人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册Unit 2 Bridging Cultures 作业(3份打包,含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册Unit 2 Bridging Cultures 作业(3份打包,含答案)
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-09-22 15:58:31


Unit 2 Bridging Cultures Discovering Useful Structures—2023-2024学年高二英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册课时分层练
知识点1 名词的用法
1.If the ________(apply) do not meet these requirements, they will not be admitted to the graduate school.
2.Long-term _____(expose) to domestic and foreign classics has made him so knowledgeable.
3.I can't see you on Monday because I have a previous _____ (engage).
知识点2 形容词的用法
4.He is confident and considers himself _____ (qualify) for this job.
知识点3 副词的用法
5.We listened _____ (eager), for he brought good news to my family.
6.很遗憾她不能参加这个活动了,因为她病了。(It's a pity that结构)
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____, for she is ill.
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ has not been decided.
_____ _____ _____ _____ hasn't been made public.
9.努力学习四年之后,我唯一的目标就是回家服务家乡。(one's ambition is to do...)
After four years of studying hard, _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____.
10.这是他的父母第一次参观他的大学校园。(It is the first time that...)
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ his parents had visited his campus.
11. Here's an imaginary question for you: would you rather leave your home country and never be allowed to return, or never leave your home country ever again
It's a difficult one! Let's consider the beauty of being at home and the thrill of travelling. I left my home country, Germany, when I was seven to move to England with my family. Now at the age of 21, I've left my second home country, England, to work as an English language assistant in Switzerland. ①_____
● New friends.
I don't know about you, but I love getting to know new people. Moving abroad is the perfect opportunity to extend your friendship circle and make it global. ②_____ They'll also be able to give you a new perspective on life as they share their views of the world, which are likely to be very different from your own! Time to open your mind and see the world.
● ③_____
You may learn a language in the classroom environment and learn it well, but nothing compares to fully burying yourself into a foreign language, participating in real-life conversations and picking up authentic slang and sayings from the locals. ④_____
● Food, glorious food!
The world has so much to offer when it comes to food, so make the most of this new cultural experience and let your stomach guide you. Why not try something completely new Stimulate those taste buds ⑤_____ Perhaps you can surprise your friends with your new-found cooking skills when you see them next time.
A.The opportunity to master a new language.
B.The advantage of mastering a new language.
C.Is it always an exciting experience moving abroad
D.Even better still, let the locals teach you how to make it.
E.You also fully experience the culture tied to the language.
F.These new friends will show you the most fun things to do in your new home.
G.What are the benefits of leaving the home country for a new adventure abroad
12. I'm a student in my fourth year of a biomedical science degree at the Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen, but I also work 35 hours a week at Sainsbury's to make ends meet. I do three night shifts a week, plus overtime if I can get it. Monday is the most occupied day for me—I work from 10 pm until 8 am on Saturday and Sunday nights, earning just over 100 a night, and then I have to be at my first lecture at 9 am on Monday. By the time I finish lectures at 2 pm, I'm exhausted, but I know I have to be back at work by 10 pm.
I constantly have to force myself to stay awake, and to be alert, whatever it takes. A packet of Skittles and a Red Bull usually help. The work I do at Sainsbury's is very physical like stacking shelves. I'm lucky because I'm an active person and the amount I lift at work is nothing compared with the weights I lift in the gym. I know I have the strength to bear them.
I'm originally from Nigeria. I came here when I was seven, growing up in Croydon, south London. Money was tight. My parents gave me everything I needed, but there was no money to spend on luxuries(奢侈品). I worked hard at school and, with the help of GT Scholars, I got some of the best A-level grades in my class.
Unfortunately, though I had applied for "settled" British residential status when very young, the Home Office waited until I was in the sixth form to approve my application. That meant I wasn't eligible for a student loan. The only way I could afford to go to university was that I got a job that would pay for all my living costs and my parents, who work in market research, paid for my tuition fees. In Scotland, that's about 7,000 a year.
I don't have much time to socialize because of my job. Ideally, I would also like to have more time to study so I can excel(突出) at my course. Yes, I have a lot on my plate, but working hard isn't new to me. Growing up, my parents and my mentors in the church and at GT Scholars cultivated in me the importance of working hard for what I want in life.
