2024人教版高中英语选择性必修第三册同步练习题--UNIT 4 ADVERSITY AND COURAGE(答案与解析)


名称 2024人教版高中英语选择性必修第三册同步练习题--UNIT 4 ADVERSITY AND COURAGE(答案与解析)
格式 docx
文件大小 991.2KB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-10-18 10:08:08



第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
At the core of the ever-evolving technology industry, there are a few key individuals who have left a deeper influence and changed the lives of many people, giving them motivation and the will to persevere to the end.
Sunder Pichai—the current CEO of Google
Sunder Pichai was not born with a silver spoon in his mouth. However, his story never fails to remind all that with determination and hard work, one can beat the odds. During his time as the CEO, Pichai led the launch of Google Chrome, Google Drive and Google Maps, which have features that have transformed the modern lifestyle.
Steve Jobs—the late CEO of Apple
The life of Steve Jobs can be compared to a roller coaster(过山车). He was fired from the company that he co-founded (known as Apple now), and then he went on to start up two other successful companies, before returning to Apple, where he created the iPhone, a significant invention of this century.
Elon Musk—the founder of SpaceX and Tesla
Elon Musk used to be a major shareholder in PayPal and was also its CEO but was dismissed due to disagreements with the company leaders. He left PayPal and went on to establish SpaceX and Tesla, both of which turned out to be successful companies. Currently, he has set his sights on ways to reduce global warming, including keeping a lookout for new sources of renewable energy, and has an exciting ambition to establish a human colony(聚居地)on Mars.
   Sal Khan—the pioneer of online education
He may not be that famous, but his contribution to education deserves much credit. Using his website, anyone can have unlimited access to educational videos that teach just about anything for free without attending a formal course. In fact, it was not an easy process. There were a lot of dying moments when he was stressed out, but anyway he made it.
1.Who is currently paying attention to the eco-friendly cause
A.Sunder Pichai.   B.Steve Jobs.
C.Elon Musk.   D.Sal Khan.
2.What do we know about the four tech giants
A.Elon Musk established PayPal, SpaceX and Tesla.
B.Sal Khan was the first to launch formal courses online.
C.Sunder Pichai had the ambition to change the modern lifestyle.
D.Steve Jobs was once dismissed by the company he founded.
3.What does the text convey to readers
A.Every cloud has a silver lining.
B.Failure is the mother of success.
C.A friend in need is a friend indeed.
D.Success is not served on a silver platter.
This past January, Captain Preet Chandi set foot on a historic and decidedly icy trail, becoming the first woman of color to reach the South Pole alone, without assistance. While others might have been content to make history with this singular accomplishment, “Polar Preet” Chandi is not one to rest on her achievements. The journey to the South Pole was merely “phase one” of a larger and even more extraordinary goal for the adventurous British Army officer.
“For phase two”, the 33-year-old has set her sights on crossing Antarctica—once again doing the journey alone and unsupported to become the first woman to achieve this goal.
On November 14, Chandi departed from Hercules Inlet, an ice-filled bay at the southwestern section of the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf bordering the Weddell Sea in Antarctica. Her goal is to reach Reedy Glacier within 75 days, a coast-to-coast journey consisting of roughly 1,100 miles. And “roughly” is the key word here—she'll be pulling a sled (雪橇) with equipment weighing about 264 pounds altogether, and she'll be doing so in temperatures that can sink to minus 58 degrees Fahrenheit, with wind speeds of up to 60 miles per hour.
Her journey thus far required years of training. Prior to her 700-mile South Pole journey, she prepared by attending a polar survival course in Norway. She continued her training back home in the UK by dragging tires, the closest thing to pulling a sled, and a month-long practice run in Greenland. Ultimately, Chandi went on to finish her first South Pole expedition in 40 days, eight full days ahead of schedule.
In addition to setting records of human endurance in extreme conditions, Chandi tries to inspire others in her day-to-day work.
Chandi will be posting interval (间隔) voice blog updates of her phase two progress on her website, , where a live tracking map will also provide her current location at every point along her journey.
