A.评判 B. 跪下 C. 编织 D. 挤满,塞满 E. 为…提供正当理由、
F. 资历较浅的 I. 羡慕的、嫉妒的 H. 渴望的 G. 绑架 J. 共同的
1. The stadium was (D) jammed and the police had to turn away hundreds of disappointed fans. 拒绝…进入
2. It is not in his nature to be (I) jealous of other people's good fortune.
3. Both companies are involved in the (J) joint development of the new car.
4. The UN withdrew its relief personnel because it (A) judged the situation too dangerous. 救援人员
A.评判 B. 跪下 C. 编织 D. 挤满,塞满 E. 为…提供正当理由、
F. 资历较浅的 I. 羡慕的、嫉妒的 H. 渴望的 G. 绑架 J. 共同的
5. (F) Junior team members were afraid to question or disagree with senior team members' decisions. 初级团队成员不敢质疑或反对高级团队的决定。
6. They found it hard to (E) justify their son's giving up a secure well-paid job. 他们发现很难为儿子放弃一个有保障的高薪找到一个正当的理由。
7. At the meeting, 100 citizens who were (H) keen on becoming volunteers were honored by the government.
在会上,100 名热衷于当志愿者的市民受到了政府的表彰。
A.评判 B. 跪下 C. 编织 D. 挤满,塞满 E. 为…提供正当理由、
F. 资历较浅的 I. 羡慕的、嫉妒的 H. 渴望的 G. 绑架 J. 共同的
8. Police appealed to the public for witnesses after a woman was
(G) kidnapped. [ k dn pt] 劫持; 绑架
9. Other people were (B) kneeling, but she just sat.
10. Emily (C) (had) knitted her son some socks before he went to college.
A. 法律的/合法的 B. 发射/发起 C. 倚靠/靠在 D. 跳/跃 E. 放置/下蛋
F. 用标签标明 G. 缺乏,不足 H. 泄露 I. 知识渊博的 J. 瘸的/跛的
1. They talk to business experts, lawyers and other(I) knowledgeable people. 他们与商业专家、律师和其他知识渊博的人交谈。
2. All the products are (F) labelled with comprehensive instructions.
3.The two countries signed an agreement to jointly(B) launch satellites.
A. 法律的/合法的 B. 发射/发起 C. 倚靠/靠在 D. 跳/跃 E. 放置/下蛋
F. 用标签标明 G. 缺乏,不足 H. 泄露 I. 知识渊博的 J. 瘸的/跛的
4. (G) Lacking self-confidence and maturity, many teenagers are left feeling very vulnerable. [ v ln r bl] 脆弱的; (身体上或感情上)
5.David had to pull out of the Championships when his horse went(J) lame.
大卫的马跛了,他不得不退出锦标赛。 [le m]
A. 法律的/合法的 B. 发射/发起 C. 倚靠/靠在 D. 跳/跃 E. 放置/下蛋
F. 用标签标明 G. 缺乏,不足 H. 泄露 I. 知识渊博的 J. 瘸的/跛的
6. I was thinking when someone (E) laid his hand on my shoulder.
7.The details were supposed to be secret but somehow(H) (were) leaked out. 这些细节本应是秘密的,但不知怎么泄露了出去。
8.They have been campaigning to improve the(A) legal status of women.
A. 法律的/合法的 B. 发射/发起 C. 倚靠/靠在 D. 跳/跃 E. 放置/下蛋
F. 用标签标明 G. 缺乏,不足 H. 泄露 I. 知识渊博的 J. 瘸的/跛的
9. It is dangerous to(C) lean out of the window while the bus is in motion.
10. The share price is likely to(D) leap upwards due to the election of a new president.
A. 装载/装货 B. 沿...形成行 C.有读写能力的 D. 批准/发许可证
E. 水平的 F. 提起,抬高 G. 与……联系 H. 训斥,教训 I. 解放
J. 热烈的,激烈的
1. Did you come out here to(H) lecture me or to help me
2. The two pictures are not quite (E) level -- one is higher than the other.
3. In this backward country, over one-quarter of the adult population are not fully (C ) literate. [ l t r t] 有文化的; 有读写能力的
A. 装载/装货 B. 沿...形成行 C.有读写能力的 D. 批准/发许可证
E. 水平的 F. 提起,抬高 G. 与……联系 H. 训斥,教训 I. 解放
J. 热烈的,激烈的
4.People thought technology had the power to(I) liberate them from hard work. [ v ksi n]
5.They had(D) licensed the firm to produce the new flu vaccine (疫苗).
6. He used his incredible sense of humour to(F) lift my spirits.
7.Thousands of local people(B)lined the streets and clapped as the president went by.
A. 装载/装货 B. 沿...形成行 C.有读写能力的 D. 批准/发许可证
E. 水平的 F. 提起,抬高 G. 与……联系 H. 训斥,教训 I. 解放
J. 热烈的,激烈的
8.The representatives gathered together and had a (J) lively discussion.
[ repr zent t v] 代表
9.Try not to (G) link your sense of self-worth to the opinions of others.
10.The driver usually spends four hours or so helping to (A) load and prepare his lorry.
A. 奢侈地(adv.) B. 贷款 C.文学的 D. 忠诚的 E. 乱扔,乱丢
F. 空闲的、闲暇的 G. 使变平 H. 放松 I. 定位、找到……的位置
J. 松的
1. You should ( G ) level the wet cement before it sets.
你应该在湿水泥凝结之前把它弄平。 [s ment] 水泥; 胶合剂
2. Don't (E) litter at random and take away your waste paper and plastic
bags when leaving. 随机地; 胡乱地; 任意地
3. The bank was unwilling to (B) loan him that quantity of money.
A. 奢侈地(adv.) B. 贷款 C.文学的 D. 忠诚的 E. 乱扔,乱丢
F. 空闲的、闲暇的 G. 使变平 H. 放松 I. 定位、找到……的位置
J. 松的
4. Her (C) literary criticism focuses on the way great literature suggests
ideas. [ l t r ri]
5. The investigation team couldn't ( I ) locate the source of the radio signal.
6. The radio wasn't working because of a (J) loose connection in the wires.
7. Most people now enjoy shorter working hours and more ( F ) leisure time.
A. 奢侈地(adv.) B. 贷款 C.文学的 D. 忠诚的 E. 乱扔,乱丢
F. 空闲的、闲暇的 G. 使变平 H. 放松 I. 定位、找到……的位置
J. 松的
8. Be (D) loyal , keep promises, remember our missions and tasks to
become an integrate Shanghai youngster.
v. 整合; (使)合并,成为一体; (使)加入,融入群体;
adj. 完全的;
[l ɡ ri s]
9. The dining-room is ( A) luxuriously furnished and carpeted.
10. Your run should be at an easy, comfortable pace, which helps
(H) loosen up your muscles.
你的跑步应该是安逸的, 舒服的速度, 这可以放松你的肌肉。
A. 维持B. 主修 C.(大量)制造 D. 中间的、适中的 E. 军事的
F. 值得纪念的 G. 测量 H. 开采 I. 壮丽的;宏伟的 J. 欢乐的/轻快的
1. It's a problem all of us face: you have limited time with the person that
you want to talk with and you want to make this talk (F) memorable.
2. This course is an elective course for undergraduates who(B) major in Chinese. (尚未获得学士学位的)大学生
[ m s t u s ts]
3. Under the law in Massachusetts, tobacco companies have to (G) measure the nicotine content of every type of cigarette and report the results.
