Unit2 My favourite season Part B Read and write 教案


名称 Unit2 My favourite season Part B Read and write 教案
格式 docx
文件大小 19.1KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(PEP)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-10-16 22:29:47



Unit2 My favorite seasons
Part B Read and write
本节课是一节阅读写作课,通过自由交谈导入,设计读前、读中、读后三大主要环节。读前:通过chant以及Free talk,激活学生旧知,调动学生学习的积极性、主动性和专注性,学会聆听,为新课做铺垫,同时抛出疑问,引出新课。读中:通过展示相关图片帮助学生理解文本,降低学习难度。读后通过多种形式跟读、朗读、对话,提高学生口语能力。通过提炼重点句型,完成课本配套练习,为写作做准备。让学生仿制季节相册完成写作任务,引导学生热爱大自然,热爱生活。布置作业环节,让学生学以致用。
本节课是PEP教材五年级下册第二单元 Part B read and write 部分,本单元学习的主题是描述最喜欢的季节并陈述原因。本课时是读写课,主要内容是四篇配图的小短文。在四幅图片的帮助下描述四个季节的特点,以及机器人 Robin 表达的对四季的喜好之情。本部分概括了本单元学习的核心句型:I like ...Because ...让学生在阅读理解中加强对本单元核心句型的运用。
1)能运用句型 I like … because …表达自己最喜欢的季节及原因。
1. 能够听懂、读懂 Read and write 的内容,并能完成选择题。
2. 能够正确运用关于喜好的句型“I like … because …”。
3. 能够简单介绍自己最喜欢的季节及原因并尝试简单写作。
Step 1:Pre-reading
T: Good morning,everyone.
Ss: Good morning. Miss Liu.
T: How are you today
Ss: I'm fine. Thank you. And you
T: I'm fine, too.
2. Enjoy chant about the seasons.
3. Free talk
T: We know there are four seasons in a year. What are they
S: They are spring,summer, fall and winter.
T: Which season do you like best Why
S:I like..., because...
Step 2 :While-reading
1. Lead-in(课件出示: Robin图像)
T: Now I know some of you like spring, some of you like summer, autumn, or winter. Which season does Robin like best Please listen to the recording and then answer the question. (播放Read and write音频)
T: Which season does Robin like best
S1: Robin likes spring.
S2: Robin likes summer.
S3: Robin likes autumn.
S4: Robin likes winter.
T: Yes! Robin likes all the seasons. Robin likes them all.
2. Read and match
Let the students read the sentences and match them with the pictures.(PPT呈现句子和四幅图)
a. The weather is hot, hot, hot!
b. There is lots of snow. It is white everywhere.
c. Look at the green trees and pink flowers.
d. What lovely colours! The leaves fall and fall and fall. I love fall.
3.Read and underline
T: Why does Robin like spring and winter Please read the text and underline the relevant sentences.
T: Why does Robin like spring
Ss: Because there are beautiful flowers everywhere.
T: Why does Robin like winter
Ss: Because Robin can play in the snow.
4.Read and answer
T: Here comes summer. What’s the weather like (课件出示:图片2)
Lead Ss to say: it’s hot in summer.
T: What do you often do in summer
Give a tip to the Ss: you should go swimming with your parents.
T: We can swim in the sea. Can Robin swim
T: Look at Picture 3 and read the sentences. (课件出示:图片3)How many “fall” can you find
Ss: Four.
T: Do you know the meaning of “fall”
Ss: ...
T: The last one means “autumn”. The others are verbs and mean “落下”in Chinese
Step 3: Post-reading
1. Listen and repeat,try to imitate
2.Watch the video and repeat
3. Read the passage in pairs
【设计意图】通过听读规范学生语音语调, 让学生养成良好的模仿朗读英语的习惯。通过两人一组分角色读培养学生的角色意识,通过展示进一步激发学生的朗读兴趣。
4. Read and tick
(1)Students read the text again and finish the task.
(2)Check the answers. Explain the different meanings of the word
“fall” in the text.
(3) Complete the sentence.
T: Which season do you like best Why Think and write. Students complete
the sentence. Then read it out.
5.Make a season album
T: Robin makes an album for the seasons. It looks so beautiful.Please try to make an album for the seasons by yourselves. You should write at least two sentences for each season.(课件展示例子)
For example: Spring is warm, I like spring very much. I can fly a kite in spring.I can go on a picnic ,too.
Step 4: Summary
T:There is a proverb for you :Every season has its joy. In other words,each season is beautiful,each season is amazing! So we should love the nature,love the life!
Step 5: Homework
1.Listen and recite the dialogue.
2.Write an article about your favorite season.(尝试写一篇你最喜欢的季节小短文)
Step 6: Blackboard Design
Unit2 My favorite seasons
Part B Read and write
Robin likes them all
I like... spring summer
fall winter