My dream is to get an MA in physiotherapy next year and then get a job working for the NHS. But right now, I'm just focusing on trying to get the best grades I can. Whenever I find life hard, I tell myself this is about my future. I don't need much, but I would like to worry less about money and have more free time. That is what I look forward to the most.
1.Why does the author work long hours and sometimes overtime every week
A.To pay for his own living expenses. B.To pay for his tuition fees.
C.To prove his ability to earn money. D.To help his parents pay off the debts.
2.The underlined word "eligible" in the passage can be replaced by _____.
A.responsible B.anxious C.qualified D.accessible
3.According to the passage, which of the following words can NOT be used to describe the author
A.Ambitious. B.Diligent. C.Sociable. D.Persistent.
4.Which of the following proverbs can best summarize the passage
A.A penny saved is a penny earned. B.Actions speak louder than words.
C.God helps those who help themselves. D.Where there is life, there is hope.
解析:考查词性转换。句意:如果申请人达不到这些要求,他们就不能被研究生院录取。由the可知设空处在从句中作主语,应使用名词形式,由they和be admitted to可知此处指人且应用复数形式。故填applicants。
解析:考查名词。设空处被形容词Long-term修饰且句子缺少主语,故填名词exposure。Exposure to..意为"接触……"。故填exposure。
6.答案:It's; a; pity; that; she; can't; come; to; the; activity
7.答案:Which; college; I; want; to; go; to
8.答案:When; they; will; come
9.答案:my; only; ambition; is; to; get; back; home; and; serve; my; hometown
10.答案:It; was; the; first; time; that
11.答案:①-⑤ GFAED
解析:①过渡句。空后各个小标题列出的是在国外生活的好处, G项"离开祖国到国外进行新的冒险有什么好处 "恰恰是上文与下文的过渡衔接。故选G。
②细节句。根据本段小标题确定信息词为New friends, 而F项中出现了new friends, 且与空后They'll also相呼应。故选F。
③主题句。根据文章结构可以看出, 设空处应为小标题。小标题下内容主要讲旅居外国是掌握一门新语言的好机会。故选A。
④细节句。空前说到在国外的一大优势是可以向当地人学习地道的外语, 设空处是关于语言的另一大优势—你也可以充分体验与语言相关的文化。故选E。
⑤细节句。设空处所在段的主题是食物, 那么可以把food看作信息词, 到选项中找到与food有关的选项, 选项D"更棒的是可以让当地人教你做美食。"与food有关, 且能将设空处前后句衔接起来。故选D。
12.答案:1-4 ACCC
解析: 1.细节理解题。根据第一段中的to make ends meet可知, 作者之所以每周工作很长时间, 有时甚至加班, 是为了给自己挣生活费。故选A。干扰项分析: B项(支付他的学费), 学费是他的父母支付的; C项(证明自己赚钱的能力)和D项(帮父母还债), 文中未提及。故选A。
2.词义猜测题。由后文的The only way I...a year.可知, 我没有资格申请学生贷款。由此推知, 画线词的意思是"合格的, 有资格的"。故选C。
3.推理判断题。根据第五段中的"I don't have much time to socialize because of my job."可知, 因为工作的关系, 作者没有太多的时间社交。所以sociable(好交际的)不能用来描述作者。故选C。
4.主旨大意题。本文讲述的是作者每周工作很长时间, 有时甚至加班, 这是为了支付自己的生活费。再根据最后一段中的"Whenever I find life hard, I tell myself this is about my future."(每当我发现生活艰难时, 我告诉自己这是为了我的未来)可知, 谚语"God helps those who help themselves."(天助自助者), 是对这篇文章的最好概括。故选C。Unit 2 Bridging Cultures Reading for Writing—2023-2024学年高二英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册课时分层练
知识点1 名词的用法
1.To improve the _____(competent) of the elderly in terms of technology, many measures will be taken to increase the supply of senior-friendly products.
2.She never minded the alarm clock sounding at 4 a.m. or questioned my __________ (expense) on running.
知识点2 形容词的用法
3.I allowed myself to experience the __________ (drama) beauty of the valley.
4.The activity range of Siberian cranes(白鹤) has become larger, extending from the reserve to the _____(surround) farmland and other areas.
知识点3 副词的用法
5.All of these methods require that you _____ (sincere) join the conversation in order to get the best outcomes.