根据马萨诸塞州的法律, 烟草公司必须测量每种烟草的尼古丁含量。
A. 维持B. 主修 C.(大量)制造 D. 中间的、适中的 E. 军事的
F. 值得纪念的 G. 测量 H. 开采 I. 壮丽的;宏伟的 J. 欢乐的/轻快的
4.Only by keeping down costs will America (A) maintain its competitive advantage over other countries.
5. The government has threatened to take (E) military action if the rebels do not withdraw from the area.
政府警告,如果叛乱分子不从该地区撤出,就要采取军事行动。 叛军
6.He has started to (H) mine coal secretly.
pron. 我的; 矿;
n. 地雷; 矿; 矿井; 水雷;
v. (在某地)开矿,采矿; 布雷于; 埋雷于; 用雷炸毁(车辆)
7.We can design and (C) manufacture different kinds of products according to customers’ different demand.
A. 维持B. 主修 C.(大量)制造 D. 中间的、适中的 E. 军事的
F. 值得纪念的 G. 测量 H. 开采 I. 壮丽的;宏伟的 J. 欢乐的/轻快的
8.As we climbed to the top of the hill, a (I) magnificent view opened out before us.
[m ɡ n f snt]
9. Signs of (J) merry life could be seen everywhere after the bumper harvest.
n. (汽车头尾的)保险杠;
adj. 异常大的; 丰盛的;
v. 碰(杯);把(酒杯)斟满;干杯;
[ s di m]
10. Foods that contain only (D) medium levels of sodium (钠) are bread, cakes, milk, butter and margarine. [mɑ d ri n]
仅含中等水平钠的食品(钠) 是面包、蛋糕、牛奶,黄油和人造黄油。
A. 主要的/重大的 B. 记住/熟记 C. 作记号于 D. 奇特的、绝妙的
E. 精通,掌握 F. 纪念性的;追悼的 G. 反映出 H. 神秘的
I. 绘制...的地图 J. 成熟的;明白事理的
1. The team has achieved some (D) marvelous/mysterious results with this new drug.
[m m ri l]
2.This was not a (F) memorial service but a celebration of his life.
3.Their victory in America was still remembered as a (A) major turning
point in the history of Rock and Roll.
A. 主要的/重大的 B. 记住/熟记 C. 作记号于 D. 奇特的、绝妙的
E. 精通,掌握 F. 纪念性的;追悼的 G. 反映出 H. 神秘的
I. 绘制...的地图 J. 成熟的;明白事理的
4. One good way to (E) master the ideas of an article is to make an outline
of it. 写概要是掌握文章内容的一个好方法。
5. She was careful to (C) mark her place before she shut the book.
6. Every soldier needs to (B) memorize one English word a day and one everyday sentence per week.
7. Archaeologists commonly use computers to (I) map sites and the landscapes around sites. 考古学家通常使用计算机绘制遗址和周围景观的地图。
A. 主要的/重大的 B. 记住/熟记 C. 作记号于 D. 奇特的、绝妙的
E. 精通,掌握 F. 纪念性的;追悼的 G. 反映出 H. 神秘的
I. 绘制...的地图 J. 成熟的;明白事理的
8. Students who take a gap year are often more(J)mature and responsible, he said. [m t (r)]
Gap year在国外是非常流行的,一般常见于青少年在中学毕业之后、读大学之前腾出一年的时间来进行一些自己感兴趣的活动.
9. Anxiously I went to bed dreaming about what I would find at the top of
this (H )mysterious/marvelous mountain.
10. If something (G )mirrors something else, it has similar features to it, and therefore seems like a copy or representation of it.
A. 和...相配 B. 成熟;成长 C.海洋的;航海的 D. 行军;行进
E. (使)现代化 F. 体力的 G.营销,推销 H. 精神的;智力的
I. 要紧;有关系 J. 设法对付
1. The underwater computer is the invention of a (C) marine technologist in Australia. [m ri n]
水下计算机的发明者是澳大利亚的一位海 洋技术专家。
2.The inventor is trying to (G) market his new product.
3.Many older people don't begin to experience physical and (H) mental decline until after age 75.
4.This program was aimed at combining brain work with (F) manual labour.
A. 和...相配 B. 成熟;成长 C.海洋的;航海的 D. 行军;行进
E. (使)现代化 F. 体力的 G.营销,推销 H. 精神的;智力的
I. 要紧;有关系 J. 设法对付
5. The curves of the buildings perfectly (A) match the rise and fall of hills, forming a unique view.
6. The commander waved to the soldiers to (D) march on.
7. All these questions must be answered if we want to (E) modernize
national defence. 国防
A. 和...相配 B. 成熟;成长 C.海洋的;航海的 D. 行军;行进
E. (使)现代化 F. 体力的 G.营销,推销 H. 精神的;智力的
I. 要紧;有关系 J. 设法对付
8.Dreaming about whether you would want to read minds, see through walls, or have superhuman strength may sound silly, but it actually gets to the heart of what really (I )matters in your life.
9. He just wanted to prove just how much he (B) had matured both as a player and as a man.
10. I don't know how I (J) managed it during that dark period, but here I am, all in one piece. 完好无缺,安然无恙
A. 共同的;相互的 B.搞糟;弄乱 C.痛苦的; D. 错过 E. 搞错;误会 F. 道德上的 G.(向...)做手势 H. 激发...积极性
I. 修改,更改 J. 监控,检测
1. A really bad cold pulls him down and leaves him feeling very
(C) miserable.
2. No one should (E) mistake how serious the issue is.
3. She (G) motioned to the waiter, and he came over and asked what she wanted.
A. 共同的;相互的 B.搞糟;弄乱 C.痛苦的; D. 错过 E. 搞错;误会 F. 道德上的 G.(向...)做手势 H. 激发...积极性
I. 修改,更改 J. 监控,检测
4.Our challenge is to (H) motivate those voters and inspire them to join our cause.
5.You do not have security permission to create or (I) modify the contents of the Inbox folder.
6. (A) Mutual respect is necessary for any partnership to work.
7. Man is gifted with a (F) moral sense by which he distinguishes good from evil.
A. 共同的;相互的 B.搞糟;弄乱 C.痛苦的; D. 错过 E. 搞错;误会 F. 道德上的 G.(向...)做手势 H. 激发...积极性
I. 修改,更改 J. 监控,检测
8. Don’t (B) mess the files around, I've just put them in order.
定期; 周期性
9. Meetings are held periodically to (J) monitor progress on the case.
10. Her marriage with a serious music critic has drawn her to his world, so she is now crazy about classical music and will not (D) miss any chance to attend a concert with her husband.
A.协商 B. 使...现代化 C.忽视 D. 以姿势示意 E. 神秘的
F. 稍加改变、使改进 G. 互相的 H. 注意到 I. 适度的 J. 无数的
1. First of all, if we want to stay competitive, we need to (B) modernize our factory.
2. Hardly had Mr. Smith got into the room when he (H) noticed
my presence.
3. Instead of simply punishing them, the system encourages offenders to
(F) modify their behaviour.
A.协商 B. 使...现代化 C.忽视 D. 以姿势示意 E. 神秘的
F. 稍加改变、使改进 G. 互相的 H. 注意到 I. 适度的 J. 无数的
4. When all attempts to (A) negotiate have failed, strike action should be regarded as a last resort. 求助,诉诸; 常去; 采取某手段或方法
5. There have been (J) numerous trials to see if it might reduce cancer risk. Some of these have found a benefit, while others have not.
6. She smoked and drank, (C) neglected the children, and left the clothes unmended.
7. He (D) motioned (to) me to sit down.
A.协商 B. 使...现代化 C.忽视 D. 以姿势示意 E. 神秘的
F. 稍加改变、使改进 G. 互相的 H. 注意到 I. 适度的 J. 无数的
8.The continuation of the business relationship between us is based not only on the quality and competitive cost of the products and services you provide, but also (G) mutual trust and respect.
