severe) injured in the bomb attack in central London.
6.After lunch, we _____ _____ _____ _____ (开始讨论) how to handle the situation.
7.Exercising makes you more awake and ready to _____ _____ _____ (处理任何事情) is ahead of you for the day.
However, _____ _____ _____ _____ this is what the developing countries need most.
She appeared _____ _____ she _____ _____ nothing about it. In fact that was not the case.
My advice is that _____ _____ _____ _____ from now on if you want to go to your ideal university.
11. One of my earliest memories was watching my mom talk on our old phone. I was fascinated that she could talk to someone who wasn't actually in the room with her. ① _____ I was wondering how she managed to talk with someone she couldn't see.
That was a long time ago. Later, we had mobile phones that could be carried around the room. ②_____ These days I can send an e-mail around the world in a second. My daughter's smart phone has a hundred apps and a dozen social media accounts. She stores all of her information in a mysterious place known as "the cloud disk", where she can take it out at any time. It seems that we are more connected in this world than ever before.
③_____ Few spend time talking face to face. Instead of looking into the eyes of our loved ones, we store their photos at our screens. It seems that the most connected generations are also the loneliest.
Don't let technology take our time and ruin our life. Make the time to communicate with each other. Take a walk on the beach with a friend. Have a long conversation with the phones off and the hearts on. ④_____
Remember that we are here to love each other, help each other and make this world a better place. ⑤_____ But when it can't, turn it off.
A.Connect offline as well as online.
B.Then came computers and smart phones.
C.Smart phones have both advantages and disadvantages.
D.We should communicate with each other with phones off.
E.When your communication equipment can help to do these things, then use it.
F.However, what bothers me is that we rarely associate with each other nowadays.
G.When she left the room, I slowly walked over to the phone and stared at it for a while.
12. When school started on that warm August day, I threw myself into everything I did, including playing volleyball. I decided to become beautiful, or at the very least, thin. I stopped eating completely. Soon I began losing weight, which thrilled me, and I even grew to love the tiredness and lightheadedness (头晕) that came with my poor diet, for those feelings meant that I was winning.
As the season went on, things became tense between my head volleyball coach, Coach Smith, and me. She felt that something was wrong with my health. She talked with me about my eating and was angry that I wouldn't listen to her when she tried to make me eat. She tried to persuade me in a determined way and so we fought constantly. Then my hunger started to affect my performance. I was so tired that practice was becoming a struggle. One afternoon, with hurt in her eyes, Coach Smith asked me what I had eaten and I told her nothing yet. She looked at me, disappointment in her eyes, knowing she couldn't make me stop, and walked away.
A couple of weeks later I attended a formal dinner for our volleyball team. I stood there as my coach said something nice about me. I realized then that I had ruined my senior year by being disrespectful, and that I had probably ruined hers as well. So that evening I wrote her a letter apologizing to and thanking her.
Then one Saturday, as I was reading in the library, I felt someone gently take my arm and say softly, "Lynn Jones, how are you doing " I looked up and saw the familiar face. "Thanks for the letter," she said. "It meant a lot."
When I think of a coach, I think of someone above me, someone who gives instruction -- not a friend. But Coach Smith is different, and, like any other good friends, she dealt with my problem in a determined way even when I hated her for it at that time. I didn't deserve her kindness, but she gave it anyway. I will forever be grateful for her help, and now for her friendship.
1.How did the author feel when she had a poor diet with a sense of tiredness
A.Guilty. B. Proud. C. Funny. D. Nervous.
2.The author fought with Coach Smith because ____.
A.she refused to go on a diet
B.she caused failure of her team
C.she changed the training course
D.she stuck to losing weight
3.Why did the author write a letter to Coach Smith
A.She felt sorry for eating too little food.
B.She decided to improve her performance.
C.She was grateful for Coach Smith's care for her health.
D.She wanted to build a close relationship with Coach Smith.
