人教版(2019)必修第三册 Unit 2 Morals and Virtues 单词及知识点讲解课件 (共43页PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第三册 Unit 2 Morals and Virtues 单词及知识点讲解课件 (共43页PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 3.6MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-09-22 09:30:52



Unit 2
Morals and Virtues
Words and Expressions
moral ['m r l ] adj. 道德的; 道义上的 n. 品行; 道德; 寓意
moral kidnapping 道德绑架
The moral of ……的道德教训/寓意
morally adv.道德上;有道德地;确实地 
反:immoral adj.不道德的;邪恶的
The moral of the story is that one must be honest.
dilemma [ d 'lem ] n. 进退两难的境地; 困境
be in a dilemma 处于困境中
Put sb into a dilemma 使某人陷入困境
Get out of the dilemma 摆脱进退两难的境地
Face the dilemma about/of… 面对……困境
Moral dilemma 道德困境
They try to get out of the dilemma.
faint [fe nt] v.昏倒;晕厥 adj.不清楚的; 微弱的
a faint smile 淡淡一笑
a faint light 微弱的光
A faint hope 一丝希望
faint memory 模糊的记忆
There is still a faint hope that she may be cured.
illustrate [' l stre t] v.(举例)说明; 阐明; 给(书或文章)加插图
illustration n.图解;图示;示例
An illustrated textbook 有插图的课本
precious ['pre s] adj. 珍稀的; 宝贵的
形近:Previous adj.先前的
You are wasting precious time.
be precious to sb 对某人而言很珍贵
entrust [ n'tr st ] v. 委托; 交付
entrust…to sb = entrust sb with…
He entrusted the task to his daughter.
carry sb through sth 帮助某人渡过难关
近似:help out
carry out 实施;履行;执行
carry on 继续;参与
Her encouragement and support carried me through difficult times.
marriage ['m r d ] n. 结婚; 婚姻
marry v.结婚
married adj.已婚的
unmarried adj.未婚的
marry sb 与某人结婚
be married (to sb) (与……结婚)【表状态】
get married (to sb) (与……结婚) 【表动作】
She married a rich person.
marry v. (和某人) 结婚;娶;嫁 marry sb
married adj. 已婚的;结婚的
The survey[调查] shows that two-thirds of ______ (marry) women earn less than their husband.
例句:They had a long and happy marriage.
majority [m 'd r ti] n. 大部分;大多数
major adj.主要的; v.主修;n.专业;主修课程
minor adj. 少数的(反义词)
minority n.少数;少数民族
the majority of... 大多数…(谓语动词的单复数取决于介词of后的名词)
Major in 主修……
The majority of students like reading books.
His major is physics.
He majors in physics.
The ________ (major) of the citizens in that region have been affected by social media.
An agreement (协议) seems to be impossible because the majority of the committee members ________ (be) against it.
One-third of the country is covered with grass and _____________ (大多数)the citizens live in tents.
In college I _________ (主修) Natural Science. What was your major
the majority of
majored in
complain [k m'ple n] v.抱怨; 埋怨; 发牢骚
complaint n. 抱怨
weigh称重→weight重量; join连接→joint接头
complain (to sb. )about sth. 向某人抱怨某事
= make a complaint to sb. about sth.
complain (to sb.) that+句子 (向某人)抱怨……
She complained to me that no one told her the truth.
respond [r 'sp nd] v.回答;回复; 做出反应; 回应
response n. 反应;回答;回复
respond to sb/sth  对……对出反应/答复
in response to 为了回应;作为对……的回应
make/give (no) response to 对……(不)做出反应/回答
③She                ,which made me very angry.(response)
④She                 ,which made me very angry.(respond)
made no response to my question
didn’t respond to my question
union ['ju ni n] n.协会;联合会;工会
the Students’ Union 学生会
the European Union 欧盟
Union gives strength. 团结就是力量。
hire ['ha (r)] v. 聘任;雇用;租用 n. 租借; 租用
反:fire v.解雇
hire a car 租车
hire out 出租
hire sb to do sth 雇佣某人做某事
physician [f 'z n] n.医师; 内科医生
physics n.物理
physicist n.物理学家
physical adj.物理的;身体的
rejection n. 拒绝接受; 否决
同:refuse 拒绝
反:accept 接受
reject ['ri d ekt] v. 拒绝接受;不录用; 拒收
I have been rejected by all the universities.
