1. A study in Norway found that people with a strong sense of humor outlived those who don’t laugh as much. The difference was particularly notable for those (I ) battling cancer. 比…活得长
值得注意的; 显著的; 重要的
2. Creative thinking is increasingly necessary for students (D) to adapt/ to be adapted/ to adjust to changing situations and to solve problems that come up.
3. He was the father of the jazz style and also one of the best-known and most (F) admired people in the world.
A. 有益的 B. 承担 C. 合适的、适当的 D. 适应 E. 使负担
F. 受钦佩的 G. 学术的 H. 逮捕 I. 与…作战 J. 分析
4. Additional resources are always (A) beneficial when used wisely, and can increase our chances of survival. 追加资金
5. Regardless of the quality of a school, a child’s home life is of key importance as it is the determining factor of their (G) academic success.
不管,不顾 决定性因素
6. We can see in the picture that a child is (E) burdened with heavy schoolbags as well as huge mental pressure.
7. Whoever the board has appointed will (B) assume responsibility for all financial matters. 董事会 任命; 委任
A. 有益的 B. 承担 C. 合适的、适当的 D. 适应 E. 使负担
F. 受钦佩的 G. 学术的 H. 逮捕 I. 与…作战 J. 分析
8. If the pilot wants to move in a particular direction, he or she simply arises and falls to the (C) appropriate level and rides with the wind.
发生; 出现; (由…)引起; (因…)产生; 发展; 起床;
9. He was (H) arrested on suspicion of supplying drugs.
怀疑; 嫌疑
10. Another way of setting realistic goals is to (J) analyze your short and long term objectives, keeping in mind your beliefs, values and strengths.
A. 有益的 B. 承担 C. 合适的、适当的 D. 适应 E. 使负担
F. 受钦佩的 G. 学术的 H. 逮捕 I. 与…作战 J. 分析
1. The retired principal has been invited to (C) address the young students at the flag-raising ceremony on Monday.
2. That way doesn’t work. Have you got any (F) alternative suggestions
[ le bl]
3.The library assistant told her the labels should(J)be attached to the newly-bought books before they are filed away. 归档
4. I think what(A) appeals to me about his painting is the colours he uses.
A.吸引 B.倡导、主张 C. 向……讲话 D. 感激 E. 突然爆发
F. 供选择的 G. 受约束的 H. 分配 I. 应用 J. 使依附、使附着
5. After the accident, the construction workers (H) were assigned the task of rebuilding the hospital.
in victory
6. When the medical workers who rushed to Wuhan returned home in triumph, their family (E) burst into tears with great excitement.
胜利; 胜利地
7. The world of advertising is obviously less (G) bound by rules than the world of banking, so consumers may become the victims of the inferior products if they believe in the false advertisements. 受害者 劣质产品
A.吸引 B.倡导、主张 C. 向……讲话 D. 感激 E. 突然爆发
F. 供选择的 G. 受约束的 H. 分配 I. 应用 J. 使依附、使附着
8. Mr Williams enjoys free market, so he (B) advocates fewer government controls on business. [ dv ke t] 拥护; 支持; 提倡
9. The methods recommended by Chinese medical experts (I) have been applied to the treatment of COVID-19 in Italy, which has achieved great results so far.
10. I (D) would appreciate it if you could analyze the complicated passage for me in Chinese.
A.吸引 B.倡导、主张 C. 向……讲话 D. 感激 E. 突然爆发
F. 供选择的 G. 受约束的 H. 分配 I. 应用 J. 使依附、使附着
1.The mill produces what is widely (J) acknowledged to be the finest wool in the world. 那家工厂生产公认的世界最优质毛料。
工厂; 磨坊; 面粉厂
2.Before taking the photo, he (I) adjusted the focus of the camera carefully.
评估; 评定(性质、质量)
3.Three years later, a foreign expert invited to assess Xia’s condition concluded that with (C) artificial legs, Xia would be able to walk again and even climb mountains.
A. 广播 B. 对...上瘾 C. 人造的 D. 业余爱好的 E. 存取,读取
F. 说明(原因等) G. 临近 H. 供给住宿 I. 调节 J. 承认、认可
4. People (B) addicted to shopping should go to a support group to help them break this habit. 互助小组
5. The tennis championship is (A) broadcast live to several different countries. 冠军地位; 锦标赛
[ m t (r)] 自然主义者;博物学者
6. Before science became professionalized in the 19th century,
(D) amateur naturalists were helping us understand the natural world.
n. 通道; 通路; 入径; (使用或见到的)机会,权利;
vt. 访问,存取(计算机文件); 到达; 进入;
7. People will be able to (E) access our full database of over 8,000 resources, searchable by age, level, language focus and topic.
A. 广播 B. 对...上瘾 C. 人造的 D. 业余爱好的 E. 存取,读取
F. 说明(原因等) G. 临近 H. 供给住宿 I. 调节 J. 承认、认可
8.How do you (F) account for losing five games in a row You are supposed to be the champion. 连续地,接连不断地
9.With exams (G) approaching, it is a good idea to review your class notes.
10.The ship will be home to 835 cabins, and 2,435 passengers will be (H) accommodated. [ k b n]
(轮船上工作或生活的)隔间; (飞机的)座舱; (通常为木制的)小屋;
A. 广播 B. 对...上瘾 C. 人造的 D. 业余爱好的 E. 存取,读取
F. 说明(原因等) G. 临近 H. 供给住宿 I. 调节 J. 承认、认可
1. I was on the metro this morning when for no (C) apparent reason the man opposite suddenly screamed.
2. After the lockdown, members of the public are starting to be (H) aware that it’s in the interests of their own health to stay at home and keep their movements to a minimum.
3.(D)Accused of taking foreign nationality, a film actress, Ning Jing, assured fans that she had never swayed(摇摆) “for even half a second” and remained a “child of the Flame Emperor and the Yellow Emperor”.
A. 完全放弃B. 阻碍;堵塞 C. 显然的D. 指责、控告 E. 委派、任命
F. 掩埋的 G. 使警觉 H. 意识到的 I. 焦虑的 J. 与……联系起来
4. Some even use metal detectors to find (F)buried treasure or other objects. 金属探测器
5. Have you heard about Tom’s promotion He’s just been (E) appointed as director of the publishing division. 出版部门
6. Slavery was (A) abandoned in the US on 1 January 1863, with the issue by Abraham Lincoln of the Emancipation Proclamation(奴隶解放宣言).
[ m ns pe n pr kl me n]
7. A study at the University of Massachusetts found that volunteers who took an 8-week meditation (冥想) course were considerably less (I) anxious afterward. 非常; 很; 相当多地
A. 完全放弃B. 阻碍;堵塞 C. 显然的D. 指责、控告 E. 委派、任命
F. 掩埋的 G. 使警觉 H. 意识到的 I. 焦虑的 J. 与……联系起来
8. Nobody enjoys feeling guilty, but this emotion serves an important purpose: It (G) alerts a person when he or she has done something wrong.
烙印; 牌子; 商标
9. Over time, a brand develops a personality that (J) is associated with abstract concept, such as adventure, youth, wealth, individuality and freedom.
10. I tried to get through, but there were too many people (B) blocking my way.
A. 完全放弃B. 阻碍;堵塞 C. 显然的D. 指责、控告 E. 委派、任命
F. 掩埋的 G. 使警觉 H. 意识到的 I. 焦虑的 J. 与……联系起来
1.The boy was (E) bouncing a ball against the wall when I saw him.
2.If I criticize him, he gets (B) aggressive and starts shouting at people.
[ kr t sa z] 批评; 批判; 挑剔;
3.More problems like those at the nuclear power plant are certain to (J) arise. 核电厂; 核电站; 核动力装置; 核能发电厂;
4.He sent out applications whenever possible. One thing I will bet is that this (G) bold individual will be more successful than a lot of his peers that are trying to make fun of him. n.同辈,同龄人
A. 思维敏捷的、警醒的 B. 有攻击性的 C. 假定;假设D. 以拥有…为豪
E. 使弹跳 F. 呼吁/号召 G. 大胆的 H. 集合 I. 充足的 J. 产生、出现
5.In the new school, there wasn’t even a convenient place for students to (H) assemble between classes. [ sembl] 集合; 组装; 装配; 聚集; 收集;
6.Some sun creams we tested failed to give (I) adequate protection against UV light. 紫外光; 紫外线
7.Given the current economic situation, I think we can safely (C) assume that interest rates will go up again soon.
