Unit 5 Action!第二课时教学设计
本单元第二课时 Reading II &Listening
本节课是本单元的第二课时,是阅读课和听力课。Reading板块第二课时的重点是通过深入阅读,进一步理解故事的内容,通过语言、神态、动作等细节描写了解人物的性格特征。Listening板块主要内容是听主阅读篇章中两个人物Angela和Denise的一段对话,了解电视台的平面布局,巩固获取关键信息的听力技能。 【What】本节课的语篇涉及了一篇记叙文和一段听力材料。阅读的第二课时的主要学习目标是通过深入阅读,进一步理解故事内容,了解人物的性格特征。阅读版块中Comprehension部分有两个练习。练习D1是一段报纸记者对Angela的采访要求,要求学生根据记者的提问完成Angela的回答。练习D2要求学生判断三个句子的正误,并从主阅读篇章中找出判断的依据。Listening板块涉及一段听力材料,听力材料的主要内容是发生在录制"travel quiz"的节目之前,Angela和Denise要到电视台参加一档节目的录制,他们提前来到了电视台,两人之间有一段对话。练习A要求学生将对话中提到的四个地点,按照先后顺序进行排列练习。练习B要求学生在电视台平面图上标注对话中提到的地点的位置。 【Why】Reading第二课时训练学生略读和找读等阅读策略,学生能够通过语言、神态、动作描写了解人物的性格特征。Listening板块的练习A和练习B都旨在帮助学生巩固获取地点、方位等关键信息的听力技能。Listening板块的练习A和练习B,都旨在帮助学生巩固获取地点,方位和等关键信息的听力技能。练习B旨在通过听一段3描述电视台平面图的听力材料,培养学生能够读懂简单的平面图的能力。 【How】本节课的语篇都围绕“电视节目录制”这个核心主题来展开。Reading第二课时的学习目标是引导学生通过语言动作和神态描写体会人物的心理变化,了解人物的性格特征。通过段进一步阅读主阅读篇章深入理解故事内容,运用分段阅读主阅读篇章的教学方法,结合问答题、填表题、复述题等方式帮助学生完成分析文章的内容,了解任务性格特征。Comprehension部分中的D1练习,要求学生根据采访者的提问,完成Angela的回答,帮助学生了解故事的情节和情节、发展和人物的特征,旨在培养学生的阅读策略,在完成练习之前,教师可以先讲解相应的阅读策略,再让学生完成练习。在学生完成练习以后,可邀请学生分角色朗读对话。 Listening板块的学习可以先开展听前活动,激活背景知识,再进行听前预测为听力练习做准备。在阅读练习A和练习B之前,应该让学生了解一些表示方位的词汇、电视台的一些场地的名称以及Angela和Denise的位置、走廊的位置、房门的朝向,以达到预测要填写场地名称的目的。教师应该注意在授课的时候,尤其提醒学生注意平面图左下角的图标。完成听力之后,可以让学生两人一组,根据教师给出的情境编制对话,达到提升拓展的目的。
本节课属于阅读课和听力课。Reading版块主要是对于主阅读篇章的深入理解和学习。通过上一节课的学习,激活了学生有关于电视节目录制的背景知识,学生对于主阅读篇章的主要内容有所了解,学习了主阅读篇章中的一些核心词汇,教授中难度不大。教师授课重点是引导学生通过课文中的细节信息找到语言、神态、动作等细节描写,从而分析人物的性格特征,进一步地理解故事的内容。因为这节课教学设计比较详细化,采用了分段阅读并分析课文的方法,深入理解故事内容,了解人物的性格特征。教学设计加入了一系列的阅读任务,例如:运用分段阅读策略学习主篇章回答问题。采用判断题使学生巩固文章细节信息。整节课在学习的时候,难度不算大,大部分的学生都能够通过使用阅读策略完成阅读任务。但是有少数的同学,平时积累的词汇量不够,没有很好地掌握阅读策略,使用阅读策略分析课文的时候无法找到阅读任务的正确答案。在这部分的教授方面应该注意步骤讲解。在要求学生完成阅读任务的时候,穿插讲解阅读策略使用方法,学生完成练习,提高做题的正确率。 在Listening板块,学生在之前的学习没有了解过电视台平面图,对这方面的知识比较陌生。其中有一小部分同学看不懂平面图所标注的字母和它的代表的含义的情况,不能完全看懂平面图,所以听力的正确率不高。正对于这个问题,可以在开始听力之前,不要涉及任何听力技能的教学,先播放录音,要求学生听懂故事的大意以及了解主阅读篇章的主要内容,故事发生的背景。有一些学生在听力过程中,不能完整并正确地捕捉听力材料中关键信息,记录听力结果的时候有所遗漏。在完成练习B之前,应该先指导学生先观察平面图,了解Angela和Dennis的位置、走廊的位置、房间门的朝向,尤其是要引导学生注意平面图,左下角的图标。指导学生对要填写的房间名称进行听前预测,比如说S2是一个studio,那么很有可能就是The travel quiz studio等等。学生进行听前预测并能够看懂电视台平面图和所标注的图标,能够提高学生做题的正确率。 本节课的教学准备充分,教学设计合理,每个板块的内容环环相扣,都是以电视节目录制为主线开展教学任务。教学步骤细化,有利于学生了解教材内容,完成阅读和听力任务。在学习的过程中,大部分学生都能够掌握教师教授的知识,掌握分析人物性格特征的阅读策略和捕捉听力关键信息的能力。在教授课程的过程中,教师可以随时观察学生和老师之间的互动、学生完成阅读和听力任务的程度,评估学生的学习能力以及教师教授的内容是否达到了教学目标。教师可以根据学生在课堂上的具体表现调整教学策略,适合学生的教学方法,更好地开展教学活动。
单元教学目标 课时教学目标
1.能够发现语篇中事件的发展和变化,了解故事的情节和人物的性格,理解人物语言中蕴含的信息和做出正确的价值判断。 2.能够听懂阅读篇章中两个人物Angela和Daisy的对话,了解电视台的平面布局。 3.在听的过程中获取关键信息并掌握快速记笔记的技巧。 1.语言能力:①认读和理解单词among onto forward second relax edge ahead of beach still single victory England lucky, praise, view, news,survey和短语keep still, emergency exit。 ②能够通过深入阅读,进一步理解故事的内容,了解人物的性格特征。 ③听懂阅读篇章中两个人物Angela和Denise的对话,了解电视台的平面布局。 2.学习能力:①能够通过故事类文章的阅读方法,通过人物的语言、神态、动作等细节,描写了解人物的性格特征。 ②在听的过程中获取关键信息并掌握快速记笔记的技巧。 3.思维品质:发现语篇中事件的发展和变化,了解故事的人物性格特征理解人物语言中蕴含的信息,并能够做出正确的价值判断。 4.文化意识:了解电视节目录制场景,了解电视台的平面图和中外文化的差异。
教学重点: 通过深入阅读,进一步理解故事内容。 在听力的过程中,能够看懂电视台平面图,听的过程中能够获取关键信息。 教学难点: 语言,神态,动作等细节了解人物的性格特征。
教学目标 教学活动及互动方式(时间) 设计意图 效果评价
通过短文填空和根据课文内容填写思维导图,学生能够掌握Reading课时所学习的关键词的用法,能够利用表格整理和呈现信息,培养口语表达能力。(学习理解) 通过观看视频,导入本节课的话题,学生通过问题链,讨论是否看过智力竞赛的电视节目,学生能够获取细节信息,增加对智力竞赛电视节目的认识,了解智力竞赛现场参赛形式等内容。(学习理解) 通过分段阅读主阅读篇章,能够正确理解主阅读篇章中核心词汇的含义、掌握运用核心词汇的能力。通过对主阅读篇章的细读,能够发现语篇中事件的发展和变化,了解人物的性格特征的阅读理解能力。通过分角色朗读课文,能够体会人物的心理变化,更好地理解人物的性格特征。(应用实践) 通过阅读主阅读篇章,根据篇章结构框架,完成小组讨论,能够归纳人物语言和性格等特征,了解人物语言中蕴含的信息并能够通过口语正确地表述故事内容,同时做到合理地描述故事情节,能够与他人合作交流完成课堂任务。(创新迁移) 通过听前预测,问题链,听力技巧,能够掌握听力材料的故事发生背景,看懂电视台平面图,能够预测所要填写的房间名称。(学习理解) 通过听力练习A,学生能够将对话中提到的四个地点按先后顺序排列,能够按先后顺序排序练习B中能够在电视台平面图上标注对话中提到的位置,能够在听力过程中获取关键信息。(应用实践) 通过归纳整合平面图的信息,通过分组根据情景给出的情境结合平面图编制对话,能够正确地使用平面图和情景信息,正确地进行口语表达。(应用实践) 任务一:Review 复习并巩固主阅读篇章的内容。 一、短文填空 Denise and Angela went to see a quiz show. While the three contestants were sitting at their desks on the stage and waiting, one of them passed out and fell across her desk. She couldn’t compete in the show, so one more contestant was needed. The director chose Angela to get onto the stage. A make-up artist helped her get ready for the show. Angela seemed relaxed and did very well on the stage. She was soon ahead of the other contestants.But Denise was so excited that she could hardly keep still.Finally, Angela got all the questions right and became the lucky winner. 二、阅读课文,两人一组阅读课文,完成下面的图表,回顾故事发生的起因经过和结果,并口头汇报答案。 Surprises at the studio