appoint [ 'p nt] v. 任命;委派
appointment n.任命;约定
appointed adj.约定的的;指定的
appoint sb as/ to be …… 任命某人为……
appoint sb to do sth 任命某人去做某事
make/have an appointment with sb. 与某人预约/约会
keep/break an/the appointment 守/违(爽)约
He was appointed as chairman of the union.
elect [ 'lekt] v. 选举;推选; 决定
election [ 'lek n] n.选举;推选
elect sb (as) …… 选举某人为……
elect to do sth 决定做某事
a general election 大选
He was elected as the new leader.
tend [tend] v. 照顾; 照料; 倾向; 趋于
tend sb. /sth. 照料/照看某人/物
tend to do sth 易于做某事; 往往会发生某事
tendency n.趋势
This patient ____________, so we should _____ her _________.
People tend to get fat when they grow older.
tends to faint
publish ['p bl ] v.发表(作品); 出版
publisher n.出版者;出版商
The report will be published on the Internet.
saving ['se v ] n.节省物;节省;节约 (pl.)储蓄金;存款
save v.救助;节省
save one’s life 救某人的命
save money 省钱
retire from... 从……退休
a retired teacher 一位退休教师
retire from office/service 退职/退役
retire [r 'ta (r)] v. 退休; 退职;退出
retired adj.退休的,退役的;退隐的;
retirement n.退休,退职
He was forced to retire because of his bad health.
passive ['p s v] adj.被动的; 顺从的
反:active adj.主动的
positive adj.乐观的;积极的
negative adj. 消极的;否定的
principle ['pr ns pl] n.道德原则; 法则; 原则
a man of principle 有原则的人
in principle 原则上;理论上
stick to the principles 坚持原则
The passive Voice 被动语态
scared [ske d] adj. 害怕的; 对…感到惊慌/恐惧的
=afraid/frightened/terrified (adj)
scary adj.吓人的,恐怖的
scare [ske (r)] v. 惊吓; 使害伯
be scared of sth. 害怕某物
be scared of doing sth. 害怕做某事
be scared to do sth. 害怕做某事
be scared that... 害怕……
After that he became very scared of spiders.
I was so scared that I didn’t know what to do
sharp [ ɑ p ] adj.(增长/下跌等)急剧的;锋利的;明显的
a sharp tongue说话刻薄
be sharp with对……说话刻薄
a sharp sense of humour很强的幽默感
a sudden sharp pain突然的剧痛
a sharp contrast 鲜明对比
sharp eyes 明锐的视力
(1)sharply adv.急剧地,大幅度地;严厉地,毫不客气地 ; (2)sharpen vt.(使)变得锋利
an sharp increase
We have witnessed the sharp development of our country.
insurance [ n' r ns]: n.保险; 保险业
insure v.投保;为……提供保险
ensure v.确保;保证
an insurance company 保险公司
accident insurance 意外保险
replace [r 'ple s] v.接替; 取代; 更换
The factory replaced most of its workers with robots.
replacement n.代替,更换
replaced adj.被替换的
replace A with/by B 用B代替A
take the place of…/take one’s place 代替;取代(动词短语可作谓语)
in place of ... 代替…… (介词短语,不可单独作谓语)
You can use cheese in place of/instead of butter in some recipes.
take the place of
in place of
instead of
accident [' ks d nt ] n.事故;车祸;失事
by accident 偶然地;不小心
by design = on purpose 有意地, 故意地
accidental adj 意外的;偶然的
accidentally adv.意外地,偶然地
The old woman dragged my cart by accident.
operation [ p ‘re n] n. 手术;企业;经营
operate v. 操作; 使用; 动手术
operator n.操作员;经营者
put ... into operation 实施;使...运转
operate on sb 给某人做手术
= do/perform an operation on sb
whisper ['w sp (r)] vi. 悄声说;耳语;低语
n. 耳语(声); 低语(声); 传言; 谣传
whisper (sth) to sb 向某人低声说某事
whisper about sth 嘀咕某事
in a whisper 低声地;悄声地
He is sleeping, so you’d better speak in a whisper.
