2024人教版高中英语必修第三册同步练习题--UNIT 5 Part 4 Writing(答案与解析)


名称 2024人教版高中英语必修第三册同步练习题--UNIT 5 Part 4 Writing(答案与解析)
格式 docx
文件大小 975.5KB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-10-18 09:28:35



Part 4 Writing
Character (人物) Y:Yang Bailao(杨白劳) X:Xi'er, Yang's daughter(喜儿,杨白劳的女儿) Scene(场景) Prepare for the New Year(为新年做准备)
Stage Arrangement (舞台布置) A table, a chair, a bowl of water on the table, some related music(一张桌子,一把椅子,桌子上的一碗水,一些相关的音乐)
Plot Introduction (情节介绍) Xi'er is waiting for Daddy to spend the New Year. Her daddy, Yang Bailao, manages to come back, bringing a piece of red hair string.(喜儿在等爸爸回来过年,她的爸爸杨白劳设法回来了,带了一根红头绳)
Narration (旁白) It's snowing on New Year's Eve. After escaping the loans, Yang Bailao wants to go home, where his daughter, Xi'er, is waiting for him.(除夕夜下着雪。逃债过后,杨白劳想回家,他的女儿喜儿正在家里等他)
主题 剧本创作《白毛女》 体裁 对话
布局 第一部分:旁白,介绍该剧的背景; 第二部分:喜儿出场,等待父亲杨白劳回家过年; 第三部分:杨白劳出场,和喜儿的对白(注意该部分的细节描写,重点描写杨白劳父女相见的情景)。
1.    n.叙述;讲述;解说
2.    n.(戏剧或歌剧的)场;场面
3.    n.贷款;借款
4.    vt.忽视;对……不予理会
5.      应该
答案 1.narration 2.scene 3.loan
4.ignore 5.ought to
Daddy has gone out to             .
I have been wondering                     .
They          three times.
They found it                 , and then they went away.
I feel          we were acting a drama.
God          play tricks on the poor like us.
答案 (1)escape the loans (2)when Daddy will come back (3)have come
(4)impossible to find you (5)as if/though
(6)oughtn't to
答案 (7)They went away when finding it impossible to find you.
Narration:It's snowing on New Year's Eve. After escaping the loans, Yang Bailao wants to go home, where his daughter, Xi'er, is waiting for him.
X=Xi'er, Y=Yang Bailao
X:The old year is passing, and I am so lonely. Daddy has gone out to escape the loans. I have been wondering when Daddy will come back.(She wipes tears with hands. What a miserable scene!) Daddy, Daddy, where are you Where are you
Y:(With a piece of red hair string in his hand, he looks back and forward. After feeling safe, he comes to the door.) Xi'er, my dear, Daddy comes back. Please open the door.
X:(Amazed.) Daddy Daddy is back Really Is that you, Daddy
Y:Yes, Xi'er. Did Huang Shiren come here today
X:[She brings boiled water for Daddy and massages(按摩) his back.] Yeah, Daddy. They have come three times. Fortunately, they went away when finding it impossible to find you. Actually, I feel as if we were acting a drama. God oughtn't to play tricks on the poor like us.
Y:Ignore it, e here to see the present I bought for you.
(Play the episode of the play.)
  1.It is very kind of you, sir, but...先生,你真是太好了,但……
2.I'm afraid...恐怕……
3.Well, I wonder if you can permit me to... 嗯,我想知道你能否允许我……
4.We're so glad that...我们非常高兴……
5.Indeed, I hope...真的,我希望……
6.I'm sorry, but...对不起,但是……
7.Yes. I think so.是的。我想是这样的。
8.Nothing at all!什么都没有!
Part 4 Writing
实战演练 对应主书P85
One possible version:
(While Henry is walking down the street,he sees a sign for a place that cuts hair. He decides to have his hair cut.)
H:Good afternoon. I’d like to have my hair cut, if I may. (The barber looks at Henry’s hair and continues cutting another man’s hair.)Er, I’d really like a haircut. As you can see, it’s too long.
B:(in a rude manner)Yes, I can see that. Indeed, I can.
H:Fine. Well, I’ll have a seat then.
(He sits in one of the barber’s chairs. The barber turns to look at Henry.)
B:It’s quite expensive here, you know! Are you sure you can afford it
H:Yes. I think so.
(After his hair is cut,the barber tells Henry how much he must pay. Henry shows the barber the bank note.)
B:Why Mr...(looking shocked)
H:Adams. Henry Adams. I’m sorry. I don’t have any change.
B:Please don’t worry! (wearing a big smile) Nothing to worry about! Nothing at all! Please come here whenever you like, even if you only have too little hair cut! It will be my honour to serve you!
①sign n.招牌;标牌
②change n.找给的零钱
③honour n.荣幸
④serve v.接待;服务
Please come here whenever you like, even if you only have too little hair cut!(whenever引导时间状语从句;even if引导让步状语从句)你喜欢什么时候来就什么时候来,即使你只有很少的头发要剪!
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