4.What is the best title for the text
A.An Unexpected Friendship
B.A Fight with My Coach
C.A Strict Volleyball Coach
D.My Way of Losing Weight
解析:考查名词。由设空处前的a German scientist(主语)和made(谓语)可知设空处作宾语,由前面的不定冠词a可知应填名词finding,意为"发现"。故填finding。
6.答案:got down to discussing
7.答案:deal with whatever
8.答案:the question is whether
9.答案:as if/though; had known
10.答案:you should study hard
解析:①由空后的"I was wondering how she managed to talk with someone she couldn't see"可知,"我"对妈妈使用电话感到好奇,这与G项"当她离开房间的时候,我慢慢地走到电话旁边并盯着电话看了一会儿"相一致。故选G。
②由空前的"Later, we had mobile phones that could be carried around the room"及空后的"My daughter's smart phone"可知,这里讲了电子通信设备的发展:出现了移动电话,接着出现了电脑和智能手机。故选B。
③由空后的"Few spend time talking face to face...the most connected generations are also the loneliest"可知,如今很少有人花时间进行面对面的交流,这与F项"然而,让我烦恼的是,如今我们很少与彼此联系"相一致。故选F。
④由空前的"Have a long conversation with the phones off and the hearts on"可知,这里的意思是要经常面对面地交流,就和在线交流一样。故选A。
⑤由上文和空后的"But when it can't, turn it off"可推知,这里指当你的通信设备可以帮助做这些事情的时候,就使用它。故选E。
12.答案:1-4 BDCA
解析:1.根据第一段中的"Soon I began losing weight, which thrilled me, and I even grew to love the tiredness and lightheadedness (头晕) that came with my poor diet, for those feelings meant that I was winning"可知,当作者开始减肥,因为不吃饭而感到疲倦、头晕时,作者感到兴奋,为自己取得的减肥成就感到自豪。故选B。
2.根据第二段中的"She talked with me about my eating and was angry that I wouldn't listen to her when she tried to make me eat. She tried to persuade me in a determined way and so we fought constantly"可知,教练反对作者减肥,努力想要说服作者,但作者坚持节食减肥,两个人因此经常发生争执。故选D。
3.根据第二段的内容以及第三段中的"I stood there as my... I realized then that I had ruined my senior year by being disrespeciful, and that I had probably ruined hers as well. So that evening I wrote her a letter apologizing to and thanking her"可知,尽管作者曾经不听劝,但教练在别人面前还是说她的好,作者听到这些后意识到了自己对教练的无礼,所以给教练写信道歉并感谢教练曾经对她的健康状况的关心。故选C。
4.由最后一段中的"But Coach Smith is different, and, like any other good friends, she dealt with my problem in a determined way even when I hated her for it at that time"和文章最后一句话可知,教练就像其他的好朋友一样,一直以坚定的方式处理作者的问题,作者感恩教练曾提供的帮助及两个人之间的友谊。故选A。
2Unit 1 Science and Scientists Reading for Writing—2023-2024学年高二英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册课时分层练
知识点1 名词的用法
1.His appreciation for art gave him _____(inspire) in his scientific research.
2.Mr Green stood up in _____ (defend) of the16-year-old boy, saying that he was not the one to blame.
知识点2 形容词的用法
3.It has been argued that _____(gift) children should be grouped in special classes.
知识点3 副词的用法
4.The story of the two young men is described _____(vivid) in this novel.
5.It was 9 a.m. The sun shone _____(brilliant). I stood by the lake, waiting for my turn to boat.
I'm afraid that _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____.
7.这个演讲厅足够大能够容纳1,000人。(enough to...)
The lecture hall is large _____ _____ _____ one thousand people.
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____, Jack decided to major in Chinese folk music.
I think _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ is his devotion to science.
10.这项活动不仅可以帮助推广绿色发展的理念,而且可以帮助提高公众的环保意识。(not only... but also...)
The activity can _____ _____ help promote the concept of green development, _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____.
11. Roger Sperry and Robert Ornstein of the California Institute of Technology, Nobel Prize winners, discovered that the human brain has two sides, and each side has different work to do.