Beginning: Angela and Denise sat in the audience and were prepared to watch the quiz show.
Middle: One of the contestants passed out and Angela was chosen to be the contestant.
Ending: Angela kept getting the questions right and won the prize.
任务二:Lead in 观看视频 Q:Did you watch the quiz show on TV 任务三:While-reading 一、听录音并朗读课文,为模仿录音的语音语调。并学习重要单词,比如单词:among,onto,second,relaxed, forward, beat, still, Single, victory, England, lucky和短语keep still, ahead of。 二、阅读课文,理清故事情节。 学生理清故事的情节,在图表中填入正确的信息。 三、阅读主阅读篇章,两人一组,用适当的单词或短语完成表格。 四、学生分组,根据表格复述故事。 五、分段阅读主阅读篇章深入理解故事内容,了解人物的性格特征。 (一)深入理解故事内容和人物的性格特征。 1. 学生阅读主阅读篇章的第一至第三段,然后回答下列问题,初步了解人物性格。 (1)What would Angela like to be, one of the contestants or someone in the audience Why would Denise no love to be a contestant A.Because she was not that brave. B.Because she was not interested in the quiz show. C.Because she passed out. D.Because she couldn't keep still。 What is the difference in the character between Denise and Angela (4)学生认读和理解单词among, onto, forward。 2.学生阅读第四至第七段,然后回答下列问题。 (1)What might have made the woman pass out (2)What did the director do after the woman fell across the desk (3) Why was Angela chosen to be the contestant (4) What was done to Angela after the director chose her (5)Many people are mentioned in this passage? (6)学生认读和理解单词second, relaxed, ahead of, beat, still, single, victory, England, lucky和短语keep still。 学生阅读第八至第十五段,然后完成下列判断正误的练习并在主阅读篇章中找到证据。 (1)Although Angela was very nervous, she got all the answers right. (F) (2)Angela answered some of the questions with no questions wrong, but she was still ahead of the other two contestants. (F) (3)Denise sat on the seat quietly and waited for Angela’s great moment. (F) (4)Finally, if Angela could answer the last two questions, she would be the winner. (F) (5)The answer to the last question is “Paris”. (F) 学生再次阅读第八至第十五段,考下列问题,并把证据填写在空格处。 ①Seem to relax:did she answering the questions with no problems. ②Kept cam:Soon there was just a single question between Angela and Victory. ③Clever: though the questions will getting more and more difficult Angela kept getting them right. 5.第13次15自然段回答下列问题。 (1)What price did Angela get for winning the quiz show A trip for one to Paris。 What do you think where Angela go to Paris with why May be she will go to Paris with Denise because Denise is her friend. 六、通过练习巩固核心单词和短语。 1.学生完成Comprehension D1的练习,并口头汇报答案。 2.完成练习后,分角色朗读对话。 完成Comprehension D2, D3的练习,巩固对主阅读篇章的情节发展和主要人物性格特征的理解。 1. 学生完成Comprehension D2的练习。 2. 学生两人一组,讨论Comprehension D3的问题,并口头汇报答案。 3.复习并巩固主阅读篇章的内容。 七、短文填空 Denise and Angela went to see a quiz show. While the three contestants were sitting at their desks on the stage and waiting, one of them passed out and fell across her desk. She couldn’t compete in the show, so one more contestant was needed. The director chose Angela to get onto the stage. A make-up artist helped her get ready for the show. Angela seemed relaxed and did very well on the stage. She was soon ahead of the other contestants.But Denise was so excited that she could hardly keep still.Finally, Angela got all the questions right and became the lucky winner. 任务四:Post-reading Role-play 分成小组,阅读篇章的故事每人选择一个角色表演,然后上台表演。 任务四:Pre-listening 一、导入平面图,要求学生根据问题找出路线。 二、听录音,了解主要阅读段落的背景。 