利(息)率 在讲座中
8.Taking notes is one of the best ways to stay (A) alert in lectures.
A. 思维敏捷的、警醒的 B. 有攻击性的 C. 假定;假设D. 以拥有…为豪
E. 使弹跳 F. 呼吁/号召 G. 大胆的 H. 集合 I. 充足的 J. 产生、出现
9.Ireland (D) boasts beautiful beaches, great restaurants and friendly locals.
[ a l nd] 爱尔兰
10.The police have (F) appealed to anyone with information to come forward and talk to them.
自告奋勇; 主动提供(信息)
A. 思维敏捷的、警醒的 B. 有攻击性的 C. 假定;假设D. 以拥有…为豪
E. 使弹跳 F. 呼吁/号召 G. 大胆的 H. 集合 I. 充足的 J. 产生、出现
1. There’s no point in even (J) attempting an explanation – he’ll never listen. 没有意义 [ ekspl ne n] 解释; 说明
(使)在…着陆; (使)处于…中;
2. Alex Smith is among guys who didn’t land in the best situation and were not (H) blessed with the level of talent but successfully overcame the obstacles to succeed. [ bst klz] 障碍; 阻碍
生物; 动物; (具有某种特征的)人;
3. Human beings are the only creatures capable of (C) abstract thought, which distinguishes them from other animals. 区别于
A. 唤起B. 改变 C. 抽象的 D. 把…铭刻;打烙印于 E. 简短的
F. 评价/估价 G. 出血 H. 得到...祝福 I. 迅速发展/兴旺 J. 试图/尝试
4. Sometimes, our failures and defeats cannot help but (A) arouse feelings of guilt and shame. 失败; 战败; 挫败
5. It’s still too early to (F) assess the long-term consequences of the collapse of the system that was once considered so good.
6. Although long-distance phone calls are going up, the charge for local calls will not (B) alter/ be altered. 收费; 指控; 控告
7. When the police arrived, Mrs Green was found unconscious and (G) bleeding heavily. 无意识的 [ n kɑ n s]
A. 唤起B. 改变 C. 抽象的 D. 把…铭刻;打烙印于 E. 简短的
F. 评价/估价 G. 出血 H. 得到...祝福 I. 迅速发展/兴旺 J. 试图/尝试
8. The experiences of his unhappy childhood are (D) branded on his memory.
9. The President read a (E) brief statement to reporters before boarding his plane. 简要的声明
10. Business was (I) booming, so money wasn’t a problem for this family.
A. 唤起B. 改变 C. 抽象的 D. 把…铭刻;打烙印于 E. 简短的
F. 评价/估价 G. 出血 H. 得到...祝福 I. 迅速发展/兴旺 J. 试图/尝试
1.If the editor of the magazine can really understand the pressure the photographer has suffered from, the editor will not be(E)critical of what he has done. 拍照者; 摄影师
2.It was the learning experience in Senior Three that (A) convinced us that however hard the process was, our efforts would eventually pay off.
3.When it comes to thanking people, there are many more(F) creative ways besides “thank you”.
A. 使…相信 B. 投诉 C. 宣称/声称/断言 D. 有能力的 E. 吹毛求疵的
F. 有创意的 G. 集中 H. 承诺、做出保证、致力于 I. 隐藏 J. 报道
4.It is no use (B)complaining about too much homework; you may as well learn how to manage your time properly. 只好(做);(做…)也无妨;
[ f nsi]
5.Recently the company (G)has concentrated on improving its efficiency to make profits. 效率; 效能
赢利; 盈利 [ nju z e d nsi]
6.The news agency has sent her, the seasoned reporter, to (J) cover the annual conference. 通讯社 老练的; 富有经验的;
7.The government (H) has been committed to improving health education since the outbreak. (暴力、疾病等坏事的)爆发,突然发生;
A. 使…相信 B. 投诉 C. 宣称/声称/断言 D. 有能力的 E. 吹毛求疵的
F. 有创意的 G. 集中 H. 承诺、做出保证、致力于 I. 隐藏 J. 报道
8.The company was not (D)capable of handling such a large order then.
handle的现在分词 处理,对付,对待
9.She tried to(I)conceal how she felt because she didn’t want to worry her family.
10.They (C) claim to have discovered a cure for the disease, but this has not been proved. 治疗; 疗法 疾病
A. 使…相信 B. 投诉 C. 宣称/声称/断言 D. 有能力的 E. 吹毛求疵的
F. 有创意的 G. 集中 H. 承诺、做出保证、致力于 I. 隐藏 J. 报道
1. There is no doubt that in such a(A)competitive society, keeping a sense of humor contributes to reducing pressure and promoting creative thinking. 促进; 推动; 促销; 推销; 提升; 晋升;
2. Any student caught (F)cheating will be disqualified from the exam.
3. A lot of parents take great pains to carry out a careful investigation and (I) consult many experts about which university their children should apply to. [k n s lt]
A. 充满竞争的B. 意识到的 C. 恒定的、不变的 D. 赞美 E. 现在的
F. 欺骗,作弊 G. 担忧的、关心的 H. 接近的 I. 咨询 J. 受到挑战
4. I was (B) conscious that he didn’t feel at ease, despite his efforts at conversation. 自由自在
5. The (E)current problem is whether we can finish the task in time.
6. With various methods of payment emerging, what many people are more and more (G)concerned about is whether their e-wallets are safe enough compared with cash or credit cards.
7. (D)Compliment those who you love and care about before it is too late.
A. 充满竞争的 B. 意识到的 C. 恒定的、不变的 D. 赞美 E. 现在的
F. 欺骗,作弊 G. 担忧的、关心的 H. 接近的 I. 咨询 J. 受到挑战
8. On no account can you let any difficulties beat you because you can never know how(H)close you may be to success.
9. The fridge keeps food at a (C) constant temperature.
10. Chinese is one of the most difficult languages in the world, and those who learn this language will soon find themselves (J) challenged.
A. 充满竞争的B. 意识到的 C. 恒定的、不变的 D. 赞美 E. 现在的
F. 欺骗,作弊 G. 担忧的、关心的 H. 接近的 I. 咨询 J. 受到挑战
1.There was a heavy traffic jam this morning because 12 trucks (H) congested the tunnel. [ t nl] 地道; 隧道
拥挤; 使充血; 充塞
2.The things people will do for charity never (C) cease to amaze me.
3.It’s ( B ) characteristic of the Chinese people to help others in time of such severe need. 在如此急需的时候
4.But she likes ( E ) criticizing me whenever I wear a new suit.
A.俘获; 捕获 B. 典型的、特有的 C. 停止、结束 D. 感染
E. 批评/批判 F. 至关重要/关键性的 G. 夺走(生命) H. 堵住、拥堵
I. 估算;计算 J. 开展、指挥
5. The animals ( A) are captured/were captured in nets and sold to local zoos.
6. We are (J) conducting a survey to find out what our customers think of their local bus service.
7. Parents play a ( F ) crucial/critical role in preparing their child for school.
A.俘获; 捕获 B. 典型的、特有的 C. 停止、结束 D. 感染
E. 批评/批判 F. 至关重要/关键性的 G. 夺走(生命) H. 堵住、拥堵
I. 估算;计算 J. 开展、指挥
8.Two-thirds of the adult population there has (D) contracted AIDS.
[k n tr kt d] (使)收缩,缩小; 感染(疾病); 得(病); 与…订立合同(或契约);
9.It ( I ) is/has been calculated that at least 47 000 jobs were lost last year.
10. The coronavirus ( G ) has claimed thousands of people’s lives for the past two months.
A.俘获; 捕获 B. 典型的、特有的 C. 停止、结束 D. 感染
E. 批评/批判 F. 至关重要/关键性的 G. 夺走(生命) H. 堵住、拥堵
I. 估算;计算 J. 开展、指挥
1. The books in the library (C) are classified according to subject.
2. We (H ) contributed £5 000 to the earthquake fund.
[k n tempr ri]
3. If you usually read history books, try a (A ) contemporary novel.
当代的; 现代的
4. His health (B) collapsed under the pressure of work.
5. She ( E ) commanded the release of the prisoners.
A. 当代的B. 垮塌、坍塌 C. 将…分类 D. 综合的;全面的 E. 命令
F. 征服、克服 G. 培养 H. 贡献 I. 追赶 J. 复杂的
6. No one yet has a ( D ) comprehensive plan for how we could do so again, but everyone agrees on what the biggest parts of the plan would be.
