备课时间 主备人 主 备 人所在单位
复备时间 授课教师 授课教师所在单位
课 题 Unit 2 Mascots(2) 课 型
课时分配 1课时 第 1 课时
项 目 内 容
教 学 目 标 知 识能 力 A. 知识目标:巩固运用有关mascots的单词.学习运用句子:In picture (B) there isn’t (a ring) under the …B. 能力目标:1.找出两副图中的8处不同的地方。.2. 训练学生敏锐的观察能力,快速找出细微差别。C.情感态度:培养学生能大胆说英语的勇气。
过 程方 法 看一看、说一说、
情感态度价值观 培养学生热爱生活,善于发现生活中的乐趣的积极情感。
教学重点 巩固运用有关mascot ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )s的单词.学习运用句子:In picture (B) there isn’t (a ring) under the …
教学难点 正确用句子In picture (B) there isn’t (a ring) under the …进行表达。
教具、学具(课件)准备 教学相关的两幅图片
教 学 流 程
教 学 环 节 教 师 活 动 预设学生活动
Warming up1.Listen to the song and sing it : Mascots2.Show the word cards and read and spell them.Training1.Review some words about colours, room things, ect.Colours:快速反应,教师说颜色,学生马上指到教室里有该颜色的物品。 Room things: 教师发出指令,让学生反应。 Clean the Bb,Open the door,touch the desk,show me your chair, Run to the curtain… in/under/on 教师出示一个球和一个椅子,训练学生说方位词。 Lead in:2 shellT:How many shells do I have (教师闪现手中的shell。)S:three four (猜对的同学加分)T:What colour are they S:They are …T:教师将shell贴在黑板的房屋中,there are …shells …,让学生把句子补充完整。3 elephantT:How many elephants do I have T:What colour are they S:They are …T:教师将elephant贴在黑板的房屋中,There are …elephants …,让学生把句子补充完整。同样方法引出其他的句子。2.T shows 2 pictures, Ss watch them.3.Ask and answer: What can you see in picture 1 \ 2 4.How many----are there There is\are----.5.Spot the differences between two pictures.Use sentences:(1) In picture A (B) there is a ring under“the …”(2) In picture A (B) there are 3 elephants on“the …”Write this sentences on the blackboard.Practise1.Open the books and tell the differences in pairs.(1) In picture A (B) there is a ring under“the …” (2) In picture A (B) there are 3 elephants on“the …”2.Show the answers in the class.There is one mouse on the wardrobe.There are five elephants on the chair.There are four dogs on the bed.There is no necklace on the table.There are eight bells under the desk.There are three shells on the table.There is a necklace on the desk.3.Check the answers.Revision part 3学生看图然后判断句子正误。
板书设计 Unit2 Mascots(1) In picture A (B) there is a ring under“the …” (2) In picture A (B) there are 3 elephants on“the …”
教学反思 教学反思:本节课的教学内容是 六年级 Unit ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )2Mascots 的第三课时,学生学会用句型:In picture A(B) there is a/an…on /in /under …找出两幅图的不同。本课的教学强度大,内容多,但学生学得比较轻松、愉快,并且高效地完成预设的教学目标。本节课的导入设计有以下几个巧妙之处:1、 课堂上创设的情境真实有效、生活化。在这一课中,考虑到学生在第一单元中初步 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )学会写邀请信,但具体书信的格式还掌握得不牢,于是我创设了收信---读信---写信的情境,把整节课的教学主线有机的连在一起。让学生在读信的过程中完成不同的任务,并巧妙地渗透了听、说、读、写能力的训练。如听老师读第一封来自Toby的信,任务一、猜谜语。We have many mascots. We like to wear on our necks. (necklace) 通过这些有趣的猜谜语活动,既结合主体复习了有关Mascots的单词,又给学生提供了信息沟,为学生的语言活用做好铺垫。任务二、比较两间房间的不同之处。2、始终以学生为主体,学生获得了很大的主动权,营造平等、民主、宽松的课堂氛围。课堂的设计在许多教学环节都是以学生 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )为主体,发挥了学生的主观能动性。例如呈现两幅图后,利用多次的小组活动操练句型,然后在熟悉句型的基础上共同找出两幅图中的八个不同之处,并进行描述。这一系列的活动既让学生在平等、宽松的课堂氛围中有充分的训练时间,也发挥了学生的互助精神,使学生敢说、想说。3、本节课的作业设计比较新颖,没有以往的 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )枯燥的抄写句子。而是给学生一个图片This is Emma’s bedroom! 你能看图写句子吗?看谁写的句子多!本课的改进之处:整节课的教学内容较多 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com ),小组活动开展得较仓促。在操练There be…等句型时,应让学生把学习和生活实际紧密联系,并恰当地加以延伸,比如让学生运用句子描述一下教室或者房间的事物和人,这样为后面的作业设计做了铺垫同时也体现“用中学”的教学理念。安平小学教学设计表