1.What is the main idea of the listening material 2.When did this conversation occur, before or after participating in the recording 三、展示听力的任务要找到以下位置: Denise and Angela are looking at the floor plan of the TV station. They are looking for this places: A.Janet smith s office. B.the travel queens studio. c. the waiting room. d.the restaurant. 四、听力技巧 (一)技巧归纳 1.找出Angela和Denise的位置,以及走廊的位置和房门的方向。 2.先观察平面图,找出目的地,了解平面图上各种符号。 3.尤其注意对话中方向指平面图左下角的图标。 4.听力过程注意对话中表示方位的词。 5.可用符号等简单记录关键信息,例如:go down (——), turn left (L), the second crossing (2nd+)。 (二)学习并看懂表示方位的词和图标 五、根据平面图进行听前预测: 1.平面图显示R1和R2是Angela和Denise的位置。 2.左下角的图表标记为S=studios,因此图片中的S2可能是studio。 3.候诊室和酒店可能在演播室附近。 4.Janet Smith的办公室可能在平面图的顶部,靠近出口。 任务五:Listening 完成课本听力练习 (一)完成练习A 1.学生认读和理解短语floor plan。 2.播放录音,完成练习A,口头汇报答案。 (二)完成练习B 1.学生认读和理解短语emergency exit。 2.播放录音,完成练习B,口头汇报答案。 二、再次播放录音,听录音后回答下列问题。 1.Why did Dennis suggest go into the restaurant Because they arrived earlier and could get a drink there 2.Why did they need to go to the travel quiz studio Because they would film there. 3.Where could they get a drink At a studio restaurant. 4.Who is Janet smith she is Dennis friend. 5.What did Angela think of finding Janet’s office She thought it was impossible for them to find office. 任务六:Post-listening 两人一组,根据练习B中的平面图及情景编制对话。 1.suppose you have just come out of Jenny smith office you want to go to the restaurant you ask someone working there for help. 2.Suppose you have just come out of the travel quiz studio you want to met Jenny s smith in her office you ask someone working there for help. 3.Suppose you have just come out of the travel quiz studio you want to go to the waiting room to meeting your friend there you ask someone walking there for help. 任务一:通过复习上节课故事的情节内容,巩固所学过的知识,为后面的篇章阅读做铺垫,起到承上启下的作用。 学生在短文填空中的正确率,是否能够完成填写思维导图并进行课文复述的任务,评估学生是否掌握了上一节课的知识,有利于教师检测学生的学习能力。
任务二:利用视频资源导入,能够充分激发学生的学习兴趣。生能够了解本节课的话题内容。视频资源穿插于课堂,能激励学生思考活跃课堂气氛。为之后的学习做好铺垫。 任务三:通过多种形式的教学模式,比如分段式阅读、角色扮演、小组讨论合作的形式,展开教学活动。通过学习提升学生的阅读策略。 巩固对主阅读篇章的情节发展和人物性格特征的理解,能够根据文章的内容表达对文章人物的看法,拓展学生思维。 通过听前预测,能够使学生通过一系列的听前预测活动,提升预测能力。 通过听力训练,巩固学生获取地点,方位等关键信息的听力,能力和理解平面图的能力。 通过听后课堂活动,学生能够编织一段关于电视台平面图的对话,提升了学生的思维能力,信息整合能力,口语技巧与人沟通的能力。 观察学生互动表现,判断学生能否清晰理解本节课的教学主题,鼓励学生积极参与本节课。 观察学生参与课堂的表现,判断学生能否真正地进入课堂,对电视节目录制的知识储备,学习本节课是否有难度,及时给予指导和反馈。 观察学生在复述课文和口头汇报的时候,是否能够运用常用的表达方式清楚地表述自己的观点,语言流畅度,是否能与同学一起合作完成任务等情况,判断学生的口语表达能力和与人交际的能力。 观察学生是否能够找到Angela和Denise的位置,走廊的位置,房间门的朝向等内容,学生是否能够看懂电视台的平面图。据学生课堂的表现,及时调整教学计划。 通过听力练习的正确率,学生是否掌握听力技巧,是否能看懂电视台平面图的布局并填写正确,评估学生听力任务完成度。 观察学生是否能够读懂情境的含义,是否能够把情景中的内容与电视平面图结合起来,是否能够合理地表达观点,评估学生的学习效果。
Reading self-assessment
How well do you know about this lesson Tick(√)the boxes. Good ( ) Not bad ( ) Try harder ( )
I understand the new words and expressions.
I can understand a story about a TV program recording scene.
I am able to understand the personality traits of the characters in the story.
I Can understand the conversation between Angela and Denise in the reading passage.
Listening self-assessment
How well do you know about this lesson Tick(√)the boxes. Good ( ) Not bad ( ) Try harder ( )
I can read simple TV station floor plans.
I can predict the listening content based on the TV station plan.
I can get and write down the key information while listening.
I am able to create conversations based on the TV station's floor plan and context.
一、Useful Words and expressions 1.onto prep. 到…上面 2.forward adv. 向前地;;提前地 3.second num. 第二;其次 4.relaxed adj. 放松的;自在的 5.ahead of在…前面 6.beat v. 打败;敲打 7.still adv. 仍然;静止地 8.single adj. 单一的;单个的 9.victory n. 胜利;战胜 10.England n. 英国 11.lucky adj.幸运的;吉祥的 12.emergency exit紧急出口 13.keep still保持静止 二、Useful sentences 1.Five minutes to go. 2.I’m not that brave. 3.You’re on! 4.Although Angela was not prepared, she seemed relaxed and did really well. 5.Though the questions were getting more and more difficult, Angela kept getting them right.