The left side of the brain controls language and arithmetic(算术) and it analyses and reasons. ①_____ It controls our appreciation of music and our sense of rhythm. It is also the right side of our brain that daydreams.
Leonardo da Vinci was a great painter and sculptor. He was also an architect, an engineer and an inventor! ②_____ When he invented machines, he used both his imaginative ability and his analytical ability.
③_____ Albert Einstein enjoyed art, playing the violin and sailing. Indeed, Einstein said his scientific discoveries grew from his imagination rather than from analysis, reason and language. He said that written and spoken words were not important in his thinking. The story goes that Einstein was daydreaming one summer's day while sitting on a hill. He imagined that he was riding on sunbeams to the far distance of the universe. Then he found that he had returned to the sun. So he realized that the universe must be curved(弯曲的). ④_____ He then used the left side of his brain to apply analysis, arithmetic and reason. And finally he used language to explain it.
Traditional education in schools encourages us to use the left side of our brains. Language, arithmetic, analysis and reason are given more importance in our schools than imagination and daydreaming. Why don't we give more value to visual thinking Why jump on one foot if we have two perfectly good legs!
⑤_____ We need to use our imagination to think of solutions to problems and to ennal and artistic experiences. And we need to be logical and to be able to analyze and organize in order to survive day by day.
A.We benefit by thinking creatively.
B.We all need both sides of our brain.
C.He got this idea by using his imagination.
D.Great scientists and great artists are similar.
E.He was considered crazy for his strange ideas.
F.He used both sides of his brain within each activity.
G.The right side controls our imagination and our understanding of space.
12. Hope is the most powerful motivating force(驱动力) that helps people to overcome the difficulties. ①_____, you need a guiding force to keep you moving toward your goals. Hope keeps you on your feet and makes you much stronger.
Hope is your strength and inner faith in the battle of your life. ②_____, you lose everything. You do hard work and make a great effort to succeed in life but fail. That makes you upset and depressed. You do not know what to do. At that time, hope comes to your rescue and gives you encouragement. ③_____.
Hope increases the productivity, efficiency and creativity in people. A hopeful person is a positive person who can succeed in any field of his choice. ④_____. The best service we can do to the mankind is give hope to the hopeless.
⑤_____ Yes, hope gives meaning to life as without hope there is no reason to live. Give hope to the people and they will become more creative and more productive. Hope is vital to the life of every person. Besides, hope is necessary not only for life but also for living a healthy life. Hope is the best medicine that keeps away tension, depression, high blood pressure and other health problems. I had two big heart attacks and while at the edge of death, I had hope that I would survive. And the hope of getting well kept me alive.
A. A hopeless person is a failed person who can never succeed in life
B. Have you ever lost hope and felt sorry for yourself
C. Since you're full of hope for the fixture
D. You try one more time and succeed
E. In the ups and downs of life
F. Is hope necessary for life
G. If you lose hope
解析:句意: 他的艺术鉴赏力在科学研究方面给予他灵感。此处需要名词作gave的直接宾语。故填inspiration。
解析:句意:格林先生站了起来为这个16岁的男孩辩护,说他不应该受到责备。in defence of保护;为了保卫;为……辩护。故填defence。