9. A(E)mysterious illness is affecting all the animals.
10. (I) Moderate exercise, such as walking or swimming, is recommended.
A. 测量 B. 维护/保养 C. 正常化 D. 大规模制造 E. 高尚的/贵族的
F. 值得注意的 G. 修饰 H. 有营养的 I. 差点、勉强地 J. 负面地
1.There are many procedures involved in the (D)manufacture of food
that result in greenhouse gases and other pollutants.
2. Wholemeal bread is more (H) nutritious than white bread.
[ h lmi l] 全麦的
[ k l ɡr m] [ s nt mi t ] [skwe (r) mi t z]
3. People in many countries use kilograms, centimeters, square meters
(A) to measure things. 千克/公斤 厘米 平方米
A. 测量 B. 维护/保养 C. 正常化 D. 大规模制造 E. 高尚的/贵族的
F. 值得注意的 G. 修饰 H. 有营养的 I. 差点、勉强地 J. 负面地
4. In the sentence 'She ran quickly', the adverb 'quickly' (G) modifies the
verb 'ran'.
5. The roads around the town have been very poorly (B) maintained.
6. Relations between the countries were formally (C) normalized in 1997.
7.He was an upright and (E) noble man who was always willing to help in any way he could. 直立的;正直的;诚实的; 规矩的;
A. 测量 B. 维护/保养 C. 正常化 D. 大规模制造 E. 高尚的/贵族的
F. 值得注意的 G. 修饰 H. 有营养的 I. 差点、勉强地 J. 负面地
8. The proposed new structure is (F) notable not only for its height, but for its shape.
9.Take-off and landing procedures have been tightened after two jets
(I) narrowly escaped disaster.
10.If you are thinking (J) negatively, it means you will be always a loser.
A. 命名 B. 道德的 C. 悲惨的、可怜的 D. 泥泞的 E. 乘以
F. 给…编号 G.激励 H. 移动的 I. 谦虚的 J. 反映
1.The film was a (C)miserable commercial failure both in Italy and in the United States.
2. The book inevitably (J) mirrors my own interests and experiences.
3.The rapid development of the wireless communications network has laid
a foundation for the (H) mobile library. 无线通信网络
A. 命名 B. 道德的 C. 悲惨的、可怜的 D. 泥泞的 E. 乘以
F. 给…编号 G.激励 H. 移动的 I. 谦虚的 J. 反映
4. All the seats in the theatre (F) are numbered, so check your tickets carefully and make sure you don’t take others’ seats.
5. Be (I)modest about one’s achievements; learn from good examples of others while capitalizing on one’s own strengths.
capitalize on/upon sth 充分利用;从…中获得更多的好处
6.Geographical and environmental qualities which include knowledge
quality, (B)moral quality and behavior quality are essential qualities
of people's life and production.
A. 命名 B. 道德的 C. 悲惨的、可怜的 D. 泥泞的 E. 乘以
F. 给…编号 G.激励 H. 移动的 I. 谦虚的 J. 反映
7. Emergency braking on a (D)muddy or slippery road can easily cause a
side skid or even an overturn, fall or collision with other vehicles and the
8. Their son is going to (A) be named after their later father,John.
9. Some people argue that examinations do not (G) motivate a student
to seek more knowledge.
10. What do you get if you (E) multiply six by nine 六乘以九
A. 淘气的 B. 割(草)等 C. 相互的、共有的 D.监控、监测
E. 即、也就是说 F. 中立的 G. 裸的 H. 不停地 I. 核心的 J. 共计
1.The bacteria are hardly visible to the (G) naked eyes.
2. Journalists are supposed to be politically (F)neutral.
记者应该在政治上保持中立。 [ nju tr l] 中性的; 中立的
3.Whenever Daniel's little sister was asked to do something, she always had a (A)naughty reply.
[m ] 修剪; 割(草、谷类植物等)
4. Spring has come. It's time (B) to mow the lawn again.
[l n] 草坪; 草地
5. Patients who are given the new drug will be asked (D) to monitor their progress.
[ mju t u l] 相互的; 共同的
6. Mr. Smith is our (C) mutual friend.
7. We need to concentrate on our target audience, (E) namely women aged between 20 and 30.
8. When I got up, the morning sky was full of huge clouds and everything looked as if it had been raining (H)nonstop. 看起来好像雨下个不停。
A. 淘气的 B. 割(草)等 C. 相互的、共有的 D.监控、监测
E. 即、也就是说 F. 中立的 G. 裸的 H. 不停地 I. 核心的 J. 共计
9. As the extended family erodes, he said, the (I) nuclear family will become dominant. [ r d] 侵蚀; 削弱; 腐蚀
10. They told me that their village (J) numbered 100.
A. 淘气的 B. 割(草)等 C. 相互的、共有的 D.监控、监测
E. 即、也就是说 F. 中立的 G. 裸的 H. 不停地 I. 核心的 J. 共计
A. 反对 B. 总体的 C. 遵守 D. 使…有义务;强迫 E. 占据
F. 相反的 G. 冒犯 H. 偶尔的 I. 运转;操作 J. 命令
1.As a workaholic, problems at work continued to (E) occupy his mind for some time at home. [ w k h l k] 工作狂,工作迷,醉心于工作的人
2.The freshman (A) objected to the professor’s proposal in public, which made the professor embarrassed. [ b d ekt] 不同意; 不赞成
3.He isn’t a full-time employee here. He works for us on an
(H) occasional basis. 偶然的,临时的,不是常态的
A. 反对 B. 总体的 C. 遵守 D. 使…有义务;强迫 E. 占据
F. 相反的 G. 冒犯 H. 偶尔的 I. 运转;操作 J. 命令
4. Though we have freedom of speech, we still can't (G)offend others
by our remarks. [r mɑ k] 言论; 评论
5. I watched them leave and then drove off in the (F) opposite direction.
[ d enr l] 一般的; 总的; 普遍的; 大致的
6.“Come here at once!” the general (J) ordered angrily.
n.将军; (陆军、海军陆战队或美国空军)上将;
[ bla d ] 迫使; (以法律、义务等)强迫
7. Parents are (D) obliged by law to send their children to school.
A. 反对 B. 总体的 C. 遵守 D. 使…有义务;强迫 E. 占据
F. 相反的 G. 冒犯 H. 偶尔的 I. 运转;操作 J. 命令
8.When she finished painting, she stepped back to admire the
(B) overall effect. 退一步
9.Please (C) observe the rule about not walking on the grass.
10.When someone laughs, everything inside him will (I) operate more healthily and more efficiently.