作业内容 作业目标 设计意图
基础题: 1.听录音朗读课文,模仿录音的语音和语调。 2.借助工具书,将重点单词和短语整理在笔记本上。 掌握最基本的语言知识;培养学生自主学习的能力,培养学生思维能力信息整合能力。 查漏补缺,复习和巩固本节课所学内容。
提高题: 归纳Surprises at the studio的单词,短语和句型,并绘制思维导图进行呈现。 加深对本节课内容的理解和消化。 通过练习巩固所学知识,培养自检能力和归纳总结的能力。
拓展题: 拓展题:两人一组进行讨论并概括主要观点。 话题情景:Who will Angela probably go to Paris with 根据话题情景,假设各种可能比一比谁的回答最有创意。 比如: Angela will probably go with Dennis because they are best friend. Angela will probably go with the contestant who passed it out before the queen shows how because she thinks the lady gave her a chance to win the context. 能够根据情境,与他人合作,恰当地表达自己的观点。 培养学生的观察力和思考能力,团队合作精神,提高学生的问题解决能力。
单元的主要话题是节目录制。阅读版块能够读懂一个发生在电视台节目录制现场的故事,能够通过故事类文章的阅读方法分析故事的人物的性格特征,理解人物语言中蕴含的信息并做出正确的价值判断。听力板块学生了解进电视台平面布局,在听力的过程中,捕捉关键信息并快速记录。 在这次课后反思,主要从几个方面进行总结: 第一:教学方法的反思 在这次教学过程中,采用了多种教学方法和手段,包括图片,阅读,文章PPT等体资源以及角色扮演。小组合作等多种教学方式。这些方法的应用丰富了教学内容,提高了学生的学习兴趣和参与度。 第二:教学内容方面 主要针对通过故事类的阅读方法分析人物性格特征,注重了加强学生阅读技巧,和听力过程中捕捉关键信息能力的培养。教学方法方面采用了启发式和互动式的教学方式,引导学生主动思考和发现问题,同时注重课堂氛围的营造,让学生在轻松愉快的学习氛围中学习和成长。在这次教学过程中。部分学生反馈和表现反思。 在这次教学过程中,积极关注学生的反馈和表现,并及时地进行反思和总结。从学生的参与度和课堂表现来看,大部分学生对本次教学内容的方和方法比较感兴趣,同时也积极参与到了课堂的活动中。 在获取关键信息的技能方面,通过本次教学,学生们都普遍掌握了获取关键信息的技巧,同时也能够理解人物的性格特征和情感表达。从学生的反馈来看,学生认为本次教学难度适中,同时也比较注重培养学生的阅读和听力技巧。 然而,也注意到了教学存在一些问题,例如部分学生在课堂上的参与度不高,需要加强与学生的沟通和交流。另外,部分学生在阅读和听力练习中仍然存在一些困难,需要加强教学辅导和反馈。 第四:改进措施和教学计划中的反思 根据本次教学反思的结果,提出一些改进措施和教学计划,具体包括: 1.加强与学生的沟通和交流 在教学过程中积极与学生互动交流,了解他们的学习状况和需求,从而更好地调整教学内容的方法。 2.加大教学辅导力度 针对部分学生在阅读和听力练习中存在的困难,我将安排更多的教学辅导时间和针对性强的练习材料,帮助更帮助学生更好地掌握阅读和听力技巧。 3.优化教学内容和方法。 在今后的教学中,进一步的优化教学内容和方法助。种启发式教学和互动式教学的应用,同时也要加强自身教学组织能力和授课质量的提高。 4.制定长期的教学计划。 为了更好地提高教学效果和质量,制定更加科学的、合理的长期教学计划,明确教学目标,教学内容和教学方法,时间安排等要素,确保教学的质量稳步提升。 总之,这次教学反思让我深刻地认识到了教学中存在的问题和不足之处,同时也让我更加清晰认识到教学质量提高的重要性和必要性。在未来的教学中,将继续努力提高自身的教学能力和水平,同时也将积极地关注学生的需求和发展,为培养更多优秀的人才贡献出自己的力量。
21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
单 元 整 体 教 学 设 计
学科 英语 年级 九年级上册
使用教材 沪教牛津版(深圳·广州·沈阳)
单元名称 Unit 5 Action!
单元主题分析: 本单元的主题是“电视节目录制”,对应课标中的“人与社会”的主题语境以及“社会服务与人际沟通”的主题群。 单元内容分析: 本单元以“电视为代表的娱乐方式”为话题来展开听、说、读、写的训练。共选入5篇关于电视录制的文章,通过多模态形式的语篇,如Reading 板块的主阅读篇章Surprises at the studio,描写一个临时观众席中被替换的普通女孩在一档电视智力竞赛节目中获得大奖故事,呈现了电视节目的录制现场。Writing板块关于“Travel Quiz”的主持稿,描写的是一份达人秀的主持稿,介绍了一份主持稿的基本结构。More practice板块介绍了一篇题目为“We love the film Park!”的新闻稿,以采访的形式呈现了名叫Julia和Roddy两名学生向记者描述了他们在Film Park游玩的经历。Culture corner板块中,语篇的题目为“International film festivals”,介绍了国际上著名电影节的概况,并较为详细地介绍了上海国际电影节。Study skills板块中介绍了一则有关班级学生看电视习惯的调查报告。 整个单元分为Reading、Listening、Grammar、Speaking、Writing、More practice、Study skills、Culture corner八个部分。每部分的内容都有兼顾学生“听、说、读、看、写”等技能的内容编排,关注语言的理解性技能和表达性技能的协调发展。教材的语言材料涉及的具体语言知识有:(1)Reading板块是一则发生在电视台节目录制现场的故事,要求学生了解电视台录制节目现场的故事情节和人物性格特点,理解人物语言中蕴含的信息。(2)在Listening板块中听一段主阅读篇章中的两个人物Angela和Denise的对话,了解电视台的平面布局,巩固获取关键信息的听力技能了解电视台的平面布局。(3)在Grammar板块学习有although或though引导的让步状语从句。(4)Speaking板块的talk time部分学习表扬和鼓励的常用表达方式。(5)在Speaker部分以小组为单位调查组内成员看电视的习惯,并向全班同学汇报调查结果。(6)Writing板块学习主持稿的结构,撰写一份的达人秀的主持稿。(7)在More practice板块阅读一段采访,了解两名学生游玩电影乐园的经历,回答问题并学习篇章中的与电影拍摄相关的知识及英文习语。(8) 在study skills板块学习利用表格整理和呈现信息的技能。(9)在Culture corner版块了解国际上著名电影节的概况。通过单元“电视节目录制”话题的学习,引发学生对电视台节目录制现场的场景、新型媒体平台等内容的了解,激发学生的求知欲和好奇心,尊重文化差异。 本单元每个板块内容都围绕着“电视节目录制”的话题展开,板块的教学设计环环相扣,以阅读篇章,听力材料语法、语法句型等板块的输入为教学活动中的口头和书面输出做铺垫,达成本单元的学习总目标。 以下是单元语篇内容分析图和基于单元主题和语篇内容分析形成的单元结构图: 表一:单元教学内容 Numbers单元教学内容语篇语篇类型(技能)语篇内容语篇主题一 Surprises at the studio记叙文(读)Reading板块描写一个临时观众席中被替换的普通女孩在一档电视智力竞赛节目中获得大奖故事,呈现了电视节目的录制现场。了解故事的情节发展和人物的性格特征,理解人物语言中蕴含的信息。二 Travel Quiz应用文(读、写)Writing板块描写的是一份达人秀的主持稿,介绍了一份主持稿的基本结构。学习主持稿的结构,并撰写一份达人秀的主持稿。三 We love the film Park!应用文(读)More practice板块以采访的形式呈现了名叫Julia和Roddy两名学生向记者描述了他们在Film Park游玩的经历。了解两名学生游玩电影乐园的经历,回答问题并学习篇章中出现的英语习语的含义。四 “International film festivals”记叙文(读)Culture corner板块中介绍了国际上著名电影节的概况,并详细地介绍了上海国际电影节。了解国际上著名电影节的概况。五 The results of the survey on classmates’ TV viewing habits应用文(读、写)Study skills板块一则有关班级学生看电视习惯的调查报告。 通过学习掌握利用表格整理和呈现信息的方法。