“Nothing is impossible. I've always had this idea that I can achieve something great, something that allows me to be a role model,” Chandi shared on her blog.
4.Why does Chandi want to cross Antarctica
A.To stick to a promise.
B.To take further challenges.
C.To raise money for poor women.
D.To realize her childhood dream.
5.Why does the author emphasize the word “roughly” in Paragraph 3
A.To hide the author's bad memory of numbers.
B.To indicate that there are more challenges faced by Chandi.
C.To explain that there is no proper word to describe the journey.
D.To show there is no official figure about the distance to Antarctica.
6.What can we infer from Paragraph 4
A.Survival training was a hard process.
B.Chandi got trained by pulling sleds.
C.The journey to the South Pole was eventful.
D.Chandi made full preparations for her adventure.
7.Which words can best describe Chandi
A.Inspiring and friendly.   B.Active and creative.
C.Confident and determined.   D.Adventurous and modest.
The Forbidden City is well known for being full of cultural and historical Chinese relics. But Masters In The Forbidden City(《我在故宫修文物》)does not just focus on the stories of the past.
Instead, the documentary movie, which came out on CCTV-9, focuses on ordinary people—the restorers(修复者)of relics and antiques.
The stories are told at a slow and relaxing pace, reflecting the restorers' work. Restoration of cultural relics and antiques can be time-consuming, and sometimes boring. Yet these restorers' patience and peace of mind are especially precious in a society where everything is changing so fast.
“If you choose this job, you have to stand hours of work sitting on a chair. You need to be quiet and get used to being quiet,” says Wang Jin, an ancient clock repair expert.
A touching part of the documentary is the spirit of craftsmanship(手艺)in the restorers. “Years of humdrum work requires not only skill, but also faith and spirit,” China Daily commented. “Looking for precision and perfection, devoting yourself to work, patience, endurance(忍耐力)...all these qualities come from the craftsman spirit.”
But unlike the popular idea of serious experts who sit around being serious, the documentary shows the enthusiasm of the restorers. They play the guitar and make jokes about each other after a long day of restoration work.
One scene that has been very popular with Internet users features a young female restorer riding a bicycle through the empty Forbidden City on a Monday. While she is doing this, a narrator says, “The last person to do this was Puyi, the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty.”
Masters In The Forbidden City tells us that many people's ideas about antique restorers are wrong, allowing them to realize that the restorers are not dull, old professors, but people in their 40s, 30s and even 20s who can be quite pleasing to the eye.
8.According to the text, what's the main purpose of the documentary Masters In The Forbidden City
A.To show people how antiques are restored.
B.To display relics seldom seen by ordinary people.
C.To draw attention to Chinese antique restorers.
D.To praise the craftsmanship of Chinese antique restorers.
9.What can we learn from what Wang Jin says in Paragraph 4
A.He often gets tired of his work.
B.There is no need to do restoration work fast.
C.Antique restorers need to be patient and peaceful.
D.It takes years of hard work to adapt to antique restoration.
10.What does the underlined word “humdrum” in Paragraph 5 mean
A.Boring.   B.Different.   C.Relaxing.   D.Unusual.
11.What is the purpose of the bicycle-riding scene in the documentary
A.To remind the audience of the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty.
B.To show the strange hobbies of young antique restorers.
C.To encourage the young to consider a career in antique restoration.
D.To show the different image of antique restorers.
In 1802, 31-year-old Beethoven paced through the countryside around Vienna. The hard soil crunched(发出咯吱咯吱的响声) beneath his feet and birds conducted their own orchestra. But Beethoven wasn't amazed at these details. Some years earlier, he had started to lose his hearing. He still persevered with his work, and went on creating timeless music. But he found little joy in the process.
Today, 466 million people worldwide have disabling hearing loss, and over 900 million are expected to have it by 2050, according to the World Health Organization. Its impact is often underestimated compared with other disabilities, and people with hearing loss constantly experience communication difficulties in their everyday lives. They often mishear the speech and find it very difficult to follow conversations. The miscommunication can lead individuals to feel isolated as they struggle to take part in social interaction, and ultimately lead them to withdraw from society. As Helen Keller once wrote, “Blindness cuts us off from things, but deafness cuts us off from people.”