A. 归功于 B. 忽视 C. 克服 D. 超(车) E. 列大纲
F. 外在的 G. 溢出 H. 海外的 I.以……为方向、使适应 J. 预订
1. This is a course that (I) is oriented towards the needs of businessmen
这是一门面向商界人士需求的课程。 [ rient] 朝向;确定方向; 确定方位
2. At the award ceremony, he (A) owed his success to hard work.
颁奖仪式; 颁奖晚会
3. Eventually she managed (C) to overcome her shyness in class by raising her hand to ask one important question.
4. In spite of my ( F ) outward calm I was very shaken inside.
A. 归功于 B. 忽视 C. 克服 D. 超(车) E. 列大纲
F. 外在的 G. 溢出 H. 海外的 I.以……为方向、使适应 J. 预订
5. Last month, I ( J ) ordered a new computer from the supplier. [s pla (r)]
供应商; 供货商
6. Compared with the domestic investment, (H) overseas investment has
had a positive effect on exports. [ eksp t]
出口; 输出; 传播,输出
[k v] 曲线,弧线; (道路的)弯曲处
7. It's dangerous to (D) overtake in a curve of a road.
A. 归功于 B. 忽视 C. 克服 D. 超(车) E. 列大纲
F. 外在的 G. 溢出 H. 海外的 I.以……为方向、使适应 J. 预订
[me (r)] 市长 [ a tla n] 概述; 略述; 显示…的轮廓
8. The mayor (E) outlined his plan to clean up the town's image, and the abstract is very brief.
n. 摘要; (文献等的)概要; 抽象派艺术作品
adj. 抽象的(与个别情况相对); 纯理论的
vt. 提取; 抽取; 分离; 把…抽象出; 写摘要
9. Pour in some water, but not all of it, because it will probably(G) overflow.
10. It is dangerous that we usually (B) overlook all sorts of warning signals about our own health.
A. 原创的 B.反对 C. 杰出的/出色的 D. 在头顶的/上面的
E. 命令 F. 欠(钱) G. 获得 H. 压制 I. 起源于 J. 超过
1. Italy's economy (J) has overtaken that of its nearest competitors in the
past few months.
2. She turned on the (D) overhead light and looked around the little room.
3. The general (E) ordered him to leave the room.
4. I'll repay the money that I ( F) (have) owed them next week.
A. 原创的 B.反对 C. 杰出的/出色的 D. 在头顶的/上面的
E. 命令 F. 欠(钱) G. 获得 H. 压制 I. 起源于 J. 超过
5. Your life only lasts for a few decades, so be sure that you don't leave
any regrets. Laugh or cry as you like, and it’s meaningless to (H)oppress
yourself. [ pres]
6. The Lion King is very famous for its (A) original music.
[ k l m]
7. To (G) obtain the overall score, add up the totals in each column.
要得出总计得分,就把各栏的小计加起来。 (报刊的)专栏,栏目; 纵队; 纵行
[ θli t] 运动员; 健儿
8. Jack is an ( C)outstanding athlete and deserved to win.
A. 原创的 B.反对 C. 杰出的/出色的 D. 在头顶的/上面的
E. 命令 F. 欠(钱) G. 获得 H. 压制 I. 起源于 J. 超过
9. The game, although called "Chinese checkers," did not (I)originate in
China. It was invented in Germany in 1892.
10.Another reason why I (B)oppose going abroad for studies is that it would cost a considerable sum of money.
相当大的; 相当多(或重要等)的; 值得注意的,著名的; 值得尊敬的;
A.客观的 B. 明显的 C. 发生 D. 奇怪的 E. 冒犯的
F.官方的 G.省略 H. 乐观的 I. 口腔的 J. 有秩序的
1.The organizers guided them in an (J) orderly fashion out of the building.
2.Despite the fact that I have tried to be (A) objective, the book inevitably mirrors my own interests and experiences.
3.Consequently, she succeeded in making a kind of candy only using
natural sweeteners, which can reduce (I) oral bacteria.
A.客观的 B. 明显的 C. 发生 D. 奇怪的 E. 冒犯的
F.官方的 G.省略 H. 乐观的 I. 口腔的 J. 有秩序的
4. It never (C) occurred to me that Tom would be elected chairman of the Students’ Union.
5. It's quite (B) obvious by now that there isn't enough people to fill the
330,000 vacant positions. [ ve k nt p z n] 空(职)位
6. What she did was unforgivable, but the (D) odd thing was he didn't seem to mind. 不可原谅的; 难以饶恕的
[ m t] 省略; 忽略; 遗漏; 删除
7. You need (G) omit all unnecessary details in writing the report.
A.客观的 B. 明显的 C. 发生 D. 奇怪的 E. 冒犯的
F.官方的 G.省略 H. 乐观的 I. 口腔的 J. 有秩序的
8. His comments were deeply (E) offensive to a large number of single
mothers. 他的评论深深冒犯了许多单身母亲。
9. How many (F) official documents have been transcribed into Braille
(盲文) for blind people [tr n skra bd] [bre l]
[ k sli] 小心地,谨慎地;
10.They are cautiously (H) optimistic that the reforms will take place.
A.隐蔽的/私密的 B.打包 C. 平行的 D.使产生偏见 E.便携的/轻便的
F. 出示、递交 G.中断、暂停 H.怀孕的 I.潜在的 J.参与
[ l su t] n. 诉讼; 起诉
1.To win the lawsuit, the crafty defense lawyer has been trying to
(D) prejudice the jury against the accuser.
2.You must (F) present your passport to the customs officer before you leave the country.
3.Let's find some (A) private spot where we can discuss the matter.
A.隐蔽的/私密的 B.打包 C. 平行的 D.使产生偏见 E.便携的/轻便的
F. 出示、递交 G.中断、暂停 H.怀孕的 I.潜在的 J.参与
4.The headmaster encourages students to learn to be highly responsible and (J) (to) participate fully in the running of the college.
5.The ballerina leaned forward so that her body was almost (C) parallel to the ground. [ b l ri n ] 芭蕾舞女演员 [ p r lel]
抽出; 放过; 免去; 饶恕; 赦免; 留出; 使逃脱; 拨出; 匀出; 省得;
6.Her daddy spared her just one hour because he thought that it would not take her long (B) to pack the few clothes she would need.
A.隐蔽的/私密的 B.打包 C. 平行的 D.使产生偏见 E.便携的/轻便的
F. 出示、递交 G.中断、暂停 H.怀孕的 I.潜在的 J.参与
7.The widely respected professor (G) paused for a sip of tea before continuing his lecture. 一小口
8.With rapid development of science and technology, computers become lighter, smaller, and more (E) portable every year.
A.隐蔽的/私密的 B.打包 C. 平行的 D.使产生偏见 E.便携的/轻便的
F. 出示、递交 G.中断、暂停 H.怀孕的 I.潜在的 J.参与
9.Your baby depends on you to look after yourself properly while you are (H) pregnant.
10.With the help of the result of the previous research, we are aware of the (I) potential problems and have taken every precaution to prevent the cancer from developing. [pr k n] 预防
A.授予,呈递 B. 奇怪的 C.精确的 D.逐步的
E. (不好的事物)持续 F.多产的;富有成效的
G. 与…相似、与……相比拟 H.拥有, 持有 I.张贴 J. 坚持,执意
1.The killer was still at large with the streets of the city at night swallowed by fear, which urged the officials (I) to post more warning notices.
2.The professor was very pleased (A) to have been presented with the Nobel Prize for his unparalleled contribution to world peace.
[ s mpt mz] 症状; 征兆; 征候;
3.After Jenny’s symptoms (E) had persisted for more than 3 days, Jenny finally made a call to her family doctor.
A.授予,呈递 B. 奇怪的 C.精确的 D.逐步的
E. (不好的事物)持续 F.多产的;富有成效的
G. 与…相似、与……相比拟 H.拥有, 持有 I.张贴 J. 坚持,执意
4.Most of us are more (F) productive in a quiet place where we are not going to be interrupted.
压倒性的; 巨大的; 势不可挡的; 无法抗拒的;
5.Since the evidence against Jenny was overwhelming, why did she
(J) persist in denying that it was her fault
6.Fewer and fewer young people are willing to get married, thus there has been a (D) progressive decrease in population every year in this city.
A.授予,呈递 B. 奇怪的 C.精确的 D.逐步的 E. 持续 F.多产的;富有成效的 G. 与…相似、H.拥有, 持有 I.张贴 J. 坚持,执意
7.These countries were all found guilty of illegally (H) possessing nuclear weapons.
8.–“She is a lot older than you, isn't she ”
–“Fifteen years, to be (C) precise .”