核心素养的综合表现: 学完本单元后,学生能够读懂一则发生在电视台节目录制现场的故事,读懂人物的语言、动作和神态,描写体会人物的心理变化,了解故事情节发生和人物的性格特征。能够听懂阅读篇章中两个人物Angela和Daisy的对话,了解电视台平面布局。巩固获取关键信息和听力技能。能口头表达表扬和鼓励。能以小组为单位调查组内成员看电视的习惯,并向全班同学汇报调查结果。学习主持稿的结构,能为一场达人秀活动撰写主持稿,了解国际上的著名电影节。了解主要的文娱活动。能用恰当的方式表达赞扬或鼓励,并对别人的赞扬或鼓励做出恰当的反应。能够利用表格整理和呈现信息,通过学习故事类文章的阅读方法,能够分析故事的起因、经过和结果。
(一)自然情况 本单元围绕“电视节目录制”这一话题,开展教学活动,了解电视节目录制场景发生的故事、新型媒体平台和电影等相关知识。通过能够看懂广播,电视,网络节目等相关信息,了解电台录制节目时的表达,了解知识的涉猎范围。符合Module3 Leisure time这个话题的内容探究,以及九年级学生对知识的汲取需求。 (二)已有基础 本单元是八年级学生迈入新台阶的起点,在小学阶段, 关于“人与社会”的主题语境以及“社会服务与人际沟通”的主题群,初中阶段的七年级和八年级都学习了人与社会这个主题语境以及社会服务与人际沟通的主题群。学生在学习英语的过程中接触过一些与媒体相关的主题,部分的学生都喜欢看电视节目,因此学生对于电视节目录制现场这个话题是比较有兴趣的,贴近学生的生活,容易与学生引起共鸣。 (三)存在问题 学生缺乏对电视节目录制和新媒体平台具体知识,对于节目录制现场的工作人员名称以及电视节目录制相关词汇了解偏少。大部分学生都能理清楚阅读篇章中的故事发展的脉络,理解故事情节的构成,但是在通过分角色朗读或者是分角色表演体会人物心理变化,了解并理解人物的性格特征方面,有所欠缺,理解故事情节构成的阅读策略有待提高。在之前没有接触过电视台的平面图的相关的听力材料,在听力过程中,要求学生在电视台平面图上标注对话中提到的地点的位置,听力的过程中少数同学不能在听力的过程中快速地获取地点,方位等关键信息,记录笔记的能力稍弱。能够基本掌握语法板块although或者though引导的让步状语从句,但是在对于Although或though不能和but连用的知识点容易出现错误。部分同学在使用表扬和鼓励的表达方式进行口头对话的时候,表达不太流畅,有一定的语词错误。部分学生在学习达人秀主持稿的结构的时候稍有难度。学生在将调查报告中的信息转换成表格重现的时候学生容易遗漏细节信息。 (四)解决措施 在读前活动中,教师可以安排学生在读前活动的时候,把工作人员的名称和描述进行配对,检测他们是否对这些工作人员的职责有所了解,并让他们说出这些中文名称。 听力练习的时候应该先引导学生了解主篇章,阅读故事发生的背景就是Angela和Denise要到电视台参加一档节目的录制活动,在完成听力练习之前应该先引导学生观察平面图形,了解Angela和Denise的位置走廊的位置,房间门的朝向,尤其是要注意平面图左下方的图标,然后指导学生对要填写的房间名称进行听前预测,确保能够提高听力的正确性。 教师应该提醒学生注意此次写作主要涉及的是开场白介绍选手和比赛规则以及结尾中间的串词主要是靠临场发挥。 教师应该提醒学生确定表格的标题,栏目数以及栏目的标题。 鼓励学生在课堂上积极踊跃发言,尊重每个学生的想法,并给予客观公正的评价,而不是期待唯一的标准答案。 在教学过程中,创设以学生为主,教师为辅的教学模式,学生在教师的引导下一起探讨、讨论,共同完成学习任务。并鼓励学生将所学内容与家长进行分享。 可采用多种教学方式,根据学生随堂掌握情况,及时作出调整和改进。 从多角度多维度对学生进行多方位评价。
通过本单元的学习,学生能够: 1.能够读懂一个发生在电视台节目录制现场的故事。 2.能够听懂阅读篇章中两个人物Angela和Denise的对话,了解电视台的平面布局。 3.能够基本掌握语法板块although或者though引导的让步状语从句。 4.能够口头表达赞扬和鼓励。 5.学习主持稿的结构,并能为一场达人秀活动撰写主持稿。 6.了解国际上的著名电影节,了解主要的文娱活动。 7.用恰当的方式表达赞扬和鼓励,并能对别人的赞扬或鼓励做出恰当的反应。 8.能够发现语篇中事件的发展和变化,了解故事的情节发展和人物的性格特征,理解人物语言中蕴含信息和做出正确的价值判断。 9.通过复习故事类文章的阅读方法,能够分析故事的起因、经过和结果能够利用表格整理和呈现信息。
语篇 课型 第*课时 课时对应的单元教学目标
Reading I 阅读课 第一课时 能读懂一个发生在电视台节目录制现场的故事。
Reading & Listening 听力课 阅读课 第二课时 能发现语篇中事件的发展和变化,了解故事的情节发展和人物的性格特征。能够听懂阅读篇章中两个人物Angela和Denise的对话,了解电视台的平面布局。
Grammar 语法课 第三课时 能够基本掌握语法板块although或者though引导的让步状语从句。
Speaking & Writing 对话课 写作课 第四课时 用恰当的方式表达,赞扬和鼓励,并能对别人的赞扬或鼓励做出恰当的反应。学习主持稿的结构,并能为一场达人秀活动撰写主持稿。
More practice & Study skills & Culture corner 阅读拓展课 第五课时 了解国际上的著名电影节,了解主要的文娱活动。通过复习故事类文章的阅读方法,能够分析故事的起因。经过和结果能够利用表格整理和呈现信息。
通过略读回答问题链,理清故事发展的脉络。 精读复述阅读篇章,分角色朗读或扮演表演体会人物的心理变化,从而更好地理解人物的性格特征。 一篇关于电视台平面图的听力材料。评估学生是否能够快速地获取有用信息,比如能够获取地点、方位等关键信息以及快速做笔记的能力。 小组对话的形式,评价学生对于用目标语言表达赞扬或鼓励程度的掌握情况。 通过学生分组做口头汇报调查问卷的练习,评估学生是否能够从调查问卷中提取并统计相关数据的能力。 通过让学生撰写一篇达人秀的主持稿。评测学生是否掌握了主持稿的结构本格式用语是否恰当。 学生通过完成西蒙撰写的有关看电视习惯调查报告中的信息转换,检测学生是否掌握用表格整理和呈现信息的方法。 通过学习文化角知识。引导学生通过。网络或图书等媒介查询更多关于国际上著名电影节的资料,培养学生了解并尊重他国文化,理解中外文化差异的跨文化交际意识。
本单元的教学设计,在单元主题的指导下,基于话题对教材内容进行整合,将本单元的教学设计成五课时。每节课的设计都体现了任务型教学的理念,任务的设计由浅入深,层层递进;由于本单元的主题是节目录制,学生对于单元主题表现出比较大的热情,他们积极参与课堂讨论,主动分享自己对于电视节目录制的各方面的看法。本单元内容是从各个角度分类进行介绍,同时语篇中又从不同方面介绍了关于电视、学生们在词汇掌握,语法运用以及阅读理解等方面有待提高。写作和口语表达能力仍需加强,部分学生在用英语表达自己观点时显得略有吃力,因此在后续的教学过程中应该增加更多的口语和写作练习,以帮助学生提升他们的语言输出能力。学生对于电视节目录制类的话题有了更深入的了解,同时在英语的听说读写各方面有了明显的进步。 然而,由于电视节目录制涉及的专业知识比较广,部分学生对部分内容对于初中生来说可能较为复杂。在今后的教学中可以尝试更多地将素材生活化,趣味化的元素融入课堂中,以帮助学生更好地理解和接受这一主题。本单元的课堂教学中,知识性的输出很多,考查学生的课外阅读拓展知识。话题类的相关知识都是在平时的学习中一点点循序渐进地积累下来,平时学生应该多阅读课外书籍,多进行词汇和话题类的表达方式的积累。针对文化角板块,国际上著名电影节的。内容比较感兴趣。学习的过程中,可以组织全班同学搜集资料,举办一个小型发布会,介绍一些世界上著名电影的历史,培养学生的文化交流意识。
作业设计 这份作业是在学生学完了Unit5 Action!布置完成的。在教学过程中,针对此话题对学生进行了听、说、读、看、写五个方面的技能训练,因此这份作业的主要目标是对本单元进行综合复习。通过三个任务,达成复习目标。
作业内容 作业目标 设计意图
基础题: 一套本单元基础知识复习题 掌握本单元的重点单词,短语和句式表达。 查漏补缺,复习和巩固对本单元基础知识的掌握。
提高题: 整理本单元的学习笔记,用思维导图归纳五个课时的鼓励和表扬的常用表达方式和重要的语言点。 培养学生的信息整合能力,增强自主学习的能力。 自身对本单元的知识所掌握的程度。根据自己学习的情况,制订学习计划,查漏补缺。
拓展题: 全班收集资料举办一个小型的发布会,介绍国际著名电影节的历史。然后将介绍的内容制作成PPT或者宣传海报。 在情境中更加深入地消化和吸收本单元的主题观念和语言观念 将本单元的主题观念和语言观念进行迁移创新
Unit 5 Action!
Period 2 Reading II&
Learning objectives
①认读和理解单词among, onto, forward, second, relaxed,ahead of, beat, still, single, victory England, lucky, praise, view, news,survey和短语keep still, emergency exit。