To this day, there is still no cure for sensorineural hearing loss (the most common type, and the one Beethoven had). We have advanced technological devices that strengthen the sound, such as hearing aids and cochlear implants(人工耳蜗), but these still don't restore hearing. Scientists have been studying the regeneration(再生) process of hair cells in non-mammals, and they have identified various genes and proteins that have central roles. These can be targeted at stimulating support cells in the cochlea to create more hair cells and replace those that died. Some of these cell therapies have been successful in restoring the hearing of mice and guinea pigs: a breakthrough! If it works, such a scientific advance could transform hearing health care.
When Beethoven lost his hearing, he separated himself from society, but one thing that gave him strength was the hope that his hearing could be regained one day. But each medical therapy he attempted failed. In 1802, he wrote, “But think that for six years now, I have been hopelessly afflicted(折磨), made worse by senseless physicians, from year to year cheated by hopes of improvement,and finally forced to face a lasting disease(whose cure will take years or perhaps be impossible).”
12.What does the first paragraph serve as
A.An introduction.   B.A background.
C.A comment.   D.An explanation.
13.What is the main idea of the second paragraph
A.We all should give a hand to the disabled.
B.The difficulties the deaf in the world are facing.
C.There are many people going through hardship.
D.Helen Keller and Beethoven had the same problem.
14.What makes the author feel relieved according to the passage
A.The deaf are optimistic about their lives.
B.Science and technology is vital for the world.
C.The deaf are always inspired by the famous people.
D.Technology is helping the deaf find a solution.
15.What is the best title for the passage
A.Thanks to your dream!   B.Everything is possible
C.Beethoven's dream   D.I have a dream
Everyone faces adversity during their lifetime.  16 . We can become stronger, and we can refuse to let hard times keep us from reaching our potential. Below are several ways to keep fighting well and build your resilience (韧性) when the going gets tough.
Declare that life is not fair.
You probably already realize this. But it's important to say it out loud and keep it in the forefront of your mind when you're going through a trial. Some people seem to never struggle, and some people get everything they want.  17 .
Collect your resources.
Everyone has people in their circle they can trust to support them or personal qualities that help them get through dark times.  18 . Everyone has strengths they can use and build on.
Identify something in your life that is stable/positive.
 19 . It may be a relationship with a relative, friend, or partner. Perhaps it's a job that we love. It could be a secure home or living arrangement. Maybe it's even a hobby that we enjoy. Remind yourself of the things that you can count on when there are a lot of changes going on around you or you are uncertain about the future.
 20 .
Remembering how you've got through difficulties in the past and how you navigated them can be a helpful tool and give you more hope and courage. If you find yourself struggling in ways that you've never experienced or to a degree that you haven't faced before, it can still be helpful to reflect on things that you've done before. You want to remember that you are useful and that you can keep going.
A.Rethink how you feel about adversity
B.Reflect on past challenges that you have overcome
C.Accept that life is not fair, but that things often do work out with time and effort
D.Even during dark times in life, there is almost always something that we can count on
E.You may not know your own ability, so give some thought to what your superpowers are
F.However, we can shift our focus toward overcoming our own obstacles and personal growth
G.If you've experienced what seems like more than your fair share of adversity, this will be difficult
16.    17.    18.    19.    20.   
第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
“New Recruits Wanted.” This  21  caught my eye and revived (重新唤起) the dream I had had since my childhood. But, just as  22 , I reminded myself that I was getting close to sixty. Hesitating for a while, I finally entered the hall and filled out a(n) 23 .
My dream of becoming a firefighter began when I watched the television show Rescue 8,  24  with the cooperation of the Los Angeles Fire Department. Unfortunately, a career in construction and a family to  25  got in the way of working for the local fire department. Now,  26  retirement, my wife and I had just relocated to a beautiful village near Seattle. I had time to give.