7. No matter how( J ) complicated/complex the situation was, he could
cope with it successfully.
8. Determined to be a pilot, she made up her mind to (F) conquer her fear of flying.
A. 当代的B. 垮塌、坍塌 C. 将…分类 D. 综合的;全面的 E. 命令
F. 征服、克服 G. 培养 H. 贡献 I. 追赶 J. 复杂的
9.The police car was going so fast, it must have been ( I ) chasing someone.
10.You have to ( G ) cultivate the habit of doing before knowing.
A. 当代的B. 垮塌、坍塌 C. 将…分类 D. 综合的;全面的 E. 命令
F. 征服、克服 G. 培养 H. 贡献 I. 追赶 J. 复杂的
1. The reason why he hates dark and ( F ) damp environment can date back to an unforgettable experience when he was young.
2. To the dentist’s delight, though the economy is ( H ) depressing and the business is not good, the money he deposited quietly does not drive Ceres to despair. 使沉积; 使沉淀; 将(钱)存入银行; 存储; 付(订金)
3. They had been (A) debating for several hours without reaching a conclusion.
A. 辩论/争论 B. 决定/下决心 C. 宣布/声明 D. 婉拒,谢绝
E. 破坏;拆毁;消灭 F. 潮湿的 G. 要求高的、费力的 H. 不景气的
I. 使有权利、有资格 J. 传送、递送
4. The family is so poor that the child is (J) delivering newspapers as a part-time job to support the family.
5. He tried to return to work, but found he could no longer cope with his ( G ) demanding job.
[d mɑ nd ] 要求高的; 苛求的
6. The CEO in this firm eventually ( C ) declared the news that the loan has not been paid off and it is going out of business. 贷款; 借款
停业; 破产
A. 辩论/争论 B. 决定/下决心 C. 宣布/声明 D. 婉拒,谢绝
E. 破坏;拆毁;消灭 F. 潮湿的 G. 要求高的、费力的 H. 不景气的
I. 使有权利、有资格 J. 传送、递送
提议; 建议; 动议; 求婚
7. Li Ming ( D ) declined the proposal that the school provides him with scholarship, hoping to pay the tuition by himself rather than by other’s help. [tju n] 学费
8. According to the law, full-time employees are (I) entitled to receive health insurance.
A. 辩论/争论 B. 决定/下决心 C. 宣布/声明 D. 婉拒,谢绝
E. 破坏;拆毁;消灭 F. 潮湿的 G. 要求高的、费力的 H. 不景气的
I. 使有权利、有资格 J. 传送、递送
9. That the criminal ( E ) destroyed the evidence made the policemen meet with difficulties in finding the details.
10. What surprised me/ made me surprised was that hardly had she ( B ) determined to give up sweet food when she could not help eating chocolate after seeing it.
A. 辩论/争论 B. 决定/下决心 C. 宣布/声明 D. 婉拒,谢绝
E. 破坏;拆毁;消灭 F. 潮湿的 G. 要求高的、费力的 H. 不景气的
I. 使有权利、有资格 J. 传送、递送
1. He ( E ) devoted all his life to the cause of education, which made him a great and respectable teacher. 教育事业
[ kju ze n] 指控; 控告; 谴责; 起诉; 告发
2. Despite accusations, the president (G) dismissed criticisms that the country's health policy is a mess. 批评; 批判; 责备
3. It is ordered that Eric should be ( A ) excluded from the team, for he attempts to defeat his opponents by using extreme means.
A. 把……排除在外B. 热情的 C. 强调 D. 能使人快乐的 E. 奉献
F. 漂流 G. 不予理会 H. 忍受,忍耐 I. 消除、根除 J. 浮现、显露
4. It is said that the newly-elected editor is not only friendly but also ( B ) enthusiastic .
5. It is thought that ( I ) eliminating poverty was the main task of China in the past, but now making elementary education popularized is more important. 初等教育 宣传; 宣扬; 推广; 使通俗化; 使普及
6. When we reached the top of the mountain, the sun (J) emerged from behind the clouds.
A. 把……排除在外B. 热情的 C. 强调 D. 能使人快乐的 E. 奉献
F. 漂流 G. 不予理会 H. 忍受,忍耐 I. 消除、根除 J. 浮现、显露
7. At the end of the ceremony, the principal (C) emphasized how important it is for people to learn foreign languages.
8. It appears that our enemies are ( H ) enduring the misery of lacking clothes and food. 痛苦; 悲惨; 穷困; 悲惨的生活
9. It seems that some ( D ) enjoyable experience can help girls enhance the interest in learning maths.
10. At that time, no one noticed that the boat had begun to (F) drift out to sea.
A. 把……排除在外B. 热情的 C. 强调 D. 能使人快乐的 E. 奉献
F. 漂流 G. 不予理会 H. 忍受,忍耐 I. 消除、根除 J. 浮现、显露
1. After the shooting accident, the police had to (H) examine the weapon for fingerprints. 枪击案 [ wep n]
武器; 兵器; 凶器
2. It is suggested that senior high school students should take morning exercises for an hour every day, but most of them respond that they are ( E ) exhausted . [ ɡ z st d] 筋疲力尽的; 疲惫不堪的;
3. According to the scientists, the caves ( D ) extend for some 12 miles, which are hard to reach.
A. 使暴露、使接触B. 预估、估计 C. 必要的 D. 延长、延伸
E. 耗尽的、筋疲力尽的 F. 勤奋的 G. 相等的、等同的 H. 检查
I. 不顾一切的;绝望的 J. (使)快乐、(使)有兴趣、使娱乐
4. This chemical is sensitive, so it is not wise to ( A ) expose it to the air.
敏感的; 体贴的; 体恤的
5. Most children's television programmes aim to educate and (J) entertain at the same time.
6. They'd been married nearly eight years and June was ( I ) desperate to have a child . adj. (因绝望而)不惜冒险的,不顾一切的,拼命的; 绝望的; 渴望;
7. Eight kilometers is roughly ( G ) equivalent/equal to five miles.
粗略地; 大致
A. 使暴露、使接触B. 预估、估计 C. 必要的 D. 延长、延伸
E. 耗尽的、筋疲力尽的 F. 勤奋的 G. 相等的、等同的 H. 检查
I. 不顾一切的;绝望的 J. (使)快乐、(使)有兴趣、使娱乐
8. Scientists (B) estimate/have estimated that it will take at least another two months before the virus can be contained.
包含; 含有; 容纳; 控制,克制,抑制(感情); 防止…蔓延(或恶化);
9. Government support will be (C) essential if the project is to succeed.
10. Not only are the teachers strict with the students, but also the students are ( F ) diligent in this school.
A. 使暴露、使接触B. 预估、估计 C. 必要的 D. 延长、延伸
E. 耗尽的、筋疲力尽的 F. 勤奋的 G. 相等的、等同的 H. 检查
I. 不顾一切的;绝望的 J. (使)快乐、(使)有兴趣、使娱乐
1. The athlete wanted to take some drugs to (C) enhance his performance in the race.
2. You said you didn’t smoke, but there's a (G) distinct smell of cigarettes in here.
近视的; 目光短浅的
3. I think we're being very short-sighted in not ( A ) exploiting our own oil, coal and other natural resources.
A. 开发、利用 B. 主导、支配 C. 提升 D. 从事、参加
E. 遇到、邂逅 F. 分发、分送 G. 明显的 H. 戏剧性的、引人注目的 I. 非凡的、不一般的 J. 区别、辨别
4. People who cannot (J) distinguish between colours are said to be colour-blind. 色盲的
5. Wang Yong has been driving doctors and nurses these days from Jin Yintan hospital to their own homes, which makes all of us respect this ( I ) extraordinary man.
6. For some extensive reading, for example, you need not refer to a dictionary every time you (E) encounter a new word, you could just guess the meaning and skip it.