Denise and Angela went to see a q____ show. While the three contestants were sitting at their desks on the stage and waiting, one of them p______ out and fell across her desk. She couldn’t compete in the show, so one m____ contestant was needed. The d_______ chose Angela to get onto the stage. A make-up a______ helped her get ready for the show. Angela seemed r_______ and did very well on the stage. She was soon a_____ of the other contestants. But Denise was so e_______ that she could hardly keep s______.Finally, Angela got all the questions right and became the l______ winner.
Fill in the blanks.
Surprises at the studio
Beginning: Angela and Denise sat in the audience and were prepared to watch the quiz show.
Middle: One of the contestants passed out and Angela was chosen to be the contestant.
Ending: Angela kept getting the questions right and won the prize.
Read the text in pairs, complete the chart below, review the cause, process, and outcome of the story, and verbally report the answers.
Warming up
Did you watch the quiz show on TV
“Five minutes to go,” shouted the director. “Is everyone ready ” “I'm glad that I’m not one of the contestants!” Denise said. “I’m not that brave.”
“Oh, I’d love to be a contestant,” said Angela.
The three contestants were sitting at their desks on the stage and waiting. The hot lights were shining down upon them. Suddenly one of them passed out and fell across her desk.
A cameraman helped the woman off the stage.
The director hurried down from the control room above. “We need another contestant,” he shouted. “Who among you wants to be on TV ”
Angela raised her hand. “You’re on!” the director shouted. He led her onto the stage, and a make-up artist rushed forward. She quickly put make-up on Angela’s face and brushed her hair. “Ten seconds,” shouted the director. “It’s time for Travel Quiz, and here’s your host, Lester Li!” said a loud voice. Lester Li ran out onto the stage. The quiz show began. Although Angela was not prepared, she seemed relaxed and did really well. She answered the questions with no problems and was soon ahead of the other two contestants.
among[ m ɡ]在…当中
onto[ ntu]prep. 到…上面
forward [ f w d]adv. 向前地;提前地
second [ sek nd]num. 第二;其次
relaxed [r laekst]adj. 放松的;自在的
ahead of在…前
Twenty-five minutes later, Angela just had to answer six more questions to beat the other contestants and to win the prize.
Denise was so excited that she could hardly keep still. Though the questions were getting more and more difficult, Angela kept getting them right.
Soon there was just a single question between Angela and victory. “And finally, where’s Big Ben ” asked Lester.
“In England,” replied Angela.
“Correct!” shouted Lester. “You’re tonight’s lucky winner. You’ve won tonight’s prize-a trip for two to the lovely city of Paris!”
beat [bi t]. 打败;敲打
keeps still保持静止
still [st l]adv. 仍然;静止地
victory [ v ktri]n. 胜利;战胜
single [ s gl]adj. 单一的;单个的
England [ ɡl nd]n. 英国
lucky [ l ki]adj. 幸运的;吉祥的
Para.( )
Turning point: ___________________
Do you remember the story and plot of the surprises in the studio Fill in the correct information in the chart below.
Angela was chosen
to be the contestant.
Para.( )
One of the constants passed out.
Angela and
Denise took part in a
TV programme.
Para.( )
Rising action: ________________
Para.( )
Falling point: _____________________
Angela answered all the
questions correctly and was ahead of
the other two contestants.
Para.( )
Ending: ______________________
Angela won the prize.
Reading task
What happened before the show How did they deal with the unexpected incident Cameraman
Make-up artist
Who won How
What was prize
pass out,fell
hurried down from...,shouted
raised her hand
put make-up on...
ran out onto...
Angela,answered, was ahead of,kept getting... right
a trip for two to Paris
Read the main reading passage,work in pairs and complete the table with appropriate words or phrases.