To my delight, I was accepted for  27 . Yes, I was the oldest recruit, and it was so  28  that I was ready to drop out one day. When I got home from practice that day, a friend came over. I was about to say I could  29  do it anymore when he passed me a beautifully-illustrated book of firefighters in  30 , with a personalized message of inspiration, encouraging me to follow my dream. As I looked through the  31 , I felt amazed at the courage and devotion of these brave  32 . It gave me the strength I needed to carry on.
Over the next few weeks, the training continued to be tough, but I never lost  33  again. I lost twenty pounds, but eventually I was certificated as a firefighter. And now I can drive the big red trucks and  34  my community. When most of my friends are retiring, I'm  35  a new career I love. And I know that you're never too old to take on new challenges and never too old to follow your dreams.
21.A.promise   B.sign   C.guideline   D.exposure
22.A.quickly   B.accurately
C.fundamentally   D.originally
23.A.diagram   B.memory
C.appointment   D.application
24.A.written   B.promoted
C.described   D.filmed
25.A.rescue   B.treasure   C.raise   D.build
26.A.in case of   B.in favor of
C.in anticipation of   D.in search of
27.A.training   B.performing
C.working   D.advertising
28.A.crucial   B.intense
C.simple   D.helpful
29.A.gradually   B.regularly
C.barely   D.particularly
30.A.surprise   B.action   C.debt   D.return
31.A.pages   B.tips
C.speeches   D.indications
32.A.judges   B.colleagues
C.individuals   D.assistants
33.A.time   B.sense   C.fantasy   D.focus
34.A.control   B.organize
C.represent   D.serve
35.A.pursuing   B.shifting
C.creating   D.recalling
Chopin was born on March 1st, 1810. He is a composer and pianist of the Romantic period, best  36 (know) for his piano music.
All Chopin's family had artistic leanings, and even at an early age, Chopin was always strangely moved when listening to his mother or eldest sister playing the piano. By age six he was already trying to reproduce  37  he heard or to make up new tunes.  38  following year he started piano lessons with the 61-year-old Wojciech Zywny, an all-around  39 (music) with an intelligent sense of values. Zywny's simple instruction in piano playing  40 (leave) behind soon by his pupil,  41  discovered for himself an original approach to the piano playing. Later, Chopin was allowed to develop  42 (smooth) by academic rules and formal training. Chopin found himself invited at an early age to play at private parties, and at eight he made his first public appearance at a charity concert.
Piano playing was not alone 43 (responsibility) for his growing reputation as a child genius. At seven he also wrote a Polonaise in G Minor, which was printed. Chopin had a great gift  44  music and grew up with his efforts,  45 (become) a world-famous musician finally.
36.    37.    38.    39.    40.   
41.    42.    43.    44.    45.   
第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
你校英文报正在开展以“My Story of Courage and Determination”为题的征文活动,请你结合自己的经历,写一篇短文投稿,讲述你成长过程中关于勇气与决心的故事。内容包括:
My Story of Courage and Determination
Once there was a farmer with his wife and children living a happy life by earning from their own land in a village. The family planted seeds in spring, and harvested the crops in autumn. They set aside enough for the whole year, and sold the extra at the market. With the money, the family could buy necessities and prepare seeds and fertilizer(肥料)for the next year. Look! The farmer was making his land ready for his next session of farming. The only issue faced by him was an insufficient amount of water for the fields. After having a discussion with his family, the farmer came to the conclusion that he would dig a well near his land. This idea could not only solve the present problem of lacking water, but also improve the watering system once and for all.
After managing to get all the materials prepared, he went to visit an expert to ask for advice about where he should dig one. Under the guidance of him, he started the project at the edge of the land with great expectations. He worked very hard to dig day and night. Several days passed, and there was no water coming out, but he had confidence and further dug the well even without having lunch or dinner. Three days later, he became discouraged as nothing changed though he dug deeper and deeper. His hard work was not rewarded. The whole family boosted his confidence and advised him not to lose hope. He didn't want to disappoint anyone, especially himself, and began his project again. Another two days went by, and there was not a single drop of water coming from the well. He was completely tired, lost patience and went home thinking that everything was a waste of time. Although his family still believed they were able to find water there, the result made them accept the failure. In case passers-by fell into the hole by mistake, they put a piece of wood which was five fingers long near the unfinished well. From then on, the family didn't talk about the well any more.