midnight ['m dna t ] n.子夜;午夜
at midnight 在午夜
burn the midnight oil
They had to leave at midnight.
import [' mp t] n.进口; 进口商品 [ m'p t] v. 进口;引进
export ['eksp t ] n. 出口;出口商品 [ k'sp t ] v. 出口;输出
assist [ 's st] v.帮助; 援助
assistance n.帮助; 援助
assistant n.助手; 助理; 副手
assist sb to do/in doing sth 帮助某人做某事
assist sb with/in sth 在某方面帮助某人
come to one’s assistance 援助某人
with the assistance/help of... 在……的帮助下
I am willing to assist you to learn the foreign language.
We will spare no efforts to assist him in solving this problem.
a senior assistant
a personal assistant
a shop assistant店员
pass away 去世
pass sb sth= pass sth to sb 把某物递给某人
pass by 经过; (时间)过去
pass down 把...流传下去
pass on 传递
pass out 分发;分配;昏倒
pass through 经过;路过
pass up 放弃;错过(机会等)
memory ['mem ri ] n. 记忆力;回忆
in memory of 作为对…的纪念(=in honor of )
have a good/bad memory (for) 记忆力好/差
memorize v.记忆
为了纪念他母亲, 他设立了一个教育基金。
He set up an educational fund in memory of his mother.
in search of 寻找
in favour of 赞同,支持
in terms of 就……而言
disguise [d s'ɡa z] v. 装扮;假扮;掩盖 n. 伪装
Mulan disguised herself as a man.
in disguise 伪装; 假装; 乔装打扮
disguise sb. as… 将某人伪装成……
spill [sp l] v.(spilt/spilled, spilt/spilled) (使)洒出; (使)溢出
Don’t cry over the spilt milk. 覆水难收
tear [t (r)] n. 眼泪; 泪水
burst into tears 突然大哭起来
be bathed in tears 泪流满面
be moved to tears 感动得流泪
be close to tears 快流泪了
in tears 流着泪;含着泪
They were close to tears when I told them the news.
despair [d 'spe (r)] n. 绝望 v.绝望;感到无望
in despair 处于绝望中
desperate adj.绝望的
harm [hɑ m] n./v. 伤害; 损害
harmful adj.有害的
harmless adj.无害的
be of great harm 危害极大的
do sb/sth harm=do harm to sb/sth 对某人/物有害
be harmful to 对……有害
There is no harm (in) doing sth 做某事无害处
Staying up late does harm to our health.
1. The court case will do serious harm _____ my business.
2. Staying up too late will be ____ great harm to one’s health.
3. They are not always willing to take on untrained workers, but there’s no harm _____ asking.
4. Water is not an effective shield against the sun’s more _______ (harm) rays.
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子
(1)a great deal of+n.[U]大量的……
(2)a great deal大量,非常
Despite/In spite of a great deal of hardship, my efforts as well as her encouragement carried me through at last.
He has matured a great deal (=much) over the past year.
a great deal (of) 大量
+ 不可数名词
many, many a, several (几个), a couple of (几个,两三个), (a) few (一些), a great/good many, a good/great/large number of +可数名词
much, (a) little, a large amount of, amounts of, a great deal of +不可数名词
a lot of, lots of, a quantity of, quantities of (谓语用复数), plenty of +可数/不可数
flexible ['fleks bl] adj. 灵活的;可变通的
flexibly adv. 灵活地
flexibility n.灵活性
inflexible adj.(材料)坚硬的,不能弯曲的
flexible working hours 弹性工作时间
income [' nk m] n.收入;收益
national income 国民收入
outcome n.结果
Tourism is a major source of income for the area.
per [p (r)] prep. 每; 每一 (数量/价格等)
therefore[' e f (r)] adv. 因此;所以
60 miles per hour 每小时60英里
I think, therefore I am.
tension ['ten n] n.紧张关系; 紧张; 焦虑
tense adj.紧张的
tension between A and B A和B之间的矛盾
International tensions 国际紧张局势
There is often a tension between the aims of the company and the wishes of the employees .
Unit 2
Thank you!
Words and Expressions