Students work in pairs and retell the story content according to the table.
Read paragraphs 1 to 3 of the story and answer the questions.
Reading task
What would Angela like to be, one of the contestants or someone in the audience
Someone in the audience.
Why would Denise not love to be a contestant
A.Because she was not that brave.
B.Because she was not interested in the quiz show.
C.Because she passed out.
D.Because she couldn't keep still.
Read paragraphs 1 to 3 of the story and answer the questions.
Reading task
What is the difference in character between Denise and Angela Please identify the details in the text and summarize their personality traits.
Angela is confident and brave.
Dennis is not brave or confident, a bit shy.
Reading task
Read paragraphs 1 to 3 of the story and answer the questions.
1.What might have made the woman pass out
The hot lights.
Read paragraphs 4 to 7 of the story and answer the questions.
Reading task
2.What did the director do after the woman fell across the desk
He hurried down from the control room above.
Read paragraphs 4 to 7 of the story and answer the questions.
Reading task
Read paragraphs 4 to 7 of the story and answer the questions.
Reading task
3.Why was Angela chosen to be the contestant
4.What was done to Angela after the director chose her
The director led her onto the stage, and a make-up artist put make-up on her face and brushed her hair.
Because she raised her hand.
5.How many people are mentioned in this passage
Read paragraphs 4 to 7 of the story and answer the questions.
Reading task
( )1.Although Angela was very nervous, she got all the answers right.
( )2.Angela answered some of the questions wrong, but she was still ahead of the other two contestants.
( )3.Denise sat on the seat quietly and waited for Angela's great moment.
… she seemed relaxed and did really well.
She answered the questions with no problems and was soon ahead of the other two contestants.
Reading task
Students should read paragraphs 8 to 15, then complete the following exercises to determine right and wrong, and find evidence in the main reading chapter.
( )4.Finally, if Angela could answer the last two questions, she would be the winner.
( )5.The answer to the last question is “Paris”.
Reading task
Soon there was just a single question between Angela and victory.
“In England,” replied Angela.
Students should read paragraphs 8 to 15, then complete the following exercises to determine right and wrong, and find evidence in the main reading chapter.
3.was clever. ______________________________________
2.kept calm. ______________________________________
1.seemed relaxed._________________________________
How did Angela perform in the game Find evidence and fill in the blanks.
Reading task
She answered the questions with no
Soon there was just a single question between
Angela and victory.
Though the questions were getting more and more difficult, Angela kept getting them right.
Students should read paragraphs 8 to 15.
Reading task
What prize did Angela get for winning the quiz show
A trip for one to Paris.
Read the para. 13-15 and answer the following questions.
Reading task
Who do you think will Angela go to Paris with Why
Maybe she will go to Paris with Denise because Denise is her friend.
Read the 5th parts (para 13-15) and answer the following questions.
Think about it:
Who else do you think Angela will go to Paris with
D1 Angela was interviewed later by a newspaper reporter. Read the article in the book and answer the questions for Angela.
Reporter:Where were you at first
Reporter:What happened before the programme started
Reporter:Who took the woman's place
I was in the audience at first.
One of the contestants/A woman passed out and fell across her desk.
I took her place./Me.
Reporter:Who was the host
Reporter:Did you do well in the quiz
Angela:Yes. 5.______________________________________________________
Reporter:What did you win
Lester Li (was the host).
I answered the questions with no problems and was soon ahead of the other two contestants.
I won a trip for two to Paris./A trip for two to Paris.
Act Angela and reporter in pairs, and read the dialogue D1.
D2 Read the article again and decide whether these sentences are T (True) or F (False). Find facts in the article to support your answers. Then write down the facts.
“I'm glad that I'm not one of the contestants!” Denise said. “I'm not that brave.”
Although Angela was not prepared, she seemed relaxed and did really well.
“I'm glad that I'm not one of the contestants!” Denise said. “I'm not that brave.”
“Oh, I'd love to be a contestant,” said Angela.
*D3 How many surprises can you find in the story Discuss this with your classmates.
One of the contestants
passed out and fell
across her desk.
Angela was chosen to be a contestant on the show.
The third surprise: Angela
won the prize—a trip for
two to Paris!
Denise and Angela took part in ____________________________. Before the show, one of the contestants passed out.The director chose Angela to be on stage. She seemed _______ and was soon __________the other two contestants. Finally,Angela answered the last question correctly and______ the prize of ___________________________.
a TV programme /Travel Quiz
ahead of
a trip for two to Paris
Group conversation
You can also ask questions similar to the following:
If you were a live audience, would you actively participate in the competition like Angela after a contestant passed out
Assuming Angela and Denise meet two friends after recording the program, they discuss the process of recording the program.
Work in groups of four to have a conversation, and each person chooses a role to play, playing Angela Denise and their two friends.
Divide into small groups and read the story of each chapter. Each person chooses a character to perform and then goes on stage to perform.
Role play
Tom’s home
Tom is going from home to the hospital How should he go
Go straight ahead of the street, then turn right.Turn left at the first intersection, go straight to the intersection, and finally turn left until the end of the boundary is the hospital.
Lead in
Listen to the recording and understand the background of the main reading passage.
1.What is the main idea of the listening material
Angela and Denise are going to the TV station to participate in the recording of a show.
Listen to the recording and understand the background of the main reading passage.
The conversation took place before the recording of the
"Travel Quiz" program. Angela and Denise arrived at the
TV station early and had a conversation between them.
When did this conversation occur, before or after participating in the recording
Denise and Angela are looking at the floor plan of the TV station.
They are looking for these places:
a. Janet Smith's office.
b. the Travel Quiz studio
c. the waiting room
d. the restaurant
5.可用符号等简单记录关键信息,例如:go down (——), turn left (L), the second crossing (2nd+)。
Listening skills
next to
straight ahead of
The direction words:
e.g. turn left
turn right
on the right
on the left
Look and say.Here are some words to express direction.
4.Janet Smith的办公室可能在平面图的顶部,靠近出口。
a Janet Smith’s office ______
b the Travel Quiz studio ______
c the waiting room ______
d the restaurant ______
A Denise and Angela are looking at the floor plan of the TV station (see below). Listen to their conversation. Then number the places from 1 to 4 according to the order they are first mentioned.
B Listen to the recording again. Then write the name of each place in the
Janet Smith’s office
the restaurant
the Travel Quiz studio
emergency exit:紧急出口
1.Why did Dennis suggest go into the restaurant
2.Why did they need to go to the travel quiz studio
3.Where could they get a drink
4.Who is Janet smith
5.What did Angela think of finding Janet’s office
Listen again and then answer the following question.
Because they arrived earlier and could get a drink there.
Because they would film there.
At a studio restaurant.
She is Denise friend.
She thought it was impossible for them to find office.