Paragraph 1:
One night,a villager walked beside the well and hit his leg on that piece of wood by mistake.                             
Paragraph 2:
Then water sprang up from the well.                    
1.C 2.D 3.D 4.B 5.B 6.D 7.C
8.C 9.C 10.A 11.D 12.A 13.B 14.D
15.C 16.F 17.C 18.E 19.D 20.B 21.B
22.A 23.D 24.D 25.C 26.C 27.A 28.B
29.C 30.B 31.A 32.C 33.D 34.D 35.A
36.known 37.what 38.The 39.musician 40.was left  41.who 42.smoothly 43.responsible 44.for 45.becoming
第一部分 阅读
  ◎语篇解读 本文介绍了在不断发展的科技行业的核心,通过自身的不懈努力,改变了许多人的生活的四个关键人物。
1.C 细节理解题。根据Elon Musk—the founder of SpaceX and Tesla中的“Currently, he has set his sights on...renewable energy”可知,目前在关注环保事业的是Elon Musk。故选C。
2.D 细节理解题。根据Steve Jobs—the late CEO of Apple中的“He was fired from the company that he co-founded (known as Apple now)”可知,史蒂夫·乔布斯曾经被他创建的公司解雇。故选D。
3.D 推理判断题。根据Sunder Pichai—the current CEO of Google中的“Sunder Pichai...one can beat the odds.”;Steve Jobs—the late CEO of Apple中的“The life of Steve Jobs...roller coaster.”;Elon Musk—the founder of SpaceX and Tesla中的“but was dismissed...company leaders”以及Sal Khan—the pioneer of online education中的“There were a lot of...he made it.”可知,这四位关键人物都经历了困难和挫折,后来才取得成功,由此判断,本文给读者传达的信息是成功不是唾手可得的,而是自己努力奋斗得来的,故选D(成功不是唾手可得的)。
  ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇新闻报道。文章主要讲述了第一位独自到达南极的有色人种女性Preet Chandi的故事。
4.B 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“The journey to the South Pole was merely ‘phase one’ of a larger and even more extraordinary goal for the adventurous British Army officer.”及第二段内容可知,到达南极只是她更大甚至是更非凡的目标的第一个阶段,而穿越南极洲是第二个阶段,所以她穿越南极洲是为了接受进一步的挑战。故选B。
5.B 推理判断题。根据第三段中的“she'll be pulling a sled with equipment...sink to minus 58 degrees Fahrenheit, with wind speeds of up to 60 miles per hour”可推知,作者强调“大约”这个词是因为除了这个路程外,Chandi还面临着沉重的设备、极低的温度以及大风等带来的困难。故选B。
6.D 推理判断题。第四段的第一句(到目前为止,她的旅行需要多年的训练)为本段的主旨句,下文详细介绍了她在旅行之前所接受的训练,也就是说,她为了她的冒险做了充分的准备工作。故选D。
7.C 推理判断题。根据第一段内容可知,Chandi在没有帮助的情况下成功抵达南极,说明她有着坚定的意志;根据最后一段中的“Nothing is impossible...to be a role model”可知,她很自信。故选C。
  ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了纪录片《我在故宫修文物》所反映出的中国古董修复师的工匠精神。
8.C 细节理解题。根据第二段“Instead, the documentary movie, which...and antiques.”可知,纪录片《我在故宫修文物》的主要目的是让人们关注中国古董修复师。故选C。
9.C 推理判断题。根据第四段的“If you choose this job, you have to...being quiet”可知,古董修复师需要有耐心,内心要保持平静。故选C。
10.A 词义猜测题。根据第四段中的描述“...you have to stand hours of work sitting on a chair. You need to be quiet and get used to being quiet”可知,古董修复师的工作是无聊的,humdrum意为“乏味的”。故选A。