6.答案:no; person; knows; about; Li; Hua; better; than; I
7.答案:enough; to; hold
8.答案:To; learn; more; about; Chinese; culture
9.答案:what; makes ; him ; an ; outstanding ; scientist
10.答案:not; only; but; also; help; raise; public; awareness; of; environmental; protection
11.答案:①-⑤ GFDCB
解析:①细节句。上文The left side of the brain controls language and arithmetic and it analyses and reasons.(左脑负责语言、数字、分析和推理)与G.The right side controls our imagination and our understanding of space.(右脑控制我们的想象力和空间理解力)对应, 分别陈述了左右脑的功能。故选G。
②细节句。上文Leonardo da Vinci was a great painter and sculptor. He was also an architect, an engineer and an inventor!(莱昂纳多 达 芬奇是伟大的画家和雕塑家。他也是一名建筑师、工程师和发明家!)与F.He used both sides of his brain within each activity.(他在从事每项活动时都用到左右脑)承接自然, 上下文话题一致, 选项F中的He就是前文所提到的Leonardo da Vinci。故选F。
③过渡句。结合上文达 芬奇的例子和下文的Albert Einstein enjoyed art, playing the violin and sailing.(阿尔伯特 爱因斯坦喜欢艺术, 喜欢拉小提琴和帆船运动)可知, 上文讲述伟大的艺术家, 下文讲述伟大的科学家, 故此处应是一个过渡句, D.Great scientists and great artists are similar.(伟大的科学家和伟大的艺术家是相似的)能够起到承上启下的作用。故选D。
④细节句。上文He imagined that he was riding on sunbeams to the far distance of the universe. Then he found that he had returned to the sun. So he realized that the universe must be curved.(他想象自己正乘着阳光驶向宇宙的远方。随后, 他发现自己已经回到太阳。所以, 他意识到宇宙一定是弯曲的)与C.He got this idea by using his imagination.(他是通过运用想象力想到这一点的)承接自然。上文讲述的内容就是爱因斯坦自己想象出来的, imagine和imagination是关键词。故选C。
⑤主旨句。根据下文We need to use our imagination to think of solutions to problems and to ennal and artistic experiences. And we need to be logical and to be able to analyze and organize in order to survive day by day.可知, 本段主要讲述左右两侧大脑协作的重要性, B.We all need both sides of our brain.(我们都需要左右脑)可以作为本段中心句。故选C。
12.答案:①-⑤ EGDAF
解析:①根据后面 you need the guiding force to keep you moving toward your goals(你需要引导力量,让你朝着目标前进)可知,前半句提及的应是困难的情境,需要引导力量帮助前行。E选项 In the ups and downs of life(在人生的起起落落中)符合语境。故选E。
②根据前一句 Hope is your strength and inner faith in the battle of your life.(希望是你在人生奋斗中的力量和内心的信念。)可知,希望是很重要的。因此,失去希望就失去了切。G选项 If you lose hope(如果你失去希望)与后面you lose everything可结合在一起表达此意。故选G。
③根据前一句 At that time, hope comes to your rescue and gives you encouragement.(那时,希望会来搭救你,鼓励你。)可知,希望鼓励人们再次努力尝试。D选项 You try one more time and succeed.(你再试一次就成功了。)为希望鼓励人们成功的结果,符合语境。故选D。
④根据后一句The best service we can do to the mankind is give hope to the hopeless.(我们能为人类做的最好的事就是给绝望的人希望。)可知,设空处应提及绝望的人为什么需要被给予希望。A选项 A hopeless person is a failed person who can never succeed in life.(一个没有希望的人是一个在生活中永远不会成功的失败的人。)符合语境。故选A。
⑤根据设空处后的回答Yes, hope gives meaning to life as without hope there is no reason to live.(是的,希望赋予生命意义,因为没有希望就没有生活的理由。)可知,设空处在对希望是否重要提问。F选项 Is hope necessary for life?符合语境。故选F。
2Unit 1 Science and Scientists Reading and Thinking—2023-2024学年高二英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册课时分层练
知识点1 名词的用法
1.The health security systems of many countries are undergoing considerable _____ (transform).
2.The smart devices equipped with 5G technology can do the housework without humans' _____(intervene).
知识点2 形容词的用法
3.It is a word with _____(multiply) meanings.
知识点3 副词的用法
4.He spared no effort to reduce the company losses, which was more successful than most of us expected _____(initial).
5._____ (consequent), this text will describe only the most important ones, starting from the sixth century AD.
6.我好像把书落在家里了。(It seems that...)
_____ _____ _____ I left my book at home.
I am _____ _____ _____ I can't take time off this month.
8.我没赶上校车的原因是起床晚了。(The reason why...is that...)
_____ _____ _____ I couldn't catch the school bus _____ _____ I got up late.
9.校长不允许留长发,所以明天我要去剪头发。(have sth. done)
My head teacher doesn't allow us to wear long hair so I'll _____ _____ _____ _____ tomorrow.