1.suppose you have just come out of Jenny smith office you want to go to the restaurant you ask someone working there for help.
2.Suppose you have just come out of the travel quiz
studio you want to met Janet’s smith in her office you
ask someone working there for help.
3.Suppose you have just come out of the travel quiz
studio you want to go to the waiting room to meeting your friend there you ask someone walking there for help.
S1: Now I’m in/at ... How can I go to … from here
S2: You can …
Lead in
Key words and Expressions
1.onto prep. 到…上面 2.forward adv. 向前地;;提前地
3.second num. 第二;其次 4.relaxed adj. 放松的;自在的
5.ahead of在…前面 6.beat v. 打败;敲打
7.still adv. 仍然;静止地 8.single adj. 单一的;单个的
9.victory n. 胜利;战胜 10.England n. 英国
11.lucky adj.幸运的;吉祥的 12.emergency exit紧急出口
Useful sentences
1.Five minutes to go.
2.I’m not that brave.
3.You’re on!
4.Although Angela was not prepared, she seemed relaxed and did really well.
5.Though the questions were getting more and more difficult, Angela kept getting them right.
例句:She was the younger among them.他是他们当中年龄最小的。
例句:There is a house among the trees树林中有一座房子。
②between在......之间;表示两者之间,between... and...意思是“在...和...之间”。
1.Who among you wants to be on TV 你们当中谁想上电视?
Language points
Teachers dance________ the six children.
the girl stands _________Tony and Tom.
1.Who among you wants to be on TV 你们当中谁想上电视?
Language points
2.Angela raises her hand an吉拉举起了手。
1.Please ________ your hand if you have any question.
2.The song ______ in the east and seas in the west.
Language points
3.He made her onto the stage and make up artist rushed forward.
例句:Move the books onto the shelf.
例句:She stepped GE down from the train onto the platform.
The bus veered _____ the wrong side of the road.
He managed to bribe his way _____ the ship.
Reading strategies
例句:Move forward carefully or you sleep.小心的往前走,不然你会滑倒。
例句:I stepped forward when my name was called out听见叫我名字的时候我向前迈了一步。
例句:The forward part of the train is for first class passengers only.
Reading strategies
She took up a _________ position on the court.
The seat tips_________ to allow passengers into the back.
4.It's time for travel queens and her is your host,Lester Li” said a loud voice.
It's time for sth.到某事的时间了。
it's time for lunch.到午饭的时间了。
It's time for (sb.) to do sth.到(某人)做某事的时间了
例句:it's time for us to have a rest.到我们休息的时间了。
You're sleepy all day, but when ____________bed, you can hardly fall asleep.
After forty years in politics I think ____________ me to call it a day.
it's time for
it's time for
Language points
5.Angela was not prepared she seemed relaxed and did really well.
辨析:relaxed 和 relaxing
①relaxed 放松的;冷静的;常做表语,主语是人。
例句:I feel really relaxed after the relaxing vacation.这个令人放松的假期之后,我感到非常放松。例句:Try to adopt a more relaxed manner. 试着换一种更加放松的方式。
1.He was becoming more expansive as he ________ (放松的).
2. If you need some help slowing down, turn on ___________ (令人放松的) music.
Language points
6.She Answer to the questions with no problems and was soon ahead of the other two contestant.她准确无误地回答了问题,并很快领先其他两位参赛者。
ahead of
例句:Our football team was ahead of the other teams in the final match.
②在什么之前提前表示空间或时间she said to rows ahead of me.
He noticed a wallet lying on the ground __________ him.
ahead of
Language points
7.Dense was so excited that she could hardly keep still.
1.Keep still保持静止,保持不动(的状态)。
例句:It is difficult for kids to keep still对学对孩子来说保持不动是很难。
Can't use this still for a moment.难道你不能安静一会儿吗?
例句:My mother is still cooking,我的妈妈还在做饭。
Language points
3.【副词】更;更加;还要常; 用来修饰形容词或副词的比较级,用以加强比较级的程度。
例句:He worked it still harder from then on。从那时起,他工作更加努力了。
1.Father winked at John as a sign for him to __________ (保持不动).
2.These scales are extremely sensitive, so ________ completely ______.
keep still
keep still
Language points
be lucky to do sth.,幸运的做某事
例句:we are lucky to live in a peaceful country.
8.You’re are tonight’s lucky winner.你是今晚幸运的获胜者。
Two ________ employees won a round-the-world trip.
He ___________ get off with a small fine.
was lucky to
Language points
We____________________ Sunshine School in the basketball match.
I didn’t see her face because she was walking me.
while I brush your hair.
That diary has also become .
6. I don't feel nervous any longer. I am r_________now.
beat without difficulty
ahead of
Keep still
a symbol of the victory of the human spirit
Wang Zihan won the ____________ in the speech contest.
8.He's l_______ (幸运的) enough to have the chance to visit Beijing.
9.During the summer holiday, it’s hard to buy the air ticket to the UK because many Chinese students go there for study. I have to buy a_________(only one) ticket.
10._________________________(英国)is an old industrial country.
second prize
Britain/ The UK/ England
Jeremy took part in a quiz show at a TV studio on Sunday morning.Before the show started, Jeremy was calm. But when a boy named Hector kept answering correctly and more
q1. , Jeremy began to feel n2. . Suddenly, one of the contestants—a girl named Molly passed out, and Jeremy could see that Hector began to feel nervous,too. Jeremy tried to c3. down and kept on making his own answers.Then he did better and better.
F4. , he answered 22 questions correctly, two more than Hector. However, another girl answered 24 questions correctly and w5. the first prize.
2.抄写单词和短语:among,onto,forward, second,relaxed,ahead of,beat,still, single,victory, England,lucky;短语keep still,emergency exit。用所学的单词和短语绘制思维导图。
拓展题:假设Angela和Denise在录制节目后,碰到两名朋友,他们四人谈论起了录音节目的过程。四人一组,每个人选择角色进行扮演Angela Denise和他们的两个朋友,进行对话。
Q:Who will Angela probably go to Paris with
Sample:Angela will probably go with Dennis because they are best friend Angela will probably go with the country contestant Who passed out before the quiz show because she thinks the lady gave her a chance to win the contest.
Reading self-assessment How well do you know about this lesson Tick(√)the boxes. Good ( ) Not bad ( ) Try harder ( )
I understand the new words and expressions.
I can understand a story about a TV program recording scene.
I am able to understand the personality traits of the characters in the story.
I Can understand the conversation between Angela and Denise in the reading passage.
Listening self-assessment How well do you know about this lesson Tick(√)the boxes. Good ( ) Not bad ( ) Try harder ( )
I can read simple TV station floor plans.
I can predict the listening content based on the TV station plan.
I can get and write down the key information while listening.
I am able to create conversations based on the TV station's floor plan and context.