A. 开发、利用 B. 主导、支配 C. 提升 D. 从事、参加
E. 遇到、邂逅 F. 分发、分送 G. 明显的 H. 戏剧性的、引人注目的 I. 非凡的、不一般的 J. 区别、辨别
7. Women who regularly ( D ) engage in sports and fitness activities are healthier than those who do not. 健身活动
8. The story describes a (H) dramatic scene between two people in which each has a secret and neither of them reveals the secret to the other.
揭示; 显示; 透露; 显出; 露出; 展示
A. 开发、利用 B. 主导、支配 C. 提升 D. 从事、参加
E. 遇到、邂逅 F. 分发、分送 G. 明显的 H. 戏剧性的、引人注目的 I. 非凡的、不一般的 J. 区别、辨别
国家; 民族; 国民
9. “Our nations are two global leaders, driven not to (B) dominate other nations but to build a future of security and prosperity for all nations,” Obama said following his meeting with Singh. 辛格 兴旺/繁荣/成功;
(集会或游行的)示威者; 示范者; 演示者;
10. During the protest last week, the demonstrators (F ) distributed leaflets to passers-by. 抗议; 抗议书(或行动); 反对;
A. 开发、利用 B. 主导、支配 C. 提升 D. 从事、参加
E. 遇到、邂逅 F. 分发、分送 G. 明显的 H. 戏剧性的、引人注目的 I. 非凡的、不一般的 J. 区别、辨别
1. Sometimes, schools fail to cater to the needs of (B) gifted children.
2. Thoughts of summer afternoons (F) floated through his mind while he was lying on the grass.
3. He ( D ) glanced quickly over his shoulder to see if he was being followed.
4. People of all ages walk happily along the pavement with eyes and hands ( G ) glued to the mobile phone. (马路边的)人行道; 石板铺的地面;
A. 实现 B. 有天赋的 C.根本的/基本的 D. 瞥一眼/匆匆看
E. 慷慨的、大方的 F.漂浮 G.紧附于的、粘合的
H. 起作用、正常工作 I. 提供、供应 J. 受挫、使沮丧
5. It was (E ) generous of her to contribute such a large sum to the Hope Project. 金额,款项
布置家具; 向(某人 / 某事物)供应,提供;
6. Fresh-water lakes and streams (I) furnish nearly all of our surface water supplies. 淡水湖 小河; 溪; (液)流; 地表水
7. The (C) fundamental problem lies in their inability to distinguish between reality and invention. 无能; 无力; 不能
A. 实现 B. 有天赋的 C.根本的/基本的 D. 瞥一眼/匆匆看
E. 慷慨的、大方的 F.漂浮 G.紧附于的、粘合的
H. 起作用、正常工作 I. 提供、供应 J. 受挫、使沮丧
8. The alarm system was not (H) functioning when the paintings were stolen. 报警系统
当你走上人生道路时 众多的; 许多的; [ nju m r s]
9. As you travel your life path, you will be presented with numerous lessons that you will need to learn in order to (A) fulfil/fulfill your dream.
[ kl ps]日食; 月食; (重要性、权势等的)丧失,黯然失色,
10. Forget the eclipse (衰退) yesterday; do not (J) frustrate oncoming tomorrow; cherish and take advantage of today. 即将来临的
A. 实现 B. 有天赋的 C.根本的/基本的 D. 瞥一眼/匆匆看
E. 慷慨的、大方的 F.漂浮 G.紧附于的、粘合的
H. 起作用、正常工作 I. 提供、供应 J. 受挫、使沮丧
1.Gradually, as years went by, her image began to (E) fade from my memory. 印象; 声誉; (心目中的)形象
2.There is still a (F) faint hope that she may be cured.
实际上; 几乎; 事实上
3.It is virtually impossible for a speaker to (D) fake confidence if he is not.
4.I used to (B) fancy what I would look like if wearing a long snow-like dress.
A. 未成熟的;生的B. 幻想 C. 产生、创造出 D. 伪造;假装
E. 衰退、褪色 F. 微弱的 G. 使着迷 H. 优雅的 I. 贪婪的 J. 逐渐的
5. During the spring outing, the children (G) were fascinated by the toys in the shop window. 春游
6. His handwriting, from earliest young manhood, was flowing and ( H ) graceful. 从他刚刚成年时起,他的书法就流畅而优美。
7. The new amusement park would (C) generate a lot of new jobs.
A. 未成熟的;生的B. 幻想 C. 产生、创造出 D. 伪造;假装
E. 衰退、褪色 F. 微弱的 G. 使着迷 H. 优雅的 I. 贪婪的 J. 逐渐的
8. He looked at the gold with ( I ) greedy eyes.
9. He is a ( A ) green hand as a dentist, so seldom patients dared be cured by him. 敢于; 胆敢
10. There has been a (J) gradual improvement in our sales figures over the last two years. 销售数字
A. 未成熟的;生的B. 幻想 C. 产生、创造出 D. 伪造;假装
E. 衰退、褪色 F. 微弱的 G. 使着迷 H. 优雅的 I. 贪婪的 J. 逐渐的
1.I have intended to get that photo (F) framed to make it look better.
2.I can’t stand here ( I ) gossiping all day.
[ refju d i ] 难民,避难者
3.These refugees are very ( B ) grateful to the government's timely aid.
4.The party has been ( J ) governing for seven months.
A.灵活的 B. 感激的 C. 财政的/金融的 D. 可行的 E. 凶猛的;激烈的
F. 给……设框 G.确保;保证 H. 肥沃的 I.散布流言 J.统治;管理
5. Finding the right spot to camp is the first step to (G) guarantee a good night’s sleep. 地点
6. He said the key to his business success was not forgetting to stay (A) flexible.
7. Soon after it was founded, the firm ran into (C) financial difficulties because of an improper management of funds.
A.灵活的 B. 感激的 C. 财政的/金融的 D. 可行的 E. 凶猛的;激烈的
F. 给……设框 G.确保;保证 H. 肥沃的 I.散布流言 J.统治;管理
8. The retail revival will continue only for those companies that can deal with increasingly (E) fierce competition.
9. Civilization flourished (繁荣) first on (H) fertile flooded plains.
10. Steady advances in digital memory technology are making mass-storage devices technologically (D) feasible.
A.灵活的 B. 感激的 C. 财政的/金融的 D. 可行的 E. 凶猛的;激烈的
F. 给……设框 G.确保;保证 H. 肥沃的 I.散布流言 J.统治;管理
1.The reforms are motivated by a (B) genuine concern for the disabled.
[ d enju n]真正的; 真诚的
2. As the treatment began to take effect, her headaches became less (G) frequent. 见效; 见效;开始起作用;
3. People need time to (F) grieve after the death of a loved one.
4. Even though future changes are difficult to (J) foresee, a general calculation is possible and necessary. 通用计算
A. 同意/准予 B. 真的、真诚的C. 光荣的;辉煌的 D. 系牢 E. 掌握
F. 悲痛 G. 频繁的 H. 内疚的;羞愧的 I. 预测;预报 J. 预见;预知
5. The report (I) forecasts that the price of petrol will rise by 3% next month. 汽油
6. I feel ( H ) guilty about not looking after her well because of my busy work.
7. They failed to (E) grasp the importance of the teacher’s words.
A. 同意/准予 B. 真的、真诚的C. 光荣的;辉煌的 D. 系牢 E. 掌握
F. 悲痛 G. 频繁的 H. 内疚的;羞愧的 I. 预测;预报 J. 预见;预知
8.Better a ( C ) glorious life than a shameful life.
9. I was ( A ) granted permission to visit the palace
10. The plane is going to take off. Please (D) fasten your seat belt.
A. 同意/准予 B. 真的、真诚的C. 光荣的;辉煌的 D. 系牢 E. 掌握
F. 悲痛 G. 频繁的 H. 内疚的;羞愧的 I. 预测;预报 J. 预见;预知
1.The waitress was wild with joy because she received a very (E) handsome tip. 欣喜若狂
2.To their surprise, the new headmaster (B) handled the situation very well.
3.It's very (A) handy having a light above your desk.
4.After (G) harvesting, most of the crop is stored in large buildings.