科 目 英语 年级 五年级 课题 Unit 2 Mascots(6) 课型 Story
主备人 单位 授课教师 单位
目 标 预 设 评论、修改
学习目标 一、1. 通过本课的学习,学生能够理解故事内容,在老师和录音的帮助下,学生能够分角色有感情的读故事。2. 在故事中情景理解并正确朗读新句子 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com ):Don’t forget the potatoes. My head hurts. Stay here. Damn. My new jeans. I want to sell this necklace.二、1. 通过看老师表演理解本课新句子的意思。2. 通过体验式学习感知故事,激发和保持学习的兴趣和欲望。3.通过分解故事内容,培养学生认真观察图片的能力,激发学生对故事探究的兴趣,提高自主学习的能力。4. 通过合作读故事的形式,深化理解故事,表演故事。三、1.让学生明白:成功的取得应取决于努力,不能依赖吉祥物。2.通过各种活动激发学生学习英语的兴趣。
重点难点 通过看图、听音、阅读主要故事情节、图片排序等理解故事。模仿故事人物的语音语调读故事,并在学习故事的过程中感受故事的内涵。
教具学具 自制的多媒体课件 新句子的词条 头饰 卡片
学 习 流 程 预 设 评论、修改
教学活动 A: Warming upLet’s sing a song (part 1)B: Presentation1. 师生对话导入T: I feel easy, I fe ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )el free, because my mascots write for me . Are the mascots important (指问学生,然后表达老师的观点) No , I don’t think so .(出示项链)What’s this (生答, 同时让学生认识 The golden necklace ) The golden necklace tells us we shouldn’t think mascots are too important.Do you want to know th ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )e story This lesson ,we will learn the story : The golden necklace . (板题)2. If you want to ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )understand the story , you must first understand the six sentences.Don’t forget the po ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )tatoes. My head hurts. Stay here. Damn. My new jeans. I want to sell this necklace.1) The teacher do ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )the actions to help students understand these sentences , and then get the students to read after the teacher .Then Let the students read to column . Read together at last.2) Play a game : (传话游戏)3.教师引导学生理解故事1.Ask the Ss to l ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )isten to the story and think how many people are there in the story .2.The teacher presents the story of the characters .(把角色编号1、2、3、4、5)3.Listen to the ta ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )pe and think what Joe is going to do .(听完后,生回答,接着老师引出约翰在买土豆的路上发生了什么事呢?从而引出下文。4. Ask the Ss to re ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )ad the story by themselves, and then discuss the questions within the groups :Who found the golden necklace first Who throws the golden necklace Who finds the golden necklace secondly Who sells the golden necklace How much money 5.The teacher corrects answers.(串讲故事时,可以师做动作,生说句子)C: Practice 1. T shows the pictures, Ss read the sentences . 2. Students divide the story into three parts. 3. Role play.D: Consolidation and extensionDivision of pe ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )rforming a story, let the students guess the Chinese, and imitate the teacher’s stories.让学生根据老师的表演去创编故事,比如把项链换成其他吉祥物或一些学具都可以,来开发学生的思维,培养了学生的想象能力。Sum up: The g ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )olden necklace tells us we should work hard and shouldn’t think that mascots are so important.E: Homework 1. Listen and read the story.2. Recite and write the important sentences.
板书设计 Unit 3 A story ------ The golden necklace Don’t forget the potatoes. My head hurts. Stay here.Damn. My new jeans. I want to sell this necklace.
