Module 3 Things we enjoy
Unit 10 Great storybooks
课时 教学内容及目标
课时一 教学重点 1. 句型:Andersen wrote the stories. Children around the world enjoy reading his stories. 2. 日常用语:Let’s see. Your turn.
教学栏目 Llisten and say .Look and learn.
教学目标 通过listen and say 的短文阅读,帮助学生了解三本童书及其作者。通过Look and learn 了解三本童书。
拓展内容 拓展词wind,scarf,put on 等词。
课时二 教学重点 词汇学习:blow off , take off
教学栏目 . Look and say .Look and learn.
教学目标 1.通过Look and say .复习上一课时的知识,进一步深入话题。2. 通过Look and learn.的教学活动,帮助学生综合运用单元知识。3. 初步了解句子的重读以及诗歌的押韵现象。。
拓展内容 stronger wind glove put on
课时三 教学重点 语音学习:句子的语调。句型复习:The story about an ugly ducking .Andersen wrote the stories .
教学栏目 Do a survey ,Learn the sounds, Think and write .
教学目标 1. 通过Do a surveyed 的活动,帮助学生操练和巩固语言知识。2. 通过Think and write的写作练习,帮助学生巩固和综合运用语言知识。3. 通过Learn the sounds 的教学活动,帮助学生了解句子的语调。4. 通过单元任务,帮助学生巩固和综合运用本单元所学的知识和技能,制作一副读书周的海报。
拓展内容 chicken thanksgiving west
Module 3 Things we enjoy
Unit 10 Great storybooks
【第二课时】Read a story .The wind and the sun .
<教学内容>: 1.学生能够根据所给的图片了解和感受《伊索寓言》中风和太阳比力气的故事。
2. 通过Read a story .帮助学生综合运用单元知识。
3. 初步了解句子的重读以及诗歌中的押韵现象。
情感目标: 引导学生理解寓言的寓意。
重 点:词汇:blow off ,take off 句型复习 I’ll blow off his clothes .
难 点:语音学习:句子的押韵。
Procedures Contents Methods Purpose 二次备课
I.Pre-task preparation: warming up Show the pictures,listen to the tape and imitate the rhyme.Ask and answer:T:Which writer do you like best 3.Introduce one book about him/her . 引导学生复习上一节课的句型,通过介绍作家及其作品来实现复习目的。
II.While-task procedure: Read a story Read and answer .T: Now let’s watch the story .After you watch the story ,please answer these questions.1).Which book is the story from 2).Who are in the story 3).What did Mr. Sun and Mr. wind do 4).What did the man do when Mr. wind do 5).What did the man do when Mr.Sun shone 6).Whowas stronger,MrWind or Mr Sun 听完录音,让学生回答一下问题。
Activities. T: Now let’s act out the story .First ,tell me how many characters there are in the story .S1:Four.T: Who are they S2: They are the man ,Mr Sun and the narrator.Yes,please take roles in your group. 学生表演文中对话,注意语音语调的恰当使用,通过教师指导和跟读录音来学习英文诗歌的朗读。
III.Post-task activity: Repeat it . 1. Teacher divides the students into groups, then repeat the text. 借助图片引导,让学生简单复述诗歌。
Homework 基础:朗读64页的诗歌及重读句子。提高:复述诗歌。
On Board Module 3 Things we enjoyUnit 10 Great storybooks The wind and the sun . Answer the question .
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