9.He follows in his father’s footsteps, so his career (G) parallels that of his father.
10.I knew something was wrong because there was a (B) peculiar smell in the kitchen...
A. 珍贵的,宝贵的 B. 开创 C. 延迟 D. 假装 E. 为……所特有
F. 挑剔的、讲究的 G. 润色 H. 先前的 I. 倾泻 J. 变苍白
1.Early in the morning, we awoke to bright sunlight (I) pouring in through the window.
2.Because of the outbreak of COVID-19, after he spent four months in a foreign country, every minute at home was ( G ) precious to him.
3.This is a species of bird (E) peculiar to China.
4.According to the history book, this approach (B) was pioneered by an American scientist Dr. William.
A. 珍贵的,宝贵的 B. 开创 C. 延迟 D. 假装 E. 为……所特有
F. 挑剔的、讲究的 G. 润色 H. 先前的 I. 倾泻 J. 变苍白
5.The match ( C ) was postponed to the following Saturday because of bad weather. [p sp nd] 延期; 延迟; 展缓
6.She was once a fashion designer, so she’s very (F) particular about what she wears.
7.She ( J ) paled with shock at the news.
A. 珍贵的,宝贵的 B. 开创 C. 延迟 D. 假装 E. 为……所特有
F. 挑剔的、讲究的 G. 润色 H. 先前的 I. 倾泻 J. 变苍白
8. Teachers will evaluate students based on the their (H) previous work.
9. Do you think the best way to stay optimistic is to (D) pretend that things are really okay when they're not
10. To (G) polish up your article, you can use more figures of speech such as metaphors(比喻).
A.相当地,颇 B.苍白的 C.给...定价 D. (使)恐慌 E.申请专利
F.在场的 G.坚持不懈 H. 某个特别的 I.珍视 J.将水抽入......
1. After careful consideration, they ( C ) priced the shoes by 50 dollars at last.
2. I still ( I ) prize all those old photos, which was the memory of my childhood.
3. The money raised will be used to dig holes ( J ) to pump water into the dried-up lake.
A.相当地,颇 B.苍白的 C.给...定价 D. (使)恐慌 E.申请专利
F.在场的 G.坚持不懈 H. 某个特别的 I.珍视 J.将水抽入......
4. Realizing that I had made a serious mistake, I made a sincere apology to the people ( F ) present .
5.Stephen is going to be ( A ) pretty upset when he finds out how you tricked him.
6.After hearing the sad the news, her face turned ( B ) pale .
7.Guests ( D ) panicked and screamed when the bomb exploded.
A.相当地,颇 B.苍白的 C.给...定价 D. (使)恐慌 E.申请专利
F.在场的 G.坚持不懈 H. 某个特别的 I.珍视 J.将水抽入......
8. Every student should choose one (H) particular area for research before they can obtain the diploma.
9.The real winner in sport are those who know how to( G )persevere/persist
and to behave with dignity--- whether they win or lose a game.
10.The invention has been ( E ) patented by the university, so the right to use it is protected by law.
A. 预览、预习 B. 污染 C.有赢利的 D.阻止 E. 赞杨、表扬
F.最重要的 G.祈祷,乞求 H.描绘 I.保护、保存 J.阳性的
[ b t riz] 电池 [d skɑ d] 丢弃; 抛弃
1. Old batteries can't be discarded casually even when they are no longer useful, because they'll ( B ) pollute the environment.
[ pr f t bl] 赢利的; 有利可图的;
2. It is usually more ( C ) profitable to sell goods directly to the public instead of selling them to shop owners.
[ d nju b] [ pr ns pl] 主要的; 最重要的
3. The Danube (多瑙河) is one of the (F ) principal rivers of Europe.
A. 预览、预习 B. 污染 C.有赢利的 D.阻止 E. 赞杨、表扬
F.最重要的 G.祈祷,乞求 H.描绘 I.保护、保存 J.阳性的
4.The ancient Egyptians knew ways (I ) to preserve dead bodies from decay.
[d ke ] 衰减; (使)腐烂
5.Mark said the ideas were Katie's own, and also ( E ) praised her talent.
6. Though they were written a century or more ago, these words
( H ) portrayed very accurately the situation or challenge in which we all find ourselves in these days. [p tre ] 描绘; 表现;
7. If an athlete is tested (J) positive for some substances, he will be banned from the game. [ s bst ns]物质; 实质; 根据;
A. 预览、预习 B. 污染 C.有赢利的 D.阻止 E. 赞杨、表扬
F.最重要的 G.祈祷,乞求 H.描绘 I.保护、保存 J.阳性的
8. Looking to the future, though, we asked him what the prospects are for a vaccine ( D ) to prevent infection in the first place. [ pr spekt]
[ v ksi n] 疫苗; 菌苗; [ n fek n] 传染; 传染病; 前景; 展望; 希望
9.He (G) prayed to the heaven every day that his sight might be restored.
[r st (r)] 恢复
10. Before the class, please open this file with your preferred browser to ( A ) preview the article. 首选浏览器
A.按压/挤压 B.突然跌落陷入 C. 适当的 D. 漂亮的/可爱的 E.捕食
F. 毒害 G. 以...自豪 H. 现在的 I.政治的 J. 无能为力的
1. Hawks (老鹰) usually (E ) prey on small birds.
[h ks] 鹰; 隼; 主战分子; 鹰派分子 无根据的; 凭空的; 毫无理由的
2. Suspicion and jealousy, however ill-founded, can ( F ) poison a marriage. 怀疑和嫉妒,无论多么没有根据,都会毒害婚姻。
3. A well-known British physician pointed out recently that hearts, as well as the bodies, need ( C ) proper exercise. [f z n] 医师; (尤指)内科医生
A.按压/挤压 B.突然跌落陷入 C. 适当的 D. 漂亮的/可爱的 E.捕食
F. 毒害 G. 以...自豪 H. 现在的 I.政治的 J. 无能为力的
4.It seems hard to believe that we can deal with more serious diseases yet are ( J ) powerless against something so common as a cold.
5. Recently, Oil prices ( B ) have plunged to a new low.
6. When the train pulled out of the station, the child ( A ) pressed her nose against the window.
A.按压/挤压 B.突然跌落陷入 C. 适当的 D. 漂亮的/可爱的 E.捕食
F. 毒害 G. 以...自豪 H. 现在的 I.政治的 J. 无能为力的
7. These companies ( G ) pride themselves on their professionalism and commitment. [pr fe n l z m]
这些公司为自己的专业精神和奉献感到自豪。 专业水平; 专业素质
8."Why, Alex, I'm just going put the ( D ) pretty flowers you brought me in a vase," she said in dulcet tones. [ d ls t]美妙的; 甜美的; 悦耳动听的
9. The UN is seeking a ( I ) political solution rather than a military one.
联合国正在寻求政治解决方案,而不是军事解决方案。 [ m l tri]
军事的; 军队的; 武装的
10. The (H) present situation is that millions of people are suffering poverty and disease. [ p v ti] 贫困; 贫穷; 贫乏
A. 绘画;油漆 B. 挑剔的/讲究的 C.爱国的 D.离开/分开 E.达到最高点
F. 图像般的 G. 简易的/朴素的 H.游行/列队行进 I.塑料制的
[ v n] 版本; 描述; 型式
1. There are different versions of this song, which show it is not only an international song of liberation, but also a ( C ) patriotic song for France.