A. 便利的/有用的 B. 处理 C. 加热 D. 使高亮/突出 E. 可观的/慷慨的
F. 钩住 G. 收获 H. 给予荣誉 I. 谦恭的 J. 虚伪的、空洞的
5. The milk is too cold, and so I need to (C) heat it up in the microwave oven.微波炉
6. The report (D) highlights/highlighted the major problems that we should pay more attention to.
[ h l ]
7. An open enemy is better than a (J)hollow friend, so be sincere.
A. 便利的/有用的 B. 处理 C. 加热 D. 使高亮/突出 E. 可观的/慷慨的
F. 钩住 G. 收获 H. 给予荣誉 I. 谦恭的 J. 虚伪的、空洞的
8. Paul (F)hooked his tractor to the car and pulled it to safety.
9. Before he retired, he was (H) honored with an award for excellence in teaching. 获得卓越教学奖
10. Don’t be so arrogant (自负的), and be (I)humble enough to learn from your mistakes.
A. 便利的/有用的 B. 处理 C. 加热 D. 使高亮/突出 E. 可观的/慷慨的
F. 钩住 G. 收获 H. 给予荣誉 I. 谦恭的 J. 虚伪的、空洞的
1. Nanshan Zhong has been appointed to (E) head the medical team.
2. People who are most likely to get infectious diseases from wild animals include those who work in live animal markets and rural villagers who (C) hunt and butcher (屠戮) wild animals.
3. What really (H) hurt was that he never answered my message.
A. 遮掩/隐藏 B. 堆起 C. 追捕/猎取 D. 可怕的 E. 为......的首领、带领
F. 大量的 G. 严厉的 H. 使痛苦 I. 触碰 J. 有历史意义的
4. Customers are asked not to (I) handle the exhibits in the shop.
5. I heard a (D) horrible noise. I have never heard anything like it and I am scared.
6. This is a (J) historic opportunity for China and China has seized it.
A. 遮掩/隐藏 B. 堆起 C. 追捕/猎取 D. 可怕的 E. 为......的首领、带领
F. 大量的 G. 严厉的 H. 使痛苦 I. 触碰 J. 有历史意义的
7. The gardener began to (B) heap up the fallen leaves and cleared the yard. [hi p]
8. She struggled to (A) hide her disappointment, but her facial expression betrayed her.
9. Don't be too (G) hard on him—he's very young.
10. If found guilty, they face (F) heavy/huge fines or even prison.
A. 遮掩/隐藏 B. 堆起 C. 追捕/猎取 D. 可怕的 E. 为......的首领、带领
F. 大量的 G. 严厉的 H. 使痛苦 I. 触碰 J. 有历史意义的
1. She doesn't want to (D) be hurried into making a decision.
[s l br tiz] 名人; 名流名望; 名誉; 著名;
2. Celebrities from the film and music industries will (G) host a fund-raising dinner for him next week.
保证; 担保
3. We can’t guarantee the Olympics will be (F) held because the coronavirus continues to spread in Japan
4. It (B) happened that she was out when we called.
A. 朝…行进 B. 碰巧 C. 危害 D. 催某人、赶紧 E. 犹豫
F. 举办 G. 做为主人组织聚会 H. 幽默的 I. 家喻户晓的 J. 递给
5. Recently, scientists have discovered that some of the chemicals found in sunscreen and other personal health products also (C) harm the health of coral reefs. 防晒霜 个人健康产品
6. In his speech, he gave a (H) humorous account of their trip to Spain.
7. I was (A) heading out of the room when she called me back.
A. 朝…行进 B. 碰巧 C. 危害 D. 催某人、赶紧 E. 犹豫
F. 举办 G. 做为主人组织聚会 H. 幽默的 I. 家喻户晓的 J. 递给
8. Will you help me to (J) hand out the materials for the lecture
9. He never (E) hesitates to make criticism that he thinks is helpful to others. 他从不犹豫地提出他认为对他人有帮助的批评。
10. She delivered such a mature performance in the film that she became an instant (I)household name in Korea.
立即的,即刻的 她在电影中表现得如此成熟,她立刻在韩国家喻户晓。
A. 朝…行进 B. 碰巧 C. 危害 D. 催某人、赶紧 E. 犹豫
F. 举办 G. 做为主人组织聚会 H. 幽默的 I. 家喻户晓的 J. 递给
1.He (D)inquired at the Metro service center about the way to the Shanghai City Planning Exhibition Hall.
2. Washing hands frequently is one of the effective ways to avoid being (C)infected by Corona Virus Disease 2019.
3.Please (E) inform us of any change of address as soon as possible.
[ l k h mz]
4.The police were confused, and Sherlock Holmes was called in to (I) investigate. 警察很困惑,夏洛克·福尔摩斯被叫去调查
A. 发行/发布 B. 内部的/内在的 C. 传染/感染 D.询问 E. 通知/告知
F. 清白的/无罪的 G. 较差的/地位低下的 H. 使卷入/涉及 I. 调查
J. 使隔离,使孤立
5.The doctor said that the suspected cases need to be (J)isolated and observed for 14 days in the isolation zone. [z n] [ a s le t d]
6.According to evidence gathered by police and immigration officers, many had been (H)involved in criminal activity. 移民局官员
落后的; 倒退的 犯罪活动
7.The students from poor and backward countryside needn’t feel they themselves are (G)inferior to the others.
A. 发行/发布 B. 内部的/内在的 C. 传染/感染 D.询问 E. 通知/告知
F. 清白的/无罪的 G. 较差的/地位低下的 H. 使卷入/涉及 I. 调查
J. 使隔离,使孤立
8.They had to decide - on the basis of the legal arguments put forward - whether the defendant was guilty or (F) innocent. 法律论据
被告人; 被告;
9.A new law has been (A)issued that income tax will be further raised.
10.When you can adjust and control your (B)internal/inner world, anything is possible to accomplish or improve from the outside.
A. 发行/发布 B. 内部的/内在的 C. 传染/感染 D.询问 E. 通知/告知
F. 清白的/无罪的 G. 较差的/地位低下的 H. 使卷入/涉及 I. 调查
J. 使隔离,使孤立
1. People are so used to such electronic products as mobile phones and computers that it is hard to (F)imagine what life would be like without them. 电子产品
2. Outer space is no longer (I)inaccessible to man, which was unimaginable. 人类不再无法进入外层空间,这是无法想象的。
3. Figures released (C)indicate/indicated a 2% increase in unemployment in the south east.
A. 提供信息的 B. 打算/意欲 C. 表明 D. 最早的/最初的E. 识别/鉴定
F. 想象 G. 智力的 H. 给……深刻的印象 I. 不可接近的 J. 继承
4. (D) Initial reports say that seven people have died, though this has not yet been confirmed. [ n l]
5. Blood type, like hair colour and height, is (J) inherited from parents.
[ n her t d]
6. This is an interesting and highly (A) informative book.
执行; 强制执行; 强迫
7. The department is responsible for enforcing laws for the protection of (G) intellectual property rights on copyright and trademarks 商标
知识产权 版权; 著作权
A. 提供信息的 B. 打算/意欲 C. 表明 D. 最早的/最初的E. 识别/鉴定
F. 想象 G. 智力的 H. 给……深刻的印象 I. 不可接近的 J. 继承
8. The gunman in Wednesday's attack has been (E) identified as Lee Giggs, an unemployed truck driver.
9. People are deeply (H) impressed by Tom Holland’s wonderful performance in the film Spider-Man:Homecoming. 蜘蛛侠:英雄归来
10. Advertising is (B)intended to attract consumers, but it is up to the consumers to decide whether to buy a product.
A. 提供信息的 B. 打算/意欲 C. 表明 D. 最早的/最初的E. 识别/鉴定
F. 想象 G. 智力的 H. 给……深刻的印象 I. 不可接近的 J. 继承
1. Through the years the Red Cross has (F) inspired millions of men, women and children to devote time and care to the service of others.