Tremendous changes _____ _____ _____ in this city in the past 20 years.
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ shall not lose heart.
8.我的确希望你会发现我的建议对你的行为举止有帮助。 (强调谓语)
_____ _____ _____ you'll find my advice helpful to _____ _____.
I find my _____ _____ _____ through this activity, which makes my parents feel very relieved.
_____ _____, foods that take longer to digest can help raise your body temperature and make you feel warmer.
11. Having the option to study abroad is exciting. It's what you call an once-in-a-lifetime experience that you should take full advantage of if you have the chance. ①_______ So before you get excited and book that plane ticket to a new world, take these tips into consideration.
Make new friends.
No matter where you end up studying abroad, take this time to make new friends. That could mean someone from your school in your program or major. It could also mean a native of the city or country you're visiting. ②_______ Do your best not to isolate yourself. Instead, reach out to others actively.
Overcome homesickness.
No matter where you go, you'll probably get a little homesick. ③_______ Luckily for you, with social media, you can connect with your loved ones almost instantly at any time of the day. Besides, we're almost positive that everyone back home misses you just as much as you miss them. However, they probably want you to enjoy yourself as much as possible and not to feel sad because you miss them.
One of the best parts of studying abroad is learning the local language. By doing this, you'll be able to communicate with people in your new home. After all, that is your home for a limited time. Also, speaking the local language is another useful skill. Local employers take interest in that when considering applicants.
The world is full of so many great places. We will support you if you'd like to study in one of them. ⑤_______
A. Learn the local language.
B. Master some useful languages.
C. But don't forget to follow these suggestions.
D. That is quite normal, especially at the beginning.
E. Turn to your new friends for help if you feel homesick.
F. Remember, even your best friends started out as strangers.
G. However, studying abroad is not as simple as you just thought.
12. Bathed in two cultures from childhood, moving around the world and experiencing different cultures has always been my thing. When I was in high school, I heard about students in my class wanting to take the SAT test and study abroad in the USA. ①_____. Actually, what I wanted to experience most was the European lifestyle and cultural mix.
I used to travel a lot around Europe with my parents as a little kid, and also not forgetting that the French Language is one of my mother tongues, France seemed therefore like a top choice for me. French universities have a good reputation and the French capital is internationally well known for its cultural history. ②_____. My university was one of those small cities and I also got the chance to obtain a scholarship which made it easier for me to start my studies.
③_____. Opportunities are offered to develop our network and explore the business world. The university participated as a partner in international networking courses leading to a European Master's degree, a double degree, or training abroad.
④_____. So, if you are an international student who came to France for studies, you can take the chance to explore another country for a term and study in English. I remember wanting to take this opportunity in my first year of my college life and try the program which back then offered students the chance to go on an exchange with Linnaeus University in Sweden. ⑤_____.
A.I applied and was lucky to get accepted
B.But I was not that attracted to studying there
C.You can find a lot of student-friendly cities as well
D.Besides, all these universities have their own unique advantages
E.The university I chose was small but used to invite business chiefs and directors
F.Because there are many universities with good reputation which attracts students
G.Plus, all French universities work with several countries to offer an exchange program
解析:考查名词。设空处作improve的宾语,由设空处前面的定冠词the和后面的介词 of 可知应填名词competence。句意:为了提高老年人在科技方面的能力,许多措施将被采取以增加老年人友好型产品的供应。故填competence。
6.答案:have taken place
7.答案:Whoever fails in the exam
8.答案:I do hope; your behaviour
9.答案:strengths and weaknesses