[ l b 're ( )n] 解放; 释放; 摆脱束缚 [ p tri t k]
2. The ceiling needs ( A ) painting/ to be painted again.
天花板; 上限; 顶棚; 升限; 最高限度
3. Please ( J ) pardon me for breaking your vase, I will buy a new one for you.
A. 绘画 B. 挑剔的/讲究的 C.爱国的 D.离开/分开 E.达到最高点
F. 图像般的 G. 简易的/朴素的 H.游行/列队行进 I.塑料制的 J.原谅
4. If you have a (F) photographic memory, you are able to remember things in great detail after you have seen them. [ f t ɡr f k]
5. Being too ( B ) particular about your shoes and clothes is not a good habit. 对鞋子和衣服过于挑剔不是一个好习惯。
6. He gave me the envelope and we ( D ) parted at the bus stop.
A. 绘画 B. 挑剔的/讲究的 C.爱国的 D.离开/分开 E.达到最高点
F. 图像般的 G. 简易的/朴素的 H.游行/列队行进 I.塑料制的 J.原谅
7.We went around the showroom, finding glass and
( I ) plastic objects lining the shelves.
line: vt. (用…)做衬里; (在某物的内部)形成一层; 沿…形成行(或列、排);
8.In this ( G ) plain grey stone house lived the greatest artist in the world.
9. Toy sales (E) peaked just before the New Year’s Day and are now decreasing. 玩具销量在元旦前达到峰值,现在正在下降。
10. More than four thousand soldiers (H ) paraded down the main street as part of the celebration of the holiday.
作为节日庆典的一部分, 4000多名士兵在大街上游行
A.发给养老金或抚恤金 B.劝说,说服C. 恐慌的 D.身体的,物理的
E.允许 F. 徒步的;人行的 G. 使完美;使熟练 H. 明白的、易懂的 I.永久的 J.用塞子堵住;用插头将……与电源接通
1.He practiced reading every morning to ( G ) perfect his oral English.
2.The question that his daughter had raised left ( I ) permanent traces on his mind, which enables him to develop the famous theory.
3.Old Jack, who had worked in this factory for 30 years,
( A ) was pensioned off and replaced with a younger man.
[ pen n ]
A.发给养老金或抚恤金 B.劝说,说服 C. 恐慌的 D.身体的,物理的 E.允许 F. 徒步的;人行的 G. 使完美;使熟练
H. 明白的、易懂的 I.永久的 J.用塞子堵住;用插头将…与电源接通
4.Time ( E ) permitting, I'll come and pick you up after the meeting.
5.I am not fully ( B ) persuaded by the evidence, so further research remains to be done.
6. We used mud to (J ) plug up the holes in the roof.
7. Everyone was ( C ) panicking when the police arrived here to search the building. 当警察到达这里搜查大楼时,大家都很恐慌。
A.发给养老金或抚恤金 B.劝说,说服 C. 恐慌的 D.身体的,物理的 E.允许 F. 徒步的;人行的 G. 使完美;使熟练 H. 明白的、易懂的 I.永久的 J.用塞子堵住;用插头将……与电源接通
8.Staying up late makes him at his worst in terms of ( D ) physical situation. 在…方面,从…方面(说来)
9. It is so convenient that a ( F ) pedestrian bridge now connects the parking garage with the mall.
10. Didn’t you see their looks It's quite (H) plain that they didn't want to speak to us.
A. 重视的、珍视的 B. 处理、加工 C. 优先考虑 D. 有毒的
E. 纯的 F. 计划、预计 G. 继续进行 H. 心理(学)的
I. 被编程的、预先编在基因里的 J. 阻止、禁止
1. In order to develop the economy more quickly, the government plans
(C) to prioritise/prioritize the service sector, rather than investing in industry and production. [ sekt (r)] 部门; 行业; (尤指一国经济的)领域
为了更快地发展经济, 政府将优先投资服务行业,而非工业和生产行业。
2. We should (G) proceed in an orderly way, advance step by step in our studies, and not reach for what is beyond our grasp.
[ p tre t] 肖像; 描绘; 半身照 珍贵的东西
3. The portrait of her mother was her most (A) prized possession.
A. 重视的、珍视的 B. 处理、加工 C. 优先考虑 D. 有毒的
E. 纯的 F. 计划、预计 G. 继续进行 H. 心理(学)的
I. 被编程的、预先编在基因里的 J. 阻止、禁止
4. The polluted air becomes (D) poisonous to health, so it is the high time that we took action to protect the environment. [ p z n s]
5. All birds of this species are (I) programmed to build their nests in the same way. [ spi i z] 物种 这种鸟生来都会以同一种方式筑巢。
6. It will take a week for your application (B) to be processed.
7. The high cost of equipment (J) prohibits many people from taking up this sport. 昂贵的设备使许多人无法从事这项运动。
A. 重视的、珍视的 B. 处理、加工 C. 优先考虑 D. 有毒的
E. 纯的 F. 计划、预计 G. 继续进行 H. 心理(学)的
I. 被编程的、预先编在基因里的 J. 阻止、禁止
8. One movie is classified as (E) pure art, the other as entertainment.
9. The next edition of the book is (F) projected for publication in March.
[ bju s ]
10. Abuse can lead to both (H) psychological and emotional problems.
A.提议/建议 B. 充足的/多的 C. 勘探/勘察 D. 成比例的 /相称的
E. (对……)提出异议、抗议 F. 用泵给……充气、G. 出版、发行 H. 提升、促销(商品) I. 购买 J. 守时的、准时的
1. The band has gone on a tour (H) to promote their new album.
2. The locals didn’t approve of the changes (A) proposed by the planning authorities.
当地人不赞成规划部门提出的改变。 [ pr spekt; pr spekt]
3. Thousands moved to the area in order (C) to prospect for gold.
n.前景; 展望; 希望/vi. 探矿; 勘探;
4. Good teachers had a (B) plentiful supply of games to keep the students amused and motivated. 好老师有充足的游戏供学生们保持娱乐和积极性。
A.提议/建议 B. 充足的/多的 C. 勘探/勘察 D. 成比例的 /相称的
E. (对……)提出异议、抗议 F. 用泵给……充气、G. 出版、发行 H. 提升、促销(商品) I. 购买 J. 守时的、准时的
5. Demonstrators (E ) protested (against) the unfair trade policy outside the country's embassies (使馆) yesterday.
6. Pictures of the suspect were (G) published in all the daily papers.
[pr p n t] adj. 成比例的; 相称的; 相应的;
7. The number of accidents is (D) proportionate to the increased volume of traffic. 事故的数量与交通量的增加成正比。
A.提议/建议 B. 充足的/多的 C. 勘探/勘察 D. 成比例的 /相称的
E. (对……)提出异议、抗议 F. 用泵给……充气、G. 出版、发行 H. 提升、促销(商品) I. 购买 J. 守时的、准时的
8. The teacher is very strict about being on time because she believes that being (J) punctual is being polite to others.
9. The engine is used for (F) pumping water out of the mine.
[ ri f nd , r f nd]
10. We guarantee to refund your money if you're not delighted with what you (I) have purchased.
A. 获利、有益(于) B. (使)有资格、(使)胜任 C. 哲学的、(逆境时)处乱不惊的、泰然自若的 D. 有目的的 E. 颤抖、震动、摇晃 F. 争吵、吵嘴 G. 令人愉快的、和蔼可亲的 H. (使)困惑 I. 追逐、继续、从事 J. 质疑、对……表示疑问、对……提出异议
1. The general public has realized that it's unwise (I) to pursue economic development at the sacrifice of the environment.
2. (E) Quaking with fear, Polly slowly opened the door.