2. What surprised us was that the bookworm was (I) ignorant of the news that Shanghai Greenland Shenhua won the championship of 2017 CFA Cup. 书迷; 书虫;书呆子 冠军地位
(Chinese Football Association Cup中国足协杯)
3. Trade between the two countries was (J) interrupted by the war.
贸易; 交易
4. It's (D ) inevitable that doctors will occasionally make mistakes.
A. 忽视 B. 模仿 C. 安装 D. 不可避免的 E. 开始实施,发起
F. 鼓舞/激起 G. 个体的 H. 阐释、举例说明 I. 无知的 J. 打断、中止
5. Since the outbreak of the COVID-19, they received a number of (G) individual donations from people around the world.
6. Safety regulations (A) are/were ignored by company managers in the drive to increase profits. 提高效益; 提高利润
7. The company will now (E) initiate the new agreement on vacation time and sick days. [ n ie t , n i t] 新协议
A. 忽视 B. 模仿 C. 安装 D. 不可避免的 E. 开始实施,发起
F. 鼓舞/激起 G. 个体的 H. 阐释、举例说明 I. 无知的 J. 打断、中止
8. The adults drank their tea in a ceremonious manner, and the children (B) imitated them. 以隆重的方式 [ ser m ni s]
9. You can use photos, charts and diagrams to (H) illustrate key points of your presentation. 图表 简图; 图解; 图表; 示意图;
10. If you buy air-conditioners now, they are (C) installed free of charge by manufacturers.[ m nj f kt r z]
生产者; 制造者
A. 忽视 B. 模仿 C. 安装 D. 不可避免的 E. 开始实施,发起
F. 鼓舞/激起 G. 个体的 H. 阐释、举例说明 I. 无知的 J. 打断、中止
1. We must protect older people from harm, whether it is real or (I) imaginary. [ m d n ri]
[ n ve t v]
2. He was one of the most creative and (C) innovative inventors of his generation.
3. Some parents want to (A) impose their own moral values on their children. 道德价值
A.强加 B. 勤勉的 C. 革新的 D. 注射、注入 E. 实施
F. 给……保险 G. 投资 H. 解读、诠释 I. 虚构的 J. 侮辱、辱骂
4. She was not only capable but also (B) industrious, so her boss decided to promote her. [ n d stri s] 勤奋的; 勤劳的
[ pr p ti]
5. Now is not a good time to (G) invest in the property market.
6. It's difficult to (H) interpret these statistics without knowing how they were obtained. (尤指经努力)获得,赢得
7. Try to (D) inject a bit of enthusiasm into your performance.
A.强加 B. 勤勉的 C. 革新的 D. 注射、注入 E. 实施
F. 给……保险 G. 投资 H. 解读、诠释 I. 虚构的 J. 侮辱、辱骂
8. I can’t bear it anymore. First he drank all my wine and then he (J) insulted all my friends.
[ n s lt] [ mpl ment]
9. These reforms have now been widely (E) implemented in schools.
10. It is wise to (F) insure your property against storm damage or fire.
所有物; 财产; 财物; 不动产; 房地产; 房屋及院落; 庄园; 性质
A.强加 B. 勤勉的 C. 革新的 D. 注射、注入 E. 实施
F. 给……保险 G. 投资 H. 解读、诠释 I. 虚构的 J. 侮辱、辱骂
1. Both the company and the staff benefit a lot from the ( I ) flexible working hours. [stɑ f] 工作人员
2. The child’s capacity (A) to absorb information is amazing.
[k p s ti] 容量; 容积; 容纳能力
3. All the people ( D ) concerned/ involved have to make explanations for it. 解释; 说明 [ ekspl ne n]
A. 吸收/吸纳 B. 令人愉快的 C. 索要/索取 D. 涉及的/相关的
E. 淘汰 F. 卓越的、尊贵的 G. 使慢慢排去/消耗 H. 有影响的
I. 有弹性的;灵活的 J. 达不到的;不可接近的
4. He described it as a very ( B ) agreeable/delightful place located within two small hills in the midst of which flowed a great river.
....在中间 流动; 流
5. After a day’s hard work, I felt ( G ) drained of energy.
6. As one of the most important figures in local politics, she holds the belief that what she says is ( H ) influential.[ nflu en l]
有权势的; 有支配力的
7. She ( C ) claimed damages from the company for the injury she had suffered. 她要求公司赔偿她所受的伤害。
A. 吸收/吸纳 B. 令人愉快的 C. 索要/索取 D. 涉及的/相关的
E. 淘汰 F. 卓越的、尊贵的 G. 使慢慢排去/消耗 H. 有影响的
I. 有弹性的;灵活的 J. 达不到的;不可接近的
8.The audience burst into applause when the ( F ) distinguished guest walked on the stage. [ pl z] 掌声; 鼓掌; 喝彩
9.Without ( E ) being eliminated from the early stage of the match, the team successfully reached the final.
10.The island is ( J ) inaccessible to visitors unless they take a boat or a helicopter. [ hel k pt (r)] 直升机
A. 吸收/吸纳 B. 令人愉快的 C. 索要/索取 D. 涉及的/相关的
E. 淘汰 F. 卓越的、尊贵的 G. 使慢慢排去/消耗 H. 有影响的
I. 有弹性的;灵活的 J. 达不到的;不可接近的
1. To be admitted to the university he had been dreaming of, Tom (A) enrolled on all the courses recommended by his teachers, only to find that he didn’t have enough time.
隔离[ a s le t]
2. The proposal put forward by the pupil about how to isolate those infected patients is worth considering, for it is (G) feasible to some extent.
反对 在某种程度上,在一定程度上
3. The villagers object to building a dam over the river to protect the wild animal (B) inhabiting both banks. 水坝; 拦河坝
A. 报名参加/注册 B. 栖息/居住于 C. 吃惊、惊奇 D. 具有欺骗性的
E. 发展、前进 F. 极重要的、关键的 G. 可行的 H. 提倡、主张
I. 使…有权利、使有资格 J. 专注于
4.With the medical technology (E) advancing/ developing we firmly believe that it will not be long before we defeat this epidemic.
[ ep dem k]流行病
5.The newly-issued rule only applying to the emergency has played a (F) critical/ crucial role in preventing the disease from spreading.
6.We (C) were amazed that the doctors still kept calm in such an emergency yesterday.
(amaze是一种高兴的惊奇,隐含一种被impress到的感觉;而astonish只是惊讶,是一种强烈的surprise,因此这里只能填be amazed)
A. 报名参加/注册 B. 栖息/居住于 C. 吃惊、惊奇 D. 具有欺骗性的
E. 发展、前进 F. 极重要的、关键的 G. 可行的 H. 提倡、主张
I. 使…有权利、使有资格 J. 专注于
7. In order for the cake to taste good, some manufacturers (H) advocate the use of additives.[ d t vz] (尤指食品的)添加剂,添加物
8. With his eyes (J) glued to the screen of the cell phone, Tom didn’t sense the potential risk/danger approaching him.
9. Appearances are often (D) deceptive, so you cannot always trust what you see. [d sept v] 骗人的; 欺骗性的; 误导的;
代表作; 杰作; 名著
10. The students in our school (I) are entitled to free access to the library housing masterpieces and manuscripts. 手稿
A. 报名参加/注册 B. 栖息/居住于 C. 吃惊、惊奇 D. 具有欺骗性的
E. 发展、前进 F. 极重要的、关键的 G. 可行的 H. 提倡、主张
I. 使…有权利、使有资格 J. 专注于
1. Research has long shown that cooperation and social support are (E) fundamental to happiness.
2. My partner is a producer and was recently (H) diagnosed with a rare disease. 制作人
3. I was (B) convinced that we were doing the right thing.
A.和…有关系 B.坚信的 C. 习得 D. 缓冲
E.基本的、根本的 F.实施 G. 欺骗 H.诊断
I.即时的、立即的 J.布置、分配
4. In Washington State, nearly all the cases reported so far have been (A) associated/ connected with nursing homes.
5. It’s very important to realize that (C) acquiring a language requires massive exposure to that language.
6. He broke the news of my brother's death to me, making no effort to (D) cushion the blow. [ k n]
A.和…有关系 B.坚信的 C. 习得 D. 缓冲
E.基本的、根本的 F.实施 G. 欺骗 H.诊断
I.即时的、立即的 J.布置、分配
7. When I give my live-streaming course, I share my notebook on the screen and check students’ responses in the (I) instant messaging group.
8. The district government (J) assigned some civil servants (公务员) to work in four shifts every day to help arrange travelers’ registration and quarantine procedures. 转换; 变换; 班; 轮班; 登记; 注册; 挂号
[ kw r nti n] (为防传染的)隔离期; 检疫;
A.和…有关系 B.坚信的 C. 习得 D. 缓冲
E.基本的、根本的 F.实施 G. 欺骗 H.诊断
I.即时的、立即的 J.布置、分配
[ mpl ment] [ str nd nt]
9.The government stressed to (F) implement the most stringent(严格的) measures to prevent and control the spread of the virus.