10.这名著名的歌手失败后一次次尝试。那就是他最终成功的原因。(That is why...)
The famous singer tried again and again after each failure. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ at last.
11. If you have an iPod or a phone that plays music, the Sony Walkman may look like ancient history. But when it came out forty-one years ago, it completely changed how people listened to music.
①_____ Small portable(便携的) radios didn't sound good and usually came with just a small earphone that went in one ear. There were boom boxes—large music players which sounded good and could be turned up loud. But they were huge and heavy. Almost any way someone could listen to music meant that everyone around them would have to listen to their music, too.
On July 1, 1979, Sony introduced a product called the "Walkman". The "walk" part of the name was important. ②_____ These days, we are very used to that idea, but in 1979, it was pretty special. Another thing that was special was how good it pared to the headphones we have now, the quality wasn't good. But back then, the sound amazed people. ③_____
Many people thought it wouldn't sell very well because it couldn't record music. However, the Walkman was hugely popular. ④_____ But whoever made the device, most people kept using the name "Walkman".
On a phone or other music player today, you might have hundreds or thousands of songs. But the selection on the Walkman was much more limited. ⑤_____ If you wanted to go to a certain song, you would need to wind or rewind through the rest of the tape to get to the song you wanted to hear.
The cassette Walkman was a big success. It started the trend of "personal" music that led to the iPod, the iPhone, and the other music-playing devices we use today.
A.The Walkman then could only play cassette tapes.
B.Soon other companies were imitating Sony's device.
C.It almost felt like the music was playing inside your head.
D. The tape needed to be taken out and turned over to play the other side.
E.It meant that you could listen to your own music as you walked around.
F.The first Walkman actually allowed you to share your music with a friend.
G.Before the Walkman came out, there wasn't a good portable way to listen to music.
12. NAO, the first robot able to show feelings, has been created by a European research team. When NAO is sad, he lowers his head and looks down. When he's happy, he raises his arms for a hug. Nothing is out of the ordinary, except that NAO is a robot.
"We're modelling the first year of life," says Lola Canamero, a computer scientist at the University of Hertfordshire. "The feelings are shown through physical gestures and body movements rather than facial or verbal(言语的) expressions."
In the future, says the scientist, robots are likely to act as companions, provide support for old people, and help people shop online. In these situations, the display of emotions, will be important in making the interaction(相互作用) more natural and comfortable.
NAO has been programmed to copy the emotional skills of a one-year-old child. It can memorize faces, and knows the basic rules of good and bad. Based on these it can decide how to react to what is going on. The actions going with each feeling are pre-programmed, but NAO decides for itself when to display them.
NAO is also programmed to have different personalities. A more independent robot is less likely to call for help when exploring a room, while a more fearful robot will show distress if it finds something in the room that may be harmful.
Canamero's team will take its emotional programming forward into medical applications. Part of the project will look at ways to use robots in hospitals to support the roles of doctors, nurses and parents. Children might find that a small, friendly-looking robot that can understand their emotional states makes them less anxious. "We want to explore different roles—the robots will help the children to understand their treatment and explain what they have to do. We want to help the children to control their anxiety," she says.
1.According to the text, what do we know about NAO
A.It displays different feelings in different situations.
B.It is able to imitate adults, emotional displays.
C.It can remember people's feelings.
D.It learns emotions from facial expressions.
2.What can we learn from the text
A.Scientists worked on facial and spoken expressions to create NAO's emotions.
B.The time when NAO displays feelings has been pre-programmed.
C.Emotional programming is used in medicine production.
D.Robots with emotional skills can help children feel more comfortable.
3.What does the underlined word "distress" in Paragraph 5 probably mean
A.Courage. B.Anxiety. C.Anger. D.Satisfaction.
4.What is the text mainly about
A.The relationship between humans and robots.
B.The roles that robots play in different fields.
C.The first robot able to show feelings.
D.The long history of robots.