3. I (H) am puzzled by his failure to reply/that he hasn't replied to my letter.
4. She (F) quarrelled with her brother over their father's will last week.
5. He has been informed that he doesn't (B) qualify for the scholarship because of his academic background.
6. Happiness can be described as a positive mood and a (G) pleasant state of mind.
A. 获利、有益(于) B. (使)有资格、(使)胜任 C. 哲学的、(逆境时)处乱不惊的、泰然自若的 D. 有目的的 E. 颤抖、震动、摇晃 F. 争吵、吵嘴 G. 令人愉快的、和蔼可亲的 H. (使)困惑 I. 追逐、继续、从事 J. 质疑、对……表示疑问、对……提出异议
A. 获利、有益(于)B. (使)有资格、(使)胜任 C. 哲学的、(逆境时)处乱不惊的、泰然自若的 D. 有目的的 E. 颤抖、震动、摇晃 F. 争吵、吵嘴 G. 令人愉快的、和蔼可亲的 H. (使)困惑 I. 追逐、继续、从事 J. 质疑、对……表示疑问、对……提出异议
7. Give yourself a moment of (D) purposeful peace, where you can appraise your life and true feelings without distraction or outside influences.
[ pre z] 评价; 估价 [d str k n] 分散注意力; 娱乐
8. He (J) questioned whether the accident was entirely the truck driver's fault.
A. 获利、有益(于) B. (使)有资格、(使)胜任 C. 哲学的、(逆境时)处乱不惊的、泰然自若的 D. 有目的的 E. 颤抖、震动、摇晃 F. 争吵、吵嘴 G. 令人愉快的、和蔼可亲的 H. (使)困惑 I. 追逐、继续、从事 J. 质疑、对……表示疑问、对……提出异议
[ f l s f kl]
9. He was (C) philosophical about losing and said that he'd be back next year to try again. 他对失败处之泰然,声称来年将再来一试身手。
10. There are lessons in these stories that all children can (A) profit from.
A.引用 B. 职业的、专业的 C. 退出、辞职、放弃 D. 有利润的、有利可图的 E. 私人的、私有的 F. 很可能的 G. 有生产力的、多产的、富有成效的 H. 使平静、使安静 I. 进步的 J. 排队
1. Since you're a nurse, so can I ask your ( B ) professional opinion on bandaging ankles 既然你是一名护士,我可以问问你对包扎伤口的专业意见吗?
2. In the past, during the Spring Festival, those expecting to go back to their hometown had to(J)queue for several hours for railway tickets.
3. Almost everybody gave constructive suggestions on the matter, so this was a highly ( G ) productive meeting.
A.引用 B. 职业的、专业的 C. 退出、辞职、放弃 D. 有利润的、有利可图的 E. 私人的、私有的 F. 很可能的 G. 有生产力的、多产的、富有成效的 H. 使平静、使安静 I. 进步的 J. 排队
4.The horse is frightened. Try to ( H ) quiet it.
5. But during the past decade, the declining rainfall has allowed him to plant highly (D)profitable crops.
6. It was a(E)private conversation and I don't want to go into details about what was said.
7. He ( C ) quit his job after an argument with a colleague last month.
A.引用 B. 职业的、专业的 C. 退出、辞职、放弃 D. 有利润的、有利可图的 E. 私人的、私有的 F. 很可能的 G. 有生产力的、多产的、富有成效的 H. 使平静、使安静 I. 进步的 J. 排队
8. At the end of the speech, she (A ) quoted a famous saying from Mark Twain. [kw t] 报价; 引用; 引述
9. We face a(F)probable future of nuclear-armed states warring over a scarcity of resources; and that scarcity is largely the consequence of capitalism itself. [ k p t l z m]
10.The school adopted a ( I ) progressive education policy and has gained an growing reputation.
A. 罕见的 B. 召回 C. 随机的 D. 未加工的 E. 反应
F. 反抗;背叛 G. (在一定范围内)变化;变动 H. 与…理论 I. 现成地、迅速地、乐意地 J. 背诵
1. She has had a number of different jobs, ( G ) ranging from chef to swimming instructor.
2. The survey used a ( C ) random sample of two thousand people across England and Wales. 该调查在英格兰和威尔士随机抽样了2,000人。
[ nt pra z z] 公司; 企业发展
3. The presidents from several enterprises (E ) reacted strongly against tax increases in the meeting last month.
A. 罕见的 B. 召回 C. 随机的 D. 未加工的 E. 反应
F. 反抗;背叛 G. (在一定范围内)变化;变动 H. 与…理论 I. 现成地、迅速地、乐意地 J. 背诵
4. It is (A ) rare to find such an interesting group of people.
5. The designers didn’t agree to put the materials on the website; they
(H ) reasoned that other businesses would soon copy the idea.
6. Agriculture in this country has developed rapidly, thus providing light industry with ample ( D ) raw materials.
[ mpl] adj. 充足的; 足够的;
A. 罕见的 B. 召回 C. 随机的 D. 未加工的 E. 反应
F. 反抗;背叛 G. (在一定范围内)变化;变动 H. 与…理论 I. 现成地、迅速地、乐意地 J. 背诵
7. It is common for teenage boys ( F ) to rebel against their parents.
十几岁的男孩反抗父母是很常见的。 [ rebl , r bel]反抗; 背叛; 造反;
8. Under normal circumstances, these two gases react ( I ) readily to produce carbon dioxide and water.
9. The company has ( B ) recalled all the faulty hairdryers.
10. Not only did she ( J ) recite a long poem, but she sang a beautiful song.
A.后悔的 B. 反映出 C. 现实的 D. 改革 E. (利益)相关的、切题的 F. 重新获得 G. 可靠的 H. 推荐;建议 I.合理的
J. 使沦为;使陷入(不好的境地)
1. It is strongly ( H ) recommended that machines should be checked every year.
2. Let's be ( C) realistic about this -- we just can't afford to pay that much money.
3.After the accident, it was some hours before she ( F ) recovered/regained consciousness. [ k n sn s] 意识; 知觉; 观念;
A.后悔的 B. 反映出 C. 现实的 D. 改革 E. (利益)相关的、切题的 F. 重新获得 G. 可靠的 H. 推荐;建议 I.合理的
J. 使沦为;使陷入(不好的境地)
4.He made some quite ( I ) reasonable points and gave a good speech.
5.Eventually, Charlotte (J ) was reduced to begging on the streets.
6.After the quarrel, she apologized and sounded genuinely ( A ) regretful .
7.The drop in consumer spending ( B ) reflected/reflects concern about the economy. 消费者支出的下降反映了对经济的担忧。
A.后悔的 B. 反映出 C. 现实的 D. 改革 E. (利益)相关的、切题的 F. 重新获得 G. 可靠的 H. 推荐;建议 I.合理的
J. 使沦为;使陷入(不好的境地)
8. Policies have been made that are ( E ) relevant to business analysts, developers and administrators.
9.The government has promised ( D ) to reform the unfair system.
10. I have been convinced that the print media are more accurate and more ( G ) reliable than television.
A. 退款 B. 拒绝 C. 宗教的 D. 参考、查阅 E. 可再生的
F. 不情愿的 G. 偏远的 H. 注册、登记 I. 刷新 J. 非凡的
1. Press the “reload” button on your web browser in order ( I ) to refresh the site and get the most current version.
2. We will ( A ) refund your money if you are not satisfied.
3. While giving the English speech, one is not allowed ( D ) to refer to the notes. In this way, better eye contact with the audience can be achieved.