10. You can't pass exams without working, so don't (G) deceive yourself into thinking that you can.
A.和…有关系 B.坚信的 C. 习得 D. 缓冲
E.基本的、根本的 F.实施 G. 欺骗 H.诊断
I.即时的、立即的 J.布置、分配
1.Your paycheck will be automatically (E) deposited into your account.
工资 自动地;机械地;无意识地
2.We can't (A) assume the suspects to be guilty simply because they've decided to remain silent. 嫌疑犯
3.If one of them (D) confesses and the other doesn’t, one will go free and the other suspect will get 20 years in jail.
A.假定,假设,认为 B.有利的,有用的 C.麻烦、费工夫
D.供认,坦白,承认 E.将(钱)存入银行、存储 F.随函附寄、围起
G.强加;征税 H.无知的 I.令人受挫的 J.保证
4.Why (C) bother to go abroad, when there are so many good universities here at home
5.No law can possibly meet the convenience of everyone; we must be satisfied if it is (B) beneficial on the whole and to the majority.
6. Please return the completed application form, (F) enclosing a recent photograph.
A.假定,假设,认为 B.有利的,有用的 C.麻烦、费工夫
D.供认,坦白,承认 E.将(钱)存入银行、存储 F.随函附寄、围起
G.强加;征税 H.无知的 I.令人受挫的 J.保证
7. Although at times learning a language was (I) frustrating , it was well
worth the effort. 有时,间或;
8. The merchant (J) guaranteed that the color of the material would not fade. [ m t nt] 商人
A.假定,假设,认为 B.有利的,有用的 C.麻烦、费工夫
D.供认,坦白,承认 E.将(钱)存入银行、存储 F.随函附寄、围起
G.强加;征税 H.无知的 I.令人受挫的 J.保证
9.Many water scooter (水上摩托) operators are inexperienced and (H) ignorant of navigational (导航) rules, which increases the potential for accidents.
10.The US could (G) impose punitive tariffs (关税) of up to 100% on some countries’ exports. [ pju n t v t r fs]
[ k sp t , eksp t]
v. n.
美国可能会对某些国家的出口商品征收高达100% 的惩罚关税。
A.假定,假设,认为 B.有利的,有用的 C.麻烦、费工夫
D.供认,坦白,承认 E.将(钱)存入银行、存储 F.随函附寄、围起
G.强加;征税 H.无知的 I.令人受挫的 J.保证
1. Having bought the house, they couldn't afford to (D) furnish it.
[ e la nz]航空公司
2. When airlines cancel or delay flights for more than three hours, passengers can be (E) entitled to compensation (赔偿) of ?250-?600 ( 230- 555) under EU rules. 根据欧盟规则 [j r ]
(European Union)
3. The government has (G) encountered/faced strong opposition to its plans to raise income tax. [ p z n]
政府的提高所得税计划遭到强烈反对. 对抗; (强烈的)反抗;
A. 遗弃 B. 主导、支配 C. 消耗 D. 提供家具 E. 使有权利/使有资格
F. 广泛的 G. 面临、遭遇 H. 有争议的 I. 故意的 J. 灵活的
4. The move is the latest sign that police forces in Britain are eager to
embrace the ( H ) controversial technology, which has been criticized for
抱; 拥抱; 欣然接受
invading privacy and increasing state powers of surveillance. 监控
侵犯隐私 增加国家监督权 [s ve l ns]
5. The price rise caused many readers to (A) desert/abandon the magazine.
A. 遗弃 B. 主导、支配 C. 消耗 D. 提供家具 E. 使有权利/使有资格
F. 广泛的 G. 面临、遭遇 H. 有争议的 I. 故意的 J. 灵活的
6. My schedule is quite (J) flexible - I could arrange to meet with you any day next week.
7. The industry is ( B ) dominated by five multinational companies, so it is important that you investigate them. 跨国公司
A. 遗弃 B. 主导、支配 C. 消耗 D. 提供家具 E. 使有权利/使有资格
F. 广泛的 G. 面临、遭遇 H. 有争议的 I. 故意的 J. 灵活的
8. Huge imports were ( C ) draining the country's currency (货币) reserves.
9. They moved on, stepping with ( I ) deliberate slowness up the steep paths. 陡峭的; 陡的; 急
10. Developments in South Africa receive ( F ) extensive coverage in The Sunday Telegraph. 覆盖范围(或方式); 新闻报道
南非的事态发展在The Sunday Telegraph得到广泛报道。
A. 遗弃 B. 主导、支配 C. 消耗 D. 提供家具 E. 使有权利/使有资格
F. 广泛的 G. 面临、遭遇 H. 有争议的 I. 故意的 J. 灵活的
1. The new TV program will (G) feature highlights from recent games.
预算; 政府的年度预算
2. Not to exceed (超过) the yearly budget, the Jones have decided to substitute an (B) economical car for their luxury one. [ l k ri] 奢华的
3. Money donation from the public has been used mainly to (H) fund/ finance the medical treatment for the poor.
A. 有区别的/明显的 B. 节俭的/节约的 C. 即刻的、紧接的
D. 强调;加强……语气 E. 展出;显示 F. 个体的;单独的
G. 以……为特色 H. 提供资金给 I. 使用、利用 J. 评价;鉴定
4. There's a lot of evidence that oily fish, as (A) distinct from fatty meat, has a beneficial effect. 有益的影响 油性鱼类 不同于
此处不能填写different,as distinct from已经成为了一个固定搭配
as distinct from fatty meat是形容词短语作非限制性定语,相当于非限制性定语从句which are as distinct from fatty meat
5. WHO claims that the needs of the COVID-19 affected nation must be (J) evaluated before it offers any suggestion.
6. Since you don’t have long-term goal, what are your plans for the (C) immediate future
A. 有区别的/明显的 B. 节俭的/节约的 C. 即刻的、紧接的
D. 强调;加强……语气 E. 展出;显示 F. 个体的;单独的
G. 以……为特色 H. 提供资金给 I. 使用、利用 J. 评价;鉴定
7. Like it or not, no one can deny that his dressing shows a highly (F) individual style typical of avant-garde (先锋派).
不管喜不喜欢 [ i v ɡɑ d] 前卫的; 先锋派的; 标新立异的;
8. In this experiment, statistical analysis was (I) employed to obtain these results.
A. 有区别的/明显的 B. 节俭的/节约的 C. 即刻的、紧接的
D. 强调;加强……语气 E. 展出;显示 F. 个体的;单独的
G. 以……为特色 H. 提供资金给 I. 使用、利用 J. 评价;鉴定
9.The mayor’s speech (D) emphasized the importance of attracting industry to the town.
10.When people (E) exhibit/display continued tiredness and memory loss, they need to see their doctor as soon as possible.
A. 有区别的/明显的 B. 节俭的/节约的 C. 即刻的、紧接的
D. 强调;加强……语气 E. 展出;显示 F. 个体的;单独的
G. 以……为特色 H. 提供资金给 I. 使用、利用 J. 评价;鉴定
1. The film of Youth inevitably reminded the old audience of the(F) innocent days when they worked together.
这部关于青春的电影不可避免地让老观众想起了天真无邪,在一起工作的日子。 膨胀; 扩张; 扩展; 扩大;
2. She has some (D) ambitious expansion plans for her business.
3. The study found those chemical exposure levels could be (J)equivalent to between one and 10 cigarettes by the end of the movie.
A. 捕捉/捕获 B. 相当大的 C. 脆弱的 D. 有雄心的、具有远大志向的
E. 谨慎的/小心的 F. 天真无邪的 G. 使警觉 H. 不果断的 I. 光秃秃的
J. 等同于的、等效的
4. There is no denying that Wuhan Lockdown has made a (B)considerable difference in preventing Coronavirus spreading further.
5. The passengers are increasingly(G)alerted by the police to take care of their luggage in case they are missing.
6. (C) Delicate plants need to be kept in a greenhouse during the winter.
A. 捕捉/捕获 B. 相当大的 C. 脆弱的 D. 有雄心的、具有远大志向的
E. 谨慎的/小心的 F. 天真无邪的 G. 使警觉 H. 不果断的 I. 光秃秃的
J. 等同于的、等效的
7. This accident highlights why we need to be exceptionally (E)cautious when testing and applying autonomous vehicle technologies to public roads. 特别/非常
改变观点; (尤指)转持相反观点,来一个180度的大转弯;
8. The president's flip-flops on taxes made him appear(H)indecisive, which often led to bitter criticism from his opponents .