解析:句意: 许多国家的卫生安全系统正经历着重大变革。此处作undergoing的宾语, 应用名词形式。transformation n.变化; 转变。 故填transformation。
解析:句意: 配备有5G技术的智能设备能在没人干预的情况下做家务。此处作介词without的宾语, 应用名词。intervention n.介入; 出面; 干涉。 故填intervention。
解析:句意: 他不遗余力地减少公司损失, 这比我们大多数人最初预想的更成功。initially最初地; 开始地, 作状语修饰动词expected。故填initially。
6.答案:It; seemed; that
7.答案:so; busy; that
8.答案:The; reason; why; was; that
9.答案:have; my; hair; cut
10.答案:That; was; why; he; succeeded
11.答案:①-⑤ GECBA
解析:①主旨句。根据下文"Small portable radios didn't sound good(小的便携式收音机听起来不太好)"及第三段中的"Sony introduced a product called the 'Walkman'(索尼公司推出了一款名为'随身听'的产品)"可知, 本段主要是介绍随身听问世以前人们的听歌方式, G项Before the Walkman came out, there wasn't a good portable way to listen to music.(在随身听问世之前, 还没有一种好的便携式听歌方式)切题。故选G。
②细节句。根据上文The "walk" part of the name was important.可知, 设空处应是对这一内容的进一步阐释, 故E项It meant that you could listen to your own music as you walked around.(这意味着你可以边走边听自己的音乐)符合语境。故选E。
③细节句。根据上文"Compared to the headphones we have now, the quality wasn't good. But back then, the sound amazed people.(和我们现在的耳机相比, 随身听的音质不是很好。但在那时候, 它发出的声音让人们惊叹不已)"可知, 设空处应是对前面句子的补充, 进一步说明这令人惊叹的声音, 故C项It almost felt like the music was playing inside your head.(那感觉几乎就像音乐在你脑子里播放)符合语境。故选C。
④过渡句。根据上文"the Walkman was hugely popular(随身听非常受欢迎)", 再根据下文"But whoever made the device, most people kept using the name 'Walkman'.(但是无论谁制造了这种设备, 大多数人都沿用'随身听'这个名字)"可知, 设空处与制造随身听相关, 故B项Soon other companies were imitating Sony's device.(很快, 其他公司开始模仿索尼的设备)与上下文衔接紧密。故选B。
⑤细节句。根据上文"On a phone or other music player today, you might have hundreds or thousands of songs. But the selection on the Walkman was much more limited.(在今天的手机或其他音乐播放器上, 你可能有成百上千或成千上万首歌曲。但是随身听的选择要少得多)"可知, 设空处所述内容应与随身听提供的选择有限有关, 故A项The Walkman then could only play cassette tapes.(当时随身听只能播放盒式磁带)符合语境。故选A。
12.答案:1-4 ADBC
解析:1.细节理解题。根据第一段中的When NAO is sad, he lowers his head and looks down. When he's happy, he raises his arms for a hug.可知, 当NAO伤心时, 它会低下头, 当它开心时, 它会伸出手要求拥抱, 这说明NAO能在不同情况下表达不同的情绪。故选A。
2.细节理解题。根据第六段中的Children might find that a small, friendly-looking robot that can understand their emotional states makes them less anxious.可知, 如果孩子们有一个小小的、友好的又能够理解他们情感状态的机器人陪着的话, 他们可能就不会那么焦虑了, 也就是说具有情感技能的机器人可以帮助孩子们感觉更放松。故选D。
3.词义猜测题。前面提到一个更独立的机器人在探索房间时很少寻求帮助, 是独立完成任务的。句中的while表示对比, 由此可以判断, 后面是说一个胆怯的机器人如果在房间里发现可能有害的东西时会表现出焦虑(的情绪)。故选B。
4.主旨大意题。根据第一段第一句NAO, the first robot able to show feelings, has been created by a European research team.和全文内容可知, 本文主要介绍了由一个欧洲研究团队发明的第一个能够表达感情的机器人NAO。故选C。