11.D 推理判断题。根据scene定位到倒数第二段,结合上文的“But...documentary shows the enthusiasm of the restorers.”和下文的“Masters In The Forbidden City...allowing them to realize...”可知,纪录片中展现骑行场景是为了展示古董修复者们另一种不为人知的形象。故选D。
  ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。作者从贝多芬面临的失聪问题展开,说到当今世界上有很多和他一样失聪的人,值得庆幸的是,科技进步有望解决这一问题。
12.A 推理判断题。第一段主要介绍的是贝多芬,事实上他代表的是一个特殊的群体——失聪者。作者使用这个名人的例子就是为了引出下文,本段是全文的引子,故选A。
13.B 主旨大意题。根据第二段可知,当前全球范围内,4.66亿人有听觉丧失问题,而与其他的特殊群体相比,这个群体容易被忽略。作者介绍了失聪者在生活中遭遇的困难,还用海伦·凯勒的话总结了他们面临的困难,所以本段主要强调的是失聪者面临的困难。
14.D 推理判断题。根据第三段的第三句至最后一句可知,科学家们一直在致力于解决失聪问题,D项表述与之吻合。
易错归因 本题易误选B项,但是该选项中的“for the world”与本文文意不吻合,文章强调的是科技对失聪者的重要性。
15.C 主旨大意题。文章用贝多芬失聪的例子引出下文,贝多芬代表的是一个特殊的群体,那就是失聪者,到目前为止,失聪者的问题还没有得到根本解决,幸运的是,科学技术有望帮助他们彻底解决问题。终有一天贝多芬的梦想会实现,也就是所有失聪者的梦想都会实现,故C项适合作为文章标题。
  ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了面临逆境时,可以继续好好战斗并增强你的韧性的方法。
16.F 设空处上一句提到每个人在一生中都会遇到逆境,设空处下一句提到我们可以变得更强大,并且我们可以拒绝让困难时期阻止我们发挥我们的潜力,F项“然而,我们可以将注意力转向克服自身障碍和个人成长”承上启下,符合语境。故选F。
17.C 本段的小标题表示宣布生活是不公平的,设空处上一句提到有些人似乎从不奋斗,有些人得到了他们想要的一切,C项“接受生活是不公平的,但事情往往的确需要时间和努力才能进展顺利”承接上文,指出生活是不公平的并指出正确的做法。故选C。
18.E 设空处上一句提到每个人的圈子里都有可以信任的人来支持他们,或者有个人品质来帮助他们度过黑暗时期,设空处下一句提到每个人都有他们可以利用和发展的优势,E项“你可能不知道自己的能力,所以想想你的超能力是什么”承上启下,符合语境。故选E。
19.D 本段的小标题表示找出你生活中稳定/积极的东西,设空处下文列举了生活中可以依靠的稳定/积极的东西,D项“即使在生活中的黑暗时期,我们几乎总是可以依靠一些东西”可以引出下文。故选D。
20.B 根据文章结构可知,设空处为本段的小标题。本段主要谈到的观点就是反思过去经历的困难是有用处的,B项“反思过去你所克服的挑战”符合语境。故选B。
第二部分 语言运用
  ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲的是作者在快要到60岁的时候追求理想,最终通过艰苦的训练,成了一名消防员。
21.B 根据上文“New Recruits Wanted.”可知,这是一个标志。故选B。
22.A 根据下文“I reminded myself that I was getting close to sixty”可知,很快,作者提醒自己已经快60岁了。故选A。
23.D 根据上文“New Recruits Wanted.”和“filled out”可知,作者是去填了一张申请表。故选D。
24.D 根据上文“television show”可知,这部电视节目是在洛杉矶消防局的协助下拍摄的。故选D。
25.C 根据下文“got in the way of working for the local fire department”可知,建筑行业的工作和养家糊口阻碍了他在当地消防部门的工作。故选C。
26.C 根据上文“close to sixty”可知,此处表示预料到退休。故选C。
27.A 根据下文“I was the oldest recruit”可知,作者被接受参加培训。故选A。
28.B 根据下文“I was ready to drop out one day”可知,训练太紧张了。故选B。
29.C 根据上文“I was ready to drop out one day”可知,此处表示作者几乎做不下去了。故选C。
30.B 此处是一本关于在战斗中的消防员的精美插图书。故选B。
31.A 根据上文“a beautifully-illustrated book”可知此处表示作者翻看这些书页。故选A。
32.C 根据上文“a beautifully-illustrated book of firefighters”可知,作者对这些勇敢的人的勇气和奉献精神感到惊讶。故选C。
33.D 根据下文“I lost twenty pounds, but eventually I was certificated as a firefighter”可知,作者专心训练,也就是没有失去注意力。故选D。
34.D 根据上文“now I can drive the big red trucks”可知,现在作者可以开着红色的大卡车为他的社区服务了。故选D。
35.A 根据下文“a new career I love”可知,作者追求自己喜欢的新事业。故选A。
  ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要介绍了浪漫主义时期的著名钢琴家肖邦有着巨大的音乐天赋,经过不懈努力,最终成为世界著名的音乐家。
36.known 考查过去分词。(be) known for...意为“因……而出名”,为固定搭配。此处应用过去分词作伴随状语。故填known。
37.what 考查宾语从句。设空处引导宾语从句,此处表示再现他听到的内容,应用what引导宾语从句。
38.The 考查冠词。the following year表示第二年。故填The(注意首字母大写)。
39.musician 考查名词。an all-around...作的是Wojciech Zywny的同位语,由设空处前面的不定冠词an和形容词all-around可知此处应用名词musician,意为“音乐家”。
40.was left 考查动词的时态、语态和主谓一致。句意:Zywny在钢琴演奏方面的简单指导很快就被他的学生抛弃了,他的学生自己找到了一种原创的钢琴演奏方法。分析句子成分可知,设空处作主句的谓语,此处是在描述发生在过去的事情,应用一般过去时,Zywny's simple instruction与leave behind之间为被动关系,且主语表单数意义。故填was left。
41.who 考查定语从句。分析句子可知,此处是非限制性定语从句,先行词是pupil,指人,且关系词在定语从句中作主语,故用who引导。故填who。
42.smoothly 考查副词。此处应用副词修饰动词develop。故填smoothly,意为“平稳地”。
43.responsible 考查形容词。句意:钢琴演奏并不是他作为天才儿童声名鹊起的唯一原因。be responsible for...意为“是……的原因”。故填responsible。
44.for 考查介词。have a gift for sth.意为“有……的天赋”。 故填for。
45.becoming 考查现在分词。句意:肖邦有着巨大的音乐天赋,并在他的努力下成长,最终成为一名世界著名的音乐家。此处应用现在分词作结果状语,表示一种自然而然的结果。故填becoming。
第三部分 写作
One possible version:
My Story of Courage and Determination
When it comes to courage and determination, I will never forget the time when I learned how to ride a bike.
In the beginning, with Dad holding the back of the bike, I rode happily and safely. After some time, Dad told me to ride independently. Though a little scared, I gave it a try. It was tougher than I had expected. After several attempts, I finally rode the bike steadily. At that moment, I felt like I were flying.
Whenever I meet with difficulties, this experience inspires me to be courageous and determined.
One possible version:
Paragraph 1:
One night,a villager walked beside the well and hit his leg on that piece of wood by mistake. His leg really hurt as the piece of wood was very solid. It took him a long time to recover from the pain. This man became so annoyed that he lifted the piece of wood and threw it into the well with all strength. The moment the man threw the wood, it went and hard hit the ground downwards nearly three fingers deep.
Paragraph 2:
Then water sprang up from the well. When the farmer heard about this, he rushed to his well. Seeing water rising from the well that he dug, he was too shocked to speak. His eyes were filled with tears as his hard work eventually paid off. After inquiring what happened, he knew that if he had had a little more patience, he would have succeeded earlier. He was delighted that it helped him realize one requires more patience in any task.
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