A. 捕捉/捕获 B. 相当大的 C. 脆弱的 D. 有雄心的、具有远大志向的
E. 谨慎的/小心的 F. 天真无邪的 G. 使警觉 H. 不果断的 I. 光秃秃的
J. 等同于的、等效的
9.In winter, rice fields were(I) bare and brown, but there was the
anticipation of spring planting just around the corner.
期待; 预期; 期望; 期盼
10. It is no secret that the photos(A) capture the lives of working class at the turn of the century.
A. 捕捉/捕获 B. 相当大的 C. 脆弱的 D. 有雄心的、具有远大志向的
E. 谨慎的/小心的 F. 天真无邪的 G. 使警觉 H. 不果断的 I. 光秃秃的
J. 等同于的、等效的
1. Mr. Brown had no alternative but (B) to approach the bank manager for a loan. 布朗先生别无选择,只能向银行经理申请贷款。
2. Both countries (C) border on the Black Sea.
3. The sad news (D) cast a shadow over the single mother.
[ kr n k] 蒙上阴影
4. Chronic (慢性的) diseases now impose heavy burden on poor and (J) disadvantaged populations. 强制实行; 推行
A. 熄灭 B. 接近、接洽 C. 与……接壤 D. 扔、投 E. 缓慢移动
F. 宏伟的、壮丽的 G. 开发、利用 H. 实施 I. 假的
J. 处于不利地位的、弱势的
5. As resources are limited, we need to make sure that we (G) exploit our resources as fully as possible.
6. My friends thought it would be funny to trick me with a (I)fake winning lottery ticket.
7. The Nobel Prize is a (F) grand occasion each year.
A. 熄灭 B. 接近、接洽 C. 与……接壤 D. 扔、投 E. 缓慢移动
F. 宏伟的、壮丽的 G. 开发、利用 H. 实施 I. 假的
J. 处于不利地位的、弱势的
8.Please ( A ) extinguish your cigarettes once you enter the building.
9.The government promised to (H) implement a new system to control financial loan institutions.
10.He (E) inched his way through the narrow passage.
A. 熄灭 B. 接近、接洽 C. 与……接壤 D. 扔、投 E. 缓慢移动
F. 宏伟的、壮丽的 G. 开发、利用 H. 实施 I. 假的
J. 处于不利地位的、弱势的
1. Tampa slumbered (v. 睡眠) a little fishing village while East Coast beach towns began to (B) boom as vacation resorts in the late 1800s.
[ sl mb d] 睡; 睡眠; 旅游胜地
2. How do you (D) demonstrate that the pressure remains constant
你如何证明压力是恒定的? 恒定的; 不断的 [ k nst nt]
A. 主张、拥护 B. 繁荣 C. 考虑周到的、体贴的 D. 论证、示范
E. 认真的、诚挚的 F. 民主的 G.做手势 H. 空的、空洞的 I. 模仿 J. 具体的
[ ju θ ne zi ]
3.Those who (A) advocate euthanasia (安乐死) say the terminally ill should not have to suffer. 安乐死 患绝症的
4.We must accept the results of a (F) democratic election.
我们必须接受民主选举的结果。 [ dem kr t k]
A. 主张、拥护 B. 繁荣 C. 考虑周到的、体贴的 D. 论证、示范
E. 认真的、诚挚的 F. 民主的 G.做手势 H. 空的、空洞的 I. 模仿 J. 具体的
5. It was something of a (H) hollow victory - she won the case but lost all her savings in legal fees.
6. We've got a general idea of what we want, but nothing (J) concrete/detailed at the moment.
7. To view and treat historical issues with an (E)earnest and responsible attitude is good for improving relations with other countries.
A. 主张、拥护B. 繁荣 C. 考虑周到的、体贴的 D. 论证、示范
E. 认真的、诚挚的 F. 民主的 G.做手势 H. 空的、空洞的 I. 模仿 J. 具体的
8. He expressed gratitude to the King for his warm reception and (C) considerate arrangement.
9. Some parrots can (I) imitate sounds and repeat words and sentences.
10. After dinner, my father (G) gestured to me that it was time to go.
A. 主张、拥护B. 繁荣 C. 考虑周到的、体贴的 D. 论证、示范
E. 认真的、诚挚的 F. 民主的 G.做手势 H. 空的、空洞的 I. 模仿 J. 具体的
1. Farmers often hired immigrant workers from Asia and Mexico to plant, (F) harvest and pack these foods. 移民工人
2. She says that the goods and services provided by nature—like clean air, rain or (H) fertile soils—should not be taken for granted.
[ f ta l] 不应被视为理所当然。
3. There was an(A)awkward moment when she didn't know whether to shake his hand or kiss his cheek. [ kw d]
A. 笨拙的/尴尬的 B. 生育/繁殖 C. 一把抓来/夺来D. 以拥有…为豪
E. 潮湿的 F. 收割G. 把…强加于 H. 肥沃的 I. 当代的 J. 优美/ 优雅的
4.The town (D) boasts a world-famous art gallery.
5.He eventually founded his own advertising firm as well as a journal for (I) contemporary arts, and he opened a gallery in Shanghai. [ d nl]
[ ɑ m str ] 重大事件 画廊 杂志
6.Armstrong summed up the momentous event with one simple, (J) elegant phrase: “That’s one small step for man, one giant step for mankind.” 这是人类的一小步,也是人类的一大步。
7.Many animals (B) breed only at certain times of the year.
A. 笨拙的/尴尬的 B. 生育/繁殖 C. 一把抓来/夺来D. 以拥有…为豪
E. 潮湿的 F. 收割G. 把…强加于 H. 肥沃的 I. 当代的 J. 优美/ 优雅的
8.Those rooms are very (E) damp and cold and the walls drip with water.
9.It was noticeable how a few people managed to (G) impose their will on the others.
10.He just (C) grabbed the bag from my hand and ran off.
A. 笨拙的/尴尬的 B. 生育/繁殖 C. 一把抓来/夺来D. 以拥有…为豪
E. 潮湿的 F. 收割G. 把…强加于 H. 肥沃的 I. 当代的 J. 优美/ 优雅的
1. The moon(B)emerges/emerged from behind the clouds.
2. Jim had just been on a run and was (H) dripping with sweat.
3. Along with carrying out the nine-year(J)compulsory education, the rural education took great development.
鉴于这种情况 航空公司
4. In light of this situation, you can ask the airline company to send you information on how to(G)assess/evaluate the value of your lost belongings.
A. 授予/给予 B. 浮现/露出 C. 故意的 D. 表明 E. 捆绑/结合 F. 收缩
G. 对…进行估价/评定 H. 滴下 I. 明显的 J. 义务的、强制的
5. Colors have no nationality, they speak all languages, and they have(E) bound all the images together.
6. Witnesses say that the gun firing was a (C) deliberate act.
目击者说枪击是蓄意的。 [d l b r t , d l b re t]
7. Metals (F) contract as they get cooler.
A. 授予/给予 B. 浮现/露出 C. 故意的 D. 表明 E. 捆绑/结合 F. 收缩
G. 对…进行估价/评定 H. 滴下 I. 明显的 J. 义务的、强制的
8.Chaikovsky( 柴可夫斯基)was given a state funeral — the first commoner(平民) to be(A) granted this honour.
9.Testing results(D)indicated that the calculation and analysis were right.
10.We have seen an(I) evident/ apparent effect of the reform in some fields of the natural monopoly (垄断) industries.
[m n p li]
A. 授予/给予 B. 浮现/露出 C. 故意的 D. 表明 E. 捆绑/结合 F. 收缩
G. 对…进行估价/评定 H. 滴下 I. 明显的 J. 义务的、强制的
A. 国内的 B. 做预算 C.坐下/倒下 D. 解读/诠释 E. 衰败、腐烂
F. 堆积 G. 巨大的 H. 助长、助燃 I. 开始,发起 J. 爆炸、爆发
1. I went to the dentist to have my (E) decayed tooth removed.
2. (B)Budgeting can be as simple as making a pen-and-pape