科 目 英语 年级 五年级 课题 Unit 2 Mascots(Part345) 课型 新授
主备人 单位 授课教师 单位
目 标 预 设 评论、修改
学习目标 一、1. Revise the five mascot words.2.掌握have /has got 的陈述句,一般疑问句和特殊疑问句。二、1. 小组合作2. Chant三、培养学生热爱生活,善于发现生活中的乐趣的积极情感。
重点难点 一、1. 听力的练习。2. 根据听到的内容来完成句子。3. 在班级中开展调查,然后完成表格二、1.对句型have got和它的单数第三人称及一般疑问句的理解运用2. 在说的基础上能用笔写出正确的句子。
教具学具 tape recorder ,CAI
学 习 流 程 预 设 评论、修改
教学活动 Step 1.Greetings.Step 2.Warming up.1. Sing a song根据<两只老虎>的旋律: Have you got, have ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com ) you got, a big shell, a big shell Yes, I have. Yes, I have. A big shell, a big shell.Have you got … No, I haven’t. No, I haven’t. I’ve got …2. There are so ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )me things here. They are mascots. What are they Can you guess Old words: ring necklace shell friendship band silver bells soft toy(唱歌不仅可以激发学生学英语的热情,也可以让学生在歌曲中复习单词) Step3.Presentation.1. Show the picture of necklace. OK, boys and girl ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )s, please look at the screen. What’s this What colour is it The teacher says:T: I have got a necklace. Have you got a necklace T: Now, look, I ha ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )ve got a friendship band, have you got a friendship band T: Oh, really Where is your friendship band May I have a look T: Oh, how nice, thank you.T:I have got two soft toys. Have you got a soft toy T: What about you T: What have you got T:My mascots are all gone. Where is the ring T: Oh , look, Wang has got a ring. He has got a ring.T:And where is the necklace T: Yao has got a necklace.用一个chant 来综合起来,大屏幕显示。Chant:Have you got a necklace No, I haven’t. No, I haven’t.What have you got I’ve got a ring. What has he got He’s got a silver bell. What has she got She’s got a soft toy. (通过chant,将have got, has got的用法融入句中,做到词不离句,通过说唱节奏来调动学生的积极性,活跃课堂气氛。) Step4.Practice.1. Practice the sentences in pairs. I have got a ….. He has got a ….. She has got a …. 2. Finish the listening of part 3 on the book . Then fill in the blanks of part 4 Step5. Extension. Oh, my fathe ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )r has got a car, my mother has got a bike. What about your father and your mother Then ask some pupils.Then ask in groups and answer. At last look at the ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com ) blackboard, count the flowers. Which group gets more flowers. Which group is the winner. Homework: Consolidate the sentences
板书设计 Unit 2 Mascots Have you got … Yes, I have. No, I haven’t. What have you got I have got a shell. He/She has got…
教学反思备课时间 主备人 主 备 人所在单位
复备时间 授课教师 授课教师所在单位 杜庄小学
课 题 Unit 2 Mascots(1) 课 型 Song
课时分配 1课时 第 1 课时
项 目 内 容
教 学 目 标 知 识能 力 A. 知识目标:学会运用: Neckla ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )ce, ring, shell, friendship band, soft toy, silver bell。There are mascots eve ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )rywhere. I feel easy, I feel free. Because my mascots write for me.B. 能力目标: (1) 听歌曲中的细节,填出歌词中所缺的内容。 (2) 学唱歌曲
过 程方 法 唱一唱、猜一猜、说一说、演一演、唱一唱
情感态度价值观 培养学生热爱生活,善于发现生活中的乐趣的积极情感。
教学重点 学会运用: Necklace, ring, ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com ) shell, friendship band, soft toys, silver bells.
教学难点 正确填写歌词是个难点。
教具、学具(课件)准备 tape recorder, word cards, real things of mascots.
教 学 流 程
教 学 环 节 教 师 活 动 预设学生活动
A: Warming up1. Greetings.2. Sing a song “School party”.3. Review the words about my room.4. Free talk.T: Guess, what do I collect T: I collect Mascots.出示奥运福娃T: They are Mascots of Olympics. What does ‘’Mascots” mean B: Presentation1. Tasks: Do you have mascots (板书:Mascots) 2. T: I have many mascots, too. Let’s look, what they are (出示实物)3. When a pup ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )il says a mascot with Chinese, T teaches its English word immediately and write the new word on the Bb.1) necklace课件出示项链的拼图,让学生猜是什么东西。根据发音让学生记单词2) ring课件出示戒指的拼图,让学生猜是什么东西。bring-ring3) shell 通过摸让学生说出是什么词。4) friendship band左手拿单词卡片friendship,右手拿band,反复闪现。5) soft toy课件呈现,双手成O状,教发音。6) silver bell3. Guessing games: Touch and guess. & What’s missing 4. 教师出示一个装满mascots的房间。Present new sentences and write them on the Bb.This is my room. My ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com ) room is full of mascots. There are mascots everywhere. T:I have many mas ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )cots. Where are they in my room Where’s the ring ... T: I have lots of ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )…=many mascots, There are mascots everywhere. ( T leads → read one by one →say together) C: Practice1. Listen to the song twice.2. Listen to the song again and fill in the words.3. Answer the questions.What does Emma do in the picture How is she feeling (She feels easy and free.)Why (Because her mascots write for her.)4.Ask Ss to learn to sing the song follow the tape.5. Ask Ss to sing the song together. D: Consolidation and extension1.全班同学跟着教师一起边唱歌边跳舞,表扬跳的好的同学。2.点几个跳的好的同学上前来跳,其他同学伴唱。E: Homework 1. Write the new words for 4 times.2. sing the song. Ss learn to say the word “mascots”. Learn the new words利用课件呈现单词,有助于发挥学生的想象力,并能牢记单词。Ss learn to say the new words one by one. 教师先可拿出两个房间图,一张装满Mascot ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )s的 房间,一张是空的,反复说,it is empty. It is full.让学生理解full的含义S1:There is a ring on the table.S2: There are… in/ under/ on…Ss make sente ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )nces by use “full of” “everywhere” “many” “lots of” one by one. Ss learn to sing the song follow the tape.Ss sing the song together.
板书设计 Mascotnecklace, ring, friendship band, shell, soft toys, silver bells.My room is full of mascots.There are mascots everywhere.