A. 退款 B. 拒绝 C. 宗教的 D. 参考、查阅 E. 可再生的
F. 不情愿的 G. 偏远的 H. 注册、登记 I. 刷新 J. 非凡的
4. Easter is an important ( C ) religious and social festival for Christians around the world.
5. He lives in a ( G ) remote village, which is very inconvenient.
[r m t]
6. Considering the limited budget, his proposal (B) was rejected/was refused .考虑到预算有限,他的提议被拒绝了。
注意:refuse和reject作“拒绝”稍有不同,reject排斥感强烈一些。此外,reject还有“拒绝录用某人”、“剔除不合格产品”、“拒收”、“排斥”等意思。用法上, reject只接单个宾语。Refuse一般指“不接受、不同意”,用法上,refuse可以接双宾sb sth,也可以接 refuse to do…
A. 退款 B. 拒绝 C. 宗教的 D. 参考、查阅 E. 可再生的
F. 不情愿的 G. 偏远的 H. 注册、登记 I. 刷新 J. 非凡的
7. Many students ( H ) register/registered for these courses to widen skills for use in their current job.
8.The kids were having such a good time that they were (F) reluctant to leave. 孩子们玩得很开心,他们都不愿意离开。
9. It's that kind of courage and determination that makes him such a
(J) remarkable figure in history. 正是这种勇气和决心使他成为如此杰出的人。
10. The company engaged in research of new energy and ( E ) renewable fuels. 该公司从事新能源和可再生燃料的研究。
A.放松 B.缓解、救济 C.保持、仍然是 D. 乡村的 E. 提醒、使想起
F. 除去/移开 G. 反思 H. 不礼貌的、粗鲁的 I. 调节、管控 J. 评论
1.In 1963 the UN set up the World Food Programme, one of whose
purposes is to (B)relieve worldwide starvation.
2.I am a perfectionist. I had to constantly ( E ) remind myself that being confident is not the same as being perfect.[p fek n st] 完美主义者; 至善论者
3.I don't want to be (H)rude, it's simply that we have to be careful who we give this information to.
A.放松 B.缓解、救济 C.保持、仍然是 D. 乡村的 E. 提醒、使想起、
F. 除去/移开 G. 反思 H. 不礼貌的、粗鲁的 I. 调节、管控 J. 评论
4. Human beings sweat to ( I ) regulate their body heat.
5. On several occasions, the teacher(J)have remarked on the boy's improvement.
6. The agreement(F)(has) removed the last serious obstacle to the signing of the arms treaty (武器条约).
7. He was so busy that he had no time (G) to reflect on his past successes and failures. 他太忙了,没有时间反思过去的成功和失败。
A.放松 B.缓解、救济 C.保持、仍然是 D. 乡村的 E. 提醒、使想起
F. 除去/移开 G. 反思 H. 不礼貌的、粗鲁的 I. 调节、管控 J. 评论
8. People, usually migrants from (D)rural areas and jobless citizens, are hired to queue up for different types of tickets in large cities in return for a pittance.
9. Ninety-five percent of its magnificent collection will
(C)remain inaccessible to the public.
10. Hughes believes that immigration controls should not be
( A) relaxed . 休斯认为移民管制不应放松。
A. 使续签/续借、使更新 B. 抵抗的 C. (礼貌地)请求 D. 坚决的、有决心的 E. 与……相似、相像 F. 保留、预定 G.辞职 H. 代表 I. 营救,救援 J. 各自的、分别的
1.They are thinking how to improve the genes of plants to make them more ( B ) resistant to disease.
2.Voters think of him as a decisive and (D) resolute international leader.
选民认为他是一位果断果断的国际领导人。 [ rez lu t]
3.What should I do if I want to (A) renew my passport
A. 使续签/续借、使更新 B. 抵抗的 C. (礼貌地)请求
D. 坚决的、有决心的 E. 与……相似、相像 F. 保留、预定
G.辞职 H. 代表 I. 营救,救援 J. 各自的、分别的
4. The prime minister (G) will resign if the vote goes against him.
如果投票结果对首相不利,他将辞职。 总理; 首相;
5. After the interview, we all went back to our ( J ) respective homes to wait for news.
6.To ( C ) request more information, please call our toll free number.
如需了解更多信息,请拨打我们的免费电话。 免费电话
7. After the earthquake, the city ( E ) resembled a battlefield.
A. 使续签/续借、使更新 B. 抵抗的 C. (礼貌地)请求 D. 坚决的、有决心的 E. 与……相似、相像 F. 保留、预定 G.辞职 H. 代表
I. 营救,救援 J. 各自的、分别的
8.The soldiers tried every possible means (I) to rescue the local residents trapped by the flood.
9.The competition attracted over 500 contestants (H) representing
8 different countries. [k n test nt]
10. A friend told him a double room with a balcony overlooking the sea (F) had been reserved for him.
A. 尊敬他人的 B. 解决 C. 恢复 D. 抵抗,阻挡 E. 焦躁不安的 F. 限制 G. 退职、退休 H. 造成、导致 I. 相反的、反面的
J. (使)重逢,再次相聚
1.The man was shot outside his house as he tried (D) to resist arrest.
2. The children in our family are always(A) respectful to their elders .
3. Political leaders are making no progress in their efforts (B) to resolve the country's constitutional crisis.
为了解决该国的宪法危机, 政治领导人的努力没有取得任何进展。
A. 尊敬他人的 B. 解决 C. 恢复 D. 抵抗,阻挡 E. 焦躁不安的 F. 限制 G. 退职、退休 H. 造成、导致 I. 相反的、反面的
J. (使)重逢,再次相聚
4. The shocking revelations of the 700-page report had caused him several (E) restless nights. [ restl s]
5. As they smiled at each other, harmony (C) was restored again
6. It is generally believed that speed (F) is restricted to 30 mph in towns in our country.
A. 尊敬他人的 B. 解决 C. 恢复 D. 抵抗,阻挡 E. 焦躁不安的
F. 限制 G. 退职、退休 H. 造成、导致 I. 相反的、反面的
J. (使)重逢,再次相聚
7. These policies (H)resulted in many elderly people suffering hardship.
[r v s]
8.The results were read out in ( I ) reverse order (=with the worst first and the best last) .结果是按相反的顺序读出的。
9.Since ( G ) retiring from the company, she has done voluntary work for a charity.从公司退休后,她一直为一家慈善机构做志愿者。
[ ri ju na t]
10.She and her youngest son were finally allowed(J) to be reunited/ to reunite with their family 。 她和小儿子终于得到允许和家人团聚。
A. 揭示,揭露 B. 可笑的,荒谬的 C. 吼叫 D. 颠倒,逆转 E.摇动,摇摆 F. 烤,炙 G. 修改、修订 H. 报仇,报复 I. 已成熟的 J. 使摆脱
1.The president has made a promise to (J) rid the country of starvation.
2.Her biography ( A ) revealed that she was not as rich as everyone thought.
3.The branches were weighed down with (I) ripe apples.
4.The house (E) rocked when the bomb exploded.
A. 揭示,揭露 B. 可笑的,荒谬的 C. 吼叫 D. 颠倒,逆转
E.摇动,摇摆 F. 烤,炙 G. 修改、修订 H. 报仇,报复
I. 已成熟的 J. 使摆脱
5. If you say that something or someone is (B) ridiculous, you mean that they are very foolish.
6.The paper accused her of trying to (H) revenge herself on her former lover. 该报指责她企图报复她的前情人。 [r vend ]
7. I heard the lions (C) roaring in their cages.
A. 揭示,揭露 B. 可笑的,荒谬的 C. 吼叫 D. 颠倒,逆转
E.摇动,摇摆 F. 烤,炙 G. 修改、修订 H. 报仇,报复
I. 已成熟的 J. 使摆脱
8.This organization warns this progress could be set back if measures are not taken to (D) reverse the rise in obesity among young people.
9. Put the onions and ginger in the oven and let them (F) roast for thirty minutes. 把洋葱和生姜放进烤箱里烤30分钟。
10. The government may need to (G) revise its policy in the light of this report. 政府可能需要根据这份报告修改其政策。