10.答案:Generally speaking
②上文提示:无论你在哪里留学,都要利用这段时间结交新朋友,可以是来自你学校的某个项目或专业的人,也可以是你要去的城市或国家的本地人。本段的主要内容建议留学交友,F选项中best friends对应上文中make new friends,都在讲述交朋友这一话题,故F选项(记住,即使是你最好的朋友一开始也是陌生人。)符合语境。故选F。
④下文提示:出国留学最好的优势之一就是可以学习当地语言。通过这样做,你就能和新家的人交流了。毕竟,那是你短期内的家。此外,说当地语言也是一项有用的技能。当地雇主在考虑应聘者时对此很感兴趣。本段的建议主要是关于留学时学习当地的语言,A选项中the local language对应后文中the local language。故A选项(学习当地语言)符合语境。故选A。
解析:①根据上一句When I was in high school I heard about students in my class wanting to take the SAT test and study abroad in the USA.当我上高中时,我听说我们班的学生想要参加SAT测试,出国到美国学习;和下一句Actually, what I wanted to experience most was the European lifestyle and cultural mix.实际上,我最想体验的是欧洲的生活方式和文化融合。可知,此处表示转折,表达了自己并没有被在美国留学所吸引,B选项"But I was not that attracted to studying there(但我并没有被在那里学习而吸引。)"符合题意。故选B。
②根据下一句My university was in one of those small cities and I also got the chance to obtain a scholarship which made it easier for me to start my studies.我的大学就在这些小城市之一,我也有机会获得奖学金,这使我更容易开始我的研究。可知,此处介绍的是在法国可以找到很多适合学习的城市,C选项"You can find a lot of student-friendly cities as well.(你也可以找到很多对学生友好的城市。)"符合题意。故选C。
③根据下文中Opportunities are offered to develop our network and explore the business world.我们有机会发展我们的人际关系,并探索商业世界。可知,此处应提到商业(business)方面的信息,E选项"The university I chose was small but used to invite business chiefs and directors.(我选择的那所大学很小,但曾经邀请过商界领袖和董事。)"符合题意,故选E。
④根据下文中So, if you are an international student who came to France for studies...an exchange with Linnaeus University in Sweden.所以,如果你是一名来法国留学的国际学生,你可以利用这个机会探索另一个国家一个学期,学习英语。我记得我想在我大学的第一年就抓住这个机会,尝试这个项目,当时它为学生提供了与瑞典林奈大学交流的机会。可知,这里应该提到大学交换项目,G选项"Plus, all French universities work with several countries to offer an exchange program (此外,所有的法国大学都与几个国家合作提供一个交换项目)"符合题意。故选G。
⑤根据上一句I remember wanting to take this opportunity in my first year of my college life and try the program which back then offered students the chance to go on an exchange with Linnaeus University in Sweden.我记得我大学一年级就想抓住这个机会,我尝试了一个为学生提供了与林奈大学进行交流的机会的项目。可知,A选项"I applied and was lucky to get accepted.(我申请了,很幸运被录取了。)"符合题意。故选A。Unit 2 Bridging Cultures Reading and Thinking—2023-2024学年高二英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册课时分层练
知识点1 名词的用法
1.There are 50 _____(participate) in this English Speech Contest, and I am one of them.
2.James Watson and I gave a _____(present) on the new approach to training with slides(幻灯片).
3.There is no doubt that this _____(adapt) of the book is a great success.
知识点2 形容词的用法
4.No matter how _____(ambition) you are, you should know that success belongs to those who are willing to start small.
知识点3 副词的用法
5.Besides, _____ (comfort) bikes and a smooth tour route make cycling between the sites fun and relaxing.
6.他很同情她,却不知道说什么。(疑问词+to do)
He felt pity for her, yet he didn't know _____ _____ _____.
His ambition is _____ _____ a football superstar like Maradona.
8.努力学习四年之后,我唯一的目标就是回家服务家乡。(one's ambition is to do...)
After four years of studying hard, _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____.
We all need to attend this training, because it _____ _____ _____ _____ better job opportunities.
10.那是44年来人类首次从月球上取回土壤样本。 (It was the first time that...)
It was the first time in 44 years that humanity _____ _____ _____ _____ from the moon.
11. Nowadays being culturally aware is becoming an important skill to have. Here are 5 reasons why we should learn about other cultures.
● Other cultures are interesting.
It's interesting to learn about those who are different from you. There's nothing wrong with doing something just because it's interesting. Learning a little extra knowledge never hurts anyone. ①________
● You can stimulate your mind.
Learning about other cultures is an interesting way to challenge your thinking processes and expand the way you process information. ②________ Make a point of learning more about other cultures and you will find your tendency to keep learning can help you grow mentally.
● Learning about other cultures fosters(促进) understanding.
③________ But when you learn about another culture and see why others do the things they do, it's easier to understand them. You can also develop sympathy for others.
● You realize there's more than one way to do something.
When you learn about other cultures, you learn that there's more than one approach to life. ④________ Learning about other cultures allows you to move outside your own bubble, and find new ways of approaching problems.
● ⑤________
With technology making the world smaller, and with the ease of travel between countries, the chances are that you will meet someone with a different cultural background at some point. Take the trouble to learn about other cultures and customs, and you'll have a richer experience no matter where you go.
A. In other words, it forces you to think in new ways.
B. Find out the similarities between different cultures.
C. Traveling around the world is a dream for many people.
D. You'll be better prepared for an increasingly globalized world.
E. You also learn that your approach might not always be the best way.
F. Many of the problems we have in this world are due to misunderstandings.
G. It is probably more useful and attractive than watching mindless TV shows.
12. Here's an imaginary question for you: would you rather leave your home country and never be allowed to return, or never leave your home country ever again
It's a difficult one! Let's consider the beauty of being at home and the thrill of travelling. I left my home country, Germany, when I was seven to move to England with my family. Now at the age of 21, I've left my second home country, England, to work as an English language assistant in Switzerland. ①_____
● New friends.
I don't know about you, but I love getting to know new people. Moving abroad is the perfect opportunity to extend your friendship circle and make it global. ②_____ They'll also be able to give you a new perspective on life as they share their views of the world, which are likely to be very different from your own! Time to open your mind and see the world.
● ③_____
You may learn a language in the classroom environment and learn it well, but nothing compares to fully burying yourself into a foreign language, participating in real-life conversations and picking up authentic slang and sayings from the locals. ④_____
● Food, glorious food!
The world has so much to offer when it comes to food, so make the most of this new cultural experience and let your stomach guide you. Why not try something completely new Stimulate those taste buds ⑤_____ Perhaps you can surprise your friends with your new-found cooking skills when you see them next time.
A.The opportunity to master a new language.
B.The advantage of mastering a new language.
C.Is it always an exciting experience moving abroad
D.Even better still, let the locals teach you how to make it.
E.You also fully experience the culture tied to the language.
F.These new friends will show you the most fun things to do in your new home.
G.What are the benefits of leaving the home country for a new adventure abroad
解析:考查名词。设空处作gave的宾语,由设空处前的a可知此处应填名词presentation。Give a presentation意为"作介绍;作报告"。故填presentation。
解析:考查形容词。设空处作are的表语,且前面有No matter how,故用形容词ambitious,此处指不管你多么有雄心。故填ambitious。
6.答案:what to say
7.答案:to become
8.答案:my; only; ambition; is; to; get; back; home; and; serve; my; hometown
9.答案:qualifies us to have
10.答案:had fetched soil samples
解析:①细节句。根据本段小标题可知本段主要是在说其他文化是有趣的,设空处上文说到多学一点知识对谁来说都没有坏处,G项"它很可能比看没头脑的电视节目更有用且更吸引人"承接上文内容,说明多学一点知识的好处,其中It指代上一句中的"Learning a little extra knowledge"。故选G。
⑤主旨句。根据该篇文章的结构可知该空为本段的小标题。本段主要介绍了两点:一是世界越来越小,不同文化背景的人之间的交流越来越多;二是不论我们去到哪里,我们学习其他的文化都会使我们有更丰富的经历,D项"你将为一个日益全球化的世界更好地做准备"具有提纲挈领的作用。其中关键词globalized 与本段中的"a different cultural background""no matter where you go"这些内容相呼应。故选D。
12.答案:①-⑤ GFAED
解析:①过渡句。空后各个小标题列出的是在国外生活的好处, G项"离开祖国到国外进行新的冒险有什么好处 "恰恰是上文与下文的过渡衔接。故选G。
②细节句。根据本段小标题确定信息词为New friends, 而F项中出现了new friends, 且与空后They'll also相呼应。故选F。
③主题句。根据文章结构可以看出, 设空处应为小标题。小标题下内容主要讲旅居外国是掌握一门新语言的好机会。故选A。
④细节句。空前说到在国外的一大优势是可以向当地人学习地道的外语, 设空处是关于语言的另一大优势—你也可以充分体验与语言相关的文化。故选E。
⑤细节句。设空处所在段的主题是食物, 那么可以把food看作信息词, 到选项中找到与food有关的选项, 选项D"更棒的是可以让当地人教你做美食。"与food有关, 且能将设空处前后句衔接起来。故选D。